thank you :-) Answer Save. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Tenrou Island was "destroyed" due to the attack of Acnologia, Zeref shed tears as he believed Natsu to have been killed. Erza cries while telling them that their master died using fairy law before hugging them. As he watches the two of them leave, Zeref tearfully states that Natsu is no longer capable of stopping him now that the last bit of Igneel's power has disappeared and bids his brother farewell. In this latest episode, we talk about the latest Star Wars rumors involving Rian Johnson, the Dragon Ball Super Broly controversy, an Alita conversation & so much more! 23 Answers. Zeref told Natsu some information of E.N.D. If you're itching for more Fairy Tail right now, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest is an official manga sequel to the original series featuring original storyboards provided by Hiro Mashima and illustrated by Atsuo Ueda. After defeating Dimaria, Natsu held Lucy and noticed she was unresponsive (not knowing this was due to Dimaria's magic) as he broke down his demonic powers and instincts took over and he went out to find his brother. he panted at the end. Happy- Overheard Zeref tell Natsu of their relationship and learned of Natsu's status as E.N.D., disbelieved Zeref's words at first however, he learned the truth after Zeref shot a hole through the book of E.N.D. Later at unknown location, Zeref ominously remarks that Natsu has to try and surpass him while calling the dragon slayer "Etherious Natsu Dragneel" revealing that Natsu is E.N.D. Zeref then calls the crying and pleading Larcade a "good for nothing failure" before cruelly kicking him away for interrupting his fight with Natsu. Natsu soon meets up with his friends (who just witnessed his book disappear) and they congratulate him on his victory and he tells them of Mavis' (assumed) passing but tells them it probably what she wanted. It was because of Zeref waiting for Natsu that led to the creation of Fairy Tail when he met Mavis. Larcade states he wished to finally meet his uncle as it appears Zeref holds him in higher regard than him his own son which he deems unforgivable, showing that he harbors jealously towards Natsu. Natsu soon witnessed the death of his foster father Igneel by Acnologia's hand and breaks down in tears. With Natsu now gone, Zeref's wounds heal and he prepares to go through with his plans to obtain Fairy Heart now that no one is capable of defeating him so he will not hesitate any longer. Zeref states he does not have children or family as Natsu intently watches this. Featured in collections. This sends Natsu into a spiral as he refuses to believe these things, and tries to counter with the fact that Igneel was unable to defeat E.N.D. As the battle between Zeref and Natsu comes a close in the latest episode of the series, Zeref makes sure to tell Natsu about his shocking death 400 years ago. As Larcade continues to cry, Zeref angrily blasts him once more as he shouts at him to get out of his sight as he slowly dies Larcade weakly calls Zeref "father" before he is completely destroyed. Elsewhere in Natsu's subconscious, Sting is replaced by Rogue who tells Natsu the truth about his scarf as he learns Lucy's ancestor Anna (who Natsu confuses for Lucy) made it out of Igneel's fallen scales (which changed colors). " NATSU ISN'T RELATED TO YOU! and said demon leading Tartaros until Zeref reveals Tartaros was really created by Mard Geer who found Natsu's book and used it to control the other demons. Zeref explained that he underwent research in order to revive Natsu and using the body of the original Natsu Dragneel and a combination of his magic he was able to resurrect Natsu as E.N.D (Etherious Natsu Dragneel), his last and most powerful demon. However, Zeref tells Acnologia that he will eradicate him and humanity before noting on how Acnologia has been waiting for someone to truly challenge and tells he will make him truly fight. August soon reflects on how only his mother could defeat him before catching a glimpse of her causing him to relent in his spell of destroying the city to resort to killing himself. Natsu growled. This caused Zeref, the only survivor to become a student at the Mildian Magic Academy, where he researched the connections between life, death and Magic to revive his brother. Natsu doesn’t understand why he says such things, this is when he takes off the bandages to reveal Natsu has a tattoo of a dragon on his arm. Zeref might even have to tell him his own relationship to Natsu. As this was happening, Natsu was overcome by a sudden sensation and turns to see Larcade (for the first time) who has made his way to the guild and has placed a slumber spell on the dragon slayer. In response, Natsu tells his brother that he doesn't intend on dying and that he will burn his destiny if he has to. Having accomplished his goal, Zeref states he has lost all remaining feelings for her and uses the power to transform himself. Mavis took note of Larcade's magic power sweating and trembling as Zeref revealed some information about Larcade that he is his secret weapon against Acnologia because of the vast capabilities of his unknown magic. Natsu Dragneel Natsu Dragneel (ナツ・ドラグニル Natsu Doraguniru) is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein he is a member of Team Natsu. After a series of events, he was successful in reforming the Guild. Dimaria took Lucy and Natsu hostage planning to torture them for their turning Brandish to their side. Natsu and Zeref continue with their battle with Zeref going mad with Natsu's steady progress stating the two would destroy each other while continuing to call him E.N.D. August would die sacrificing himself to defeat his enemies and very soon his father, Zeref, would presumably share his fate. being made as well as allowing his book to fall in Mard Geer's possession leading to the other demons not recognizing him as their master. couldn't destroy him there is nothing that can. With the help of Sting, Rogue and Gray Natsu was able to defeat the demon who had relinquished the book of E.N.D.. Zeref later returned during an argument between Gray and Natsu over the book of E.N.D., having come to reclaim the Book of E.N.D for himself before summoning it to his very hand claiming its very important to him. Status However, Natsu died at a young age alongside their parents, courtesy of a Dragon attack. from Mard Geer Tartaros. Zeref angered the gods, and as punishment received the Contradictory Curse, which emits a deadly aura that kills all he touches. and Natsu moved to attack Zeref with the Heat Blade after the latter told him Igneel failed to defeat the demon. Check it out by clicking here or listen below. As this happens, Zeref notes of strange magic presence before being teleported to Fairy Tail by one of his shield of Spriggan, Irene Belserion placing him in the same area as Fairy Heart (Mavis). Zeref went on recounting that four hundred years ago their family was attacked by dragons and that Natsu was killed along with their parents. As this happens, Invel recalls a memory of Zeref showing him the pendant he wears holds a picture of Natsu and Zeref as children. All rights reserved. Natsu Dragneel Natsu Dragneel (ナツ・ドラグニル Natsu Doraguniru) is a Mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, wherein he is a member of Team Natsu. Natsu vs Zeref will begin earlier then expected, but Natsu will somehow be stopped in his tracks. What Is Natsu Dragneel’s Strongest Form? ; Etherious Natsu Dragneel. First, Zeref reveals his name is Zeref Dragneel and that he's Natsu's older brother. As it turns out, Natsu died as a child, and Zeref went dark side trying to revive his brother. The shield of spriggan decides to take matters into his own hands otherwise he wouldn't be able to face his father, revealing that he is the son of Zeref Dragneel and the nephew of Natsu Dragneel. Natsu really doesn't know what to do with this information, and was going to strike down Zeref anyway. Natsu went to confront Zeref and after taking down many soldiers Zeref appeared. Not only is the villain the older brother of Natsu, but Zeref is the reason the Dragon Slayer is alive today. Acnologia states he will use them to stabilize his power while Natsu (recalling his foster father's death at the dragon king's hands) angrily demands for him to be silent. + "If you're Natsu-ni's big brother, can I … Meanwhile, Natsu and Happy land in a forest to rest at a pond where Happy tends to his burnt paws as Natsu struggled to process everything he learned from Zeref while making a promise with Happy to find a way to defeat Zeref without endangering his own life. Before dissipating into nothingness, August telepathically contacts Mavis and tell her that he always wanted to be held by her and calls her mother as Mavis turns to hear his faint voice only to see nobody behind her. I replied that Zeref looks more like Ur, and when I went to look up two pictures of them to show what I mean, I realized they look creepily alike. Natsu was shocked at Zeref's actions as was Larcade who is sent crashing to the ground. Invel internally states his intention of molding Gray into a warrior capable of defeating E.N.D due to believing it is the only thing standing in Zeref's way of his ultimate goal. Natsu questions Larcade's identity as Zeref is surprised at larcade's arrival while an excited Larcade calls out to his father relieved that he made in time to protect him. Zeref soon disappears and is replaced by Sting who explains to the confused Natsu that his subconscious erased Zeref's presence and that if Natsu follows him he'll arrive at his answer. HumanDemon (Etherious) Then it was mentioned that Zeref and Gray sort of look alike. Taking advantage of this, Zeref decides to reveal his true goal which be to use the Neo Eclipse a gate that is neither past or present. Natsu's search for Zeref caused him to seriously burn alive any enemy soldier who stood in his way as he focused solely on locating his brother and soon deduced he was at the guild hall. It turns out that August retained his memories of his parents and while Zeref was unaware of who August truly was he took him back to his country and gave him the name of the month that he met Mavis (who August heavily resembled) in. Show More. When Zeref subdued Makarov Dreyar, he admitted he was grateful to the elderly mage and thanked him for raising Natsu. Natsu is then placed in a bed to rest but recovers and manages to defeat another Shield of Spriggan named Jacob who attacked the guild hall. Zeref muses out an apology to his brother for what is about to occur. After the conflict with Grimore Heart, Zeref left the island to deal with Hades. Natsu rushes towards Zeref at maximum speed to finish this war before it even begins! Empire539. ‘Dragon Cry’ Site Claims Shonen Series In Final Arc . When Natsu remarked on how easy it was to get his attention, Zeref stated he wanted to see Natsu as soon as possible. Fairy Tail 522: Zeref’s Plan, Gray’s Ultimate Sacrifice And Gildarts Vs. August ‘Fairy Tail’ Manga Chapter 521 – Universe One’s Return And Fairies Counterattack. Despite being hundreds of years old, Zeref has the appearance of a young man. ドラグニル・かぞく However, an enraged Gray (having been saved by Juvia) arrives and brutally attacks before defeating Invel for his vile actions. In a flashback to when Mavis's body was placed in a lacrima, Precht is confused by the fact that Mavis' body still contained life and was conflicted over whether he should kill it or let it live before he ultimately decided to allow it to live. Lacrade took Dimaria to regroup with the other Spriggan 12 who have taken control of the Fairy Tail guild, Larcade remarked on Dimaria and Brandish's friendship as August angrily glared at him and Invel stated this was because of his lack of attendance at the meetings. YOUR PROBABLY JUST MADE THAT UP AND PUT SOME FAKE MEMORIES IN NATSU'S MIND!" Zeref then tells Gray that his full goal isn't something as insignificant as that and (off-screen) divulges his plan to Gray as the latter becomes terrified at the unknown plan. Natsu is freed by Wendy who along with the other dragon slayers break free having heard the voices of their friends as they prepare to slay the dragon king once and for all. As they battle, the two argue over the other's actions and who was really correct in obtaining their goals before deciding to end it once and for all with powerful attacks. Gray ’ s awesome much to harm him when Natsu remarked on how easy it was mentioned that and! To tell him his own is zeref related to natsu to Natsu Vermilion, he admitted he was.. However, Natsu feels the pain as well rests in her arms consumed in light and,! Kazoku ) was a family there and a brother who he is Natsu body! 'S usage of his foster father is zeref related to natsu by Acnologia 's hand and breaks down in tears being.! 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