Although no charge or fee is required for using TeachEngineering curricular materials in your classroom, the lessons and activities often require material supplies. wind turbine: A device similar to a windmill that moves with the wind to convert the kinetic energy created by the wind to mechanical energy. (Grades Your school football field can hold approximately four wind turbines safely. Learn Renewable Energy online with courses like Solar Energy Basics and Wind Energy. Which option will generate the most energy for the investment? The policy, released last Thursday, aims to create a robust and efficient system of testing, standardization, and certification for the renewable energy sector. 6), The design process is a purposeful method of planning practical solutions to problems. To solve this problem, we'll use real-world data hosted on a website called "a living lab.". Students should use the column on the right to determine the wind power density at 50 m (boxed in blue in the figure). Explain the factors contributing to renewable energy feasibility. Which renewable energy source would produce best at your school? Direct students to discuss their ideas with their partners. Do you agree with this alignment? Analyze data to make recommendations for where renewable energy projects are best located. 9 - Activity, Copyright © 2012 Renewable Energy Living Lab, Colorado School of Mines, Copyright © 2016 Renewable Energy Living Lab, Colorado School of Mines. (Grades 6 - 8). others may emphasize the testing and analysis phases. Curriculum. fossil fuel: A type of fuel formed by the decay and decomposition process of dead organisms buried in the Earth for millions of years. For wind power, they must convert from watts per square meter (W/m2) to kilowatt-hours per square meters per year (kW/m2/year) in order to answer worksheet question 3. While some of these resources may focus heavily on the brainstorm and design steps, 8), Requirements for design are made up of criteria and constraints. Include both relative descriptions [that is, low, medium, high] and numerical data [that is, 5.0 kWh/m. Have students complete the remaining worksheet section—writing their recommendations. (Listen to student ideas.) Today we will explore five types of renewable energy resources and determine where in the U.S. are the best locations to convert these resources into electrical energy. Sites should be within a reasonable driving distance, 200 miles, of an international airport. a project of D2L ( While examining the solar energy map, have students note how the colors indicate various levels of energy efficiency. Examples: Sunlight (solar energy), water (hydropower), geothermal, biomass. Activity, High School Next, it’s time to take a look at ethanol. (Grade 5), The management of waste produced by technological systems is an important societal issue. We will look at data acquired and presented by the Department of Energy National Laboratories. It wants to ensure that renewable energy can be transferred into the world’s aging power grids more seamlessly and effectively. Plan Time. January 24, 2020. 9 - 9 - (Grades 6 - 8). 6 - Using the real-world data in the living lab enables students and teachers to practice analyzing data to solve problems or answer questions, in much the same way that scientists and engineers do every day. Thanks for your feedback! Thanks for your feedback! The webpage provides a description of the experiment with correlations to state and national science standards. biomass: Biological (organic) material from living or dead organisms (especially plants) used as an energy source. Summary. Students use real-world data to evaluate whether solar power is a viable energy alternative for several cities in different parts of the U.S. Students become familiar with the online Renewable Energy Living Lab interface and access its real-world solar energy data to evaluate the potential for solar generation in various U.S. locations. 8), Decisions to develop and use technologies often put environmental and economic concerns in direct competition with one another. Provide students with the background and story for the activity and the (hypothetical) challenge: Our school has received a grant from the Department of Energy to help offset power costs by funding the placement of either solar panels on the school roof or wind turbines on school grounds. Give students time to explore the living lab before they begin to analyze data. This curriculum was created with the support of National Science Foundation grant no. For upper grades, have students explore the other resources as well as utilize different reference data. Students become familiar with the online Renewable Energy Living Lab interface and access its real-world solar energy data to evaluate the potential for solar generation in various U.S. locations. Sites must have a high potential for generating electrical energy from a renewable source. The lab’s director, Dr. Valentin Soloiu, is the Allen E. Paulson Distinguished Chair of Renewable Energy and a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute RASEI (pronounced RAY-see) is a joint institute between the University of Colorado Boulder (CU-Boulder) and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) addressing important, complex problems in energy that require a … Varies by activity. Explain the difference between renewable, nonrenewable, and inexhaustible resources. It is rare that students have access to query such as extensive body of scientific data to support their own inquiry-based questions. To consider whether a renewable energy source is feasible, what questions would you ask? Recommendation for where to locate the option. Point out the legend under the Legend tab. Use maps to analyze the potential for generating various types of renewable energy. Sandia National Laboratories has advanced research in renewable energy since the 1970s. Do you agree with this alignment? Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if National Renewable Energy Lab is right for you. ", Pair students to work together. Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. within type by subtype, then by grade, etc. This table is given under the Wind Speed Offshore icon in the lower left corner, but for easy accessibility it is provided below. hydropower: Power created from the movement (falling) of water. Navigate students to the Renewable Energy Living Lab: Check the boxes under the Resources folder (located on the left under the Data Layers tab) to switch between the maps depicting the potential for the five different forms of renewable hydropower, biomass, geothermal, wind and solar. wind turbine: A device similar to a windmill that moves with the wind to convert the kinetic energy created by the wind to mechanical energy. This curriculum was created with the support of National Science Foundation grant no. Point out hot links at the bottom of the legend box for additional resources about each energy type. High School (Grades Many natural resources are nonrenewable on human timescales, while others can be renewed or recycled but do not have them complete the full process. WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 (TNSRes) -- The U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory issued the following web feature:The ocean-waves on the water, currents beneath the surface, and winds above the water-offers a wealth of energy potential. 3 - How much power potential? This Lab investigates what energy is, how it can be converted into useful forms, and why some sources are running low. NREL began operating July 5, 1977, as the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI). 6 - The collection is organized into three main “lessons”—each with its own set of brief and engaging videos and assessment questions that cover key areas of energy … Use of the TeachEngineering digital library and this website constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. Renewable energy resources are currently a hot topic in science and engineering as society looks for ways to produce affordable power without permanently damaging our environment. Evaluate competing design solutions based on jointly developed and agreed-upon design criteria. Describe the amount of wind energy received by your school. When designing systems to produce or transmit sustainable energy, or power, engineers look at opportunities to harness renewable resources such as wind, sunlight, biofuels, geothermal heat and flowing water. The Energy Lab includes a collection of eight short videos that cover basic energy topics. This activity is designed around the Renewable Energy Living Lab, a resource of current and real-world scientific data, in this case a culmination of available renewable energy data from across the U.S. This, along with their worksheet answers, reveals their level of comprehension, Teacher resources: Subject Areas: MS-ETS1-2. technology, engineering or math (STEM) educational standards. This mechanical energy can be converted to electrical energy as well. Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution, taking into account relevant scientific principles and potential impacts on people and the natural environment that may limit possible solutions. Energy Experts Elaborate and Evaluate: After students complete the ELABORATE questions on the worksheet, have them share their answers with the class. Videos include contextual information explaining why these topics matter to students and society. (Grades Activities and Video Teach the Importance of Energy Alternatives.VWR offers a complete catalog of instruments and tools useful for demonstrating key, basic concepts of physics that are applicable to everyday life both in and out of the laboratory. 12), Energy resources can be renewable or nonrenewable. renewable energy: Energy obtained from natural resources that are continually replenished, for example, regardless of how much of the Sun's heat energy is "used" today, more is received by the Earth tomorrow. Do you agree with this alignment? Partial Design Process These resources engage students in some of the steps in the engineering design process, Glassdoor has 354 National Renewable Energy Lab reviews submitted anonymously by National Renewable Energy Lab employees. For lower grades, do the calculations as a class, rather than individually. Biomass used for electricity generation varies widely by region. As part of the EVALUATE portion of the worksheet, pair up partner groups to make groups of four students each. Point out the legend under the Legend tab. Do you agree with this alignment? biomass: Biological (organic) material from living or dead organisms (especially plants) used as an energy source. Students use real-world data to evaluate whether solar power is a viable energy alternative for several cities in different parts of the U.S. geothermal energy: Thermal (heat) energy from heat present under the Earth's surface. Specification of constraints includes consideration of scientific principles and other relevant knowledge that is likely to limit possible solutions. (Grade Lead a class discussion to have students compare results. The more precisely a design task's criteria and constraints can be defined, the more likely it is that the designed solution will be successful. Research that increases the resilience of renewable energy. After examining maps and analyzing data from the online Renewable Energy Living Lab, they write recommendations as to the optimal form of renewable energy the school should pursue. NREL delivers impactful scientific discoveries, innovations and insights that transform clean energy technologies, systems and markets. The Renewable Energy Living Lab gives students a chance to access the same data that is used by scientists and engineers to evaluate U.S. renewable energy sources. 6), computer with internet access (or printed or projected renewable energy potential maps as found on the Renewable Energy Living Lab website). 12), Earth's natural resources provide the foundation for human society's physical needs. Go to this website: and watch the video found on that page. The data sources allow students to download data sets into Excel for further manipulations. In addition, targeted for ages 15 and up, the academic content of Renewable Energy Online has been developed for thorough comprehension and understanding to achieve effective learning online. Renewable Energy Living Lab: Energy Experts. Thanks for your feedback! Working in small groups, they examine maps and make calculations using NREL/US DOE data from the online Renewable Energy Living Lab. 6), Use ratio reasoning to convert measurement units; manipulate and transform units appropriately when multiplying or dividing quantities. Review the five renewable energy icons; discuss why each icon is appropriate for the energy type it represents (wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal, solar). DUE 0532684. The design process is a purposeful method of planning practical solutions to problems. Renewable sources of energy vary widely in their cost-effectiveness and in their availability. A brief description of wind energy, as found on the Renewable Energy Living Lab introduction page. (Grades Use of the TeachEngineering digital library and this website constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. 8), Social and cultural priorities and values are reflected in technological devices. Copyright © (left) Idaho National Laboratory, (right) The White House, Middle School For example, if a student found a speed of 7.0 m/s on the map, that would correlate to a density of 400 W/m2. Direct students to study the maps to find areas with high potential to develop solar, geothermal, wind, hydro and biomass energy. As students compare solar and wind power potentials for their school location, they may be confused when they realize the units provided for solar and wind power are not the same. Renewable Energy Living Lab: Power Your School. Students should be aware that watt-hours (Wh) or kilowatt-hours (kWh), are units of energy, while watts (W) or (kW) are units of power. Alternately, have students present their solutions to the entire class and then complete the analysis questions. Examples: Petroleum, natural gas, coal. This means that the DOE will help our school pay for a renewable energy system. 8), Energy can be grouped into major forms: thermal, radiant, electrical, mechanical, chemical, nuclear, and others. (Grade All human activity draws on natural resources and has both short and long-term consequences, positive as well as negative, for the health of people and the natural environment. Go to and click to enter the Renewable Energy Living Lab. SERI was a federal facility dedicated to harnessing power from the sun and quickly caught national attention. (Grades (Grades 9 - Worksheet: As students explore the website, have them complete the data table and questions on the worksheet. Through this activity, students and teachers gain familiarity with the living lab's GIS graphic interfa... Students use real-world data to evaluate whether solar power is a viable energy alternative for several cities in different parts of the U.S. Engineers use both renewable and non-renewable energy sources to generate electricity, power vehicles, and make buildings functional. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. (Grades 6 - 8). S/he must multiply by the hours in a day and by the days in a year: 400 W/m2 x 24 hours/day x 365 days/year = 3500000 Wh/m2/year = 3500 kW/m2/yearTable 1-1 Classes of wind power density. Prepare the computers and make copies of the. Environmental Science Lab Alternative Energy Lab Instructions and Worksheet In this lab, you will look at different alternative energy options. in Mechanical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University. Do you agree with this alignment? The uses of technologies and any limitations on their use are driven by individual or societal needs, desires, and values; by the findings of scientific research; and by differences in such factors as climate, natural resources, and economic conditions. renewable energy: Energy obtained from natural resources that are continually replenished, for example, regardless of how much of the Sun's heat energy is "used" today, more is received by the Earth tomorrow. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. After this activity, students should be able to: Each TeachEngineering lesson or activity is correlated to one or more K-12 science, fossil fuel: A type of fuel formed by the decay and decomposition process of dead organisms buried in the Earth for millions of years. A wind turbine along the Colorado front range.copyrightCopyright © 2012 NREL. Thanks for your feedback! Give students time to explore the living lab before they begin to analyze data. Daniel Tabas joined the REAL lab as a PhD student in the fall of 2018 after receiving his B.S. Examples: Sunlight (solar energy), water (hydropower), geothermal, biomass. Follow the instructions below to get started! Review the five energy icons, and discuss why each is appropriate for its energy type. Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. Evaluate their recommendations against the following criteria: Summary Presentations: As would typically be done by engineers, have students present their recommendations in small groups or with the class. Then, you will write a recommendation for which option (solar panels or wind turbine) the school should build, using your data analysis for support. Time Required: 1 hours 30 minutes Many people assume that renewable or "green" energy sources are always the best solution. (Grades (Grade For example, to utilize energy from water, engineers must design and build dams along with electric generators and transmission lines. Scientists and engineers around the world gather data through observation and experimentation and use it to describe and understand how the world works. Include both relative descriptions [that is class type] and numerical data [that is, 5.0 m/s]). To students and society unit to get the density ) Areas: analysis! You must work within some constraints, as described in the lower left corner to read information... Multiply, and why some sources are running low details are available in the activity is not in.: Thermal ( heat ) energy from heat present under the Earth surface... U.S. locations for human society 's physical needs energy ; some methods are better suited a! 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