When utilized, the user starts with 2 quick punches to the opponent's stomach, then lands an uppercut to the opponent's chin and kicks them away. Goku charge at Shadow and turned Super Saiyan 3, getting ready for a dragon fist when he froze. Caliburn is an extremely sharp and durable sword, being able to easily slash apart beings who can harm Sonic himself. I'M NOT SHARING ANOTHER BODY YOU WITH YOU!! crossover, goku, jasaldy. Shadow teleported below the two and charged up a powerful blast, turning red as he did. scythe: However Goku and Vegeta are NOT perfect, despite what most of the internet want's you to think. Super Saiyan Third Grade (SSJ Grade 3): A form that surpasses SSJ Grade 2. goku could just use instant transmission then pow goku wins. Vegeta decide shoots Ki Blasts at Shadow who said. Holding all 7 allows certain individuals to unlock their Super forms. Banshee Blast (Renzoku Kihoka): An offensive technique. SSJ God-to-SSGSS-Switching: A supportive technique. Chaos Emeralds: 7 beautiful gems that contain immense powers. This technique amplifies the user's stats by whatever number is after the word Kaioken, at the cost of massive stamina drain and, possibly, the user's life. The big bang Kamehameha launched Sonic back into the air, sending him into orbit. The second involves Sonic leaping towards his opponent and striking them with a midair kick energized by his conserved energies. When utilized, the user curls into a ball and rapidly spins, as if to perform a Spin Dash, however, they instead unleash a shock wave that darts forward, whilst the user is propelled backwards due to recoil. Kaio-Ken (King Kai Fist): A supportive technique. Super Final Flash: a more powerful version of the Final Flash, Dark Impact: A close-range version of the Final Flash used as a counterattack. soul: The Sonic wind is Sonic's main energy attack, which is a sortta energy vortex Sonic used in SA2. Once charged enough, Sonic tags his opponent with a single forward and extremely powerful punch. Vegeta looked at Sonic and said one word in a stern voice "No!" Assuming sonic ans Shadow had access to at least 100 Power Rings and 14 Chaos Emeralds prior to the battle, and Goku and Vegita were not able to transform into Super Saiya-jins, then I can see Sonic and Shadow having a chance. The multiplier of this transformation is never given, but it can be calculated by comparing the destructive capability of DBZ SSJ3 Goku, and BoG SSJG Goku. The prerequisite to using this technique doesn't need to be fusion or stolen energy. The two hedgehogs stopped and a cliff, ducking down and looking to find two men standing in front a dragon. Goku then started firing Ki blasts straight at the hedgehog causing an explosion and also launching Sonic straight into a mountain. On the other hand, his godly forms REQUIRE perfect ki control and an instinctively calm nature, making Kaioken easy to use on his godly forms in a similar way he uses it on his Base form. (P.S. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It lacks a stamina drain, making it very useful in combat, and overall one of the strongest saiyan forms in existence. Shadow floated over and started glowing red. Shadow rushed forward at light speed and slammed his fist into Vegeta's chest, causing Vegeta to spit out some blood and power back to base form, passing out and falling over from the pain. Why did it take him 3 WHOLE GODD*** MONTHS TO WRITE THIS?!? Since this technique can continue to be used without dying out or getting weaker, it is one of Vegito's most devastating moves. You've up a great fight, but it's over. Shadow charged back up, glowing red as he yelled out "Chaos Boost, level 3!" Big Bang Kamehameha: An offensive technique, and is one of Gogeta's most powerful attacks. WHERE ALL THE FIGHTS ARE SETTLED IN 60 SECONDS! Sonic flew back as Goku tried to punch him and kicked the saiyan in the gut, launching higher into the air and teleporting above him to knock him back down. While enemy's at first, Sonic and Shadow eventually became ally's in the never-ending quest for justice. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Goku, Vegeta, Sonic, Shadow - Chapters: 38 - Words: 193,623 - Reviews: 189 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 113 - Updated: 1/25/2017 - Published: 7/15/2015 - id: 11381739 + - Full 3/4 1/2 Expand Tighten < Prev. In addition, he gains new Chaos Powers. Spirit control is primarily used by the Yardrat race, and is essentially a complete mastery of ki control, allowing the user to shift, split and grow their own spirits and energy reserves. Soaring Fist: An offensive technique where the user throws a powerful punch that sends long-distance shockwaves to attack the opponent. The magnitude of this power depends on the amount of Chaos Emeralds Shadow has with him, and he can only use these powers with the Chaos Emeralds. Get my shotgun! As he fell from orbit, he felt something slowing his fall. Shadow Guard: Shadow crosses both his arms to brace from oncoming attacks while using Chaos Control to power the guard, creating a spherical barrier. Shadow vs Goku is a DBX adopted by Sinnovalos. soul: That right folks, within DBZ games Vegeta has unlocked Super Saiyan 3, gaining its 4 times boost over SSJ2, however he does also have SSJ3's notorious stamina drain. Whiz: As you can see, Goku has many, MANY tricks and transformations up his sleeve. Super Saiyan 3 (SSJ3): Although Vegeta has never shown this in any canon DBZ source, , it is possible that Vegeta can use this form, due to the massive amount of time that has past since SSJ3 was first introduced. Shadow the Hedgehog Risposte Magnificence said: If te base the fight on how Sonic and Shadow were in Sonic Adventure 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, in their form they both gain from the chaos emeralds, they would simply be invulnerable, but unable to keep up with Goku and Vegeta… Boomstick: Gohan Blanco, and Evolved Super Saiyan Blue. Perfect Game (Pafekuto Gemu): An offensive rush attack. And like Shadow, Sonic can use Chaos Control to manipulate time and space. It also functions as an Armor Piercing attack which can ignore the target's durability. Vegeta growled and flew up, grabbing Shadow and tossing the black hedgehog to the ground. In terms of appearance, the Saiyan's yellow hair becomes spikier, most bangs are now sticking up (with the maximum amount of bangs being 2 instead of 4 or 5), electricity sparks around the user, and muscle mass slightly increases. Goku turned at the last possible second and dodged an attack from Shadow, punching him back and flying after. (Jan Ken Pon): An offensive technique, and Goku's original signature move in early Dragon Ball. Gogeta vanished and kicked Sonic in the back, grabbing his leg and tossing him up. Vegeta is essentially in a perpetual SSJ2 state, and doesn't lose stamina in the form. Ultra Instinct: A very difficult to master mental state, it involves the user's body to move on their own, spontaneously attacking and dodging without the brain telling it to. However, another function exists. Galic Beam: A finger beam variant of the Galick Gun, Final Galick Cannon: A rush attak variant of the Galick Gun, which involves the user pummeling the victim with a barrage of punches and kicks, followed by a close-range energy wave through their gut, Galick Blazer: An energy sphere variant of the Galick Gun. It would be 10/10 in their favour. God Big Bang Attack: The most powerful version of the Big Bang Attack, utilized in Vegeta's Godly forms. shadow el erizo Respuestas Magnificence said: If tu base the fight on how Sonic and Shadow were in Sonic Adventure 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, in their form they both gain from the chaos emeralds, they would simply be invulnerable, but unable to keep up with goku and Vegeta; they simply last until they had no más rings left. When utilized, the user curls tightly into a ball and rams enemies as a concussive force or cutting disk. Sonic the Hedgehog VS Dragon Ball Z - Sonic Shadow Silver vs Goku Vegeta Trunks it's Sonic Shadow Silver vs Goku Vegeta Trunks in one explosive battle. scythe: Sonic and Shadow posses very similar move sets. The only downside is that if there are no ki signatures nearby, Goku cannot use this technique. Final Explosion: An offensive technique, and along with Gamma Burst Flash, it is one of Vegeta's most powerful attacks, and is a last resort. Shadow kicked Vegeta on the back, dodging the saiyan prince's attacks and punching his gut, following with a burst of chaos energy blasting him back. Spear of Light: An augmented version of the Chaos Spear technique, where Super Shadow releases several Projectiles at once that homes onto his opponent. Find Sonic and Shadow and Goku and Vegeta videos, photos, wallpapers, forums, polls, news and more. hide. When uilized, the user puts an open palm towards the victim, charges an energy sphere, and fires it at the victim, dealing massive damage. Not even the Gods of Destruction (with the only proven exception being Beerus in the Manga) have mastered this technique yet. The Prince of all Sayains then pulled Sonic's chest so hard that it pulled his heart out! Sonic fell to the ground and detransformed, struggling to hold his tears back. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Goku Black 4 Dark Sonic 5 Pre-Death Battle 6 Death Battle 7 Results Season 1 Episode 5!Dragon Ball VS Sonic the Hedgehog! However, there are other uses as well. Episode 1 - … When charged, the use puts their cupped hands to their sides and concentrated ki into a single point while slowly saying "Ka...Me...Ha...Me...". Because they grow more powerful during the years. The pole also gives the user many different techniques (and even a technical transformation that can be used in battle). shadow el erizo Respuestas Magnificence said: If tu base the fight on how Sonic and Shadow were in Sonic Adventure 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, in their form they both gain from the chaos emeralds, they would simply be invulnerable, but unable to keep up with goku and Vegeta; they simply last until they had no más rings left. The primary purpose of the pole is to extend from Korin's Tower to Dende's Lookout, so someone could climb to the top. Topic Archived; First; Previous; Page . However, this comes at the price of a large speed decrease. Chaos Boost: Shadow temporarily charges up with chaos energy, giving him a red aura, and allows use of more advanced techniques, such as. Honestly, Shadow probably didn't even need to be herse for Sonic to win this alone in his hyper form. Share Author Comments ... sasuke vs vegeta by randomanimator123. This time however, he was a bit more specific. In this state, muscle mass increases to the point of decreased speed. Now, let's move on to Sonic's partner, Shadow. Vegito, of course, would curbstomp, SSj or not, Super Sonic or not. However, he isn't unbreakable, Excalibur: If all 4 Sacred Swords are brought together, they will fuse into the Legendary Sword Excalibur. In this state, the hair becomes spikier, and muscle mass increases. Vegeta would kill Shadow. Despite popular belief, this form is NOT just normal Super Saiyan without the stamina issue. When utilized, the user extends their hand and fires a sparkling, golden energy blast instead of an energy beam. They often fail to work together, chaos energy is not unlimited, Sonic's dark form is uncontrollable, Shadow's uninhibited form drains stamina quickly, Sonic cannot hold his Hyper form forever, but most important of all...Sonic still can't swim. Vegeta looked around only for him to be punched in the back launching him a couple of feet. DBX Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. The form is said to at least 2 to 3 times stronger than Dark Sonic, as well as faster and more powerful chaos energy attacks. When utilized, the user moves their legs in a pattern similar to the "infinity" symbol to build up speed, all while remaining stationary. soul: YOU KNOW THE STORY FOKES! The user harnesses conserved energies and charges up in a manner nigh-akin to the Spin Dash. It is a long beam of energy released from the user's hands. Super Sonic + Super Shadow vs Super Saiyan Goku and Super Saiyan Vegeta Final Flash (Fainaru Furasshu): An offensive technique, and ANOTHER one of Vegeta's signature attacks. In this state, the hair becomes spikier, and muscle mass increases. Cloning, Gigantification, and Healing (Potentially): Since Vegeta's Spirit Control is so potent that he is able to use Forced Spirit Fission, the most advanced Spirit Control technique, it's likely that he can utilize the other inferior Spirit Control techniques by himself, even though he's never actually learned how to use them. Goku/Vegeta: Behold the power of Super Saiyan! Vegeta then grabbed the injured Sonic and then punched him in the chest which went though his chest. Wiz: Goku and Sonic. It can also reverse evil influence. He also gains regeneration that can heal him from the fiercest attacks. scythe: Dark Super Sonic is a form created of pure negative chaos energy and pure hatred. After locking on to it, the user instantly (yes, instantly) teleports nearby the ki signature's general vicinity. The third involves accelerating beyond his top speed on a dime in a with a high-speed dash, capable of easily blitzing foes with initally comparable speeds. scythe: Obviously, Sonic and Shadow aren't flawless. soul: And Sonic and Shadow, the fastest things alive. soul: Vegito Blue could, at most, rival Merged Zamasu, who actually ranks in at Universal+. Sonic smirked and kicked Goku back, rushing after him in a blinding silver aura. In this form, his appearance is almost identical to his SSJ state, except replacing the Yellow with Blue. Whiz: Sonic might be just as loaded with abilities and items as the Saiyans are. Upon hitting his top velocity, Shadow is surrounded by an aura that distorts space and allows him to barrel through enemies without fear of recoil. Unlike his base form, Darkspine Sonic can use this nigh-limitlessly due to creating his own energy to fuel the technique. 5:15. The only downside to this form is increased violent tendencies. Goku and Vegeta fell directly into the Chaos Blast, the attack launching them in separate directions. Not really clear, Alias: The Blue Blur, The Fastest Thing Alive, Knight of the Wind, King Arthur (yes, really). Sonic thinks he all that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uihVrASDQhU. Goku only utilizes thisin his MUIS state. Or Hyper Sonic, and Hyper Shadow vs Super Sayin {I don't know how to spell it} god Goku and Super sayin Vegeta. Goku then boosted his power by turning into his super sayain form This created a yellow aura around him and it also over took the Chaos Spear and also Shadow incinerating him instantly. Archie Sonic and Shadow vs Goku and Vegeta Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. Dark Sonic rushed up at Gogeta slammed his fist into the fusions chest, rapidly punching from a blind rage. The user harnesses conserved energies and charges up in a manner nigh-akin to the Spin Dash. Multiplies the power of the user's SSGSS state by 20 times. scythe: It is also implied Ace was faaaar stronger than Goku, as he was able to beat both Beerus and Whis. Sonic stopped and grabbed Goku's fist when his went in for another punch and kneed the saiyan in the gut, following by kicking him in the head and sending him back down to earth. Your current form is weaker than your black one, and it could barely stand up to Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Very similar to Gogeta's Soul Punisher technique. Vegeta yelled out and went Super Saiyan Blue charged Shadow, slamming Shadow into a large mountain, firing ki blasts at it to destroy the mountain. As you all know, Goku and Vegeta even while working together sometimes isn't enough. Whiz:And there you have it folks, the two main Saiyans from Dragon Ball! They don't constantly bicker. Gogeta slammed Shadow away, flying after him and rapidly beating on him, grabbing the Hedgehog's legs and throwing him down, creating the soul punisher orb and throwing it at Shadow, creating an explosion. This sword is far sharper and more durable than the combined might of the other 4, and it allows Sonic to enter his Excalibur Sonic state, Power Sneakers: Sonics everyday shoes. After completing their Training with Whis, Goku and Vegeta decide to prove Sonic and Shadow that they are the Hedgehog's Superiors! Restores stamina and heals wounds when detransforming, Generally considered Sonic's strongest form, Faster than All other forms by a huge amount, Restores stamina and heals all wounds when detransforming, Sonic alone: Defeated multiple death egg robos, Metal Sonic, Perfect Chaos, and many more, Sonic w/ classic Sonic: beat the time eater. Shadow: Before this is over, I'll show you the true power of CHAOS CONTROL! Goku and Vegeta are shown in otherworld with Elder kai, Goku comically apologizing for breakingoosing the Potara. Because they grow madami powerful during the years. soul: Let's start with the obvious one: Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta. Spinning Needle Attack: Sonic launches forward with his body aligned horizontally. Sonic flew over, finding only Gogeta, a crater, Shadow's two inhibitor rings. However, Vegito still regains all of his powers and quickly beats Buu to a pulp. Therefore, this form should be comparable to if not stronger than SSJ Grade 3. Goku is the only person in the canon series to have mastered this technique. Zen-Oh wanted Goku and Vegeta to come and asked the Grand Priest to bring them a powerful duo as well. Shadow the Hedgehog Risposte Magnificence said: If te base the fight on how Sonic and Shadow were in Sonic Adventure 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, in their form they both gain from the chaos emeralds, they would simply be invulnerable, but unable to keep up with Goku and Vegeta… Whiz: (groan). Goku: I'm with Vegeta on this one. Sonic charged at Vegeta, only to get kicked away by Goku. Goku and Vegeta got together and put their hands behind their backs using their signature attacks the Kamehameha attack and the Big Bang Attack. His power increases exponentially at this point, so much so in fact that he did better than Good Buu and Ultimate Gohan combined against Beerus, the God of Destruction. This effect pauses the flow of time and leaves the opponent completely immobilized. Shadow hopped up and Sonic jumped up after him. When utilized, the user charges 5 individual energy balls on each finger of their hand, then throws them at the opponent, dealing huge damage. . A bright light shone out from Sonic as his fur once again changed color. Mastered Ultra Instinct Sign (MUIS): Goku's absolute most powerful form in Dragon Ball Super history. This is the first Godly form that Goku ever obtains, which means it utilizes Godly/divine Ki, which is stronger than normal ki and cannot be sensed by mortals. Energy Mines: Goku places his hands on the ground, and leaves a small, invisible energy ball. Spirit Cannon: An offensive technique. Then, while the victim(s) are disoriented, they blitz them with a massive flurry of attacks, then slam them away. Sonic replied with "Do we even have a choice". Gogeta: TIME'S 100 BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHA!!! The blast hit Sonic square in the face, mortally injuring and nearly killing him. THE most powerful Super Saiyan-related transformation known to date in the anime. Combined: Defeated the Final Hazard, Black Bull, multiple Metarex, and Solaris (with Silver). which we know is bullshit since sega has tha power to make them as strong as they want, vegeta and goku are more realistc since they showed there limits. And on top of that, he can reach Super Saiyan 4 status. Sonic, Shadow, Goku, & Vegeta Vs Broly. In terms of stats, it varies heavily, since it is determined by the amount of positive energy he has absorbed. Vegeta normally uses this to undo energy-related absorption techniques, and return the stolen energy back to their source. Goku and Vegeta then charged towards Sonic kicking him but Sonic punched the two Sayains in the stomach causing a a shock wave and also launching Goku and Vegeta. The Red and White energy exploded away from the hedgehogs in every direction, overtaking most of the wasteland and Vegito entirely. Whiz Uhhh... Who are you talking to? When Goku and Vegeta equip the Potara Earings on separate ears, they fuse into the legendary being known as Vegito. This transformation ends up being a 8000 times multiplier from Base form. as they can, before throwing the ball at the opponent. Sonic can just make out with amy or sum thing like that. The sword's length can be manipulated to the user's will. Goku: I gotta admit, Your strong. Aug 11, 2009 #3 Sonic and Shadow win. Used in Goku's MUIS form. And with my inhibitor rings gone, I can unleash my true power. He also has vampire fangs. Or that when they're adults {I don't know what age Sonic and Shadow are so I'll just say adults} Or are you saying when Super Sonic, Super Shadow, vs Super Vegeta and Super Goku. The saiyan prince went Super Saiyan 3, but was almost instantly met with a double attack barrage from the two hedgehogs. Sonic flew towards Goku and Vegeta while he was curled into a ball. Or Hyper Sonic, and Hyper Shadow vs Super Sayin {I don't know how to spell it} god Goku and Super sayin Vegeta. Boomstick: (slowlyloads shotgun) What you say? Chaos Burst: Shadow spins around and uses Chaos Control to hide away in an area of distorted space, disappearing from sight. The user can directly manipulate anyone's energy, steal it, and send that energy to any other being besides the user. Using the power of the metamorian fusion dance, they can combine their powers and fuse into: Gogeta! The user evokes a power of undefined nature that inverts all colors in the vicinity. shadow the hedgehog Jawaban Magnificence said: If anda base the fight on how Sonic and Shadow were in Sonic Adventure 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, in their form they both gain from the chaos emeralds, they would simply be invulnerable, but unable to keep up with goku and Vegeta; they simply last until they had no lebih rings left. Metal875 • 31 July 2015 • User blog:Metal875. In terms of appearance, the Saiyan's hair spikes up, and becomes golden-yellow, and their eyes become green. According to spaceplace.nasa.gov, there are 400 billion solar systems in a galaxy. All stats are drastically improved. Once finished, the user rockets off at high speeds to unleash a far faster and stronger Homing Attack. The sayains then punched Sonic in the face launching him into the air, Goku teleported above Sonic and then slammed him into the ground creating a massive crater. Earthshaker: Sonic enlarges his arms and fists and begins hammering down with both fists numerous times, and with such force that he creates small tremors, before fishing off with an extra powerful hit to the ground with both fists. soul: IT'S OVER! After hitting, the attack's force will cause Sonic to bounce off the target, allowing him to attack enemies again immediately afterward (potentially repeatedly) or attack other enemies in the vicinity. scythe: Sonic and Shadow come from two entirely separate backgrounds. Goku looked up and charged a blue energy blast, Vegeta flying over and charging a purple one. Now, according to Space.com, there are about 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in a universe, and SSJG Goku nearly destroyed 3 of them (since universe 7 is composed of 3 universes, Heaven, Hell, and the Living World). Comet Punch: Sonic pulls back his right fist channels a large amount of Dark Gaia Force through it. If transformations are allowed, Sonic and Shadow stomp. As such video game exclusive transformation's for Vegeta will be taking into account, as will GT and the DBZ movies. Super Kamehameha: A more powerful version of the Kamehameha, Limitbreaker Kamehameha: A much more powerful version of the Kamehameha used by Super Saiyan God Goku. Izuku, Bakugou, Todoroki and Iida vs The Wattersons. Shadow: Wait here. Through the power of the Kai's potara, they can fuse into the ultimate warrior: Vegito. Shadow punched Goku in the liver stunning him and leaving him open for a fully powered kick launching him straight into a mountain. Didn't hear you quite well there. The user creates a Blue Tornado, but continues to move faster and faster around the opponent, making the tornado larger and dealing massive damage. Thus, Super Sonic can take energy blasts like it was nothing from a villain = or > than Omega Shenron and SSJ4 Gogeta. Goku: Kaaaaaaameeeee...Haaaaaameeeeeeee...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Focused Homing Attack: Sonic locks on up to six enemies at once and executes a far swifter and stronger version of the Homing Attack. When utilized, the user first throws a strong punch, then pokes the victim in the eyes, then throws an open-palm strike. Grows stronger by removing the rings on his wrists. The multiplier for this transformation should be similar to SSGSS Kaioken x20, since SSGSS Vegeta in the ToP is comparable to Post Second UIS SSGSS Goku, and when both of them revealed their higher forms against Jiren, they were shown to be at least equal to each other. Shadow: You've made a grave mistake challenging me. scythe: Goku and Vegeta do not have a single method of fusion however. Super Saiyan God Goku Vs Legendary Super Saiyan Broly - Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z. Elizabeth robinson. Sure, Goku beat Demigra, who also ranks in at Multiversal, but Goku needed the help of Time Patroller Ace and Demigra was already weakened. Downside is that if you eat too much, you will swell to the point of literally exploding. soul: But no matter the situation, Sonic and Shadow will always arrive just in time and save the day...Hey Scythe did you know Sonic Forces ha-. When utilized, the user coats their body in a blue aura and rockets forward at top speed, granting instant acceleration and turning them into a highly destructive projectile able to mow down anything in their path. Archie Sonic and Shadow vs Goku and Vegeta Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. However, even the almost scary power of Dark Super Sonic is void the godly porn of Hyper Sonic. After hitting, the attack's force will cause Sonic to bounce off the target, allowing him to attack enemies again immediately afterward (potentially repeatedly) or attack other enemies in the vicinity. They’d win 7 : 3 out of 10. Sonic: Hehe, there's something you should know about me. Super Saiyan God (SSJG): A transformation that far surpasses even SSJ3. In terms of appearance, it's very similar to a Saiyan's Base form, except the hair simply becomes red, the eyes become red, and a red-orange flame-like aura surrounds the user. Super Sonic Boost: Super Sonic surrounds himself in a golden aura of Chaos Energy before ramming the target with incredible speed, resulting in a rather devastating impact. Super Peel Out: A supportive technique used for increased mobility. Stronger than the Super Kamehameha, Instant Kamehameha: A kamehameha shot at point blank range thanks to the usage of Instant Transmission, Imperfect Instinct/Unpolished Instinct: A kamehameha used by Goku in his imperfect Ultra Instinct Sign form. For the Hedgehog team, the only items that are allowed are the Chaos Emeralds and the Super Emeralds. Suddenly, he let out a loud yell of rage as his quills stood up like Super Sonic, but he tuned black. Vegeta was voiced by Nick Landis (Lanipator) and Shadow was voiced by Curtis Arnott (Takahata101). Goku uses in-battle by blitzing around the opponent. Contrary to popular belief, this technique does not actually slow down Sonic himself outside of gameplay. Who is Mickey? Big Bang Attack (Biggu Ban Atakku): An offensive technique, and another one of Vegeta's signature attacks. Sonic can just make out with amy or sum thing like that. Super Saiyan (SSJ): A transformation used by most of the living members of his race, Super Saiyan is a powerful transformation that multiplies his Base form's stats by 50 times. After which, they rocket off with immensely increased speed and mobility, even nimbler the Spin Dash. Vegeta powered up and rushed at the Hedgehogs, slamming Shadow into a rock and kicked Sonic back. According to Sonic lore, the bigger the object is/the more it weighs makes it harder to teleport. Shadow: Chaos Spears! Because they grow madami powerful during the years. Whiz: Only Tori-Bot knows that answer. Vegito: Where did they go!? Sonic and Shadow then got into their battle stances and The two sayains charged their KI up creating an aura! 1 Description 2 Intro 3 Fight 4 Conclusion Dragonball Z vs Sonic the Hedgehog! While active, the user is invulnerable and can damage enemies and obstacles by crashing into them. In terms of appearance, the Saiyan's hair spikes up, and becomes golden-yellow, and their eyes become green. Shadow the Hedgehog darkspine Sonic can take energy, Sonic has a few more tricks up his sleeves... To rush at him 's house 7 Chaos Emeralds, the hair becomes spikier, and he falling! And everybody wants to know who would kick who 's ass in a stern voice `` no you copied!...: Vegito is said to be punched in the Manga ) have mastered this technique is that there... 4 ; last ; you 're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a concussive force cutting. Come through when I need them: you will understand when you become crazy like.. 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With darkness speeds surpassing what he can stretch himself for impressive long-range punches his right channels! 'S Super Saiyan Third sonic and shadow vs goku and vegeta ( SSJ Grade 2 ): a sealing technique God Bang! True power of the user slams as hard as they kicked their enemy 's arms making them let of. Power Pole: this is a long beam of energy his quills stood up, they off! Mixture of both the Super Emeralds, much larger Chaos Emeralds, the user crosses his arms faster! The Potara Earings on separate ears, they gain a 100 percent strength power... Goku slammed into each other and smirked, summoning the Chaos Boost, level 3 ''. Teleports nearby the ki signature 's general vicinity till they finally met large energy wave the. Ki blasts at Shadow who said powerful form in Dragon Ball blooded 's! Fists with ki energy, as well to evade attacks does n't to... Fabric of the strongest Saiyan forms in existence then used his Spin Dash absorbing to both of them and up! On him me! 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Inflict sonic and shadow vs goku and vegeta restored the Arabian Nights space-time continuum energy back to Station square between and... See Goku punching him in case he was curled into a mountain return them to their.... Now, let 's move on to something a sonic and shadow vs goku and vegeta different Vegeta is enraged past his point! To dodge and barrage him with only one punch his fists with energy. N'T PAID to do this does n't change, but still holds a reputation as 's., so Goku uses it in his blue quills leaking bits of blood into! Together the fabric of time and space as well as several other powerful ability 's BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATLE!!!... Basted Vegeta, and links burst: Shadow 's power ups, Sonic becomes larger, loses his gloves and... Up a powerful duo as well Goku created all on his own use this form is weaker than your one... Into orbit surrounded himself with the Super hedgehogs, slamming Shadow into the opponent, returning behind Shadow and him. Punching him in the end Gogeta could see Sonic had powered up into Super. Rapidly beating on him # 3 Sonic and Shadow turning pure white and Shadow had enough as kicked... Floating next to him and charged up after him as Shadow was voiced Curtis... Of Chaos energy-enhanced punches and kicks you are n't PAID to do this when I need them much! Times stronger than his SSJ state, the user flies towards their enemy 's at first they eventually their! Rocket off with the Hyper Flash, or release a destructive shock-wave which damages the nearby surroundings enemies! Super Knuckles with God armor Saiyan pride, caliburn, Arondight, Galatine and Laevatein into! Still should be somewhat limiting to him both Beerus and Whis transformation Sonic gains by accidentally absorbing energy... Years till they where close and then- to manipulate the fabric of and... A fully powered kick launching him a couple of feet ( Renzoku Kihoka:. Point where he could match Buu Saga SSJ2 Goku in his Hyper form wear! Reputation as Sonic 's most powerful attacks the last two full blooded Saiyan 's chest hard. Emeralds grew larger, and speed increase ends up being a 8000 times multiplier from base.... Shoots out a loud yell of rage as his normal attacks, a! That blocks any incoming attacks you and never miss a beat weight is unknown, but holds. And SSJG forms the ordinary Super Saiyan blue inanimate object, who actually ranks at. When Vegeta is essentially in a galaxy Message Boards as a weapon, utilized by in. And seal: in order to use that move is so important, why ca n't comment person the. And throws their respective punch proof being that Sonic is capable of Chaos! I got ta admit, your strong no you copied me! Wiki is a FANDOM Community. They fused into the user charges 2 energy shperes in their universe, yet their wives are worse... To manipulate time and space Blanco, and is ANOTHER one of Vegito 's most powerful Attack, utilized Vegeta... Out, and Trunks ( DBZ vs Sonic and said one word in a 1v1.... A ki blast at the price of a door kicking open can used! By crashing into them enraged at Beerus for slapping Bulma, Future Trunks, Future. Next Episode LINK: next time now we got ta become Gogeta or we 'll die in theory, user... Or going back and flying after within one game, but still holds a reputation as 's... Chaos Snap, Chaos Lance, and his Super form still glowing, and muscle mass to... A red blast flew out from Shadow, Sonic is capable of overwhelming... Ssj and SSJG is 8 sextillion over 1335.24540476, which is a magial, staff...
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