advantages of living near the coast

In order to spend all my morning time getting everyone else ready, I prepared my gear the night before. You may love to head to seafood restaurants while vacationing at the coast so that you can enjoy the fresh catch of the day. But it turns out that living by the sea might be even better still. People living in dull and gloomy climes generally face more vitamin D deficiency than those who live close to the coast, according to a study conducted on 7,000 participants. Living near trees will help you recover faster If you have someone who is recovering from an illness or operation, try to make sure they get the room with a view of a tree, if there is one! Belinda Storey, like most of us, likes being near the ocean. By doing so, you are more likely to make great friends who share your same interests, and you may even meet someone special if you don’t already have a significant other. And herein lies something of a dilemma – how can we ensure that people can live near the coast and take advantage of the many economic and personal benefits of coastal ecosystems without harming the ecosystems themselves and losing those benefits? Other studies, including one from Michigan State University, have also found a correlation between living near the coast and better mental health, according to The Washington Post. The fish simply tastes better, and it may be more chock full of healthy nutrients than fish that has been processed or that has been frozen before it was prepared. 1. Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. Join over 100,000 of your peers and receive our weekly newsletter which features the top trends, news and expert analysis to help keep you ahead of the curve. No property taxes. The Pros and Cons of Living Near the Water. Because if you don’t protect coastal ecosystems like oyster reefs, marshes, and seagrass beds, then you can lose a lot of the benefits that we derive from the coast, including productive fisheries, outdoor recreational opportunities, erosion control, storm protection, and water quality. Tabi Hoshmand. EVERY TIME. You'll save on rent, utility bills, renovations, shared grocery bills, and a lot more. Brainstorm and discuss the cons of coastal living. If you do not receive a verification e-mail, check your spam folder. And if you do protect them, you can even increase the value of the surrounding areas – for instance, a study by researchers at North Carolina State University found that homes in urban areas that were within 1/2 a mile to a wildlife refuge were worth 7-9% more than homes away from these wilderness areas. You can buy less and budget more. By networking with your friends and neighbors in your new hometown, you may learn about new business opportunities and be invited to participate in a variety of ventures. But the pattern suggests that there is a health benefit to living near the ocean. Advantages and Disadvantages Working and Living In the City and Countryside. Whether your kids still live at home with you or they have already left the nest, your family will love the idea of living on the coast. Homes that are right in front of the crashing waves will see more erosion on barriers that protect … The cost of living in states with more licensees is relatively high, strongly suggesting that curbing licensing would reduce the overall cost of living. There’s no such thing as a quick trip to the store when you’re living that mountain life. Our comments are moderated. The locals will have an opportunity to improve their standards of living because the factory will create job opportunities. Walking on sand requires around 1.6-2.5 times more effort than … If you have ever wondered what it might be like living near a cemetery, here are a few pros and cons to consider. This article was written for Business 2 Community by Jeff Gross.Learn more about writing for B2C, Jeff has been a writer and a blogger since 2009. Pros of Living by a Cemetery Quiet: The occasional backhoe will add some noise to the backdrop, and there will be traffic coming and going all hours of the day, but you won’t find anywhere quieter to be once the sun goes down. If you ever want it to rain for some reason, just tell me and I will attempt to go to the beach that day. Myrtle Beach offers several great benefits for those looking to live on or near the coast. And I am certainly not alone. Coastal air is different than air that is found farther inland. When you live by the coast, you can enjoy fresh seafood at a restaurant or in your own kitchen. I love the coast, and I especially love living along the coast. You can ditch the white noise machine and settle for the real thing by buying a waterfront home. Living by the sea can pose a number of challenges though, says Steve Thomas, False Bay Franchise Manager for Lew Geffen Sotheby’s International Realty. The result is that serotonin levels are more equalized. iNaturalist became a part of the WFSU Ecology Blog during the EcoCitizen Project in 2019. 4124 Robert Churchill/123rf Stock Photo If you’re lucky enough to live by the coast, then you know that it comes with some benefits. Minimal maintenance. Leave a Comment Beach front property is some of the most expensive in the country; if you are lucky, you might find some remote beach front spot somewhere in the world that hasn’t been developed but usually you will pay a high price for an ocean view. In many areas of your life, you may have to work hard to gain a certain social status and exhibit an aura of being successful. Because real estate by the coast can cost more than real estate farther inland, many people do subconsciously equate success with those who own coastal real estate. Investment Potential You get fitter and happier Just a leisurely swim burns nearly 200 calories while a game of beach volleyball burns about 300. Published: 20:39 EST, 16 July 2012 | Updated: 02:29 EST, 17 July 2012 ), but you won't have to spend as much as you would if you were on your own. As a specialist in climate risk, she knows that things aren’t looking good for homes on low-lying parts of New Zealand’s coast. We already know that living in the countryside is fantastic for your mental health, with green spaces often seen as de-stressing environments that have a positive impact on your wellbeing. Ocean views never go old and bright opportunities for investment as a leisure resort destination. In fact, it was almost a guarantee of rising property values and return on investment. Many people worldwide live in coastal areas – a whopping 44% of the global population live within 95 miles (150km) of the ocean, according to a 2010 report by the United Nations Atlas of the Oceans. Yet, as a living, feeling human, she can't let go of her love for the seaside home her dad built. Oct 12, 2015. It is a disadvantage if you don’t. The Most Affordable Places to Live on the East Coast 1. Advantages and disadvantages of living near the sea. An amount below 100 means Tuscaloosa is cheaper than the US average. Of course, real estate on the coast comes with a premium price tag compared to property that is located far off the coast. While you do want to avoid spending too much time in the sun and use a lotion with UV protection when you are in the sun, ultimately, spending time outdoors and enjoying some sunshine can be great for the body and the soul. Located near the Tennessee-North Carolina border, Johnson City, Tennessee has seen its overall cost of living drop by 3.3%. Compare the Cost of Living in New York, New York against another US Cities and States. Our cost of living indices are based on a US average of 100. Extreme weather, coastal erosion and rising sea levels Coastal areas are not alone in experiencing extreme weather, but living by the sea gives you a front row seat for cyclones, east-coast lows and storm surges. Therefore some residents living near proposed or existing wind projects may have concerns about how the new sound may affect them. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the Country Some advantages to living in the country include these points: Clean Air, no neighbors, open spaces, quiet, birds, deer and other critters. Studies show no evidence for direct human health effects from wind turbines. @2017 - PenciDesign. Pros of Coastal Living in Myrtle Beach. Especially in the summertime. With so many outdoor recreational activities available to choose from along the coast, you will spend more time out of the house and enjoying life. You have to love nature to live in the country. This is because air along the coast is charged with negative ions that allow the body to more easily absorb oxygen. Other studies, including one from Michigan State University, have also found a correlation between living near the coast and better mental health, according to The Washington Post. Beaches. In addition, regular exposure to the sun in moderation can actually reduce inflammation that is common in skin conditions like dermatitis and psoriasis. City-centers are planned in that manner that they end up being the hub of everything associated with commercial, established or educational job areas. New Backyard Blog: November/ December 2020, EcoCitizen Show | Seasons in South Tallahassee, Red Wolf Family Celebrates First Year at the Tallahassee Museum, The Effects of Predators and Fear on Oyster Reefs, Animal Species in a North Florida Intertidal Oyster Reef, In the Grass- Salt Marsh Biodiversity Study, Plants and Animals of a North Florida Salt Marsh, Predatory Snails, and Prey, of the Bay Mouth Bar Seagrass Beds, Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines | Virtual Field Trip, The Age of Nature Screening & Discussion | The Future of the Apalachicola, Apalachicola RiverTrek | Kayaking, Camping, & Hiking the River Basin, Backyard Blog October through December 2019. The main finding of this large study was that self-reported good health was on average more common (prevalent) the closer a person lived to the coast. Having a factory close to a town will benefit both the local residents and factory in different ways. Living near the coast may be associated with better health because the seaside environment reduces stress, the researchers said. When your skin is exposed to sunshine, we naturally produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is responsible for improving the immune system, making bones strong and warding off autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and others. Living near the coast promotes outdoor activity For centuries doctors have known that being close to the seaside is good for human health. That said though, it's been worth the effort necessary, shopping around to find the right place, to gain the benefits of living in the heart of the Gold Coast. When compared to urban communities living more than 50km from the coastline, the proportion of those reporting ‘good health’ living within 1km of the coast was 1.13 percentage points higher after statistical adjustment (95% confidence interval0.99 to 1.27). Belinda Storey, like most of us, likes being near the ocean. Our region of the Big Bend of Florida is unique in that significant tracts of undeveloped coastal areas remain. Here are some of the pros and cons of coastal living in Myrtle Beach to consider first. Ask: What are possible drawbacks to living near a coast? I love the coast, and I especially love living along the coast. After students answer, display the MapMaker Interactive: World—Population Density map. Then discuss as a class. An amount below 100 means Bethany Beach is cheaper than the US average. On the other hand, there are so many lakes located in so many different regions, you can almost always find some lakefront property near where you live now or near where your children and grandchildren might live. Living Food for Health by Dr Gillian McKeith is published by Piatkus and is available from good bookshops priced £6.99 Share or comment on this article: Most watched News videos The common thread throughout these activities is a long-standing interest in generating information that can enhance the effectiveness of conservation and management decisions. When you learn more about these benefits, you may make the decision that life on the coast is ideal for you. A … Advantages. More Maintenance. The prevailing advantage of moving into a city-center is a easy access to all the business, business and educational agencies. If you decide to start living in the Raleigh area, then there is a good chance that your cost of living expenses is going to be higher than what you’re currently paying. The average density of people in coastal regions is 3 times higher than the global average density. 9. With the island’s limited source of products and services, you can purchase less. A quote from famed writer William Penn: "The country life is to be preferr'd; for there we see the works of God; but in cities little else but the works of men." When you live along the coast, you will enjoy easy access to activities like sunbathing, surfing, swimming, sailing, fishing, kayaking and more. I’m thankful that my career as a marine ecologist ensures that I will always live somewhat near the ocean! As a specialist in climate risk, she knows that things aren’t looking good for homes on low-lying parts of New Zealand’s coast. The cost of living can limit the areas you can afford to live with your BAH. Be sure to research the area thoroughly and ask other military families about a neighborhood’s reputation. Here’s a list of the greatest advantages of mobile home park living: Cost. It is well structured giving evidence about the positive points of living in a large city as well about the negative aspects. Living on the coast can also mean more maintenance to the home. Cost of Living in Texas . A cost of living index above 100 means Bethany Beach, Delaware is … Travel opportunities are also more numerous and varied, especially the Cruise line ports. White and colleagues have also looked at census data in England to see how (We don’t have to go far for an example of this latter issue – just think of the effects of upstream water diversions in the Apalachicola River system on the downstream oyster fishermen.). He mostly writes about business, finance, technology and lifestyle. Cost-of-living averages do not address the quality of the goods or services available. When living near the coast is nothing but a good time. Jeff is also a small business owner and an online marketing strategist.… View full profile ›. Con: Distance from amenities. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign. This fall we’ve been looking at the ecosystem services provided by the various habitats, whether it’s the food it provides us or the protection they provide us from storm surge. Despite the central location though, one negative factor I've discovered is that, apart from the convenient tram line, the public transport is pretty bad if you have to take buses, especially to some places. Enjoy bright pink sunrises over the Atlantic Ocean … The researchers also found that the positive effects of coastal proximity may be greater among poorer com… At night, you can hear the ocean (or sea). In the Grass, On the Reef is funded by the National Science Foundation. Staying active with enjoyable activities is great for your physical and mental health alike. Coastal living areas offer a wider variety of leisure and outdoor activities than the landlocked states. When you own coastal real estate, you actually will be living in close proximity to many successful people. That’s 44% of 6.8 billion people, and that’s a lot! For some, that best sums up the advantages of country living. If you have been thinking about purchasing real estate close to the sea, you may be creating a list of pros and cons. Living on the coast helps you escape much of the politics, but it is a living situation which comes at a cost. I was a Squad Leader. List of the Cons of Living in Raleigh, NC. Advantages and Disadvantages of Living In The Mountains Posted on June 13th, 2018 by David Huffman You have wanted a home in a place that is peaceful, quiet, and soothes the soul. Living near the coast is good for trading with people that come across the seas. Whether you’re west coast or east coast, near water or surrounded by land, the views you’ll see will never get old. 6 Creative Ways to Start Earning Money with Pokémon Go, Image: 49 Preppy Baby Names Destined For The Ivy League, Image: Shark Tank: Electra Beverages Accepts $100,000 From Barbara Corcoran, Image: Shark Tank Update: The Original Comfy, Image: The Danger of Cooking with Healthy Oils Past Their Smoke Point. Jul 28, 2020: The advantages and disadvantages of living in a large city by: Jaime Carbo Congratulations Miss Claudia for your essay. Con 3- It will not fail to rain every time I plan to actually go to the beach. “The most important thing to understand is the additional wear and tear that come from prolonged exposure to sea air, which is substantially moister than average, along with being packed with corrosive salt,” he says. Natural calamities Depending on where you are in the Philippines, catastrophes […] Knowing the advantages of living near the beach can be a tantalizing prospect. The crashing of waves, the cool night breeze rolling off the water, or the soothing sound of rushing river water will certainly rock you to sleep. It can also help you to sleep more deeply and peacefully at night, and this can have a beneficial effect on your overall level of health and well-being. Over 22 miles in fact. The crashing of waves, the cool night breeze rolling off the water, or the soothing sound of rushing river water will certainly rock you to sleep. This is an advantage for oceanfront living if you already live in or near a coastal city or town. The advantages of living near an aluminium site is that it will create jobs for the local people, however electrolysis of aluminium can cause pollution in the air and in local water supplies. And luckily, there are plenty of east coast cities that have found a great balance between quality of life and cost of living with many showcasing features you probably didn't even know you wanted until now. © Business 2 Community. Coastal population growth and development on coasts. This good feeling appears to be shared by others – a study out of England found that people living near the coast reliably report that they are healthier than people of similar age, gender, etc., who live farther inland. Climate change is heralding more intense rainfall and rising sea levels. Or the even more vexing problem of one group of people taking advantage of the ecosystems and causing OTHER PEOPLE to lose the benefits of those ecosystems? It’s worth doing wherever you live, because sunlight enables the body to make vitamin D, which helps you absorb calcium for stronger bones, as well as working against hypertension and a whole host of other health issues. All Right Reserved. The cost of living in Raleigh is a little higher than the state and national average. Dr. Randall Hughes is an ecologist and marine biologist focusing on the causes and consequences of species and genetic diversity in coastal systems. However, you can actually improve your own social status and appear to be more successful in life when you purchase real estate by the sea. Embrace the outdoors Studies also show that people who live near the beach are often less stressed and live happier lives! One of the biggest advantages of living with your parents is that you can save a lot more money. Below is the iNaturalist profile belonging to WFSU Ecology producer Rob Diaz de Villegas. The advantages there would have been to living near both the Arabian and Indus River would have been that there would have been fresh water for farming, bathing and drinking. She has conducted experimental work on plants and animals in seagrasses, salt marshes, oyster reefs, and kelp forests. People living near the sea are probably more likely to head out for a walk – and so get some sunlight on their skin. Coastal cities often have many nearby locations (within one hour) drive offering ski trails or parks and climbing. Living on an island is like living in a small town. It can be difficult to find friends or even a mate who shares the same interests as you, and this is particularly true if you spend all of your time cooped up indoors. Seeing the ocean daily gives me a definite sense of peace, even when the water itself is not very peaceful. Patients at a Pennsylvania hospital who were recovering from gall bladder operations recovered faster when their rooms had a view of trees than those who were just looking out at a building. Subscribe to receive more outdoor adventures, and an in depth look at our local forests and waterways by Email. It's possible that the people living closest to the coast are simply wealthier and have better access to health care. Yet, as a living, feeling human, she can't let go of her love for the seaside home her dad built. You can ditch the white noise machine and settle for the real thing by buying a waterfront home. This can improve your mood and decrease your stress level. Best: You can for a lazy (or strenuous) relaxing beach walk every day - on your way to or from work. Merely living near the coast and its natural habitats can be beneficial. 3. The sounds of lapping waves and the feeling of soft sand beneath your feet are enough to put even the busiest of minds at ease. Coastal living benefits you physically, mentally and spiritually, but don't just take our word for it. Astoria is fairly isolated from major city centers, offers a higher cost of living, and job availability is somewhat limited if you’re living outside of an urban area. Your comment may not appear immediately. Advantages and Disadvantages of Living In The Mountains Posted on June 13th, 2018 by David Huffman You have wanted a home in a place that is peaceful, quiet, and soothes the soul. But there is also a set of less desirable characteristics associated with living near the beach. But there are other perks. Advantages and disadvantages of living on the coast Ways People have over come these challenges By Benjamin Nelson One way people have overcome sea level rise is wetland restoration.Wetlands are good at making soil allowing the wetlands to outpace sea level rise.But wetlands are Effort than … more Maintenance to the home reefs, and recycling.. All the business, finance, technology and lifestyle York, New York, New York against another cities! The country beach offers several great benefits for those looking to live with your BAH researchers.. Of their favorite beach activities this list of the goods or services.. Students answer, display the MapMaker Interactive: World—Population density map and states self. Thing as a living, feeling human, she ca n't let go of love. At least 30 minutes early, if not more global average density of people in regions!, it was almost a guarantee of rising property values and return on investment is heralding more intense rainfall rising! 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