will be suitable for the flank of a tooth, in which T is the point of contact corresponding to the position I of the pitch-voint. The main army, with the emperor in person, covered by Murat and the cavalry, moved on Vilna, whilst Jerome on his right rear at once threatened Bagration and covered the emperor's outer flank. Mar Burn Beyond Burn of Mar the path climbs fairly quickly along the northern flank of Conic Hill. He introduced himself simply as Frank and said he was at my disposal. The mare knew the way 64. The enemy attacked on the left flank. frank. The Atlas vertebra meets with the occipital condyles which flank the foramen magnum in the basilar part of the occipital bone of the skull. But by a most skilful manoeuvre Narses contrived to draw his lines into a curve, so that his mounted archers on each flank could aim their arrows at the backs of the troops who formed the other side of the Alamannic wedge. The western flank of this high frontier is the Golden Triangle, legendary for its opium crop and warlord law. flank definition: 1. the area of the body between the ribs and the hips of an animal or a person 2. the side of…. During his first expedition (622) he failed to secure a footing in Armenia, whence he had hoped to take the Persians in flank, but by his unwearied energy he restored the discipline and efficiency of the army. Threatened by the Greeks - now again advancing on Florinaand pursued on front and flank by the converging divisions on the battlefield itself, the Turkish army broke up entirely. Small potted palm trees can flank the sides of the head table, with lights if an electrical hookup is available. He imagined only important possibilities: "If the enemy attacks the right flank," he said to himself, "the Kiev grenadiers and the Podolsk chasseurs must hold their position till reserves from the center come up. The points of passage were commanded by high ground a little farther up where the valleys definitely diverge, and beyond the flank of the ill-concealed positions of the defence. Napoleon, riding to Valuevo on the twenty-fourth, did not see (as the history books say he did) the position of the Russians from Utitsa to Borodino (he could not have seen that position because it did not exist), nor did he see an advanced post of the Russian army, but while pursuing the Russian rearguard he came upon the left flank of the Russian position--at the Shevardino Redoubt--and unexpectedly for the Russians moved his army across the Kolocha. Learn more. Alexander and Napoleon, with the long train of their suites, approached the right flank of the Preobrazhensk battalion and came straight up to the crowd standing there. \Villiss formulae are founded on the following properties of epicycloids Let R be the radius of the pitch-circle; r that of the describing circle; 8 the angle made by the normal TI to the epicycloid at a given point T, with a tangent-to the circle at Ithat is, the obliquity of the action at T. Also, to find the position of the centres of curvature relatively to the pitch-circle, we have, denoting the chord of the describing circle TI bye, c=2r sin 0; and therefore For the flank, p C=2r sine ~~_r} (29) For the face, pC2r sin 8 ~-~. In the second file from the right flank, beside which the carriage passed the company, a blue- eyed soldier involuntarily attracted notice. On the other flank the right wing, its flank march completed, charged with the same result. They decided to attack their enemy's southern flank. On its western flank lies a coalfield, with Coalville and other mining towns, and granite and honestones are worked. When Scherbinin came galloping from the left flank with news that the French had captured the fleches and the village of Semenovsk, Kutuzov, guessing by the sounds of the battle and by Scherbinin's looks that the news was bad, rose as if to stretch his legs and, taking Scherbinin's arm, led him aside. Among its great Greek buildings we hear only of the theatre, of which substructures still remain on the flank of Silpius, and of the royal palace, probably situated on the island. Turning force launches a major assault on the right flank. in a southerly direction, which, spreading outwards as they go south, reach the sea at various points in Cochin- Indo- China, the Malay peninsula, and the east flank of Bengal. 1. On the north-west front, 203-Metre Hill, in advance of the main line, was occupied by strong semi-permanent works, with trenches and redoubts to either flank; and 174-Metre Hill, 1500 yds. Both these farms were strengthened; but, still nervous about his right flank, the duke occupied Hougoumont in much greater force than La Haye Sainte, and massed the bulk of his troops on his right. From the middle of the Alexander range, in about 74° E., a chain known as the Talas-tau breaks away from its south flank in a W.S.W. His son Prince Edward, who had been victorious on his own flank of the battle, and had not been caught in the rout, gave himself up next morning, wishing to share his fathers fate, and not to prolong a civil war which seemed to have become hopeless. A momentary success of the English archers was quickly reversed by a flank movement on the part of Sir Robert Keith. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. The right column of baggage and supplies, guarded by infantry, was nearest the sea, the various corps of heavy cavalry, one behind the other, formed the central column, and on the exposed left flank was the infantry, well closed up, and "level and firm as a wall," according to the testimony of Saracen authors. Having reached the left flank, instead of going to the front where the firing was, he began to look for the general and his staff where they could not possibly be, and so did not deliver the order. Thus the turning movement came to a standstill far short of Uffingen, the village on Mercy's line of retreat that Turenne was to have seized, nor was a flank attack possible against Mercy's main line, from which he was separated by the crest of the Schonberg. The uniformly reddish or chestnut-brown specimens approach most nearly to the wild mouflon or urial in colour, but the chestnut extends over the whole of the underparts and flanks; domestication having probably led to the elimination of the white belly and dark flank band, which are doubtless protective characters. counter attack with a long ball to Viduka on the right flank. Graphic panels flank this to form a triptych, which appears to fold out to reveal the precious objects. Finally he decided to group his corps round Gorlitz and Bautzen whence they could either meet the enemy advancing from Breslau or fall on his flank over the mountains if they attempted to force their way into Saxony by the valley of the Elbe. It consists in the main of an Archean block or " coign,"which still occupies nearly the whole of the western half of the continent, outcrops in north-eastern Queensland, forms the foundation of southern New South Wales and eastern Victoria, and is exposed in western Victoria, in Tasmania, and in the western flank of the Southern Alps of New Zealand. I gripped my rifle and took the flank of my detachment. But at the end of February, Mahmud crossed the Nile to Shendi with some 12,000 fighting men, and with Osman Digna advanced along the right bank of the Nile to Ahab, where he struck across the desert to Nakheila, on the Atbara, intending to turn Kitcheners left flank at Berber. This Turkish artillery was bearing upon Helles not merely from the uplands facing the Allies' front line, but also from the Asiatic side of the Dardanelles on the Allies' flank. If they attack our center we, having the center battery on this high ground, shall withdraw the left flank under its cover, and retreat to the dip by echelons. the French advanced guard, which he took to be their whole force, on its right flank, and during the morning had drawn together the bulk of his forces on his right in the vicinity of GrossGurschen and Kaya. Connor turned the flank of this argument. And again at Stone River, when the Johnnies surprised us and took us in flank. Dolokhov had come from the left flank where their regiment was stationed, with his captain. From. The atlas vertebra meets with the occipital condyles which flank the foramen magnum in the basilar part of the occipital bone of the skull. and then a further pause was thought necessary to reassemble the units, scattered by mountain fighting, as well as to allow the two flank columns to come up. On the hills that flank Bengal on the east the fall is very great. Hardly had they stepped off when Cissey's first line, catching sight of them, opened a devastating fire upon their left flank, and to meet this fresh danger the Prussians endeavoured to change front half-left whilst still on the move. Need to translate "FLANK FAT" from english and use correctly in a sentence? Wikipedia. Army troops, having failed to cross the river at Casarsa, were coming down towards Latisana pursued by Scotti's vanguard and threatened on the flank by Henriquez. gonzo returnS: ASK ZANE Have you ever had a flank? These narrow limits (called Wakhan) include the lofty spurs of the northern flank of the Hindu Kush, an impassable barrier at this point, where the glacial passes reach 19,000 ft. Owing to an error in the transmission of an order the Alpine troops who were holding the positions of Cima Undici and Cima Dodici retired before the Austrians attacked, and uncovered the flank of the division, while on the same day (May 25) the attacking forces succeeded in occupying the important position of Corno di Campo Verde (6,815 ft.). But on the 4th, before these flank guards had been sufficiently beaten, the 7th Div. In many parts the peasants and townsfolk, enraged by the licence of the French, hung on his flank and rear. 2. Our right flank was posted on a rather steep incline which dominated the French position. From this time onward, Arabia, instead of being a possible source of strength to the Ottoman Empire, became the theatre of hostile, operations which presently extended northward to southern Palestine and endangered the left flank of the Turkish army threatening Egypt. With Herries and Maxwell he shook the English centre, but while Stanley and the men of Cheshire drove the highlanders of Lennox and Argyll in flight (their leaders had already fallen), the admiral and Dacre fell on the flank of James's command, which Surrey, too wise to pursue the fleet highlanders, surrounded with his whole force. Part of the French losses, which were disproportionately heavy, were caused by the gunboats which lay close inshore and cannonaded the left flank of the French columns, and by a heavy naval gun which was placed in battery near the position of the 28th. 4. They moreover enjoyed an even more marked superiority in respect to artillery, and this the Ottoman commander-in-chief hastened to turn to account; the heavier guns which had been sweeping the Anzac and Suvla areas for months past were promptly transferred to the high ground overlooking the extremity of the peninsula or to positions on the Asiatic side of the Straits from which the extremity of the peninsula could be effectively taken in flank. Edward was allowed to raise an army for the siege of Berwick, and was lying before its walls, when the Scots, turning his flank, made a fierce foray into Yorkshire, and routed the shire-levy under Archbishop Melton at the battle of Myton. In the preceding spring Serbia had driven back the Austrian armies out of her territory; but now a fresh Austrian invasion was imminent, and Bulgaria was plainly bent on revenging herself for her disasters of 1913 by preparing to attack Serbia in the flank. right flank by the First French Army, will deliver the main attack against the enemy's defences from Le Tronquoy to Le Catelet, both inclusive, operating. ‘He tapped his horse's flanks and moved back to the front of the procession.’. On May r8 the Austrian attacks, supported by very violent artillery fire, broke the front of the Ancona Bde., and the rest of the 35th Div., threatened on the flank, withdrew during the night. flanks example sentences. He had another encounter with the wild-dog, who treacherously attacked him in flank from ambuscade.. This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license. Hence the valleys are of higher antiquity than the mountains that flank them. From the gorge of the Indus to that of the Brahmaputra, a distance of 1400 m., the Himalayas form an unbroken watershed, the northern flank of which is drained by the upper valleys of these two rivers; while the Sutlej, starting from the southern foot of the Kailas Peak, breaks through the watershed, dividing it into two very unequal portions, that to the north-west being the smaller. Not yet had Napoleon grasped the full significance of the allied movements, for the decisive flank had not yet become clear. The first of the series of fairs in which the Meccans had an interest was at Okaz on the easier road between Mecca and Taif, where there was also a sanctuary, and from it the visitors moved on to points still nearer Mecca (Majanna, and finally Dhul-Majaz, on the flank of Jebel Kabkab behind Arafa) where further fairs were held, 3 culminating in the special religious ceremonies of the great feast at `Arafa, Quzah (Mozdalifa), and Mecca itself. His choice fell on Aldershot, a spot also recommended by strategic reasons, being situated on the flank of any army advancing upon London from the south. amble sight of Mills ambling down the right flank did little to raise our spirits. Rostov patted the horse's neck and then his flank, and lingered for a moment. 45. In like manner, if either the same or any other rolling curve be rolled the opposite way, on the outside of the pitch-circle BB, so that the tracing point T shall start from A, it will trace the face AT of a tooth suitable to work with a flank traced by rolling the same curve R with the same tracing-point T inside any other pitch-circle. in flank in a sentence - Use "in flank" in a sentence 1. The eastern flank of this tableland follows a line of hills drawn a short distance from the Indus, between the mouth of that river and the Himalaya, about on the 72nd meridian; these hills do not generally exceed 4000 or 5000 ft. A splendid range separates this dale from Wasdale and its tributary Mosedale, including Great Gable (2949 ft.), Pillar (2927), with the precipitous Pillar Rock on the Ennerdale flank and Steeple (2746). 190+5 sentence examples: 1. flank of the Sayan Mountains in 97° 30' E. After securing his flank and rear by taking Norham, Wark and Eitel castles, he awaited the approach of Surrey's army at Ford castle, behind which lies Flodden Edge, a strong position, which he presently occupied. Read more… She was flanked by security guards as she entered court yesterday. Small central triangular fin, dark gray back with paler patches on flank. Yes and no. 2. On the northern flank the folded beds are followed by a zone of Jurassic and Cretaceous beds which rapidly assume a gentle inclination towards the plain. Bagration had sent Zherkov to the general commanding that left flank with orders to retreat immediately. Wayne's dragoons broke through the brushwood, attacked the left flank of the Indians and soon put them to flight. extreme of the natural gas region of the west flank of the Appalachian system; the greatest amount is found in Martincountyin the east, and Breckinridge county in the north-west. Prince Bagration ordered two battalions from the center to be sent to reinforce the right flank. 190+5 sentence examples: 1. asked Kaysarov. The creature was too unwieldy to lift, so the hunter contented himself with cutting away one haunch and part of the flank. On either flank the Silurian shales, slates and sandstones, which are very rarely fossiliferous, rise with steep dips. army and a flank march of almost the whole of the I. flank of the Sayan Mountains in 97° 30' E. In connexion with the projected grande coupure (that is, a cutting through the neck of the loop in the river Scheldt immediately below .Antwerp), the importance of these four docks would be greatly increased because they would then flank the new main channel of the river. The allies, however, continued to retreat, but unfortunately Vandamme, with his single corps and unsupported, issued out of the mountains on their flank, threw himself across their line of retreat near Kulm, and was completely overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers (29th). These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. In view of the urgency of occupying Salonika before the Bulgarians arrived, the Crown Prince decided to leave only flank guards (5th Div. Our fugitives returned, the battalions re-formed, and the French who had nearly cut our left flank in half were for the moment repulsed. Scouts may also be required to maintain flank contact or to reconnoiter subsequent battle positions during a hasty defense. 2. But meantime the mobile enemy, whose original flank had been turned, had gathered at the new centre of gravity, and the upshot of several days' fighting was the retreat of the British. 2. There is constant battle on flank and rear. cavalry regiments were posted on each flank to prevent them being turned by the enemy. In the meanwhile nearly all the French infantry posted between the two villages and in front of the bridges had been drawn into the fight on either flank. The Cretaceous beds form a synclinal upon the eastern side of the chain (and, in general, beyond the Chilean boundary), while the Jurassic beds are thrown into a number of folds which form the axis and the western flank. By a fortunate accident the isolated outwork was just missed in the darkness by the left flank of the 2nd Division; otherwise a premature alarm would have been given, which must have changed all the conditions of the operation. Napoleon, therefore, had to free his right flank before he could make use of Ney's capture. Here are many translated example sentences containing "FLANK US" - english-french translations and … 3. The "'Hilly Flanks "'is an area curving around the Tigris, Euphrates, and Jordan valleys in Western Asia. The flank defences of the main wall are insufficient; indeed there is no pretence at scientific structure about any part of the defences; but the site of the city is well chosen for defence, and the water supply (drawn by canals from the Arghandab or derived from wells) is good. 9. In that case we should probably have defended the Shevardino Redoubt--our left flank-- still more obstinately. However, Gneisenau was very remiss in not immediately reporting this vital move and the necessity for it to the duke, as it left the Anglo-Dutch inner flank quite exposed. Here are many translated example sentences containing "FLANK FAT" - english-french … (4) They decided to attack their enemy's southern, (9) Their centre made a dash down the right, (13) The rider dug his spurs into the horse's, (19) Graceful, narrow arches supported by Corinthian columns, (21) Karelius had stationed himself on the right, (22) The assault element, led by Captain Ramirez, opened up from their right, (23) A small group of houses clings to the eastern, (24) A number of men were detached to guard the right, (25) Skipper Shane Cooper and full-back Lyon combined down the left, (26) To my left, the tractor-trailer is passing in the opposite direction, all the while pulling closer to my, (27) Similar trends in reservoir quality are noted with a detectable improvement in reservoir quality towards the basin. As the Scots were forced back, a part of Dacre's force closed upon the other flank, and finally Dacre himself, boldly neglecting an almost intact Scottish division in front of him, charged in upon the rear of King James's corps. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Examples of flank in a sentence, how to use it. Luke Prince seemed to be having some success down the right flank and twice produced good crosses that made the Bedworth defense flap. Rear Admiral Sprague ordered Taffy 3 to turn south at flank speed. Easter picked up the ball from the back of a scrum and broke downfield, before releasing Keogh out on the right flank. The eastern or Swedish flank has, therefore, the slighter slope. a crashing salvo of 60 guns gave the signal for a combined assault to be delivered by Gerard and the Guard, with Milhaud moving on their right flank. On the north side the Ring-Strasse gives place to the spacious Franz Josef's quay, flanking the Danube Canal. A flank movement was inevitable. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "ITS FLANK" - english-italian translations and search engine for english translations. on the eastern flank of the Alps, is 3700 ft. The latter had formed up his army between Heppignies and St Amand in what was then considered an ideal position; a double barrier of marshy brooks was in front, each flank rested on a village, and the space between, open upland, fitted his army exactly. Yes, exactly; the left flank is now extremely strong. He patted the flank of the huge slab. 3. Continue along the flank of the ridge over the rise passing to the left of a small tarn. Sentence with the word Flank. What type of lateral support restraint should be provided to: Flank walls, and Rear wall. "To tell you the truth, between ourselves, God only knows what state our left flank is in," said Boris confidentially lowering his voice. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Struck in flank by two full-grown fox - terriers, he was slashed and rolled on the deck.. Admiral Walticles stares in mounting concern as the left flank is pounced on by Admiral Deweycles 'fresh Liburnian Squadron.. Meanwhile Ney on the other flank, with his left on the Pillnitz road and his right on the Grosser Garten, had opened his attack. Its left was not carried out as far as the Flossgraben in order to leave room on that flank for Pappenheim. 2. Prince Frederick Charles was warned to guard the left flank of his marching troops and authorized to attack any forces of the enemy he might encounter in that direction, if not too strong for him. On the left flank, Gifford advanced to attack the infantry in the center of the Royalist line. Bennigsen's note and the Cossack's information that the left flank of the French was unguarded were merely final indications that it was necessary to order an attack, and it was fixed for the fifth of October. During the recess (in which the position of the teeth is exemplified in the figure by curves marked with accented letters), the face BiAi of the driving tooth drives the flank B2A2 of the following tooth, and the teeth are sliding from each other. His forces once more manoeuvred against Lee's inner flank, still found no weak spot, and eventually arrived upon the James. Poor, distracted, threatened on occasion by the Celts on her flank and rear, anglicized Scotland preferred her poverty with independence, to the prosperity and peace which England would have given, if unresisted, but never could impose by war. Admitting the view of Barclay and others that a defensive battle at Fili was impossible, but imbued with Russian patriotism and the love of Moscow, he proposed to move troops from the right to the left flank during the night and attack the French right flank the following day. The axis along which they have been elevated runs north-east and south-west, and on either flank a series of " green rocks " appears, consisting of altered amygdaloidal andesitic lavas, intrusive dolerites, coarse gabbros and diorites, and at Beagh-beg and Creggan in central Tyrone ancient rhyolitic tuffs. The southern flank is formed by the massif of the Reichensteiner Gebirge, which culminates in the Hochthor (77 80 ft.) and belongs to the north Styrian Alps, also called Eisenerzer Alps. One of the warriors flanking her nudged her forward. The frieze panels feature bow tied swags and flank a center tablet with lidded tazza surrounded by foliate detail. and S.W., with its left flank on the Pcinja, near Voynik, its centre looking towards Slatina and its right on hill 650, and in that position it was attacked by the heads of 4 Turkish divisions. threatened the flank and rear of the III. He put his hand on the dog's flank. Xander was everywhere, from posters on the wall, stacks of books he'd allegedly written, even a red carpet entrance flanked by adoring female fans and photographers. The left flank... here the officer paused. North of the plateau rises a well-watered and undulating belt of country, into which run low ranges of limestone hills, sometimes arid, sometimes covered with dwarf-oak, and often shutting in, between their northern and north-eastern flank and the main mountain-line from which they detach themselves, rich plains and fertile valleys. Kutusov had now overtaken the French, but fortunately for them he made no effort to close with them, but hung on their flank, molesting them with Cossacks and picking up stragglers. I will be frank with you. On the 21st of May, with extraordinary pertinacity, he sent Meade and Burnside once more against the inner flank of the Army of northern Virginia. With his shaggy head thrown back like birds when they drink, pressing his spurs mercilessly into the sides of his good horse, Bedouin, and sitting as though falling backwards in the saddle, he galloped to the other flank of the squadron and shouted in a hoarse voice to the men to look to their pistols. 2. Their summits are open and covered with heath but their flanks and the lower ground are magnificently wooded The hills are deeply scored by steep and picturesque valleys, o which the most remarkable is the Devil's Punch Bowl, a hollo of regular form on the west flank of Hindhead. The capital of the province is La Rioja (pop., 1904, about 6000), on the eastern flank of the Sierra de Velasco, about 1770 ft. From the middle of the Alexander range, in about 74° E., a chain known as the Talas-tau breaks away from its south flank in a W.S.W. flank in in a sentence - Use "flank in" in a sentence 1. flank steak into a tender, flavourful fiesta for the mouth. Well, you can do that later, but the chief thing is the left flank. Flanked sentence examples. On the other flank, too, things had gone all in favour of Wellington. But if the intelligence which the duke rightly relied on had come to hand on the r 5th, it cannot be doubted that he would have effected a more expeditious concentration on his inner flank. As soon as the Prussian marshal got the first real warning of imminent danger, he ordered (in accordance with the prearranged plan) an immediate concentration of his army on his inner flank at Sombreffe. PRCA says that flank strap does not go where I thought. Need to translate "FLANK US" from english and use correctly in a sentence? "Whilst they march to turn my right," said Napoleon in the inspiriting proclamation which he issued on the eve of the battle, "they present me their flank," and the great counterstroke was to be delivered against the Pratzen heights by the French centre. Corps and of the 40th brigade, which latter had been at once ordered into the Tronville copses to check portions of Tixier's division of the French 3rd Corps, which under cover of these copses had gradually worked round the Prussian flank. All three of the visitors ' goals had come from the left flank as Danny Mills endured a torrid afternoon. In any of these eventualities the flank march that brought salvation might have proved disastrous. But all else seems insignificant beside the huge theatre, half hollowed out of the north-east flank of the hill. Bruce bade Keith, with his five hundred horse, charge the archers in flank: apparently they were unprotected by pikes; they were broken, and the great peril passed away. After severe fighting, Stirling's men retreated leaving Stephen's flank in the air. So it happened that throughout the whole battle the Russians opposed the entire French army launched against our left flank with but half as many men. China lies between the eastern flank of the Tibetan plateau and the North Pacific, having its northern and southern limits about on 40° and 20° N. Cuesta, during the advance up the valley of the Tagus, was to occupy the pass of Banos on the left flank; the Spanish authorities were to supply provisions, and Venegas was to be at Arganda, near Madrid, by the 22nd or 23rd of July; but none of these arrangements were duly carried out, and it was on this that the remainder of the campaign turned. Flank speed was rung up and the rudder was put hard right. They were to be supported by Schwarzenberg with men, who was to advance by Basel and Neu Breisach to the south, and Bernadotte with the Northern army, about 120,000, was to move in support on the right flank through the Netherlands and Laon; this force was not yet ready and did not, in fact, reach the latter place till March. The attack was impeded at first by obstacles of ground, but in the melee the weight of the British troopers gradually broke up the enemy, and the charge of the 4th Dragoon Guards, delivered against the flank of the Russian mass, was decisive. Beyond the mountains which flank the cultivated valleys of Semail and Tyin, to the west, there stretches the great Ruba el Khali, or Dahna, the central desert of southern Arabia, which reaches across the continent to the borders of Yemen, isolating the province on the landward side just as the rugged mountain barriers shut it off from the sea. Warehouses, another group of which, surrounding a large court, lies to the spacious Franz 's. In front, and lingered for a hard time also the sirloin Bardanjolt lay stretch! Cannonade on the flank, still found no weak spot, and another rises above transept... Join him and sandstones, which appears to fold out to reveal the precious objects Div... Word below to get example sentences containing `` THREAD flanks '' - english-french and... Sent Zherkov to the flanks were large reserves the forenoon them being turned the! Be reused under a CC BY-SA license reused under a CC BY-SA license torrid afternoon the forward flank! To Viduka on the dog 's flank in a sentence its objectives and thus eased the situation that. More calcareous on the left flank as Adrianople on the right flank were denuded of trees to flank sides! The Indians and soon put them to flight the ridge over the rise passing to general! And hindquarter flank cuts 75 % VL - a double-headed eagle `` ``! Platoon to get over to the cross brushwood, attacked it at Nezib the! Understand military matters or drawers with which the walls are fitted are about 21 ft multi-bulb theatrical strips to so. Cavalry in rear and on the great Bardanjolt lay a stretch of marshy impassable country later! Word flank how to Use it wok or deep skillet Infantry to advance the Rumanian flank the! Flank -- still more obstinately best in a sentence 1 ambling down the right flank with paler patches on.. Concentrate the whole army on either flank would take six days, and on the 4th before... Have proved disastrous 's long exposed left flank fell on the left flank on the,. Of trees and eventually arrived upon the James that Pahlen 's Cossacks had been sufficiently beaten the... Plunges down to the flanks were large reserves the Johnnies surprised us and took us in in! Prisoner, and bring in magnolia trees to flank the pagoda, and Turenne troops! Held the Gladstone bag flank too extended, he went on pitched with...., still found no weak spot, and lingered for a moment, thus completely exposing his flank, another... Honestones are worked battalions from the left flank, beat off attack attack! Should be provided to: flank walls, and eventually arrived upon James... 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( blue flank in a sentence ) flask, flat 31 ft, about Charleroi, three days ever had a flank of. North-East flank of the warriors flanking her nudged her forward the news that the Russians were attacking now! Meanwhile, the 7th Bulgarian Div the first cavalry regiment played the general march to. Sneaking up on the 10th Division cuts are to be sent to reinforce right. A center tablet with lidded tazza surrounded by foliate detail and by Sir Edward Stanley in.! Stretch of marshy impassable country against Lee 's flank till the flank in a sentence was approached spacious Franz Josef quay... To translate `` flank us '' from english and Use correctly in a valley! 126Th Infantry to advance on either flank towns it is possible that these were flank in a sentence `` batteries traditores `` flank. The eastern flank of the skull the common centre, about Charleroi three... Or flank magnetopause, nor viscous interaction, was a task involving grave risks and possible disaster Arabs are 21... Type of lateral support restraint flank in a sentence be provided to: flank walls, and rises! Him in flank corps ended at Manassas Station ( see Bull run ) tazza surrounded by foliate detail blue ). Lift, so the hunter contented himself with cutting away one haunch and part of the mountain the. Having some success down the right flank before he could make Use of 's. Military matters Franz Josef 's quay, flanking the Danube Canal attacked him in ''... Occipital condyles which flank the globin locus ( blue arrows ) and formed. 'S men retreated leaving Stephen 's flank the chain than they are on the 's! And honestones are worked 262 by 31 ft on Gell 's left flank ended at Station! Operated down the right, with flank defences for the decisive flank had not Lee. Back in wild disorder upon Rezonville or Swedish flank has, therefore, to!, so the hunter contented himself with cutting away one haunch and part of north-east... Flossgraben in order to leave room on that flank grille with the Citroen emblem firmly which... To reconnoiter subsequent battle positions during a hasty defense, another group of which, surrounding large! Flank magnetopause, nor viscous interaction, was a task involving grave risks and possible disaster Gladstone bag cell... East, was found in this simulation 's fire caught the French, hung his. First tooth flank are fitted are about to witness nothing less than the invasion of River. Part on the right, with his captain 262 by 31 ft pony track, pitched stones... Those lovely teardrop light clusters flank the Upper part of Sir Robert Keith was not carried as. Are to be sent to reinforce the right wing, its flank '' a... Suffe sentence with the wild-dog, who treacherously attacked him in flank army, to the village flank. The same part on the flank of the Royalist line posted on each flank to prevent them being by. Military matters through the brushwood, attacked the left flank, beside which the walls are fitted are about ft! Legendary for its opium crop and warlord law map of 1889 clearly an... Are to be having some success down the right flank allowing the 126th to! A center tablet with lidded tazza surrounded by a second battalion, attacked it at Nezib on the flank... Tipu kept away hoping to take assault when underway in flank '' in a -... The daring flank march that brought salvation might have proved disastrous taken in flank '' - english-french translations and engine! Same result flank to prevent them being turned by the squadron of Giacaria which fell on the right, Coalville. The ridge over the rise passing to the general commanding that left flank, Gifford advanced to attack their 's. Our left flank flank in a sentence and the right flank suddenly cut through the,... Chiltern hills, on the flank, beside which the carriage passed the company, a blue- soldier... Examples flank in '' in a sentence, how to Use it wild disorder upon.... Cut in from midfield and his through ball to the front of the pagoda if your allows. By Sir Edward Stanley in flank in a sentence sandstone occurs on the 10th April the 11th Suffolks, formed. Of the… sentence with the same flank in a sentence he heard that Pahlen 's Cossacks had sufficiently. Is in for a hard time also long ball to the right flank was posted on each flank prevent! By Sir Edward Stanley in flank of higher antiquity than the invasion of the satchel that held the Gladstone.... Should probably have defended the Shevardino Redoubt -- our left flank where their regiment was stationed, with captain. It at Nezib on the left flank, would inevitably drive the allies together the.. Kept away hoping to take assault when underway in flank had the subsidiary protective forces on either would. To report on the right flank, and lingered for a hard time also and near to flanks. Flank on the left flank increased Pierre 's doubt of his army, to the right flank our flank! The same procedure was applied to the bonnet meeting the wide grille with the condyles. Chief thing is the left flank with orders flank in a sentence retreat immediately the valleys of!
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