replace compressor or clutch

If it's very hard to turn or seized all together, then you'll definitely need to replace it. A friend at the gym, who builds hot rods, suspects that it may only be the clutch that has to be replaced. 5) Once I 'replace' the oil from the new parts, how do I know that I have enough oil at that point? The ac clutch is held on with a single nut, and can be removed with a remover tool. Compressor Preparation A.Clean compressor nose of all dirt If it does not, shut the engine off and disconnect the negative battery cable with a socket. Poor guy does not need any more medical complications..... Have you read that James Doohan has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease?? "There is no noise when the clutch engages. I have no idea what is on the inside of that thing or how the clutch assembly comes apart. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) but also including uneven cylinder compression and mechanical issues) or perhaps a combination of the two. Made a bridging wire and by passed the relay still the clutch would not operate. I would think the ac compressor would last longer than that :> I certainly don't want to have to take the compressor totally out and replace it.. working on car AC is such a pain if you don't have all the right equipment :/. It's the compressor. A defective compressor clutch can be replaced, but it is generally recommended to replace the entire compressor to save time and additional costs. My power steering sounds like a mini supercharger/whistle.. There is no noise when the clutch engages. The cost to replace an AC compressor on a Chevy Silverado at an independent shop would include the labor cost that ranges from $200 to $300 and an entire compressor would range between $325 and $400. I have a hub assembly for my 91 Seville that you could have had, but I don't think it fits... Mike. Wait for the AC clutch in front of the compressor body to engage and spin. A hub and clutch assembly costs about $100.00. If it's really hard to turn, or doesn't turn at all the compressor is junk. and thoroughly flush the system. Clear editor. Thanks for the answer MAC. I still need to purchase the accumulator. Those washers are needed to set the correct gap between the plate and hub. Had to replace the compressor completely in May at a cost of $800+. York compressors are that way. With the nut removed you can now see the compressor shaft which is slotted and a rectangular key inserted. YourMechanic All rights reserved. I don't care if the AC works I just want the pully to turn so it will run. Watchers: 1 user. A/C Compressor Clutch by Replace®. If I knew what vehicle it is, I might be able to tell you. It sounds like the hub bearing is defective.   Your previous content has been restored. To open the trunk, make sure the IA key is on your person, then press the Exterior Liftgate Release button, which is located in the... Hi there. The power steering whine is a little interesting though :> Wonder if i can quiet that down without replacing the pump.. maybe flushing the system or something.. dunno.. the a/c i'm not even worried about it.. just let it run until it breaks :>, Hmm.. it's only a 99 with 78 or 79k miles on it.. My A/C compressor makes a growling/ticking/grumbling type noise when the clutch is engaged. My compressor is not working when I turn on the AC, you can see the pulley turning, but the clutch is not. It's not like one day it was quiet and the next day it was making noise. The clutch material had worn down and I was able to adjust the clutch by removing the end plate and removing a couple of shims. 2. Have you read that James Doohan has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease?? 3) When I put the new accumulator in if I don't get it charged till the next day will the active ingredient in the accumulator be damaged from the air that is still in the system? I wouldn’t look to spend hundreds of dollars for a new compressor unless it’s absolutely necessary. Yes you can just replace the clutch pulley on the a/c compressor. Compressor clutch replacement cost varies widely depending on whether there’s enough access room to replace the clutch with the compressor in place, or whether the entire compressor must be removed. and thoroughly flush the system. Bingo Scotty, I origially thought it was my p/s pump and was ready to replace it right then and there since that's where the noise was most prominent. If the clutch is good, it should just spin free and the compressor itself will not turn. Remove the AC compressor's front and rear bolts only. Check here for special coupons and promotions. Lift the front of the compressor up to clear the top radiator support. By following the procedures below, you can remove and replace the A/C compressor clutch in your Ford vehicle at minimal cost. 4) How much oil to I put in for the compressor and how much for the accumulator? If the compressor is seized, the entire clutch assembly will be stationary and the belt will be slipping, squealing, smoking and, in a very short period of time, failing. The slave cylinder is a hydraulic component that works off your clutch pedal. Answer. Hi The compressor clutch has failed and I need to isolate the unit until I can get around to replacing it. Make sure that kit comes with both the compressor and clutch. to diagnose the entire system, replace the compressor/clutch assembly, replace related items (accumulator/filter drier, orifice tube/expansion valve etc.) I understand that AIR damages the accumulator. The issue that you may have is the pulley bearing seized up and may have spun on the front of the compressor nose cone and will damage it. 1a) If there are no particles in the orifice tube can I assume that all was fine in my compressor and no purging is necessary? The humming noise could be the air filter being dirty, the drive belt slipping, or the air conditioning clutch is slipping. Installing Clutch on Compressor Replace the complete clutch to ensure full performance is achieved and warranty requirements are met. I changed both my idler and tensioner thinking it might be those two things. Get a free detailed estimate for a repair in your area. So, you will be required to foot a more costly bill afterward. Put all the washers into clutch plate spline part that goes onto the compressor shaft, put the clutch plate onto the shaft, and then install the 10mm bolt. probably find clutch on Ebay for $25. This may be related to what is called a voltage regulator. Unless compressors have changed from the older ones, yes you can replace the clutch. The AC compressor clutch will cost more than $400, while the labor associated with AC compressor clutch replacement will run you right around $200. I want to replace clutch myself. Check here for special coupons and promotions. I don't really remember if it sounded any different when I got the car.. i just assumed this was normal. 7. I did what was suggested by a few members on the board and just put on a shorter belt, bypassing the ac compressor. 1994 STS Pearl White 260,000 KM (163,000 miles), . Do I have to purge the system to change the AC Compressor clutch assembly? What is an AC Compressor Clutch… The clutch assembly is $93; the compressor WITH the clutch assembly is $195. We all know that the clutch engages the compressor once the AC system is turned on. Car symbols, or dashboard lights, are a car service reminder. It's not like one day it was quiet and the next day it was making noise. Compressor clutch replacement cost varies widely depending on whether there’s enough access room to replace the clutch with the compressor in place, or whether the entire compressor must be removed. 6. I tend to agree, I think you could get away with changing your hub assembly, assuming that you did not seriously overheat the clutch. Hence, if you know that it is the clutch of the AC compressor that is defective, you should be prompt in replacing it. Optimize fleet uptime and compliance via mobile vehicle repairs, Partner with us to simplify and scale fleet maintenance, Over 25,000 topics, from beginner tips to technical The issue that you may have is the pulley bearing seized up and may have spun on the front of the compressor nose cone and will damage it. It can fail because the coil is shorted or open, in which case it can be repaired by replacing the coil (on the right in the picture) You can test the coil by applying 12 volts to it directly. Your order may be eligible for Ship to Home, and shipping is free on all online orders of $35.00+. A defective compressor clutch can be replaced, but it is generally recommended to replace the entire compressor to save time and additional costs. I would replace the enitre thing. Yes you can just replace the clutch pulley on the a/c compressor. guides, Check cars for recalls, common issues & maintenance How to Remove and Replace an AC Compressor Clutch and Bearing - Quick Version. The reclaim, evacuate and refill operation is the expensive one. Replacing the entire compressor is cost-effective in this case. Most of the time clutch noise is due to a bad sealed bearing and will usually still make noise with the A/C off. Open the hood, and locate the serpentine belt tensioner. × If the clutch or drive belt fails, you should replace the whole compressor. I am now enjoying a quiet ride ever since I placed a shorter belt on bypassing my a/c compressor. It is recommended to install an in-line filter in the suction line near the compressor inlet. Paste as plain text instead, × I repaired the Compressor on my 95 Seville last Aptil at a cost of $300+. I would think the ac compressor would last longer than that :>    I certainly don't want to have to take the compressor totally out and replace it.. working on car AC is such a pain if you don't have all the right equipment :/, my kids, family, cars, computers, electronics, movies,". At that point, the technician may want to replace the compressor/clutch assembly if it is a high mileage vehicle. Early on sailors navigated by the stars at night and the North star became the symbol for finding ones way home. 2 answers & 0 comments. Remove the AC compressor's front and rear bolts only. Replace products are made using excellent quality materials and flawless craftsmanship to ensure ultimate fit and function without draining your wallet. Have the air-conditioning system discharged or evacuated of refrigerant by certified personnel at a dealer service department or automotive air-conditioning repair facility. With the AC on, the clutch … owners, Our mechanics make house calls in over 2,000 cities, Fleet Maintenance with certified mobile mechanics, The statements expressed above are only for informational purposes and should be independently verified. Compressor Clutch Replacement Although most compressor clutch and drive pulley components can be serviced in the engine compartment, it is advisable to recover the refrigerant and remove the compressor … So I went home and checked power to the relay that was ok, then substituted the relay with another one (horn I think was the same) still nothing from the clutch. For an AC compressor to work, it needs a clutch, bearing, and an electrical connector. If you hear noise when turning the compressor innards, then it's time for a replacement. (I hope not). Use the spanner wrench (2) to keep the clutch from moving if necessary. The compressor clutch regulates when the AC compressor should be switched on and off. Step 1 Have the air-conditioning system discharged or evacuated of refrigerant by certified personnel at a dealer service department or automotive air-conditioning repair facility. You can post now and register later. I want to replace clutch myself. 6) Do I need to purge the system with a cleaner to get all oil out? Air conditioning compressor not working?   You cannot paste images directly. including the orifice tube and screen. The clutch keeps the compressor activated, if it breaks, the compressor will not be able to receive the engine power anymore. Copyright 2019 Bruce W Nunnally The power steering whine is a little interesting though :> Wonder if i can quiet that down without replacing the pump.. maybe flushing the system or something.. dunno.. the a/c i'm not even worried about it.. just let it run until it breaks :>. Installing Clutch on Compressor Replace the complete clutch to ensure required performance is achieved and warranty requirements are met. Notice the clutch has three holes for the spanner wrench to grab onto. Well, it didn't work, but there's new clean fluid there and it was extremely easy to flush it out. I don't really remember if it sounded any different when I got the car.. i just assumed this was normal. How-To Replace A/C Compressor Clutch and Bearing Discussion in 'Mazdaspeed 6 How-To' started by Vansquish, Feb 27, 2020. Replacing a compressor requires replacing two other parts. My local dealer wanted 900.00 for just the clutch assembly. It is safe to drive your vehicle to the appointment as long as there is no smells or loud... Generally, the check engine light comes on when something fairly serious is going on with the vehicle. compressor housing. Also be aware that a clutch failure for any reason can damage the compressor shaft seal, nose, and bearing, and this damage may not be immediately visible. If you want to quickly diagnose your noise buy a shorter belt (6K739 or a tad longer) and eliminate the AC Compressor from the serpentine belt circuit.   Your link has been automatically embedded. The clutch has threads so take care not to damage them with the socket wrench. If it can be replaced without removing the compressor, it will save you $$$. Once you know where the Northstar is you can point your ship in the right direction to get home. So now I need to try and return this part or change the whole compressor. Stand in front of the AC compressor at the front of the engine. My '04 is a 2L 5 speed with close to 300m miles (still a great car despite on-going transmission clutch problems, I'll post this also). If the technician can An AC compressor clutch is an important part of your car’s AC system, and the cost of replacement varies depending on car. On the other hand, the cost of replacing the whole AC compressor may range from $180 to $7 00 for the unit itself. Made with ♥ in Silicon Valley. At the mechanic, the repairman will check the serious level of the compressor clutch, then they may decide to replace the clutch only or the whole compressor. A failing AC high pressure hose may cause your entire AC system to fail. The two … Hmm.. it's only a 99 with 78 or 79k miles on it.. Perfect for your vehicle and lifestyle, it is manufactured to meet or exceed stringent industry standards. You may need to replace compressor. KenD, July 6, 2004 in General Cadillac Forums. Step 1. Upload or insert images from URL. If the compressor clutch engages noisily, suspect a defective compressor dutch plate, hub or rotor. AC Compressor Clutch Replacement costs between $610 and $664 on average. The average backyard mechanic can replace the compressor in … Took about 15 minutes to R&R the belt and now there is no noise. Mine is sounding like Blower whine, and I need to replace the bearings or the whole clutch assembly before it locks up … Even if I can remove the compressor without discharging the lines and replace the clutch, that would be ideal too. Yes you can replace the clutch on your A/C compressor if in fact your clutch doesn’t pull in when you apply 12 volts to it. There is no noise when the clutch engages. I doubt that the seal is serviceable. Replace® is dedicated to providing original equipment (OE) quality body parts and lights without the high OE price. I plan to do the work and take it to a local RADIATOR/COOLING shop that will evacuate it and recharge it for $150. 15mm open-end wrench Ratchet Pry bar Socket set Lubricant Pliers New A/c compressor clutch coil Step 1: Make sure that your car is parked on a flat surface, and the parking brake is engaged. By following the procedures below, you can remove and replace the A/C compressor clutch in your Ford vehicle at minimal cost. That your AC was working when you took the belt off is good, was it working? I guess if you wanted to be a fanatic you could replace your accumulator and look at the orifice tube for debris and have it evacuated and recharged. I ended up buying a new clutch assembly and installing it as my first serious attempt to solve the problem. It's the nicest thing. General procedure to remove and reinstall a/c compressor clutches. You should be able to find and rent the tools needed from an auto parts dealer. I tend to agree, I think you could get away with changing your hub assembly, assuming that you did not seriously overheat the clutch.   Pasted as rich text. So, in retrospect, the compressor works fine when the clutch engages and it does blow cool air. If by the clutch not engaging you mean the pedal is going to the floor, you might be having slave cylinder issues. (although it did get rid of some squeeling that I had) so in hindsight they should have been replaced anyways. It can be replaced by removing the hub and bringing it to a machine shop and having the old bearing pressed out and new bearing pressed in. The compressor clutch regulates when the AC compressor should be switched on and off. It might be all you need to do is remove (don't cut) the belt, remove the clutch, replace clutch, replace belt. call me at 978.888.8546 if you want to talk it over, I'm about to replace the clutch/pulley/bearing on my wife's Rogue and have done it before on two other cars. Don't sweat it just fix it.. Also be aware that a clutch failure for any reason can damage the compressor shaft seal, nose, and bearing, and this damage may not be immediately visible. The best part is, our Dodge Durango AC Compressors With Clutch products start from as little as $221.99. costs, Hand-picked, community-rated professionals, Explore nationwide job opportunities for automotive Compressor clutch replacement cost. Mine when from embarrisingly loud and nasty to SILENT! So the star became a symbol for finding ones way home or more symbolically even finding ones path in life. You will be amazed I am sure how much noise your compressor is making. The Intelligent Access (IA) key allows you to unlock your trunk without using the key. No machine shop needed as the bearing is already in the hub. After installing the replacement compressor on the vehicle ensure proper mounting and belt alignment. I know that many of the compressors you can change the clutch without having to discharge the system or even unmount the compressor. Lift the front of the compressor up to clear the top radiator support. Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch Assembly - Repair or Replace If your A/C compressor works, but the clutch won’t If you are referring to an "electrical wire" breaking, then the answer is, "yes", a break in the wire could account for the malfunctions you have noted. 5. The technician will definitely want to replace the compressor/clutch assembly if there are any signs of refrigerant oil at the shaft, nose or seal (see: inspect.pdf). Display as a link instead, × Before I replaced it I flushed the fluid hoping that by some miracle, I didn't have to start digging and pulling parts out. But check prices first in how much it will cost, may be cheaper to replace the compressor at the same time getting both together. © Your order may be eligible for Ship to Home, and shipping is free on all online orders of $35.00+. tyoung66 in Gainesville, FL on . Replace Compressor Clutch - Manufacturers, Factory, Suppliers From China. It powers the clutch. An OEM bearing can be purchased for about $30.00 from your local Cadillac dealer. Shop OEM Toyota Part # 8841033150 (88410-33150). Check for noticeable damages on the hose or any leaking issues. As soon as the clutch pulls back the noise starts again. I just got my new compressor today, it looks nice! When it comes to your Dodge Durango, you … This is a unit that monitors the charging of the battery by the alternator. Maintain the compressor in that position by placing a block of wood between the front of the compressor and the top of the engine. The reason I caution you regarding the issue is that the clutch will not pull in/actuate if your A/C system is low You will need special tools to both remove the hub and put it back on. I had the dealer tell me it's my compressor or my alternator. I got the whole compressor and clutch from rock auto for 390.00 Canadian. Have the pulley removed and then see the front of the compressor the shape it is in. If the tooth is broken then the pinion needs to be replaced and the rear differential needs to be readjusted. I thought I would throw this deal out to anyone who may have had a similar problem and what they did about it. Order A/C Compressor for your 1990 Chevrolet C1500 Pickup RWD and pick it up in store—make your purchase, find a store near you, and get directions. I have checked my relay and fuse, both are fine. Do I replace the hub and bearing or just replace the whole darn thing. I'd like to know if removing the compressor is the only way to replace clutch or can this procedure be done with compressor still installed? So, in retrospect, the compressor works fine when the clutch engages and it does blow cool air. Whole compressor a unit that monitors the charging of the time clutch noise is due to a RADIATOR/COOLING! By Vansquish, Feb 27, 2020 compressor is replace compressor or clutch working, is what was... 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