I've five books of him, but unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever read any of them. I've five books of him, but unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever read any of them. I like the descriptions of some of the insalubrious characters who are easy to picture. Jo Nesbø is a bestselling Norwegian author and musician. The lead character Olav Johansen is a seasoned criminal with a sordid past and whose one success in life is as a 'fixer'. The whole novella is a great combination of love, doubt, greed and blood hunting!!! Looking forward to reading the Harry Hole series next. This is the story of Olav: an extremely talented “fixer” for one of Oslo’s most powerful crime bosses. This is a well written and intriguing novella about Olav, a fixer or contract killer, with a kind heart. The turn that the second to last chapter took was just bizarre. When i read Redbreast i thought it was pretty amazing even though I'd skimmed last few pages- I rated it four stars here because I thought I'd miss. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Protagonist and anti-hero, Olav, has worked for Daniel Hoffmann for. Deserves to be a smash... A perfectly pitched thriller. “What loneliness is more lonely than distrust?”. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The official website for Jo Nesbo, author of the Harry Hole detective crime novels including The Bat, The Snowman and more bestselling thrillers, Blood on Snow and Midnight Sun. But there are two problems. Least favorite Nesbo book. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I love the main character, Olav. Sure. Quite different from other work by Nesbo that I've read, this short novel is a psychological thriller about an Oslo hitman ("fixer"), Olav. A friend has been recommending the novels of Jo Nesbo to me for a while, so when I saw “Blood on Snow” at my local bookstore I picked it up. ... How do series work? April 7th 2015 More Nordic Noir! Documentary covering Stalin and the Soviet Unions war with Nazi Germany. Publication Order of Harry Hole Books. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But this time his target is the beautiful young wife of his boss due to her infidelity. (Series Order Book 33) - Kindle edition by Book List Guru. Russia's War: Blood Upon the Snow. In such a few pages, Nesbo created one of the most complex characters in his oeurve. A stand-alone novel about a hitman with dark, ironic humor and laments on love and death. [I don't understand at all what happened at the end. This is classic noir, folks. It's a fast read, but it felt like a first draft of a novella, rather than a completed work. I feel like this would have worked better in a movie, and it wasn’t that it didn’t work, but the whole finding out that the very end was just the imagination of a dying Olav, and then seeing how it actually ended up from the girl’s point of view was kind of jarring for the type of novel this was. Nesbø graduated from the Norwegian School of Economics with a degree in economics. BLOOD ON SNOW (the title is explained in the book’s opening paragraph) is narrated by a brutally effective fixer named Olav, who is in the employ of Daniel Hoffman, one of Oslo’s most successful crime bosses. Read More £2.99 (includes VAT) Buy now with 1-Click . This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Honestly, I didn’t see what all the fuss was about. 1 review Jo Nesbo Books in Order How to Make Great Thrillers Even Better! His boss orders Olav to kill his wife, and things get very strange as Olav disobeys orders and finds himself caught in the cross-hairs of Oslo's underworld. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. My advise is to stick with Nesbo's Harry Hole series. Now he’s finally met the woman of his dreams. To create a series or add a work to it, go to a "work" page. Registered office: 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, SW1V 2SA UK. This relatively slim novel is a stand-alone from Jo Nesbo, the creator of the great series featuring Norwegian homicide detective Harry Hole. As one might expect from a Nesbø work, Olav is complicated, full of emotions that might seem contradictory but ultimately mesh. Could it have been marketed differently? However, when I heard he had recently released a stand-alone thriller. In 2007 Nesbø also released his first children's book, Dokt. There has also been standalone novels written by Jo Nesbo, including Headhunters and The White Hotel which do not feature any of Nesbo’s recurring characters. These cookies do not store any personal information. The undisputed king of Scandinavian crime fiction... Penguin Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Cookie Policy. Blood on Snow (2 book series) Kindle Edition. Normally this is not a problem. Olav lives the lonely life of a fixer.When you ‘fix’ people for a living, terminally, it’s hard to get close to anyone. Perfect for a sunny day, or a cozy winter weekend by the fire. Olav is a fixer for a high-profile crime kingpin in 1970s Oslo. He easily takes care of anyone who causes trouble for his boss. Really good stuff. [ But honestly the story does not really stretches too long and neither does it outstay it welcome. “Blood on Snow: a Novel” by Jo Nesbo is a first-person tale told by Olav Johansen, a young hit-man (he kills people for a living) who is employed by one of the two big-time competing heroin mafia type king-pins in Oslo, Norway. Series: Blood on Snow. I thought his little experiment with the first person narrative was his most lyrical novel(la?) Synopsis. Upon finishing the story, one's thoughts are drawn back to the events described in an effort to discern what might have been "real" and what was not. byJo Nesbo (Author) , Neil Smith (Translator) From Book 1: From the internationally acclaimed author of the Harry Hole novels—a fast, tight, darkly lyrical stand-alone novel that has at its center the perfectly sympathetic antihero: an Oslo contract killer who draws us into an unexpected meditation on death and love. The few people he had to kill were not worth grieving over. This stand-alone novella from the author of the popular series about Norwegian detective Harry Hole gives you the interior view of the minimalist life of Olav, who has the job as “fixer” for a powerful gangster in Oslo. Nesbø graduated from the Norwegian School of Economics with a degree in economics. Der Auftrag Blood on Snow (Series) Book 1 Jo Nesbø Author Günther Frauenlob Translator (2015) Yet the most intriguing kind … In 2007 Nesbø also released his first children's book, Doktor Proktors Prompepulver. My first experience with Jo Nesbo came about two years ago when I received his first Harry Hole novel, The Bat, as a gift. Start by marking “Blood on Snow (Blood on Snow, #1)” as Want to Read: Error rating book. Plachtila vzhůru s vlasy rozevlátými, ale v příliš příkrém úhlu, takže zasáhla strop, odrazila se opět na schody a kutálela se zpátky k nám s křupáním, jako když lžičkou rozbíjíte skořápku vajíčka natvrdo. About Blood on Snow. This first American edition is signed by Jo Nesbo. Absolutely. This stand-alone novella from the author of the popular series about Norwegian detective Harry Hole gives you the interior view of the minimalist life of Olav, who has the job as “fixer” for a powerful gangster in Oslo. His Harry Hole novels are a favourite. This has lots of atmospherics, dialog, and suspense, brought out very effectively in the audiobook version read by Patti Smith. . Nesbo's as usual exhausting the reader with his over-the-top imagery, blood-bath-ery, badassery, and every other kind of assery unimaginable out there. The Bat. Buy Blood on Snow by Nesbo, Jo (ISBN: 9781846558603) from Amazon's Book Store. It was also announced in October 2013 that Warner Brothers had bought the rights to Blood on Snow and planned to make a screen adaptation, to be produced by and possibly starring Leonardo DiCaprio. He's a fixer, but he has a conscience and I love a little dark humor when someone is on the chopping block. Welcome back. Nesbø is primarily famous for his crime novels about Detective Harry Hole, but he is also the main vocals and songwriter for the Norwegian rock band Di Derre. A perfect crime novella from Jo Nesbo. . There are moments in “Blood on Snow” when Mr. Nesbo’s much-heralded gifts are on display — using his talent for conjuring the chilly Munch-like … Any idea why such an excellent writer wrote this bull, anyone?? The books Blood on Snow and its sequel Midnight Sun: Blood on Snow 2 were published in 2015, but under Jo Nesbø's name. "Blood on Snow" may be read in a single sitting, but it is a masterful Nesbo work, a jewel, that explores the complex relationship between reality and perception. Series by cover : Works (3) Titles: Order: Blood on Snow by Jo Nesbo: 1: Midnight Sun by Jo Nesbo: 2: Blood on Snow [and] Midnight Sun by Jo Nesbo: Omnibus 1 & 2: Series Information Translate Series Title. Troubled background. And Blood on Snow is indeed horribly potent. Get the Audible Audio Editions of the Blood on Snow series from the Audible.co.uk online audiobook store To see what your friends thought of this book, Interesting reaction. This is classic noir, folks. Registered number: 861590 England. To help you sleuth out a new read, we asked five of the season’s hottest... From the internationally acclaimed author of the Harry Hole novels—a fast, tight, darkly lyrical stand-alone novel that has at its center the perfectly sympathetic antihero: an Oslo contract killer who draws us into an unexpected meditation on death and love. A professional hit man is a challenging topic for a crime writer, especially one as steeped in gore as Norwegian author Jo Nesbo. Download the Blood on Snow audiobook series and listen anywhere, anytime on your iPhone, Android or Windows device. Never having been introduced to the legendary Harry Hole or having read Jo Nesbo before I had few preconceptions ahead of reading Blood on Snow and hence for me, meeting "fixer" Olav in this clever noir thriller was an unexpected delight. Jo Nesbø, Patti Smith. An enjoyable (and very dark) read with a sympathetic anti-hero. I kind of saw the betrayal coming, and I had a feeling that things weren’t going to go well for Olav (although i held out the idea that maybe they would and Nesbo would keep him alive for a sequel), and none of it was all that surprising—but then following up the penultimate chapter with how the book actually wraps up was just a what the fuck did you just do kind of moment. It was a enjoyable read. One does not often hear the phrase “hitman with a heart of gold,” but that seems the best way to describe Jo Nesbø's excellent “Blood on Snow.”. The protagonist is a contract killer named Olav who works for a crime boss in Oslo. Troubled background. When i read Redbreast i thought it was pretty amazing even though I'd skimmed last few pages- I rated it four stars here because I thought I'd missed something and I'm the one to blame. People die left, right and centre in Blood on Snow, but Nesbo certainly does not revel in the gore factor. Now he’s finally met the woman of his dreams. Complex, ruthless hitman with the capacity to love. Olav Johansen is a walking contradiction: He’s a cold-blooded killer with a heart of gold. Olav is one of the best "fixers" in the business and approaches his work with a cold-blooded efficiency until he is given the job of killing a woman who has taken a lover, thus infuriating her husband. A contract killer with a soft-centre might sound mutually exclusive but that is until readers meet Olav who narrates this short offering set in the brutal chill of a pre-Christmas Olso in 1976. He has fallen into this job, but failing at most others for various reasons, such as dyslexia and a tender heart. Blood on Snow. He acquired the position by default after inadequacies in other positions such as pimp or getaway driver. ©1995 - 2021 Penguin Books Ltd. I can't say that I would have paid the full $23.95 for this book (I bought it $0.01 on Amazon), but I can say that all the negative feedback is a bit overdone. This was my first Nesbø book, so I didn't know what to expect. Nods to Andrew Vachss, Jim Thompson, and Dashiell Hammet. Can someone please explain the ending to me?! Dark, shadowy streets. yet. But was it a great story? I don’t actually know a lot about snow—or much else, for that matter—but I’ve read that snow crystals formed when it’s really cold are completely different from wet snow, heavy flakes, or the crunchy stuff. Books in this series (2 Books) Hide books already in your library (0) 1 Blood on Snow (9 Apr 2015) by Jo Nesbo 3.3 out of 5 stars £2.99 ... comes Jo Nesbo’s Blood on Snow. EVERY THOUSAND YEARS THE VAMPIRE QUEEN SELECTS A NEW BODY, ALWAYS THE FAIREST IN THE LAND, AND THIS TIME SHE'S CHOSEN SNOW WHITE. It’s related to Contract Killing. Blood on Snow is the first of a new series and it's an excellent beginning. I've read and enjoyed every adult book Jo Nesbo has written. Femme fatale, Rival crime. When I was on thriller binge, like two years ago, I heard about Nesbo and bought bunch of his books, all pretty lengthy, his name written with big fonts on the spine of the book. Summer is a great time to lose yourself in a page-turning mystery. I tried this novella, which is not a Harry Hole book, just to try out if there's a tiny hope that i can get into Nesbo, looks like that gate's closed. Complex, ruthless hitman with the capacity to love. Protagonist and anti-hero, Olav, has worked for Daniel Hoffmann for four-years and has finally found his ideal role; namely "fixing" (read killing) those who get in the way of Hoffmann's burgeoning empire. Volume 4 in the BLOOD AND SNOW series. Thanks! You can all but hear the mournful sax serenading the snowflakes. Never having been introduced to the legendary Harry Hole or having read Jo Nesbo before I had few preconceptions ahead of reading Blood on Snow and hence for me, meeting "fixer" Olav in this clever noir thriller was an unexpected delight. “Dán několikrát zatočil vlasy, jedním krokem se odrazil, rozmáchl se paží podél těla jako hráč bowlingu a hlavu pustil. His moral compunction has seen him fail as a getaway driver, robber and a pimp, due largely to his sensitive nature and obvious scruples. It is an excellent & quick read. Interesting reaction. She’s his boss’ wife. He was born in Oslo and grew up in Molde. The storytelling, characters, descriptions, dialogues and whole action somehow reminded me of Quentin Tarantino movies. Jo Nesbo Books in Order: Harry Hole series, Blood On Snow series, Doctor Proctor series, all standalone novels, plus, a Jo Nesbo biography. Jo Nesbø is a bestselling Norwegian author and musician. From $3.79 #2. by Knopf. This is the 1st book in the 'Blood on Snow' series by Jo Nesbo. When I was on thriller binge, like two years ago, I heard about Nesbo and bought bunch of his books, all pretty lengthy, his name written with big fonts on the spine of the book. When you ‘fix’ people for a living – terminally – it’s hard to get close to anyone. I did not care for the ending. The first book in the series, Blood on Snow, was published in 2015, followed by the second book in the series, Midnight Sun the same year. Snow White lives in Salem, Massachusetts with her dad, stepmother, and her cat, Gatsby. A fast, tight, darkly lyrical stand-alone novel that has at its center the perfectly sympathetic antihero: an Oslo contract killer who draws us into an unexpected meditation on death and love. Blood Soaked Promises book. Blood on Snow Publisher's Summary. I came across this article about the origin of Scandinavian noir: Can someone explain to me what happened in this story? He is employed by the drug baron Daniel Hoffmann to kill his wife Corina Hoffman who he suspects of adultery. … It's gradually revealed in the last 50 pages that Olav is a really, really, really unreliable narrator. [ is weird. 2015 Amazon Books of the Month in Mystery/Thriller/Suspense, Meet the Authors of Summer’s Hottest Mysteries. Refresh and try again. Blood on Snow. If you could see my bookshelves (real bookshelf), Jo Nesbo is the first name you'd read. But I've also enjoyed the stand alones - including his newest book - Blood on Snow. His actions lead him inevitably to a deadly breach with his boss, and has to seek recourse with his competitor in the heroin trade, known as “The Fisherman”. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. [Towards the end of the novel Olav says that he doesn’t have a boss, he just has a guy he does jobs for. For his employer, he “fixes” those who don’t pay their debts. However, Hoffmann's next commission for Olav proves not nearly so simple, namely "fixing" the enchanting Mrs Corina Hoffmann, second wife of the boss. The Blood on Snow book series by Jo Nesbø and Patti Smith includes books Blood on Snow and Mere blod. Abandoning his 'gift for subordination' sees Olav proving a true knight in shining armour and shooting Corina's lover, awkwardly Hoffmann's eldest son, thereby resulting in the unlikely duo hiding out together and Olav with a very large price on his head. This is the most comprehensive Jo Nesbo book order and checklist available. Blood on Snow (2 book series) Kindle Edition. [An] incendiary cocktail of murder, revenge and a hitman with multiple problems. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. He acquired the position by default after inadequacies in other positions such as pimp or getaway driver. But what Olav can do is the straightforward dispatching of the minions of Hoffmann's prime competitor in the drugs trade (the Fisherman). In spying on her, Olav can’t help feeling empathy and attraction for her. A surprisingly satisfying tale of a hitman with a human heart and the capacity to take risks out of love and an emerging sense of justice. A contract killer with a soft-centre might sound mutually exclusive but that is until readers meet Olav who narrates this short offering set in the brutal chill of a pre-Christmas Olso in 1976. We’d love your help. Her entire life she's been teased for her fairy tale n And Olav’s just been hired to kill her. I found that the story was all over the map like a dysfunctional GPS. (1997) Hardcover Paperback Kindle. Directed by Tobey Maguire. Drink your true love's blood, become the Vampire, Snow White." It is an odd feeling to hold in your hands a relatively slim Jo Nesbø novel when you are accustomed to the Norwegian author’s substantial Harry Hole series.Odd and a little unnerving; like being handed a lean viper instead of a familiar big python. An easy, quick read and if you like Jo Nesbo then definitely worth your while. My first Nesbo read and I really enjoyed the style. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Nesbø is primarily famous for his crime novels about Detective Harry Hole, but he is also the main vocals and songwriter for the Norwegian rock band Di Derre. Glad I took the chance on it and didn't pay attention to all shrill criticism. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Grammy Award Nominee for Best Spoken Word Album (2016). He was born in Oslo and grew up in Molde. A surprisingly satisfying tale of a hitman with a human heart and the capacity to take risks out of love and an emerging sense of justice. Watching the man's blood drain into a snow bank, Johansen gives us a coolly delivered deposition on the nature of snow crystals in extremely cold … Whether a fairytale love story blossoms between Olav and Corina is for readers to discover but along the way expect plenty of bloodshed (albeit without any real gratuitous detail). 2 Books #1. Cockroaches. This is the 1st book in the 'Blood on Snow' series by Jo Nesbo. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Really a novella. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Read 72 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. I don't read enough of Jo Nesbo! Would never have started following this author if I'd read this one first. See the complete Blood on Snow series book list in order, box sets or omnibus editions, and companion titles. If you could see my bookshelves (real bookshelf), Jo Nesbo is the first name you'd read. Praise for Jo Nesbø and Blood on Snow “[A] tangled tale with a fateful twist.” —The Boston Globe “Nesbø’s much-heralded gifts are on display—using his talent for conjuring the chilly Munch-like atmospherics of Oslo in the winter and his eye for grisly, alarming details that slam home the horror of the evil that men do.” I never went and looked through Jo Nesbo’s page of books he had written on Goodreads, and I only know him because of his Harry Hole novels, but he writes other books, too. I liked Olav, the main character, the'fixer' who falls in love too easily, which also seems to be his biggest weakness. The few people he had to kill were. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Just as he rewrote Les Miserables in his mind. Olav Johansen Blood on Snow (Blood on Snow, #1), Midnight Sun (Blood on Snow, #2), and Αίμα στο χιόνι + Περισσότερο αίμα Also, quite broken, disturbed, psychotic characters seems to be Nesbo forte. Femme fatale, Rival crime bosses. I like the occasional black humour and there are some interesting twists. This is a really short book and before you know it you are looking at the last page and are wondering where time went. Title: Blood on Snow Author: Jo Nesbø, Neil Smith Series: Blood on Snow #1 Also in this series: Midnight Sun Genre: Contemporary Crime Fiction, Dark-theme, Suspense Elements Published by: Knopf ISBN: 0385354193 Published on: 7 April, 2015 Format:Paperback Source: Self-Purchased Pages: 207 Audio Length: 3 Hours: 58 minutes Blood was dripping down onto the snow from the bottom of his shirt. . But he is more complicated than he seems. 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