Compras Fra Angelico Arte Renascentista Educação Artística Blog De Arte Pinturas Arte Óleo Sobre Tela Monja. Finden Sie Kunstwerke und Informationen zu Hans Memling (deutsch, 1430-1494) auf artnet. SNAC is a discovery service for persons, families, and organizations found within archival collections at cultural heritage institutions. two (2) Provenance. Die Cookies dienen dazu, Ihnen unser Internetangebot anzubieten und nutzerfreundlicher zu gestalten oder Sie für Folgebesuche wiederzuerkennen und Ihr Nutzerverhalten anonymisiert auszuwerten. RDF/XML (MADS and SKOS) N-Triples (MADS and SKOS) JSON (MADS/RDF and SKOS/RDF) MADS - RDF/XML ; MADS - N-Triples; MADS/RDF - JSON; SKOS - RDF/XML; … Sponsors. Memling, Hans 1430?-1494 . Son of Hamann Momilingen and Lucka Momilingen 1487. found: Hans Memling, c1995: p. 25 (b. ca. Auktionsdatum. 1485. oil on panel (57 × 92 cm) — 1470-71 Galleria Sabauda, Turin. (68.5 x 22.4 cm.) But this entry is less important as affording testimony in favour of the preservation of Memling's work than as showing his connection with an older Flemish craftsman. last judgment triptych (detail - ) by Hans Memling (1430-1494, Germany) | Museum Art Reproductions Hans Memling | This recreated Hans Memling replica will be 100% hand-painted by our expert artists on high quality grade canvas. The delicacy of finish in its miniature figures, the variety of its landscapes and costume, the marvellous patience with which its details are given, are all matters of enjoyment to the spectator. Memling served his apprenticeship at Mainz or Cologne, and later worked under Rogier van der Weyden (c. 1455–1460) in Brussels, Duchy of Brabant. In Paintings, furniture and antiques : Europe and... Diese Auktion ist eine LIVE Auktion! ca. Rev. 1430/1440-1494), Christ with Singing and Music-making Angels (central panel), ca. The number of his imitators and followers testifies to his popularity throughout Flanders. This includes data values and the controlled vocabularies that house them. Az utolsó fontos 15. századi művész Hollandiában. Németországban született flamand festő. Hans Memling malt um 1485 die Bathseba im Bad mit dem Spiegel um 1485, Stiftung Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin Historisches Archiv, I.4.040 NL Franz Maria Feldhaus Portrait des Hans Memling - Selbstporträt J. Hemling Fotografie; Druck Hans Memling : Hans Memling bei Karl-Ludwig Weltkunst von Sauer: Das Jüngste Gericht For ages Roger van der Weyden was acknowledged as an artist of the school of Bruges, until records of undisputed authenticity demonstrated that he was bred at Tournai and settled at Brussels. Master of the Saint Ursula Legend. He had moved to the Netherlands by 1465 and spent time in the Brussels workshop of Social Networks and Archival Context. In this altarpiece, which is a triptych ordered for a patron of the house of Sforza, we find the style of Van der Weyden in the central panel of the Crucifixion, and that of Memling in the episodes on the wings. Jan van Eyck és Rogier van der Weyden szellemi örököse. Dec 12, 2012 - HANS MEMLING (1430 - 1494) | Virgin and Child. August 1494 in Brügge; auch Jan van Mimmelynghe, Johannes Memmelinc oder Memlinc, falsch auch Hemling) war ein deutscher Maler der niederländischen Schule. Triptych. 1435/40 in Seligenstadt am Main; painter) p. 26 (d. 1494 in Brugges) Change Notes. Oil on panel Compras Fra Angelico Arte Renascentista Educação Artística Blog De Arte Pinturas Arte Óleo Sobre Tela Monja. Versandkostenfrei. But as we near the close of Memling's career we observe that his practice has become larger than he can compass alone; and, as usual in such cases, the labour of a workshop is substituted for his own. August 1494 in Brügge; auch Jan van Mimmelynghe, Johannes Memmelinc oder Memlinc, falsch auch Hemling) war ein deutscher Maler der niederländischen Schule. Neben dem Schaffen religiöser Werke zeichnet sich Memling auch als ein wichtiger Erneuerer der profanen Porträtmalerei aus. He was born in the Middle Rhine region, and probably spent his childhood in Mainz. Datasets available include LCSH, BIBFRAME, LC Name Authorities, LC Classification, MARC codes, PREMIS vocabularies, ISO language codes, and more.
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