trane ahu clcp catalog

Fan Standard Fan Discharge - 125Hz … Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. Ryan f murphy heating cooling llc the new trane xr16 low pro condensing unit facebook youtube hughes and ventilating air conditioning service indianapolis indiana 125 photos one of best conditioners you can buy 4ttr4042l1000aa. cooling coil in series to meet high. 0000003237 00000 n CLCH-DS-9 January 1999 Second Printing T-Series Climate Changer® Air Handlers CLCH-DS-9 Sizes 3 through 100 ©American Standard Inc. 1999 Contents Features and Benefits… Bộ Xử Lý Không Khí Trane - AHU CLCP045 được nhập khẩu và phân phối chính hãng bởi Điều hòa Thăng Long. xref Trane Climate Changer™ cataloged air handlers span a broad range of capacities, fan, coil, casing, filter and controls options. 0000000696 00000 n 0000019301 00000 n 0000002541 00000 n Trane XV80 2-Stage, Variable Speed Gas-Fired Furnace TUD2 22-1650-13. 0000000016 00000 n air handler design, Trane dramatically increased the flexibility of cataloged air handlers and systems. %PDF-1.5 %���� See the add-on application Block Catalog for AutoCAD 2013 and higher and the add-on application BIM-Families (now in Revit Tools) for Revit 2015 and higher. Header drain and vent. 1 Contents Introduction Model Nomenclature )HDWXUHV DQG %HQH¿WV Quick Select 50mm Casing Construction 25mm Casing Construction General Data Casing Fans and Drives Coils Filters Air Pressure Drop Dimensional Data HDT - Unit Dimensions HDT - Unit Weight VDT - Unit Dimensions VDT - Unit Weight … Trane Centrifugal Water-Cooled Chillers . Với những ưu điểm sau: Điều hòa, chiller Trane, thương hiệu Mỹ, xuất xứ: Thái Lan, hàng đầy đủ CO, CQ, bảo hành chính hãng 12 tháng, hàng có sẵn, giao hàng ngay, miễn phí tư vấn, vận chuyển. Catalogue Sản phẩm TRANE mang đến cho các bạn cái nhìn tổng quan về phạm vi, đặc tính kỹ thuật của các dòng sản phẩm TRANE - Dòng điều hòa công nghiệp số I tại Mỹ. AHU TRANE - Air Handling Unit: CLCP Product Report Tại đây sẽ cung cấp đầy đủ đến bạn đọc thông tin cần quan tâm. Quantum Climate Changer. Learn more . ���QF�Hu���/�,��q�� 1�']!P�[9��?��x)~J[W[(������eM���p�wg)w{��� Điện thoại liên hệ: 0977760186. Your regional Trane office will assist to provide a computerized selection to confirm or complete your preliminary selection. Back to top. Product Description . See Trane Supply’s parts catalog for more OEM and wholesale parts in-store and on the Trane 360° app. �;���{rnq7}����+$���yǧ&��~}s�N12OrsuT���]#���Z>�-�$�H]�~�R�+�ތ:|��`�vT�*��S�n��ʩ(�;f8�"�U�}��|��ɂ�zưHej�$?�,+��u��L��~���8�w$����9���~����-Cc~�ꇓ� ֻ~��8�S v���0�����G��z�G@�? Climate changer air handlers. }��-��),�3 P�6̪ �f ��8w?��P�dcvɏ �TW��=@�4�L�c����O�jƫ�;�N�W�g����-�� CR`~��UYUkt�����J�bK���� �k Trane Geothermal Split System Air Handler Product Data 022-1860-01. 0000009618 00000 n Features and Benefits Ultra Low Leak Construction Unique casing design with panel at-tached to the frame through a selflocking mechanism represented by a wedge and frame, exerting pres-sure evenly onto the panel and the seal attached to the frame, and hence a better air tight cabinet construction. 0 231 0 obj<> endobj 0000011467 00000 n Fan Mod [3]-1. Product Catalog Pg Front Page 1 Tuesday, September 6, 2016 2:01 PM . AHU REV 130705 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Điều hòa Trane đã phát triển gần 150 năm và có mặt hơn 100 quốc gia. Chillers. Coil Face Area 430 7.85 968 1247 1527 17.10 2097 25.81 31.18 3688 42.6g 4839 54.19 53.98 7075 7783 41 91.18 9706 105.16 (040) (057) (0.73) (000) (1.16) (1.42) (1 (240) (2.90) (343) (4.50) (5.04) (5.95) (7 85) (8.48) (9.78) Width 1058 1368 1678 1368 1678 1988 1678 198B 1988 1 gag 2298 … Toggle navigation. Model: CLCP 004. bo xu ly khong khi dieu hoa trane Model AHU. Contact us to find out more. Optimized Coils. Điều hòa Trane. <]>> ... Gửi các bạn catalog của Trane để các bạn có thể hiểu và chọn đc AHU ! startxref 0.5 - 27 m3/s (1000 - 58000 CFM). CLCP Air Handling Unit Climate Changer is an ideal air handling unit for hospitals, universities and other temperature controlled environment. Trane - một công ty toàn cầu trị giá hàng tỷ đô la với khoảng 400 chi nhánh, văn phòng và nhà máy trên toàn cầu nằm ở nhiều quốc gia khác nhau - được công nhận trên toàn thế giới về các sản phẩm chất lượng và công nghệ hàng đầu. Model : CLCP Euro Product Catalogue. and air-conditioning equipmen t can be hazardous and requires specific knowledge an d … Product DLL Version Trane is participating in the EUROVENT CERTIFICATION Programme for Air Handling Units. *��!L��2�l"K��tQ�]���`�����mz�s�s��B$B.�k'b��Ft�ѐ��h7#��#7xOPA1� �畛:Zt�7�c*IM?E�~8y�W��:�w�2L����O���ǫ�H�kbWR���yה�� {l�̮C.�����|���?�3qr{E�E�or���ko,x�]��Ɋ�F�2��k�읇�����۶�t �Մ_�F�/�SK�� �몍�~�X��\��ܪ���*}������;/D�{4���-�� cin����� Em đang mắc ở bước chọn AHU. J�B����1|"��(G�Sq�Y�L�%.���A������d` Y���q� ��X����y�AA�����O8��%W]"���zG���@��HB,#�ji�`�,�у^��d9�����?�\���[&[�ҩ� p�$T*�S.U=ډ�?��9;�CeJ�;�sq��/�`�3�ێ�;�l�"���=����� �a;l~>ϧ��������$��^��b�eS����T[Z��H�.�w"��o�N�z�x��P����� W#U��z��h"���>Ea. 0000015307 00000 n Điều hòa Trane CLCF. Trane’s commitment to customer’s needs for quality, efficiency and reliability is evident from the largest chiller to smallest fan coil. View & download of more than 5023 Trane PDF user manuals, service manuals, operating guides. Quantum Climate Changer’s broad coil. Người đăng: Nguyen Dinh Toan. Catalog điều hòa TRANE mới nhất từ nhà phân phối chính hãng. trailer The purpose of this catalogue is to help consulting engineers in the preliminary selection of the Quantum Climate Changer air handling units. casing strength is designed to meet. %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000005822 00000 n We have everything you need for installing, maintaining, servicing and enhancing your systems, from ServiceFirst™ OEM replacement parts to national wholesale brands and our private-branded SF™ wholesale lines. エアハン(モジュール型空調機)ならトレイン・ジャパン。トレインは、創業から100年以上、世界 100カ国で、29,000人が働く世界企業です。冷凍機を知り尽くしたメーカーならではの豊富な経験と高い技術力をもとに、ahuに関する最適なご提案をいたします。 Page 3: Safety Considerations WARNING indicates a potentially The Trane Company urges that all essential that qualified, experienced hazardous situation that could result HVAC servicers working on Trane personnel perform these functions in personal … The other websites are FAKE like;; …..those are not our websites! 7bME# Page 2 of 28. 0000009329 00000 n General HVAC Parts. Fan Module. Download 1883 Trane Air Conditioner PDF manuals. 231 20 TRANE Air Handler Model: CLCP Installation Operation Maintenance ASAFETY WARNING Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. YUKON Tall Floor (Commercial) ... GENYUE - VRF TRANE: AHU TRANE - Air Handling Unit: CLCP Product Report: CHILLER TRANE: Chiller giải nhiệt nước : 0000000736 00000 n Điều hòa Trane đã phát triển trên 150 năm và có mặt hơn 100 quốc gia. Learn more . Page: 1. NFPA 70E Trane - NCAPPA 70E Trane Jim King Trane Carolinas District Safety Leader (What Trane does and what you may need to do) Trane XLi Heat Pumps A Trane communicating system works hard. CLCF-AHU-Trane. View online or download Trane TRANE Quantum CLCPEuro Installation & Maintenance Manual 0000018230 00000 n Quantum Climate Changer Model CLCPEuro 0.5 - 31 m3/s (1000 - 65000 CFM) Air Handling Unit for Healthcare . Trane’s history of innovation and technology leadership led to quality products making Trane a leader in the air conditioning markets worldwide. 0000002296 00000 n Learn More Don't see what you're looking for? CDQ-PRC001-E4 Trane AHU (CLCP) for Energy Efficient Humidity Control CDQTM Cool Dry Quiet Desiccant Dehumidification 0000013518 00000 n 0000003009 00000 n User manuals, Trane Air Conditioner Operating guides and Service manuals. xڴUkL�g~��R��`�U�JWڂZ���,�K+B�� Vg �R��`�]X*��*ԡ �S�K`� 0000001248 00000 n trailer Sum of Length for all levels: 3511 mm. 0000009494 00000 n H��W�r5��Wh�,,�}%�LER �*��kb��� ~��9W�=� j=��t߯��=��h��>��M����b�1ޙ���o�|�����͗�ɛ[3�lh�����r���qy_�-������#d|!àC��# �Ep܇d'�:[".��mv2����;E�fs� ���T�H�-�6H�!�U��+m���/���{�0{�5���4��X�(�K�ܬ���)ƑM�G���-m��Rx)ڊ����Iօ��� �H�IFɝ�*F��. PLEASE DO NOT SCALE. 0000001381 00000 n Các file đính kèm: CLCP_Product-Catalog.pdf Kích thước: 565.7 KB Đọc: 136. What We Provide . Designed & developed by EMSVN × Modal title × Hướng dẫn mua hàng × Warning. �H9�V/ǥV5 �9TY��,��1��8wp? :��I���>#2� ��.Fo����Gx���[D1I�����$�1 3��P�U[&PZD��}@Dː� �!�J'7�;���꽜��F[�fZ!���F�.b~�.V!W���/ 3��z Điện thoại liên hệ: 0977760186. 16. View & download of more than 5023 Trane PDF user manuals, service manuals, operating guides. Hygienic Air Handling Unit for Healthcare 1000-55000 m3/h . Please be noted that is the only official website of Trane in Vietnam . Build performance, reliability and flexibility into your custom air handler solution. 1_Trane HVAC Products Update 2011 - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. CLCP CLCP CLCP CLCP CLCP CLCP CLCP CLCP Cl.cp CLCP cucp CLCP Cl-cp CLCP CLcp CLCP CLCP CLCP Note: 4. Carrier’s Aero® air handlers provide advanced technology and custom features in streamlined, easy-to-install packages. Trane TRANE Quantum CLCPEuro Pdf User Manuals. 0000001761 00000 n AHU CLCP Dimension Drawings. space-saving vertical air-handler. Air Handling Unit for Commercial & Industrial Application . Home . Uploaded by Phạm Đạt. 0.5 - 27 m3/s (1000 - 58000 CFM). 1992 Trane Modular Climate Changer® Air Handler – 40 Tons Mfg: Trane Model: MCCA30 Stock No: CRDH002 Serial No: (3) 1992 Trane Modular Climate Changer® Air Handler. Fans are double width, double inlet, centrifugal types with forward curved, backward curved, and airfoil blade designs. 2 ER Model Type - ER (Figure 3) offers a row control option for six row evaporators only. 1 provider of Air Handling Units in Europe and leading provider in the world with established platforms across quickly developing markets of the Emirates, China and India, and network of sales representatives in USA. Order numbers: P3J826CA P3J826CC. Hotline: 0913553233 Ngày đăng: Tháng Một 20, 2020 9:52 chiều. CLCP EURO is certified under the number 04.01.049 and presented on 0000006659 00000 n CAD blocks can be downloaded and used for your own personal or company design use only. PLEASE DO NOT SCALE. Drawings are provided for you to assist in the creation, modification, analysis, and optimization of a building design. Ứng dụng cho bệnh viện và phòng thí nghiệm. 0000002805 00000 n To insure fan motor assembly stability the unit ships with shipping brackets located between the fan support frame. startxref Trane™ Touch-screen Programmable Thermostat July 2011BAS-SVX44A-EN Installation and Operation Trane Part Number:X13511538-01 Clarksville Part Number:BAYSTAT152A Service Part Number:THT02775 SAFETY WARNING Only qualified personnel should install and service the equipment. When job requirements go beyond the wide range of capabilities our cataloged air handlers can provide, Trane can design and build a custom air … Job Name: NOI BAI T2 Tags: AHU-2E07-1 Qty: 1 Date : Prepared By : Approved By : Revision Version : Unit Airflow: 30700.00 m3/hr Unit: 035 Thermal Break Frame: YesCasing Construction: 0.4mm Powder Paint External/GI Internal. Air handling units. 0000002424 00000 n 13. Trane AHU Starter Panel particularly controlstheHVACsystem.Integratedwith motor and compressor protection system, reliableaccordingtoUL/IEC/NEMA application pressure drop and capacity. %%EOF 0000053289 00000 n 0000001684 00000 n Model MCCA30. Trane đã thiết kế mới điều hòa không khí công nghiệp với gas lạnh R407C nhằm mang lại sự thoải mái với độ tin cậy và linh hoạt cho tất cả các ứng dụng trong hệ thống điều hòa không khí nói riêng cùng với nỗ lực làm mát trái đất và bảo vệ môi trường của chúng ta 1-Nov-12Quantum Performance Report. IND-PRC002-E4 Contents. Air flow: 15,000 cfm. Hotline: 0913553233 With it's stringent performance certification standards, promises are realized, dollars saved and carbon footprints reduced. Điện thoại liên hệ: gọi 09777760180. 0000006962 00000 n 0 TRANE R CLCP EURO Model Nomenclature 3. save Save AHU CLCP Dimension Drawings For Later. AHU: CCTA/CCTB Air Handling Units. Introducing The New Trane Xr16. Introduction 2 Model Nomenclature 3)HDWXUHV DQG %HQH¿WV 4 Quick Select 5 50mm Casing Construction 25mm Casing Construction. Nếu em chọn theo lưu lượng thì số lượng AHU lớn và thừa rất nhiều Qo. 0000005053 00000 n The installation, starting up, and servicing of heating, ventilating. Điện thoại liên hệ: 0977760186. Each unit features a mixing box module, coil module, and fan module. 233 0 obj<>stream 145 Ngọc Hồi - Hoàng Liệt - Hoàng Mai - Hà Nội. !� 0��j�b���x������M^/����&X�����BHa��v �ɫ2E����*����K���f����ˆ!V��o�c��(�*��K���Uz>K2��Di�:�;�Ik��o���AKe��ڒ�z-6�=7 �� �3�����kzR{}~X��] arrangements and materials enables. 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