This measurement helps identify how long it will take to film a particular scene. For these types of elements, it is good to name the items specifically. Though oftentimes considered part of the set dressing, these items require special care, so they are in their own category on most breakdown software. We are born in technology, built with filmmakers in mind. Overall, script breakdowns aren't a difficult thing to learn, but they are time consuming and meticulous. Typically one scene per sheet. As an Assistant Director (AD), one of your jobs is to line the script, transfer to breakdown pages, and create a shooting schedule.When breaking down the elements of a screenplay, there will be many things to look … If you’re importing your script into a software program, double-check for any import errors. During script breakdown, you’ll systematically build lists of everything from characters, props and locations to special effects, and costumes. Script breakdown is the process of analyzing your script to determine all of the components out of which it is made. EXTRA (SILENT): Yellow/Any extra person needed to perform but has no lines. Script breakdowns have a specific set of colors which you can follow, however, it’s not essential. Breaking down a script helps you create a budget and shooting schedule. Script day - what consecutive day of the script are you breaking down? First you will need to: Print out the latest version of the script. Script Breakdown. Lastly, you can use a production software program to create your stropboards and easily move them around depending on your shooting schedule. PRODUCTION NOTES: _ Underline (_)/ For specific instructions that don't fall under yet above. In combination with the catalog, it helps you schedule your shoot, organize your assets, and create a budget. The person tasked with the job will create scene breakdown after scene breakdown until a full, start-to-finish script breakdown is completed. Fourth, as you are going through the script, you will probably find that the screenwriter has used more than one way to describe a location, ie. Notes - production can leave special notes for themselves in this category. Miscellaneous - are these weird things that you aren't quite sure how to categorize? Historically, stripboards were pinned to a board or wall and physically moved around in order to form the shooting schedule. Have a variety of pens and colored highlighters handy. You can approach creating stripboards the old-school way, by printing each scene title and number on a color-coded strip of paper, or you can also use a stripboard template. A stripboard template is usually just a spreadsheet. A script breakdown is an important filmmaking process that allows you to identify all the script elements needed to prep, schedule, and budget a film production. Are there squibs? Special Equipment - What special equipment is needed to get the shot? Really think through each item. When taking a film from conception to production, one of the most integral steps to having a smooth-running set for film and television is the script breakdown summary - also known as a script breakdown report. We are determined to revolutionize production payroll. Visual Effects - also referred to as optical effects. Do your props and camera equipment require security? The process of breaking down the script occurs after the producer reads through the screenplay once. Each script breakdown should be centered around one scene. List them here. If you’re using custom colors, be sure to create a legend on the script and breakdown. They should be. People and props won't be where they need to be, and- if it gets far enough into production without anyone noticing it's missing, the editor will be missing the scene entirely. First page of a script for a pornographic film, showing set elements, costumes and a brief character breakdown Film and television. Sequence - tells what part of the story you are currently in, such as; "Intro," "Jenna and Dave Romance," "The First Break-up," etc. If it is a one-actor scene with no dialogue or little dialog, it can be as quick as 10-20min, but a scene the same length with many people talking can take much more time- probably 10-20 min per speaking character- due to the fact you need to get coverage on each of them. You can leave this element up to your wardrobe department unless a specific or unusual item is requested that may be hard to find. A script breakdown is part of the pre-production process for a film, a television episode, a play, or even a comic book or comic book series. Greenery - trees, plants, shrubs, vines. "Jane's House" vs. "Jane's home." You will need to break each page of your script down into 1/8ths. May 23, 2019 - Explore StudioBinder's board "Script Breakdowns", followed by 5771 people on Pinterest. A script breakdown is a step that takes place midway into the production process. This is important when working with a paper copy as well as within a production or screenwriting software. A film’s producer typically does a rough breakdown, followed by the 1st AD’s more thorough pass. The second thing to learn and understand is that each page breaks down into eighths of a page. MAKE-UP AND HAIRDRESSING: Asterisk/Any make-up or hair care needed. Your breakdown software will prompt you to enter in all of this information: Sheet - indicates the breakdown sheet number. Pages help estimate how long it will take to shoot the scene. You will usually find the set in the scene heading of each stage in the script. Failing to include any scene on the script breakdown will create problems later on. If you are working with a production software program, the process is somewhat similar. If you don't have the patience to sit and do them well, hire it out. SOUND EFFECTS OR MUSIC: Brown/ Sounds or music equipment specific use on set. Breaking down your script makes you properly list out all of your characters, props, costumes, and set needs — to name a few things. script and script breakdown I didn’t really know where to start with the script, because I was going for a comedic aspect, I didn’t really know which way to develop it. This is a very detailed post that goes through the ins and outs of breaking down a script, give it a read and be sure to download your free script breakdown sheet. Describe what type of crew you need, such as animal handlers, gun handlers, explosive experts, etc. If you are shooting a night scene outside and you need a light high enough to mimic the moon, you will, most likely, need a cherry picker to lift the light. Think about not only the scene but the shots. (Don't work with cats, they will take up your entire day.). SCRIPT BREAKDOWN Lining and breaking down the script for production purposes is the first and one of the most important aspects of pre-production. Marks are not an industry standard. Your days/nights will need to be checked against the Script Supervisor’s breakdown. Get in contact with the scriptwriter and ask them to detail the scene. Often, you will find that you need to shoot your film out of sequence. 5. Synopsis - write a brief description of what is happening in the scene. Now that we have made our stripboards, it is time to put together our shooting schedule. All of these elements are dependent upon mastering a script breakdown. Okay, you've finally got your script set. Marks on the script are merely an organizational tool for you, personally, to use. An element is basically everything that you can visually see in each scene. mentioned? Animal Handler - small animals that could be brought to set in a crate like, cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, etc. Shane Hurlbut once said somethingalong the lines of, "If you make every choice as a cinematographer based on the emotions of your characters, you will hit a home run ever… Book thousands of unique spaces directly from local hosts. production title breakdown page no. FADE IN: EXTREMELY TIGHT ON ELECTRONIC GUTS of a video camera. PROPS: Purple/ All objects necessary to the scenes, or used by an actor. Why is the script broken down this way? The first thing that you need to do is read the script again. The script breakdown sheet usually has a bunch of boxes, each one containing a list of elements in a category . This information is then included on the call sheets. Special effects - effects that can be achieved while on set like rain, fire, explosions or squibbs. Script breakdowns are a fact of life for UPMs, various folks in the art department, actors looking for character arcs and beats etc. If you find them in your meticulous walkthrough, run it up the flagpole and get it fixed. If it is a Blue Ford of the lead character, name it "Jane's Blue Ford," so you can easily spot it in the breakdown and remember to add it when needed. Whatever is done live on set is a special effect. After you have broken down your scenes, create what are commonly referred to as script breakdown reports. So what is a script breakdown and why is it important? Props - Detail props used in the scene. Script breakdowns are no joke; they are a tedious, detailed, daunting task. Moreover, it identifies everything that you’ll need to capture to bring your story to the screen. Oftentimes, this is not known when you do your first run-through of the scene breakdowns and will need to be added in later. Your script breakdown begins with having a screenplay you are happy with. Now that you have done that you can use the following legend to go through each scene in the script and mark it according to its needs. When the