Ember looked at Fauna and smiled lightly. Ryder and the pups turned around, and saw a female Dalmatian, with two spots on her forehead. “HAHAHAHAHA!! And then, Marshall and Aid arrived in their ambulances. Back at the cave, the bears, Marshall, and Aid were all asleep. "I tested the paw patrol through their strengths, which is what they're best at;" Drake explained, revealing that this was only stage one. “The one you hid in when we were playing hide and seek.” said Marshall. “Don’t worry M-Marshall. “Hehehe, yeah, thank you so much.” he said. 4 years ago | 7 views. “S-so, that’s one of the bears that took care of you?” he asked Aid, who nodded. The mother bear nodded and gestured for the pups to follow them. Ryder knew Dalmatian, as well as Skye, but Fauna was on a blank. “Aid, I’m a little nervous. (Marshall Version), https://paw-patrol-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Marshall_and_Aid:_Together_in_Trouble?oldid=620194. The system's worked for Adventure Bay so far, and as the old saying goes "If it ain't broke don't fix it". Make a wish on yours. bear, w-we don’t want any trouble.” said Aid. ("Mighty Pups") "Let's wreck and roll! Please try again later. "Yeah;" Ryder said, and then started to feel bad for Marshall, feeling as if he let him down as a leader. The male cub licked his right side. Hehehehehehehe!! ... Ryder and his merry band of pups are in charge of keeping the people of Adventure Bay safe. Chase is on the case! “Ahahahahand it seeheheheheems she sthihihill likes doing ihihihihit nohohohohow! And, I just heard that Marshall, and his friend Aid are lost?” Ember said. “Doesn’t that look like the rock I hid behind?” Marshall asked. “Where did "You guys are the best!" the ground. “Marshall!! “I think we lost them.”. Mind putting ointment on that Aid?” asked Marshall. Report. But the bear didn’t try to eat them. Because they were playing hide and seek, they strayed too far from their ambulances, so they couldn’t go home. At Build-A-Bear Workshop every furry friend gets a heart. Marshall PAW Patrol clip. It was peaceful around the area they were walking in. “Yeah, even though they’re probably big.” said Fauna. “Sure!” said Marshall. PAW Patrol Coloring pages. Marshall and Aid panted, trying to regain their breaths. Aid nodded again and proceeded to follow them with Marshall. right sweetie. Marshall huddled closely to Aid’s soft fur, and Aid snuggled with the mother bear. Zoomer Marshall is on a roll! And I can’t wait to get started on taking care of my plants again!” said Herbie excitedly. Perfect for bedtime or playtime Marshall comes with you wherever you go and helps you on all of your Paw Patrol adventures throughout the day! “S-sure. “Eeeheeeheeheehee!! Good idea.” Marshall said. But neither of them knew that it was getting darker outside. Aha! I’m sure they’re okay.” said Skye as she went up to Ember to comfort her. After that brief moment, they stepped aside and showed Marshall and Aid something that made them gasp. Their merged shipping named are "Marshma" and "Zumarshall". This page showcases the team's catchphrases. “OKAY OKAY OKAY!! The least that these bears do is tickle you.” Aid said. “I hope my son is okay.” she said. “AAAHAAHAHAHAHAAA!! Marshall giggled as “I know, it is rather worry worthy to know that two pups are missing, but have faith that they are alright.” he said. !” he laughed. Just squeeze Marshall’s badge to hear phrases directly from the Paw Patrol show! I know you must be worried, and I am too, but I know that they’ll be back by tomorrow.” she said comfortingly. Then, in the Ohohohoho!! He saw the bears and panicked a bit. Aid giggled and went towards some bushes to hide. Playing next. “Nope, he’s not here.” he said, and went somewhere else. After they released the hugs, Marshall hopped into his ambulance, and Aid hopped into his. Fauna wanted her to smile, at least a little. Marshall’s eyes widened when he saw who was standing right in front of him. “Yeah, it was mother bear.” Marshall said. “Hey Aid? The female cub was snuggling with Marshall, before taking a lick at his left hind paw. “Oh no you don’t!” she said, and pulled Aid back over to her, and started tickling his belly as well. Well you're in luck, because here they come. “Ok Aid!” replied Marshall, and he barked out his bandages and wrapped them around Fauna’s paw, and put a cone collar around her head. Rubble followed with Aid going afterward. “Marshall.” she said, and embraced herself for a hug from her son. See more ideas about paw patrol, paw, marshall paw patrol. The mother bear smiled and grabbed Aid, giving him a warm hug. !” he asked. 0:30. I NEEHEEHEEHEED A BREHEHEHEAK!! “Hohohohow often did they tihihihickle you when yohohohou stayed wihihihith thehehehem?!! Then the two pups decided to take a small walk. Add Skye's signature sayings to your furry friend. “T-that wasn’t a bear was it?” Marshall asked with worry. !” Marshall giggled. Antoinette Alright, I have Madison number first who I saw first for number fifty-one that fifty-one Thanks Madison so looking find who uh and he's uh two bucks. Marshall yawned and smiled lightly. With 80+ interactive missions and tricks, including performing the Pup Pup Boogie and Paw Patrol Theme, there's so much to do with Zoomer Marshall! “Now it’s my turn to hide. “She’s only got a couple of scrapes. Chase chuckled at Herbie’s excitement. I-I can’t thank you enough.” Aid said. Why are the PAW Patrol the only means of authority on the whole island? 23K Views. !” Aid replied in laughter. Playing next. “Say, wanna go to the pup park? Zoomer Marshall is on a roll! As Marshall panted, he smiled at Ember. I don’t mind at all!” said Aid, and he barked out his first aid kit, which his robotic hands placed in front of him. “B-but that’s when a familiar bear came in out of nowhere.”. There are 2340 marshall paw patrol shirt for sale on Etsy, and they cost $17.15 on average. That’s the point!” Ember said, and she started to tickle their paws next. “Ohhh yeah, E-Ember, Marshall’s mother.” he said. There was a menu, on the top there was text saying: "PAW PATROL: UNAIRED EPISODE" On the bottom, there was a single button, it said "PLAY". Being that his voice is sometimes quiet, Marshall couldn’t even hear a peep. Meanwhile, Fauna was holding her paw in pain. “Haaahahahahahaha!!! “Nope! Hey Marshall, can you bandage that?” Aid asked, knowing Marshall’s bandages were longer. Well, why not? When his spy-medical skills are put of practice, Marshall wears a red cap with a yellow trim (replacing his firefighter helmet), and his pup-pack contains spy-medical supplies such as bandages and a thermometer (in place of the water cannon) This is his EMT uniform. Soon, the mother bear started to lick Aid on his belly, and the father bear licked Marshall on his sides. Hehehehehey!! “Do you have something else for us?” asked Marshall. “Hahahahahahaha!! “You remember Aid.” said Marshall. Marshall didn’t know, but it soon came back to Aid when the bear stopped and smiled at him. “Maybe we should play with the other pups back at the lookout.”, “G-good idea.” Aid said.” Let’s go back.”. Available for pickup in store or curb side, Click and Collect not available at this time, Detailed information about shipping can be found in the Shipping Information Page at. Several of us were in danger at least once, but we all got through in the end.” Fauna said. “Wanna play something while we’re here?” Marshall asked. Aid looked at the bush, but didn’t remember it. Let’s dive in. !” laughed Marshall. “Hmmm, now if I were Aid, where would I hide?” Marshall wondered. !” he laughed. “N-now how are we gonna get back in the dark?” Aid asked nervously. MEEHEEHEHEHE TOOHOHOHOHOHOO!! Hehehehehahahah! One dad kept himself grounded by launching an investigation into whether Paw Patrol's Ryder "plays favorites." “Y-yeah, i-it does.” he said. Marshall looked up and saw him as well. Marshall saw Aid’s shadow appearing on a tree. He giggled to himself and huddled closer to the rock. After a night of tickling, the two pups needed a rest. It just skipped to the episode. You were right Ahahahahahaid!! He then spotted some plants and looked behind them. Eventually, they made it to the bear’s cave. Let’s take to the sky. Watch as Marshall slips, falls, trips and dives into his PAW Patrol pals all around Adventure Bay in this pup-tastic video. They didn’t know where to go. But, without either of them here, what’s the point?” Ember said sadly. PAW PATROL PATROLLER New Paw Patrol RV Everest & New Paw Patrol Toys Paw Patrol Surprise Video. I knehehehehew! Thehehehey dihihihihid tickle uhuhuhus! Follow. 7 Rubble 8 Chase 9 Rocky 10 Zuma 11 Skye 12 Everest 13 Tracker 14 Tuck 15 Ella 16 Rex === === "Let's dig it!" During missions, Marshall typically wears a firefighter helmet and a red vest. Based on the Fanfiction written by HavocHound. She was on a mission with Ryder and Skye to save a chick from a thorn bush, but she got herself pricked in the process. we put our ambulances?” the Golden Retriever asked. “Great to see you again!” Aid said after. Ember was hiding behind Ryder to try and surprise her son. Ember just smiled as she tickled the two pups for five more minutes, before letting them go. The Furry Fun Has Just Begun!PAWsome sales, new arrivals and more will be in your inbox soon. He is an athletic character and loves to take control. And to his surprise, the heard the sound of two sirens coming up. “18… 19… 20! This is a quick Paw Patrol fanfic; An alternate ending to 'Pups Great Race' in which Marshall decides to take a stand for what he really thinks about Adventure Bay. #fizzyfunhouse #fizzy The Paw Patrol puppies Marshall and Everest morning routine! !” Aid laughed back. After about three minutes, Aid was still looking for Marshall. !” she asked nervously. NOHOHO NOT THE PAHAHAHAWS!! !” Ryder Rubble and Fauna said happily. Enter your City, State or Postal Code to view product availability in a Build-A-Bear Workshop near you. Marshall: "My name is Markus Michael Munroe, but most people including my friends, family and myself calls me "Marshall", with two Ls. “Heheh, hey guys.” said Aid. ("Jet to the Rescue") Skye "Let's take to the sky!" Unlock special perks with a Bonus Club Membership! Hehehehehehehe!! And the boy cub, Marshall’s right side. Once he looked behind them, he saw Marshall. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The two pups hugged each other in fear. Each Real Talking plush Pup comes with a badge, their Paw Patrol vest and hat. 123 Favourites. “Hehehehehe!! Marshall has spotted white fur covering his body and bright blue eyes. “Hahahaha!! “Uh huh, i-it’s really nice.” agreed Aid. Marshall is really on a roll! Just like how you understand when I get clumsy sometimes.” Marshall said. Aid looked around for any place that might seem like a place Marshall would hide in. Until then, t-take care!” Aid said as he gave them a wave. That… was… quite… a lot of… tickles.” Marshall said in between a couple of those bears Marshall? Ember trusted Fauna’s words, and chose to just wait until tomorrow. But, before they knew it, something big loomed over them from behind. The bears led them to a nearby patch of watermelons. “And, we’re out in the middle of nowhere!” Marshall added. This made Marshall feel better. “Did you say that they also… tickled you?” she asked. “But without Aid, I probably would not have been so brave.” he added. “It’s finished! !” he asked while laughing. You guessed it: … His main color is red, given that is the color of his uniform (which normally features a fire helmet on duty), and pup pack. They were gonna have one laughing bag of a night. “Yeheah, they tickle… a lot.” Aid panted with him. Marshall and Ember went down side by side. “No, we didn’t. “Good idea.” said Marshall. “You think they’re gonna…” Marshall was saying, before he felt the boy cub lick his belly. Ahahahahahaha! Ember smiled back at her son. What the bear family was leading them to, was their ambulances. Paw Patrol is copyrighted to Nickelodeon, Viacom, and Spinmaster. Marshall and Aid panted as they caught their breaths. “Bear?! “Good luck!” called Marshall and Aid. !” laughed Marshall. “Nope, j-just my stomach too.” Aid said. “Ohhh yeahhhh. “I hope my son is okay out there. Enter your City, State or Postal Code to view product availability in a Build-A-Bear Workshop near you. Zuma & Marshall is a friendship and bond between Marshall and Zuma. PAW Patrol Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. “Of course, these bears are taking care of us.” he said. And after him, came Fauna. “No, it was just my stomach.” said Marshall. Aid gulped and tried to slowly walk away. Paw patrol Saying STFU! It took a little bit of time, but Aid finally snapped his memory back into his brain. The panted yet again as they caught their breaths. Find out as they spend a night, and a day with a family of a kind. “Uh huh. Both of them were starting to tear up. Yehehehes mommy!! Then, they spotted a bush next to a tree. The bears waved back at them, and watched as Marshall and Aid drove off. The cuhuhuhubs lohohove to tickle! Enough time for it to be d-dark outside.” Aid added. “Ahhhh, there’s nothing like a nature walk huh Aid?” sighed Marshall. “Yeah, they should’ve been back by now.” Skye added. It seemed like forever to them. “You’re right.” she said. They all felt very happy that their two medic pups were safe, and sound. The Golden Retriever smiled warmly as he hugged her back. “Ahahahaha! Aid looked for Marshall for a while, and Marshall waited patiently. It’s so good to s-see you instead of an a-actual bear.” Aid stated. “Yeah, I would like to know what all happened as well.” added Rubble. Select from 35450 printable Coloring pages of cartoons, animals, nature, Bible and many more. He also wears a red pup-pack, which features a water cannon (acting a fire hose). PAW Patrol and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Spin Master Ltd. Nickelodeon and all related titles and logos are trademarks of Viacom International Inc. CeleBEARate National Hug Week with Furry Friends Starting at £10! “Hehehehe, good job Aid.” said Marshall. The bears smiled and then went up to the two pups. But before he and Aid could go ask the bears, they saw that they were awake and had heard everything. Marshall looked around, and gulped. “What wait, wait what? That’s when the bear smiled brighter at Aid, and licked his face. “Y-yeah, you helped me s-so many times. The mother bear placed them down, and they were instantly greeted by the cubs. She felt a little skeptic about the cone collar, but went with it anyway. Aid saw Marshall approaching and crouched down. “I know! “N-now now That looks like the bush you hid in.” Marshall pointed out. “Wait, could Then Aid remembered. "I'm super fired up!" that be?” Fauna said with anticipation. “If you’re still worried about Marshall, and Aid, then maybe we can do something to help you.” Ryder suggested. And the two pups walked up to Fauna. “I love you too honey.” she said, and gave him a kiss on his forehead. he headed to some nearby rocks and hid behind them. “Hey, what are we stopping for?” asked Marshall. "Let's flip to the sky!" Ember was still worried. © 2015 Spin Master PAW Productions Inc. All Rights Reserved. Read Chapter 5 from the story Paw Patrol- High School by klovedance (K) with 2,857 reads. As long as she was around, Aid felt secure and safe. What do you mean a bear came out of nowhere? Aid! The Golden Retriever looked at it, and nodded. “You are very brave.” And after that, she gave him a light kiss on the left side of his face, making him blush a deep red. The sky! they did this huh? ” Marshall started to lick Aid ’ s shadow appearing a. 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