Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. Lv 6. Clearly there are those on the right who actively pursue the muddling of political correctness with health and safety because the confusion benefits their agenda which is to neuter PC culture because they believe that, to quote a sarcastic Stewart Lee again, "Oh, political correctness was shit, wasn't it? Director Lilly Wachowski (“The Matrix”) is 53. Dec 18, 2011 - Enchanted Forest An Inky Quest Coloring Book, best images Enchanted Forest An Inky Quest Coloring Book Added on But strip away the fashionable rage, & the key lyric of “Kill The President” is not “Kill the president”, but “A leader’s not the … Alright, I earlier cited songs such as “Kill the President” &”L.A.P.D.” as proof of their hardcore lineage. Lol! Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. Whether Holland is doing the same thing or has merely been bamboozled is unclear. The ideal place to start a punk band, then. Dexter Holland performing in 2019. Jason Gould. "For over two years I searched far and wide for the perfect combination of spices to make your next dining experience a … His advice? Holland was awarded his Ph.D. degree in molecular biology during the USC Commencement on May 12, 2017. The ideal place to start a punk band, then. 18. Well, maybe. The suitor meets somebody who resembles Saturday Night Live's Pat O'Neill Riley (a gender-unspecific sketch character performed by Julia Sweeny which drew recurring mega-laughs from the ruse that nobody could tell whether this androgynous person was a woman or a man). Holland's other "vignettes" included 'The Kids Aren't All Right', a song about Holland's old neighbourhood which had apparently gone to pot since he left for swankier pastures. Sitting alongside 'Don't Pick It Up' on Ixnay's tracklist is one of the nastiest and most cynical punk tracks in the history of the record industry. This song's about doing the right thing when it comes to, uh, pesticides! It just felt like [the world] was shifting. It formed after the duo failed to get into a Social Distortion concert. News anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 53. Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. When drugs or crime crop up in The Offspring's lyrics, the blame is placed squarely on the shoulders of the complicit individual with little or zero acknowledgement of the wider and more complex social, political, historical, or cultural reasons behind such dilemmas. May 8, 2018 - Three of these people are scientist the other one just plays one on TV. ", "Mental illness? Being fair to people!" [5] However, after the success of The Offspring, he suspended his studies to focus on music. [30][31] During their latest recordings, Holland used a vintage Gibson SG Junior. As research has shown, the wealthiest among us are least likely to attribute their fortunes to luck. So I kind of expanded on that and made a lot of the songs as kind of vignettes of my version of America in 1998." News anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 53. It's that he suffers from this affliction, and here's the initials," Holland complained, as if channelling Rod Liddle with quail's egg yolk stains all down his lapel. Well, not this time!" "It's not that she has a kid that's hyper and she can't control him. Comments / 0. Actor Jude Law is 48. He decided that he wanted to put his education on hold to pursue music, and he finally went back to it years later. 2 months ago. Just look at the Offspring's multi-millionaire pop-punk rivals Green Day. Holland told the Los Angeles Times. News anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 53. (Incidentally, one working title for the record was lifted directly from a Jerry Springer show: You're Too Fat To Make Porn.). Yfn Lucci. Answer Save. Don't pick it up. To find out more, click here. to post a message Related. Read the choicest cuts from the Quietus archive: reviews, features and opinion, Ben Myers Salutes The Return Of The Rock Opera, Green Day's New Album 21st Century Breakdown Reviewed Track By Track, Bard On A Wire: Sleaford Mods' Spare Ribs Reviewed, Columnfortably Numb: The Best Psych Rock Of 2020, Columnfortably Numb: Psych Rock For November Reviewed By JR Moores, The Emperor's New Briefs: IDLES' Ultra Mono Reviewed, Columnfortably Numb: Psych Rock For September Reviewed By JR Moores, Been Around The World: The Magical Odyssey Of The Avalanches' Since I Left You, Fear Factory's Demanufacture And The Strange Rebirth Of Industrial Metal, Too Much Too Soon: Menswear's Nuisance Revisited, Time Would Come To An End: Pet Shop Boys’ Behaviour at 30, And The Heat Goes On: Talking Heads' Remain In Light At 40. THE INTEL: High school valedictorian Brian Keith Holland, later to become Dexter, went to the University of Southern California on a premed track, picking up bachelor’s and … The Aquabats vs. the Floating Eye of Death! Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 54. I’m selling this ebook for the low price of $4 AUD – the cost of a cup coffee. In an interview in 1995, Holland had said when he turns 40, he would rather be a professor at a university than play music. Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. Like the author In that same piece, Holland goes on to rant about the "stifling" nature of "political correctness" which he mistakenly defines as a woman - and it would be a woman - who spills coffee all over herself in McDonald's and then sues the fast-food outlet because the cup wasn't emblazoned with the warning "THIS COFFEE'S HOT". Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 54. The chorus shifts to second-person, condemning the bong-addled low life without offering much in the way of compassion: "Your enemy's you and your couch is your life.". Favourite answer. Mystro Clark. News anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 53. "I know … Even when he was touring and recording music, Dexter worked a little at a time on completing his PhD. Please whitelist our site in order to continue to access The Quietus. Jason Gould. Here, Dexter Holland sings of a friend who is seeking romance. Singer Dexter Holland of The Offspring is 55. Before The Offspring exploded in popularity, he was studying for a PhD in molecular biology. Actor Mekhi Phifer is 46. Any mourners will think I was very unkind. They've tried to "lend a hand" but any offers of help have fallen on deaf ears. Fuck you! I’ve also included a ‘bonus’ unpublished piece of writing that the NTEU magazine rejected for political reasons, a foreward and afterward reflecting on the year. ", "Rocker Dexter Holland's spicy offspring: Gringo Bandito hot sauce", "Jello Biafra And Dexter Holland Get Charitable", "The PV Q&A: The Offspring's Dexter Holland on Making Punk Music as the "Days Go By,, "Offspring Ninth Record Finished, Reality TV Run Over For Offspring's Offspring", "DEXTER HOLLAND COMPLETED 10-DAY JOURNEY ON NOVEMBER 25", "Offspring's Noodles: 'I Don't Care To Argue How Punk I Am' | Interviews", "Vandals, The – Hitler Bad, Vandals Good", "Aquabats!, The – Vs. [15] Holland is one of the three members (along with Noodles and Greg K.) to appear on all of The Offspring's albums, and as of Greg K.'s split from the band in August 2019, he is the only remaining original member left. Like many doctors on our list, Holland’s published his share of mind-bending academic papers. "A lot of the things that I started writing were kind of this theme of American culture of 1998," Holland told Billboard at the time of its release. [29] Other hobbies include surfing, as seen in the "Da Hui" music video. So, well, fuck 'em then. Support tQ's work by becoming a subscriber and enjoy the benefits of bonus essays, podcasts and exclusively-commissioned new music. Holland keeps his planes in tricked-out hangars in Long Beach and Lake Havasu City, Ariz., and, when he rolls out to the runway, heads turn and jaws drop, a fact that Holland plainly enjoys. Dexter Holland. Actor Jason Gould is 54. Dexter Holland: PhD Molecular biology: Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California: Lead singer, rhythm guitarist and primary songwriter for the punk rock band The Offspring: Ken Jeong: MD Medicine University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Comedian and actor, starred in and portrayed a doctor on the sitcom Dr. Ken: Vitali Klitschko: PhD Sports science: Kiev University: World champion … 'This song's about Not Drinking Beer! Dexter Holland performing in 2019. Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 54. Mauricio Santana/Getty Images. News anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 53. Instead, we can safely assume that he does - or at least did - genuinely hold the cold-hearted beliefs that define his lyrics. These sequences are suggested to have evolved to self-regulate survival of the virus in the host by evading its immune responses and thus influence the persistence, replication, and pathogenicity of HIV. 5 Answers. If you love what we do, you can help tQ to continue bringing you the best in cultural criticism and new music by joining one of our subscription tiers. Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 54. [9][10], Holland's early influences include Aerosmith, The Beatles, the Sex Pistols, the Ramones, KISS, Bob Marley, Queen, and The Rolling Stones. As guitarist Noodles explained to the NME's Steven Wells in 1997, The Offspring had decided to react against the overtly political and preachy nature of the punk form that had flourished during the Reagan years. Actor Diego Luna is 41. After that? Drop-outs, stoners, slackers, the idle, the afflicted and the addicted also incurred their sniggering wrath on a routine basis. [21], On the conception of the hot sauce, Holland states that in the early 2000s, while eating Mexican food, he began to read the label of a bottle of Tapatío; "It just clicked that I had to make one," he says. [16][17], Dexter Holland sometimes plays the piano during live shows. Business, finance, real estate, law, science … Holland sings in the tenor range. Having convinced themselves that success is all down to willpower and elbow grease, such folk tend to be opposed to taxation and government spending because they didn't need a handout so why should anyone else? Army probing officer Emily Rainey who led group to deadly DC riots. Jason Gould. Occasionally the band plays "Gone Away", with only Holland playing the song on piano. Actor Jason Gould is 54. Sure, the American Dream ain't all it's cracked up to be but where a singer like Bruce Springsteen (for example) will chip a hole in that fictitious and detrimental concept while offering his listeners some semblance of hope and compassion, in the quotation above Holland is getting dangerously close to shouting "Everything was so much better in the olden days" before donning a bright red Make America Great Again baseball cap and nipping off for a quick 18 holes with the four golfers of the apocalypse (Trump, West, Lydon, Corgan). Before this, on The Offspring's first two albums (1989's self-titled debut and 1992's Ignition), Holland can be heard railing against American military intervention in foreign lands, condemning the institutional racism of the LAPD, promoting anarchic arson and pyromania, and calling for the president to be murdered; all wholesome punk-rock ideas. [32] He plays through a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier. Actress Alison Brie is 38. A true worshipper at the altar of the Climate Change Religion and a Progressive Socialist indoctrinator of our youth! She would reply in a manner I now consider to be Obama-like in its sheer level of calmness and dignity: "I think we both know that's obvious." "A song like 'She's Got Issues' is saying, 'Hey, come on, let's just take some personal responsibility for who we are instead of blaming our actions or behaviour on things that aren't really relevant," Holland told Spin magazine while also mocking a woman on a radio phone-in show whose son was suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder. Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. Sticksman Ron Welty came from a bit further down the road in Cyprus. '", went Noodles' impersonation. He decided that he wanted to put his education on hold to pursue music, and he finally went back to it years later. Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. Singer Dexter Holland of The Offspring is 55. Originally, he was enrolled in school before his music career took off. Dexter Holland sometimes plays the piano during live shows. to post a message Trending People. I’ve also included a ‘bonus’ unpublished piece of writing that the NTEU magazine rejected for political reasons, a foreward and afterward reflecting on the year. Jennifer Ehle. To find out more, click here. Holland attended Pacifica High School in Garden Grove, California, where he graduated as class valedictorian in 1984. But for the most part The Offspring weren't being ironic. Their last album for that label was 1994's Smash, which still holds the world record for most sales of an album on an independent label. All of Holland's Ibanez RG body guitars are made out of mahogany and fitted with DiMarzio Super Distortion bridge pickups. Singer/guitarist Dexter Holland, bassist Greg Kriesel and Noodles all grew up in Garden Grove – a conservative town with the world’s first drive-in church – in south-east LA’s Orange County – a suburb renowned for both Disneyland and as a bastion of right-wing politics. Likewise, the daughter of a teenage mother and absent father will only make the same mistake again by getting pregnant at a desperately young age. Why don't you get one, you cheeky plonker? Politics Sport Business Money Opinion Tech Life Style Travel Culture ... Dexter Holland, issued the English band’s ninth record, Grave Disorder, on his own Nitro label. I’m selling this ebook for the low price of $4 AUD – the cost of a cup coffee. Singer/guitarist Dexter Holland, bassist Greg Kriesel and Noodles all grew up in Garden Grove – a conservative town with the world’s first drive-in church – in south-east LA’s Orange County – a suburb renowned for both Disneyland and as a bastion of right-wing politics. BLANG! The Santa Barbara-style house sits on almost half an acre in The Bluffs, a guard-gated… Singer Dexter Holland of The Offspring is 55. Relevance? Yeah, he’s really good at maths and holds a PhD in molecular … Idiot! Not unless Holland also conducted all his interviews in an undetectably sarcastic manner or via a satiric alter-ego like pop-punk's answer to Andy Kaufman. The Santa Barbara-style house sits on … Friends ran for a decade from 1994, roughly coinciding with the halcyon period of The Offspring's career. After recording a demo in 1988,[12] The Offspring signed a deal with a small-time label, Nemesis Records, for whom they recorded their first full-length album, The Offspring, in March 1989. Back in 1994, as The Offspring's third studio album "Smash" was on track to go multi-platinum, singer-guitarist Dexter Holland was in the middle of … Educated, good-natured frontman Dexter Holland never once exhorts us to smash the system, extolling instead a philosophy of privacy, decency &, above all, self-determination. Originally, he was enrolled in school before his music career took off. This time the verses are sung from the perspective of a drop-out stoner who spends all day scoring marijuana, smoking it, growing hungry and paranoid, giggling at naff television shows, and getting ripped off by dealers. Perhaps Holland always had a superiority complex that hindered him from empathising with the plight of the poor, needy, directionless, and desperate. WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s push for $2,000 COVID-19 relief checks now rests with the Senate after the House voted overwhelmingly to meet … [22], Holland participated in the 2006 and 2008 Los Angeles Marathon; his charity of choice was the Innocence Project, a non-profit legal clinic that handles legal cases where post-conviction DNA testing of evidence can yield conclusive proof of innocence. An Army psychological warfare officer is being investigated for busing people more than 300 miles to attend the Trump rally … Director Lilly Wachowski (“The Matrix”) is 53. Dexter Holland performing in 2019. Actor Jason Gould is 54. Former ABC newscaster Tom Jarriel is 86. He understands the material world, and intuitively knows what makes virtually any enterprise work. Ashleigh Banfield. Sensible advice, perhaps, if again a little chaste. Director Lilly Wachowski (“The Matrix”) is 53. Clearly there are those on the right who actively pursue the muddling of political correctness with health and safety because the confusion benefits their agenda which is to neuter PC culture because they believe that, to quote a sarcastic Stewart Lee again, "Oh, … Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. [13] The band then signed with Columbia Records in 1996 (although Holland claims that Brett Gurewitz, owner of Epitaph and guitarist for Bad Religion, sold the contract to Columbia)[14] for whom they released their next six albums, Ixnay on the Hombre (1997), Americana (1998), Conspiracy of One (2000), Splinter (2003), Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace (2008), and their most recent, Days Go By (2012). News anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 53. Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. She was on the netball team. Actor Jason Gould is 54. The rocker, who is from Garden Grove, California, told the Los Angeles Times in 2009 that the inspiration to start a hot sauce company came from growing up in an area with an abundance of Mexican culture. Much like Stewart Lee's grandmother, Dexter Holland is one of those people who has confused political correctness with health and safety legislation. I stood by. Increasingly so, The Offspring gazed down from their ivory tower, pointing their accusatory fingers at all and sundry below, and shouting the equivalent of "Get a job, you lazy bum! Back then, to our tender and inexperienced ears, The Offspring's brand of energetic pop punk sounded like the epitome of rebellion. Even when he was touring and recording music, Dexter worked a little at a time on completing his PhD. Indeed, the worst thing about the single 'Why Don't You Get A Job?' Actor Jason Gould is 54. Mauricio Santana/Getty Images. Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. Actor Jason Gould is 54. Much like Stewart Lee's grandmother, Dexter Holland is one of those people who has confused political correctness with health and safety legislation. Foundation, which raised funds through charity concerts. [citation needed], After some line-up changes, including the addition of Noodles on guitar, Manic Subsidal changed their name to The Offspring in 1985. The foundation organized benefit shows to raise money for various charities including AIDS Project Los Angeles, Poor People's United Fund, Trees Foundation, and Amnesty International. To modern sensibilities, the third and concluding verse of this two-minute ditty is the dodgiest of the lot. [18], Holland has his own brand of hot sauce named Gringo Bandito[19] and featuring Holland with bandoliers, revolvers, a sombrero and shades, a design that OC Weekly magazine described as parodying the logo for Tapatío hot sauce or Pancho Villa. In reality, everybody's social situation as well as their underlying skills and character are all down to luck. Actor Jason Gould is 54. Each post starts with some notes about what inspired the work, or how it was received. According to the New York Post, the duo got together in 1984 and created a band called Manic Subsidal, later renamed The Offspring.This was a time when musicians like the B-52s, Devo, and the Cars were ruling the space. The rocker, who is from Garden Grove, California, told the Los Angeles Times in 2009 that the inspiration to start a hot sauce company came from growing up in an area with an abundance of Mexican culture. Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. 1", "Vandals, The – Look What I Almost Stepped In...", "Dwarves – The Dwarves Must Die – Credits", "The Short-But-Sweet Interview: The Dwarves' Blag Dahlia", "Dexter Holland (The Offspring) in "Pauly Shore is dead, Cruising California (Bumpin' in My Trunk),, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Musician, singer, songwriter, pilot, virologist, businessman, This page was last edited on 17 January 2021, at 20:58. Holland appears on all nine of The Offspring's studio albums. 6 days ago. "Today everyone has issues and no one takes responsibility because their mother or their father drank too much or whatever," Holland elaborated to Billboard with all the sensitivity of Katie Hopkins blowing raspberries outside a PTSD survivors meeting. But the guy’s undeniably smart, as he now holds a Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of Southern California. "I'm not a trendy asshole," we would chant along, not knowing whether to change the pronunciation of ass to arse, "I do what I want / I do what I feel like / I'm not a trendy asshole / Don't give a fuck / If it's good enough for you..." Oh, how we'd crank it up in the sixth-form common room with the express intention of unsettling or at least irritating those who always wore the correct trainers and preferred the smoother productions of Madonna, Whitney Houston, TLC, and Bryan Adams - all artists I now realise had a lot more going on than The Offspring. Generation Zedders viewing the sitcom for the first time alongside older re-visitors alike were stunned by the show's abundance of full plotlines and throwaway gags which functioned merely to poke fun at Ross's lesbian ex-wife or else disparage homosexuality in general. They're passionate. Singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. [12] This album would eventually be re-issued on November 21, 1995, by Holland's own record label, Nitro Records. The philosophy offered by 'Way Down The Line' is that angry drunks beget horrible children who themselves turn into alcoholic, abusive parents. Many of its main and supporting characters were defined by personality quirks suggesting these people were actually suffering various forms of debilitating mental illness to which the apparently appropriate response was to point and giggle along with the studio audience. "People who like hot sauce are a certain type of people. Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 54. Dexter Holland, lead singer and rhythm guitarist for punk band The Offspring. [citation needed]. (And do this all by themselves, naturally). "I was thinking about how today's America is distorted reality. Actress Inga Swenson ("Benson") is 88. The Damned: Don't You Wish That We Were Dead, List of celebrities with advanced degrees, "Dexter Holland Biography – Facts, Birthday, Life Story", "Morning Minutes for Saturday, December 29", "Greg Graffin PhD and Smart Rock Stars by Jaan Uhelszki", "Dexter Holland Discusses His Recently Published Paper 3/22/2013", "Dexter Holland from The Offspring Publishes Research Paper…What the Heck Is It About? [25][26] He married Amber Sasse in 2013. Jennifer Ehle. Actor Jason Gould is 54. Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. Certainly the more successful The Offspring became, the more these spiteful, self-made-men attitudes crept into their oeuvre. Dexter Holland, who wrote the song, is undoubtedly liberal and close friends with the radical Jello Biafra (of the Dead Kennedys). [28], Holland is also an avid collector of stamps from the Isle of Man. Having recently dusted off my old CDs of their 90s and early 2000 recordings in order to give The Offspring another listen, I have found they no longer seem remotely rebellious or counter-cultural. Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. Holland is one of the three members (along with Noodles and Greg K.) to appear on all of The Offspring's albums, and as of Greg K.'s split from the band in August 2019, he is the only remaining original member left. Movie director Lilly Wachowski is 53. Get a job? Actor Jason Gould is 54. The Offspring has had numerous lineup changes, and Dexter Holland and Greg K have been the only constant members. [20], It has sold over a million bottles and is available in over 500 restaurants and 7,000 stores, including being a top-ranked hot sauce on Amazon. Singer Dexter Holland of The Offspring is 55. 2 … Holland was intrigued by punk music and enjoyed the … Sign in. Sign in. Dexter Holland (The Offspring) The dude who wrote Pretty Fly (For A White Guy) ? It didn't have to be this way. They all sprang from the mind of Dexter Holland, lead singer of the California punk band and '90s MTV mainstay, The Offspring.In 2017, Holland joined the rarified ranks of rock stars with PhDs, writes Kerrang, following in the footsteps of Queen's Brian May (whose degree is in astrophysics) and Bad Religion's Greg Graffin (zoology). Frontman Dexter Holland (shown on the left) has been one of the constant members in The Offspring. She goes by the stage name Lex Land and is a singer-songwriter. In 1997, Holland and former Dead Kennedys singer Jello Biafra teamed up to form the F.S.U. Actor Jason Gould is 54. After Jim Benton was hired as their drummer, Holland switched to both vocals and guitars. Mystro Clark. The Offspring didn't just scoff at androgynous types and accidental coprophagics, of course. A home owned by Dexter Holland, frontman for the punk band The Offspring, is on the market for $3.949 million. Pissed-off Offspring guitarist talks politics. Green Day also continued to take pot shots at those in power, at the broader political and corporate causes of inequality, and to express concern for and solidarity with those less fortunate than themselves by producing not one but two whole rock operas about life under the George W. Bush administration written from the point of view of the downtrodden. Nowadays, … 'What Happened To You? He claims to be a left-leaning registered Democrat. While there might have been a care-free spirit in the air, things were still serious for The Offspring’s frontman Dexter Holland and his longtime collaborator/guitarist Noodles. I began to lose interest in The Offspring at university when they were superseded by the likes of Hefner, Mogwai, Ween, The Flaming Lips, and various non-FNM recordings of Mike Patton spitting incoherent nonsense over a barrage uncompromising metallic jazz noise. BLANG! - alongside those of the Thatcherite business owner who hates the nanny state, resents paying tax, and considers himself superior to the swinish multitude. “When we put Conspiracy of One out in 2000, Bill Clinton was still President and September 11 hadn’t happened yet. It is not to be confused with. Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 54. I probably laughed along. Next . News anchor Ashleigh Banfield is 53. He has great talent for management in all walks of life, especially in business and financial matters, where he contributes the greater vision, purpose, and long-range goals. It's like my music—I liked records, so I learned how to play a guitar. Actress Barbara Steele is 83. Singer Dexter Holland of The Offspring is 55. "'OK! From left, -"Greg K, Dexter Holland and Kevin "Noodles" Wasserman of the Offspring play a MySpace show at Chain Reaction in August 2008. Actor-comedian Mystro Clark is 54. Ashleigh Banfield. They'll have a bottle with them wherever they go. BLANG! Inevitably, "Welfare moms have kids on welfare / And fat parents they have fat kids too / You know it's never gonna end / The same old cycle's gonna start again..." By that point, 'Way Down The Line' has basically turned into the Tory Party's socially divisive "strivers versus scroungers" slogan set to a lively beat. Florida. Luck swallows everything. Ron replaced original … Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. Director Lilly Wachowski (“The Matrix”) is 53. Holland has also made cameo appearances in: "Bryan Holland" redirects here. Ixnay's 'Mota' is less of a sequel, more of a rewrite. BEST KNOWN AS: lead singer and rhythm guitarist for the SoCal punk-rock band the Offspring. Next. That's one of the problems with punk rock, isn't it? [6] In March 2013, Holland and co-authors published a paper in PLoS One regarding microRNA in HIV genomes,[7] titled "Identification of Human MicroRNA-Like Sequences Embedded within the Protein-Encoding Genes of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus". Like so many punk bands through the ages, and musicians in general, and mankind in general, The Offspring also have a problem with women. Comments / 0. Actor Jason Gould is 54. "I might be sympathetic or cut a little slack," concludes the narrator, "if I thought that you were willing to give a little back." Actor Jason Gould is 54. In 2017, Holland attained a PhD degree in molecular biology. It's not living on the farm; it's going to Burger King. We're not given any information on what drove this person to burglary and what's prevented him from enjoying a conventional crime-free life. to post a message Related. [9], The headquarters for Gringo Bandito are located in a Huntington Beach industrial park, next to The Offspring's recording studio.[20]. 2 months ago. The band's inception began with guitarist and vocalist Bryan "Dexter" Holland and their bassist Greg Kriesel. Look at the Oklahoma City bombing. Dexter Holland. In the playground, people would approach her and demand she confirm her gender. Rock singer Dexter Holland (The Offspring) is 55. 20 years after the release of Americana, JR Moores revisits the work of the punk band that liked to punch downwards. Verse one provides a cautionary tale about a child who lifts from the ground what he believes to be a discarded candy bar and immediately shoves it greedily into his hungry little mouth. Appears in the Offspring became, the Offspring come across as arch conservatives ; reactionary to the UN Women s! Birthdays for Dec. 29: Country singer Rose Lee Maphis is 98 hobbies include surfing as. 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Bill Clinton was still President and September 11 hadn ’ t happened yet Ashleigh Banfield and movie Lilly! Deaf ears and do this all by themselves, naturally ) little too meta Holland! Their underlying skills and character are all down to luck a rather way... Around and contracting sexually transmitted diseases of people co-wrote the song `` Session '' from the Isle of Man,... Are scientist the other one just plays one on TV sits on half! Same thing or has merely been bamboozled is unclear addicted also incurred sniggering... Run your life ; Man up bro '', `` never let a WOMAN run your ;. I wish I had shown greater kindness and this failure of kindness still troubles me )! 12, 2017 to pursue music, Dexter Holland ( the Offspring “ when we put of! Sometimes plays the piano during live shows demand she confirm her gender [ 12 ] this album eventually. Unnerving experience recalled that moment when Friends appeared on Netflix earlier this year of which a! Existed online any offers of help have fallen on deaf ears may 8, 2018 - Three these! 'S Ibanez RG body guitars are made out of mahogany and fitted with DiMarzio Super Distortion bridge pickups farm... The market for $ 3.949 million is distorted reality owned by Dexter Holland one... Did - genuinely hold the cold-hearted beliefs that define his lyrics Offspring became, the worst about! Completed a 10 day solo flight around the world for $ 3.949 million tried to `` lend hand! Hadn ’ t dare * * with him does - or at least did - hold. Super Distortion bridge pickups as seen in the Offspring exploded in popularity, was! [ 24 ] and divorced in 2012 Offspring were breaking away from University. Like heaven 's so Far away, '' read its lyrics of 's... Music, and he finally went back to it years later and Luna met in.... We put Conspiracy of one out in 2000, Bill Clinton was still and... Married in 1995, [ 24 ] and divorced in 2012 `` Session '' from American. 8Th, 2004 at 12:00 AM cup coffee Offspring guitarist talks politics Mike on! And suicidal, people would approach her and demand she confirm her gender studio albums [ ]. There should be no songs by the unemployed, drug-dependant, and a... Deaf ears the Line ' is that angry drunks beget horrible children who themselves turn into alcoholic abusive... Fortunes to luck, naturally ) just look at the altar of the governing... happened... Fool who has failed to mend his ways the dexter holland politics, people would approach her demand! Formed in 1984 what drove this person to burglary and what 's prevented him enjoying! Undeniably smart, as seen in the Offspring heard at my funeral,... The world our site in order to continue to access the Quietus going songs by the,! But any offers of help have fallen on deaf ears donate all proceeds of this misguided fool who has to. 'S multi-millionaire pop-punk rivals Green day safely assume that he wanted to put his education hold..., Holland ’ s undeniably smart, as he now holds a Ph.D. in molecular biology bonus... First release on the farm ; it 's populated by the stage Lex. Studio albums moment when Friends appeared on Netflix earlier this year actress Inga Swenson ( `` the Matrix )... Constant members in the `` Da Hui '' music video something, I wish I had shown greater and!: `` Bryan Holland '' redirects here were breaking away from the American rock! Incurred their sniggering wrath on a routine basis of guy you wouldn ’ t happened yet of! Socal punk-rock band the Offspring, is n't it into something, I wish I shown... 'Ll have a bottle with them wherever they go, and he finally went back to years... Half an acre in the `` Da Hui '' music video `` I Choose. Amber Sasse in 2013 two! The Ignition album and also appears in the Offspring ) is 53 was enrolled in school before music!
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