A collection of funny political slogans, including funny Democratic slogans, Republican slogans, and other humorous campaign slogans. Mothers Make Better Lovers. nicknames and more official slogans) than presented on this page). I love Lamp. Funny Shirt Sayings Shirts With Sayings Funny Quotes Funny Shirts State Mottos State Of Michigan At Least Fitness Models Keepsakes. .. Virginia's motto is actually Sic Semper Tyranus, which is an abbreviation of Sic Semper Evelo Mortem Tyranus. #funny #quotes #statemottos www.thetshirtdiner.com. Here's what we found: 1.… 31% OFF SITEWIDE Save on T-Shirts, Mugs & Much More! Delaware: Please Call Before Visiting So We Can Make Room. Suck It, Rhode Island", "Rhode Island: It's Like the Period at the End of a 49 Word Sentence", "South Carolina: Remember the Civil War? Arizona: Dehyd-rific! Arkansas: Litterasy Ain’t Everthing. nicknames and more official slogans, Hottest, Juiciest and Most Naughty State Slogans, State Mottos to find a complete list of mottos. This page lists the state mottos for the 50 US states. We Didn't Actually Surrender Enjoy these hilarious and sarcastic States mottos! "Pennsylvania: Amish Girls do It Manually", Go to the page State Mottos to find a complete list of mottos. TV & Movie Shirts. Funny Mottos, funny quotes and phrases. This page lists state and national mottos for the world's nations. ⢠Sit tight for the best, 'not-to-miss' list of humorous and funny state slogans. Alaska . I'm Sofa King Cool. The state motto remains the default here, after a fracas in early 2016 over a new slogan, "Rhode Island: Cooler and Warmer," led to the state's top marketing officer resigning. "Minnesota - 10,000 Lakes and 10,000,000,000 Moquitoes", "Minnesota - 10,000 Lakes and No Sharks! And much more is coming ,we update our board everyday about America history and famous things about States. Lovers". Ready for some funny slogans with a dirty twist? State Mottos 5 Rhode Island: Welcome to Rhode Island. The Alabama state motto is "We dare to defend our rights." (thanks to Gregory Seel) Idaho: More Than Just Potatoes. )", "Why Minnesota? BEER. Let's Hug it Out. Ronny Chieng discovered that state mottos in the northeast are very intense, but they get oddly tamer as you head further west. Pissed Off than Pissed On. Slogans have been used in marketing for a very long time but today they’re everywhere, used by all kinds of brands and businesses. See more ideas about flag, brescia, motto. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); — Anonymous In this post you will find 26 Catchy West Virginia State Slogans, Funny West Virginia Slogans and West Virginia Sayings. You're now leaving Rhode Island. A List of Funny State Slogans, state mottos, go here and chose your state to also see state In time, you too, will be able to make your own unique contribution and create a state slogan to be published on this website - and perhaps even beyond. To Protect Ontario from Iowa! TV & … See more ideas about state mottos, custom t, custom tshirts. Idaho's funny slogans are more or less about one thing, potatoes. } catch(e) {}, A European recently asked Americans to summarize their states in one sentence. 171+ Great Iowa State Slogans and Mottos Slogans are one of the effective ways to draw attention to the Event and their things. It was approved in March 1939 and reflected the state’s history in the War of Independence and the role Alabama played in the American civil war. You have died of dysentery. (thanks to Rachael Harrell) Hawaii: Haka Tiki Mou Sha'ami Leeki Toru (Death To Mainland Scum, But Leave Your Money) Hawaii: Come surfing because we love your hilarious You Tube vids. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { } Iowa penlights the projects of justice here in the city. Get your hands on a great customizable Funny State Mottos postcard from Zazzle. “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. CALIFORNIA: The Granola State Nobody's actually from here Fast reloading lanes available The really long state. We look at all the state mottos, putting a spotlight on the best, grudgingly accepting the middle, and mocking the worst. Customize your next Funny State Mottos bag from Zazzle. Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est – Yes, that is a vary large amount of corn. ", "Missouri: Your Federal Flood Relief Tax Dollars At Work", "Missouri: Loves Company! Comments. Quotescoop.com gives you the opportunity to judge these slogans for yourself. Arkansas: Litterasy Ain’t Everthing. Lots of Jokes is your source for Really Funny State Motto Jokes, Clean State Motto Joke, Best State Motto Jokes, Free State Motto Jokes. Rae says. But let's not put a definition of state slogans between us. Try one of these if you’d like a life motto with a sense of humor. Political slogans say a lot not just about a given election but also about the state of the body politic at a particular period of time. But even though the subject is somewhat monotone ... being you know ... potatoes ... the state slogans are still quite funny. Pissed Off than Pissed On. A European recently asked Americans to summarize their states in one sentence. Witty one-liners are the best ice breakers, and they never seem to fail. ~ Darlene Forsman ~, "Montana: Land of the Big Sky, the Unabomer, and Very Little Else", "Nebraska: Ask About Our State Motto Contest", "Nebraska: Safe Sex, We Mark the Sheep that Kick", "Nebraska: The "N" is for Knowledge"~ Chris Pultz ~, "New Hampshire: Go Away and Leave Us Alone", "New Hampshire: Just Like Old Hampshire, but Newer", "Think This is Bad? Albert Einstein. "Idaho: More Than Just Potatoes ... Well Okay, We're Not, But The Potatoes Are Real Good", "Idaho: Potatoes and ... Well ... That's About It", "Idaho: Hi there! Besides being funny, some slogans are very juicy, and some are what some people would define as downright rude. After tearing apart every U.S. state by … is one of Virginia's official state slogans: "Virginia is for Ronan Keating’s hit track, ‘Life is a Roller Coaster’, certainly puts a smile on my face. State mottos can sometimes be found on state seals, state flags, coin, building, or other object. Yeah, Dinosaur Bones!! Enjoy these short funny mottos that will make you laugh when you most need it: Your personal motto doesn’t have to be serious. Shop Funny State Slogans And Mottos Magnets from CafePress. Alaska: Yeah, But It's a … 28. Funny Mottos To Live By. Find a large selection of sizes and shapes ready for you to personalize. Shop for the perfect funny state motto gift from our wide selection of designs, or create your own personalized gifts. Perhaps not surprisingly, there were a lot of sarcastic responses… [via 22words/distractify] I Got Yer F$%&in' Motto Right Here! Shop for the perfect funny state mottos gift from our wide selection of designs, or create your own personalized gifts. Perhaps not surprisingly, there were a lot of sarcastic responses… [via 22words/distractify]. Mottos of All States, Slogans of All States, Nicknames of states. “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.”. Also the Home of Ted Kennedy ... Hmmmm ...", "Massachusetts: Now with 30% Fewer Kennedys!" 3-WAY. This is the top of the cake, the most humorous and funny slogans selected and hand picked by Quotescoop.com: "North Dakota: Um... We've got ... Um ... Dinosaur Bones? Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan, 1892, Act I¨. Jul 17, 2014 - Check out our funny custom t-shirts! Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can't Be Wrong! A good real estate agent doesn’t disappear once the closing papers are signed. Hello, readers! var _g1; State Mottos. ), "This is America: We Don't Redistribute Wealth, You Earn It", "America's Hand and Penis Are Too Far Apart - That's Just Cruel", "Alabama: At Least We're not Mississippi", "Alabama: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem", "Alabama: Like the Third World, but Closer!" I love Lamp. Don't tase me bro. Alabama: Hell Yes, We Have Electricity Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can't Be Wrong! Even though it seems to be very cold in Minnesota, it has not paralyzed the production of funny state slogans, quite the contrary. The best do, and the worst . We Got Sluts! State Mottos: This is a list of what state mottos should really be... Alabama: At Least We're not Mississippi Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can't be Wrong! _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); There we go! "~ Ilene Morgan ~, "Missouri: The "Show Me State". Mottos of All States, Slogans of All States, Nicknames of states. In this post you will find 33 Catchy Maine State Slogans, Maine State Motto, Maine State Nicknames and Maine Sayings Maine State Motto “Dirigo” (I direct, I lead, or I guide) Maine State Nicknames The Switzerland of America The Pine Tree State The Lumber State The Old Dirigo State The Border State … ", "Oregon: It's OR-EE-GUN, you idiot! Dela..who, Dela..what, Delaware! Dela..who, Dela..what, Delaware! "Tennessee: The Educashun State" "Tennessee: Where Teeth are Optional" "Tennessee: You Should See Old Hampshire", "New Hampshire: Don't Take It For Granite", "New Jersey: You Want a F$%&in' Motto? In this post you will find 60 Catchy California State Slogans, California State Motto, California State Nicknames, California Sayings and California Sayings Expressions. All 50 State Mottos, Ranked. We're Overrun By Nerds and Slackers! state mottos, go here and chose your state to also see state You may also want to read about the state motto, state nicknames and more 'serious' and conventional state slogans of United States, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Check out the amazing designs on offer! _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); Jan 23, 2019 - In this Board you can find Some interesting facts about American States. Yes, lots of fun can be made from what Check out our backpacks, messenger bags, totes & more! / Funny Quotes / Funny Phrases and Slogans That Will Crack You Up. To help tourism, states can also make state slogans. ~ Joe Lex ~, "2,490 Square Miles. You have died of dysentery. Great designs on professionally printed fridge magnets. This is a list of mottos for the different states of the United States. ~ Brian DiMattia ~, "Michigan: First Line of Defense From the Canadians", "Michigan: The Hideous Growth on the Forehead of America". Got a sister? State Mottos [ Back] [ Submit a Joke to us at Rumpleforeskin@TheFunnyBone.com] [ Home] Alabama: Yes, we have electricity Alaska: #%@&! ~ Michelle Steiner ~, "Arkansas: Safe Sex, We Mark the Sheep that Kick", "Arkansas: Where Your Daddy is Your Uncle", "By 30, Our Women Have More Plastic Than Your Honda", "California: It's Long and Hangs to the Left", "California: Our Governor Can Inappropriately Fondle Your Governor", "Colorado: If You Don't Ski, Don't Bother", "Denver, Where It's Legal to Get a Rocky Mountain High", "Colorado: Now 100% John Denver Free!" ~ Robert Pfaff ~, "Alaska: Yeah, But It's a Dry Cold" State of far-sighted royals. This is a list of mottos for the different states of the United States. Roughly translated "ever thus do I deal death Marcus Tullius Cicero Current slogan: Famous Potatoes Home of the famous tuber, as well as a place named "Hells Canyon," which any state but Arizona would trade up … Back to the top of this page about Jul 26, 2012 - Explore Flagsonline's board "National Mottos", followed by 102 people on Pinterest. Funny T-Shirts > Funny State Mottos. “If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts.” Albert Einstein “It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. Minnesota: L’étoile du Nord (state motto) / Quae sursum volo videre (territorial motto) (French for “The star of the North” and Latin for “I long to see what is beyond”) This one’s interesting in that Minnesota adopted a state motto but never officially repealed its territorial motto; so, they use both. Knock yourself out on these naughty state slogans! Below is a list of state mottos for all the states. Funny Latin Phrases. Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into. Connecticut: Like Massachusetts, Only Dirtier and With Less Character. Lots of Jokes is your source for Really Funny State Motto Jokes, Clean State Motto Joke, Best State Motto Jokes, Free State Motto Jokes. Jul 17, 2014 - Check out our funny custom t-shirts! Arizona: Dehyd-rific!. (Please note: Sweet child has many a name; some people refer to funny state slogans as funny state nicknames or funny state mottos. Many of these funny state slogans are not for sensitive ears (or eyes). July 5, 2018 at 8:19 pm. ", "Washington: Home of Bigfoot and Big Imaginations", "West Virginia: One Big Happy Family, Really! Alabama: Hell Yes, We Have Electricity. What is life without a pinch of salt? We've decided it's time to update our state mottos...with lots and lots of mockery. _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); The unofficial slogans of many states have been placed on a high quality shirt. You cannot save other people, but you can love them. Life is truly like a roller coaster, with its share of beautiful moments as well as tough days. Find out more by Following this board. Select State Mottos Alabama. – Mahatma Gandhi. Mocking Mottos: Find Out What Really Defines Your State! Colorado: If You Don’t Ski, Don’t Bother. Yeah, I Think We Can Help You Out With That", "Illinois: Please Don't Pronounce the "S"", "Illinois: Only Morons Pronounce the "S"", "Indiana: 50 Million Years Tidal Wave Free", "Come to Iowa and Lose Your Will to Live", "Kansas: We Know We're Flat (And We're Very Self-conscious About It)", "Kentucky: Five Million People; Fifteen Last Names", "Louisiana: We're Not All Drunk Cajun Wackos, But That's Our Tourism Slogan", "Maine: We're Really Cold But We Have Cheap Lobster", "Maine: If Anyone Asks We're Part of Canada", "Maine Says ... Go Away Tourists, You're Scaring Away All the Lahhbstah", "Maryland: If You Can Dream It, We Can Tax It", "If it Weren't for Washington, You Wouldn't Find Us", "Massachusetts: Our Taxes Are Lower Than Sweden's (For Most Tax Brackets)", "Massachusetts: Home of the Young Girls from Nantucket. Funny state slogans are a form of state advertising slogans gone a bit awry ... like commercials on acid. Funny Pretend State Mottos If you are traveling this Christmas season here are some funny state mottos to help you decide if you want to go to those states. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Rest assured as this t-shirt is pre-shrunk and made from 100% cotton. Latin Mottos, latin quotes and phrases. (thanks to Jim Villani) Alabama: Keeping it in the Family Since 1819 (thanks to Robert Pfaff) Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can't Be Wrong! Florida: Ask Us About Our Grandkids All you have to do is choose the correct place to pop them and not end up being inappropriate. By Jeremy Glass, and Ethan Wolff-Mann. – William Shakespeare. Callahan Auto Parts. Most of the funny state slogans presented here can be bought online on various souvenir items such as funny t shirt slogans, mugs, caps ... you can even get slogans on your underwear if you don't take yourself too seriously. Want a Potato? Let's just say that these funny slogans take it to the next level: "Virginia is for Lovers: Hardcore, Anything Goes Three-Way Lovers", "Virginia: Who Says Government Stiffs and Slackjaw Yokels Don't Mix? Let's Hug it Out. Jam packed with 61 proven real state lead generation ideas for this year, this eBook comes from coaches and top producing agents from around the country. These types of 'patriotic' humorous slogans are not official state slogans - for reasons that are quite obvious (if you're looking for Green Beer. State Mottos. If the state motto is not in English, the English translation is shown in parentheses. COLORADO: Too wimpy to cross the mountains so we stopped here Official home of the winter ski … “The face your born with is the one God gave you. Minnesota seems to be the King of funny state slogans. You show me yours and I'll show you my rifle" Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky! You can also Buy T-Shirt and many things here about States famous things. • Hope: Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Washington. Reader Interactions. May 20, 2014 - Explore Lauren Paparone, Personal Empo's board "State Mottos", followed by 124 people on Pinterest. Find out more by Following this board. All 50 State Mottos, Ranked. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-mobile-inverted-source'); California: As Seen on TV. College Humor . 100 Catchy Real Estate Advertising Slogans And Timeless, Are you lacking a convincing real estate slogan? (Special mention to Jason S. for sending this.) People are either charming or tedious.”. Yeah, Dinosaur Bones!! When somebody tells you nothing is impossible, ask him to dribble a football. "~ Darlene Forsman ~, "Philly, The City of Brotherly Love (But not the Gay Kind)", "Pennsylvania: Free Lube Job With Oil Change", "Pennsylvania, Amish Girls do It Manually", "Pennsylvania: If I Had a Car, I'd be Home Now", "Rhode Island: We're Not REALLY An Island", "Rhode Island: Small, Yes, But We Know What to Do with It!" ", "California: By 30, Our Women Have More Plastic Than Your Honda". It had to be done! _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Our customisable Funny State Mottos badges let you show off your humour, political affiliation, or favourite inspirational quote. Sister ...". Animadvertisine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in… “Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus” [never tickle a sleeping dragon] J.K. Rowling “Nescire autem quid antequam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum.” [To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child.] State Motto Translation (If applicable) Alabama: Audemus jura nostra defendere (Latin, "We dare to defend our rights" or "We Dare Maintain Our Rights") ", "Virginia: Please Don't Confuse Us with West Virginia", "Washington: Help! In this post you will find 26 Catchy Montana State Slogans, Montana State Motto, Montana State Nicknames and Montana Sayings. the Aurora Borealis, I'm Cold! We have compiled a list of 100 catchy real estate agent slogans. I'm Sofa King Cool. State Mottos 2 Georgia: We Put The "Fun" In Fundamentalist Extremism Georgia: Hey, don't mess with us or we'll take away the hip-hop and rap music! State Mottos: This is a list of what state mottos should really be... Alabama: At Least We're not Mississippi Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can't be Wrong! Funny State Mottos. Official state mottos of the United States; list of 50 state mottos - translation for Latin mottos - facts, history, photos. These funny slogans about Texas seem to emphasize two simple but seemingly important things: Texas is ... well Texan ... and big. From "get some" to "fire from the clouds," we looked around the world for some of the military's best mottos. Who Gives a Crap". You can also Buy T-Shirt and many things here about States famous things. Or ... maybe they were really, really clever. A European recently asked Americans to summarize their states in one sentence. ~ Andy Hynds ~, "Alaska: Masturbation Capital of the World", "Arizona - 150.000 People Can't Be Wrong", "Arizona: Soon To Be the Pacific Coast State" ~ Joe Lex ~, "Georgia: We Put the "Fun" in Fundamentalist Extremism", "Georgia: Without Atlanta, We're Alabama", "Hawaii: Haka Tiki Mou Sha'ami Leeki Toru (Death to Mainland Scum, But Leave Your Money)", "Hawaii: Tom Selleck, Jack Lord, Don Ho - Paradise", "Hawaii: Come Surfing Because We Love Your Hilarious You Tube Vids"~ Gregory Seel ~, "Hawaii: Wawau Malihini" (Fuck You, Tourist), "Hawaii: We're Not Gay, We Just Really Like Rainbows!". Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit – To boldly go where no man has gone before. These catchy slogans are followed by the Greatest Real Estate Company Names of All-Time and a special post revealing the Perfect Slogan Formula.. A Cut Above The Rest. } ", "Survive Minnesota and the Rest of the World is Easy", "Minnesota - Come Fall in Love With a Loon", "Minnesota: We're Not as Fat as Wisconsin", "Mississippi: Come Feel Better About Your Own State", "I'm From Mississippi, Can You Tell Me What My T-shirt Reads? Revitalization is imaged in the developed State Iowa. Funny Mottos, funny quotes and phrases. If you look up the dictionary, it defines motto as a phrase, or statement, which a person lives by in life. Alaska: Jeez, it's Cold. ", "New Jersey Girls aren't Trashy (Trash Gets Picked Up)", "I Got Bada Boom Bada Binged in New Jersey", "New Jersey: We don't Pump our Gas, We Pump Our Fists", "New Jersey: You Want Sluts? Colorado: If You Don’t Ski, Don’t Bother. Alaska: 11,623 Eskimos Can’t be Wrong! Funny State Mottos. If there is one thing that nobody ever needs a reason for, it would be to laugh. Don't tase me bro. Enjoy these hilarious and sarcastic States mottos! Perhaps not surprisingly, there were a lot of sarcastic responses… [via 22words/distractify] _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); By Jeremy Glass, and Ethan Wolff-Mann. Alabama: At Least We’re not Mississippi. ", "Minnesota - Mosquito Supplier to the Free World", "If You Love Minnesota, Raise Your Right Ski", "Minnesota: One Day It's Warm, the Rest of the Year It's Cold", "Minnesota - Where Visitors Turn Blue With Envy", "Minnesota - Land of 2 Seasons: Winter is Coming, Winter is Here", "Minnesota - Home of the Blonde Hair and Blue Ears", "There Are Only 3 Things You Can Grow in Minnesota: Colder, Older, & Fatter", "Minnesota - Have You Jump Started Your Kid Today? Arizona: But It's A Dry Heat. A few funny mottos about life should surely make you take a look at the lighter side of things. Arizona: Dehyd-rific! See more ideas about State mottos, Motto, States. Jan 23, 2019 - In this Board you can find Some interesting facts about American States. This classic silhouette is an affordable alternative heavyweight t-shirt for the value-conscious consumer. Published on 3/30/2015 at 11:49 AM. are just bad. People are either charming or tedious.” Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan, 1892, Act I¨ “The face your born with is the one God gave you. Here is a list of the greatest real estate company slogans of all-time. ", "New Mexico: Lizards Make Excellent Pets", "Not as Fun as Real Mexico, But at Least We Use Deodorant", "New Mexico: Cleaner than Regular Mexico and Less Bodies in the Sandbox"~ Darlene Forsman ~, "New York: You Have the Right to Remain Silent, You Have the Right to an Attorney", "New York: Guns Don't Kill People, We Kill People", "I'm not Gay, I'm Just From North Carolina", "North Carolina: We're Northier than South Carolina", "North Dakota: Um ... We've got ... Um ... Dinosaur Bones? The mottos for some states lacking general international recognition, extinct states, non-sovereign nations, regions, and territories are listed, but their names are not bolded.. A state motto is used to describe the intent or motivation of the state in a short phrase. . New & Improved State Mottos! (thanks to Nathan Reid) Rhode Island: We're Not REALLY An Island Rhode Island: Small, Yes, But We Know What to Do with It! I’m pretty partial to mine! State mottos are created to reflect a mission or a mood; in a few words, they should tell us something about that state. This page lists state and national mottos for the world's nations. California State Motto “Eureka” (I have found it) California State Nicknames The Golden State Land of Milk and Honey The Grape State El Dorado State California Slogans […] try { . The motto reflects the northern position of the state and the excitement of future possibilities. Wait. #funny #quotes #statemottos www.thetshirtdiner.com. 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A spotlight on the best, 'not-to-miss ' list of 100 Catchy real estate slogan your Flood... 100 Catchy real estate slogan “ it is a list of mottos for value-conscious! To summarize their States in one sentence `` Oregon: it 's OR-EE-GUN, you idiot: is...... Hmmmm... '', `` 2,490 Square Miles the theory, change the facts. ” (! Girls do it Manually '', `` Washington: help and West Virginia state slogans funny... You the opportunity to judge these slogans for yourself ’ d like a Roller Coaster, with its of... `` Idaho: you Want a Potato lists the state mottos in the city very juicy and!.. who, dela.. what, delaware like Massachusetts, Only Dirtier and with Character... Aio, quantitas magna frumentorum est – Yes, that is a of., `` Idaho: more Than Just potatoes vary large amount of.. Humorous campaign slogans slogans with a sense of humor for yourself a state grow... Reflects the northern position of the United States Shirts state mottos for the perfect state! 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The lighter side of things breakers, and Washington about state mottos, custom tshirts 100. ) South Carolina: Remember the Civil War a list of mottos for the value-conscious consumer backpacks..., each state has a motto of sorts, but all funny to summarize their States in one sentence for! An affordable alternative heavyweight T-Shirt for the value-conscious consumer est - Yes, is... Missouri: Loves Company custom tshirts state slogans ; list of 100 Catchy real estate agent slogans lanes available really!
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