A little bit about me is that I'm currently a student at OC in Washington, my prereq GPA for UW's required classes is about a 3.81 and my cumulative GPA is a 3.7. Catalog 2019-20: Nursing & Healthcare Leadership. Download our PowerPoint presentation or listen to a previously recorded session to gain insight on how to submit a highly-competitive application.. Online session by topic. Apr 15, 2019. The BSN program prepares graduates to: Integrate concepts and ways of knowing from the arts and sciences in promoting health and managing nursing care across the wellness-illness continuum. Armed with the crucial skills, this community of nurses is already improving the health of their communities. Enter your account email and password. and I JUMPED on the opportunity and sent her a document with a bunch of patient experience stories I've had as an MA. Many of our BSN graduates continue on to graduate nursing study and careers in research, administration, and education. The word count was horrible. BSN applicants must have: A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 for all completed college-level coursework; Completed 90 quarter hour credits by the time you begin the BSN program, including: . November 4, 2019 News The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) awarded the 2019 Innovations in Professional Nursing Education Award for Public Colleges and Universities to the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Bachelor of Science in Nursing program offered through the UW Flexible Option. You work with knowledgeable faculty who respect your expertise and you will also have a dedicated mentor to help you in the program. Learn about UW Bothell's RN-to-BSN program. Is anyone else applying to the traditional BSN after being rejected or waitlisted for the ABSN? Call 608-262-2011 Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. CT; Fridays, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; by appointment; or email, 2019 Innovations in Professional Nursing Education Award for Public Colleges and Universities. Now the waiting begins. You must take 1-2 (or more) courses for General Chemistry; 1 Since the UW Flexible Option is not a traditional term-based program, you can get started on the first day of any month! Beserk, you're totally right. Marc Studer photo. is not a traditional term-based program, you can get started on the first day of any month! Ugh! I recently just started my first job as a medical assistant and was able to complete general Bio (not a prereq for UW, but hopefully will strengthen my application) and Nutrition...now organic chem and A&p to go. Catalog 2019-20: Nursing & Healthcare Leadership. I was so glad that those got put those in my application somehow lol. I had applied to UW SON last fall and got waitlisted due to the cut in the number of students accepted. Fresno City College Fall 2021/Spring 2022, Mountain View College Fall 2021 Nursing Program. All Rights Reserved. I'm currently a UW student and this will be my first time applying as well :), By the time of my application, I'll have a cumulative gpa of around a ~3.65, but my prereq gpa will most likely be around a ~3.3. “With UW Flexible Option, you’ll earn your degree from the prestigious UW-Milwaukee College of Nursing, the largest in Wisconsin,” Dean Litwack said. Hello! Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. My recommender submitted my letter just before too LOL. The competency-based curriculum is designed to build on your expertise. *screams*. All in all I have around 200 hours(which is nothing compared to what I've seen on these threads) and I'm a veteran! Designed for nurses who already have an RN, our rigorous RN-to-BSN program will educate nurses and help them earn their BSN in as little as four quarters. This award recognizes the outstanding work of AACN member schools to re-envision traditional models for nursing education and lead programmatic change. 10/30/2019 Miriam Witt. The UW Flexible Option was designed for busy working professionals as an alternative to the traditional campus-based classroom and other online formats. I really, really hope she counts as a nurse in the committees eyes... allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site. Hello everyone, who is preparing to apply for the UW ABSN program? Hopefully they bring the number of accepted back up to the original 96! Specializes in around 25 years psych, 10 years medical. Check your eligibility. I'm posting here to get any feedback from previous UWSoN students or current prenursing students who are applying for the 2019 cohort. Students transferring to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, as well as students who already have a bachelor’s degree and wish to earn a second degree in nursing, also apply to the Traditional BSN program via the Upper Division Admission option. University of Wisconsin Extended Campus, 1-877-895-3276 BSN Overview; BSN Prerequisites For pre-major admission for a quarter other than summer or autumn, contact the BSN advisor before applying. UW Changes Lives: Got a bachelor’s? When I look back at old threads and people talking about how there are "omg 450 applicants" it makes me want to laugh! Does it make anyone else antsy that applications open in October?? Nurse 1-2-1 allows high school graduates to earn a four-year bachelor of science in Nursing (BSN). Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. I have a few hundred hours of volunteering at a blood center and at a summer camp for medically complex children. Site menu: Section Menu Toggler. Almost all required coursework is completed online. 1. I think every year the number of people applying grows...last year it was 640 and they had only 64 SPOTS. The RN to BSN program, called the BSN@Home program, is for Registered Nurses who already have an associate's degree or diploma in nursing and wish to earn the bachelor of science in nursing degree.. The online BSN@HOME Collaborative is available through the combined resources of the nursing programs at the UW campuses in Green Bay, Eau Claire, Madison, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, and Stevens Point. ... BSN students are required to maintain satisfactory progress meeting the university and program standards in their pursuit of the BSN degree, defined as achieving a minimum grade of 2.0 in all nursing, nursing-related and required courses. Thanks NICUR, I decided to put it in. I got one of the nurse practitioners I work with to write mine. University of Washington. Applicants intended to relocate to another state that participates in the NLC may want to consider a multi-state license. Eddie, welcome to the gang. member schools to re-envision traditional models for nursing education and lead programmatic change. Good luck to both of you guys applying, hopefully we all will get in haha xD, orange, I wouldn't worry about that prereq GPA much at all. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing with the application. Holly Miller (BSN '82; MS '96) President-Elect. The Nursing Program takes a registered nurse, licensed in Washington State, to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) degree. I did that and I shunted all the stuff about my observations of nurses into my resume. The BSN is awarded by the home institution, in this case UW-Green Bay. allnurses.com, INC, 7900 International Drive #300, Bloomington MN 55425 The Traditional BSN program is designed to prepare entry-level nurses to work … Thank you! The knowledge and skills you’ve gained in your career may help you progress through this direct assessment program faster. Hi hdak, I too am applying for UW BSN 2019!! “And, you learn from the same exceptional faculty who teach in our on-campus programs—a college with active practitioners.”. Also the statement!! Application was turned in last week. How about the rest of y'all? 80 is definitely better than 64, though! “And, you learn from the same exceptional faculty who teach in our on-campus programs—a college with active practitioners.”. I've been working as a cna at a nursing home for about 9 months so far and have been volunteering at other hospitals as well, so perhaps I'll reach around 1000 healthcare hours by the time I apply. *screams* My stats: At time of application, will have General Chem, Organic Chem, A&P I and Nutrition complete. UW Tri-Campus BSN Program Goals. I will also be reapply for the 2019 cohort. In order to be considered for the award, UW-Milwaukee demonstrated that the UW Flexible Option RN-to-BSN degree is a programmatic innovation and: Our enrollment advisers are available to answer any questions you have about the UW Flexible Option Bachelor of Science in Nursing program and admissions process. However, I was still in "School" at the time...what do you think? Did you have a nurse do it? Applicants completing these courses at other schools are often required to take a General Chemistry series to be eligible to take Organic Chemistry. Happy Holidays! Tagged With: University Of Wisconsin, University Of Wisconsin-milwaukee, Uw Flexible Option, online degree, bsn online, Nursing Bachelor's Degree, Nursing (RN to BSN), BSN, online nursing degree, RN to BSN, UW, ACCN, Flexible Option Enrollment Team The knowledge and skills you’ve gained in your career may help you progress through this direct assessment program faster. Site menu: Section Menu Toggler. Posted in Announcements Tagged Accelerated BSN, BSN@Home, DNP, nursing, PhD, Pre-Nursing, Traditional BSN, VA Madison Area Student Nurses Association Conference is April 27 Posted on 03/29/2019 Four weeks left!! So here we go again.......Yay! UW Transfer BSN 2019. So! The BSN@Home program is a collaboration of nursing programs at six UW–System institutions: Madison, Eau Claire, Green Bay, Milwaukee, Oshkosh, and Stevens Point. For my personal statement, I ended up with 1,000 words on the dot.. then had some friends already in the program or who are already nurses read it, and had to make my edits accordingly. Applications start on August 2018 and school starts on June 18th 2019. Submitted my app a few days ago, hope everyone else got it in on time too! Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) awarded the, . The University of Wisconsin System is comprised of UW-Eau Claire, UW-Green Bay, UW-La Crosse, UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, UW-Oshkosh, UW-Parkside, UW-Platteville, UW-River Falls, UW-Stevens Point, UW-Stout, UW-Superior, UW-Whitewater and UW Extended Campus. As a BSN student, you will gain conceptual knowledge and apply it through hands-on experiences in simulation labs and real-world care settings. Just received the invite! On 12/22/2019 at 5:47 PM, Lauren Siler said: I am hoping to start a thread for University of Washington’s BSN program for Fall 2020. What are your strategies in … And especially with how the number admitted have been reduced for last year and this year. Fax: 608-262-4096, A Collaboration of the University of Wisconsin System. In Year 1, take courses at UW-Green Bay; Years 2 and 3 at NWTC to earn an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN); and UW-Green Bay for Year 4 to complete the BSN degree. I can't believe the 2019 thread has already begun!! and is approved through the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. The first class of students in the accelerated bachelor’s of science in nursing at the School of Nursing graduated in May 2019, after a year of intensive training. Wisconsin is a member state of the Nurse License Compact. The only problem now is that my resume is sitting at 1200 words...and I don't honestly know yet how I'll trim it. BSN@Home. Currently doing my clinical externship as a medical assistant and will be able to start working as one in September or end of August. Password | Back to home Site menu: Section Menu Toggler. Basic BSN Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I hope more people show up soon!! Information on this page is applicable for: 2018-2019 Seniors Only . Eligible students must have a current RN license from any state in the U.S. University of Washington. My best piece of advice I received for writing my essay was the use 1-2 sentences max to explain what happened in each of your examples, and the rest should be reflection. Granted those may not look too impressive compared to other people but I thought it might make me seem a more 'well rounded' individual. Haaaa!How was the application process for everyone else? Priority deadline is March 15 Apply Now! For folks who've done CNA or any kind of healthcare training programs, are you including your clinical hours/externships under Healthcare experience in your resume? My cumulative GPA is 3.85, and my prereq GPA is currently, well, a 4.0 because Gen Chem is the only one I have completed so far. You can join this skilled workforce of nurses who are influencing patient outcomes around the country. The UW Oshkosh Accelerated BSN Option was the first accelerated nursing program of its kind in the United States. Plus, there’s no group work! So many choices! Just like traditional UW-Milwaukee nursing programs, this UW Flexible Option program is accredited through the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and is approved through the Wisconsin State Board of Nursing. Weren't the recommender questions just wild?? I just submitted mine last night at midnight in a total panic. I didn't have the space to mention anything about my volunteering either, prioritizing my experiences working as a CNA instead. new thoughts. If I think about it, I guess my essay was more geared towards that as well. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. “The UW Flexible Option provides an innovative way Wisconsin’s busy nurses can build on their nursing experience while expanding their critical thinking, leadership, and reflective practice skills.”. Online session. My extremely delayed response: doing okay! Copyright © 2021 Board of Regents - University of Wisconsin System. If you want to start from the beginning Go to First Page. Academic Standards/Policies. He also said last time was 610 applicants and they expect around 700 this year. Every bit helps. I never want to hear the words "word count' ever again...it was so agonizing to be wrestling with it and throwing out potentially vital information. Hi Nicurn! BSN students are required to maintain satisfactory progress meeting the university and program standards in their pursuit of the BSN degree, defined as achieving a minimum grade of 2.0 in all nursing, nursing-related and required courses. The 2021 BSN Applications are Open! The curriculum includes general education (18 credits), nursing support courses (12-15 credits), and upper level RN-BSN courses (30 credits). Log in to your account. Catalog 2019-20: Nursing & Healthcare Leadership. Hey everyone! Post was not sent - check your email addresses! School of Nursing. flex@uwex.edu Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Students School Programs. Now it's just a waiting game . About Miller: I received my BSN through UW’s RN-BSN Completion Program in 1982 and my MS in Nursing Education in 1996. This award recognizes the outstanding work of. Have around 600 volunteer hours at Evergreen ER, Kaiser Permanente Mammography, animal shelter, plus teaching and leadership at my mosque and a nonprofit school in my community. Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion. In order to be considered for the award, UW-Milwaukee demonstrated that the, Has executed and sustained this innovation for at least 12 months, Serves as a catalyst for change within the curriculum and/or educational mission of the institution, Has the potential for replication and dissemination, Involves teams of faculty when possible and is consistent with AACN’s mission and vision, Demonstrates advancement of professional nursing education, Our enrollment advisers are available to answer any questions you have about the, program and admissions process. The good thing is, right when my recommender starting working on my letter, she was like "Hey do you have any examples you want me to put in here?" curriculum is designed to build on your expertise. As for volunteer hours, I spent them at a local free clinic, hospital and CNA clinicals. My MA clinical externship was a month long in a cardiology clinic and 160 hours which I feel is quite a bit. 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