We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on this "Hi Linda! However, you can also study part-time, over two or more years. Access to HE Diplomas are open to anyone aged 19 and over and are mainly taught at Further Education (FE) colleges. For help and advice on … Learn more >. They’re widely recognised by UK universities as alternatives to 'traditional' qualifications for entry into undergraduate courses. 45 of these are at level 3 and graded. The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications for study at university. The Access to HE Diploma is widely recognised by UK universities, and many actively encourage applications from Access to HE students. Since the late 1980’s, our Access programme has been a life-changer for thousands of people. If the learner has gone straight into employment, they may not have studied at Level 3 and so this Access to HE Diploma will help them to build on existing skills and provide a good grounding for further academic study. The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification that will enable you to progress to university and a degree regardless of what you did (or didn't) achieve first time round. website. There are over 1,200 recognised Access to HE courses. The Access to HE Diploma is for you. Whatever your reason for starting, you will find that you will be learning with other adults who all want to learn. Get Your Query Resolved Faster, Visit Our Support Centre. This website will not work properly using this browser, so please update to the latest version for the best user experience. An Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma is a qualification that prepares students for an undergraduate degree at university. Please choose the system you want to login to: Online and workplace learning with RQF, Endorsed and Certified qualifications. The Access to HE Diploma will help prepare students to progress on to higher education, including University Centre St Helens. Important Information: Advanced Learner Loan Funding Learn more >, If you are searching online, wondering “what do I need to become a Midwife?”, look no further! Access to HE: Health Professions Level 3 Diploma is a one-year course that is validated and moderated by Ascentis under licence from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. This comparison relates to the level of the qualification: there is no standard measure of 'equivalence' that relates to the volume of the qualification. Access to HE Webinar If you are interested in finding out more about how to deliver Access to HE diplomas as part of your learner offer, be that as a new Provider – or expanding your offer or wanting to work with OCN London as your AVA then come along to our webinar to find out more. Thinking of studying at university but don’t have any qualifications? Over 90% of higher education leavers with an Access to HE Diploma were in employment or further study 6 months after they completed the course; and remember – if you progress to university and complete the course, your Advanced Learner Loan is written off – which means you won’t pay it back! To confirm you are happy with our use of cookies, please click Accept to continue. The Access to Higher Education Diploma is widely recognised by universities and colleges, throughout the country, as an entry qualification for degrees and many professional courses. With an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Social Science) you can enrol on a university course in Psychology or Sociology, without traditional A-levels. It is essential to contact the Access to HE course provider for information about their charges and how they will apply to you. Study on the Access to HE Diploma makes academic demands that are at an equivalent level to those of other level 3 qualifications. The Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma is a qualification which prepares students for study at degree level. Read more. It has been designed to give you relevant academic subject knowledge and the opportunity to learn how to approach study at university-level and develop techniques to help you succeed. The Access to HE Diploma is a qualification designed to prepare adults, with few prior qualifications, for higher education study. Please note that Access to Higher Education Diplomas are only available to learners in the UK. The qualification gives you the relevant academic subject knowledge needed for higher education study and the opportunity to develop study skills to help you to succeed. Universities are involved in the development of new Access to HE courses to make sure that course content is appropriate, and the framework for the approval of Access to HE courses is managed by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). An Access to Higher Education Diploma is the ideal way for adult students (aged 19+) without traditional A Levels or Level 3 qualifications to qualify for entry to a degree or other Higher Education course. If you have an offer based on your Access to Higher Education Diploma, whenever necessary, we will liaise with your chosen university to ensure they have any requested information. Education context The Access to HE Diploma is designed for adults who have been identified as having the potential to achieve at HE-entry standard. Only one entry per person. Access to HE Diplomas are made up of 60 credits. It offers an alter… Learn more >, Under the broad umbrella of Social Science, the fundamental focus is on human relationships and the way they interact with society. Once you have successfully completed an Access to HE Diploma, in the topic of your choice, many universities will welcome you aboard to continue your education with a relevant degree. Learn more >, Do you want to start a new career in the field of Health and Social Sciences, but lack the necessary qualifications? Belfast Met has a strong track record for delivering these courses. Allowing you to take the next step toward your degree. You can use the form below to search the register of approved Access to HE Diplomas for a particular subject and/or in a particular location. In order to use the title 'Access to HE', a course must be recognised by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA). Entry to the prize draw is free. Courses are designed, in particular, for people who have been out of education for some time, especially those who left school with too few qualifications to be able to go straight to university. Access to HE- Diploma in Nursing, Midwifery & Medical Science - Part-time (Feb start) Level: Level 3. All recognised courses are listed on the database of QAA-recognised Access to HE courses. Belfast Met makes it possible, with a wide choice of full-time and part-time specially designed Access to University courses. change of the qualification name from 'Access to HE Certificate' to 'Access to HE Diploma' (2009) adoption of a common approach to credit and common credit target for the qualification of 60 credits (2009) introduction of a common system of grading, based on the award of … Access to HE courses are delivered by colleges in England and Wales, and are available in a range of different subjects, such as nursing, social studies, law, and art and design. You’ll Learn valuable Computer Skills The remaining 15 credits are not … Learn more >, Natural Sciences dominate every aspect of the physical world. Most learners go on to take further study at university or college while others simply want to improve their job prospects. During your Diploma you will study Chemistry and Chemical Change, Atomic Structure and Hydrocarbons. Learn more >, Overview The diploma is designed for people who would like to study in higher education but who left school without attaining a Level 3 qualification, such as A-Levels. An Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma is a qualification that prepares students for an undergraduate degree at university. Location: North Devon Campus. Duration: Two years, part-time (one day per week) Apply Now Suitable for students aged 19 and over. Access to HE Diplomas provide an opportunity for adults without the relevant formal qualifications to go to university. No purchase is necessary. Access to HE courses are usually completed in one year. It will help to build your confidence and develop your social and communication skills as well as increasing your knowledge of particular subject areas. Read on to see how an Access to HE Diploma (Computer Science) can help make your goal a reality. Is Distance Learning better than Classroom Learning? During your studies you will learn about atomic structure, mechanics and mechanical sciences as well as the mathematical principles that underpin them. Access to Higher Education Entry Requirements. Learn more >, Engineering is one of the most in demand skill sets in the world, with many countries reporting major skill shortages. Entry criteria vary according to the Access Course you’re applying for but generally speaking you’ll need numeracy and literacy skills at Level 2 and some previous experience in your chosen area of study – this could be from life experiences, voluntary or paid work. You must successfully achieve 60 credits to be awarded a Diploma. Access to HE as an entry requirement Most universities make offers to Access to HE students based on achieving the Diploma with certain grades. These diplomas are usually studied full-time over one year. Like A levels, they are full level 3 qualifications. COVID-19 support and guidance. The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications for study at university. The Access to Higher Education Diploma (Business Studies) is a Level 3 qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications for study at university. If you want to progress to higher education in Medicine or a career in Healthcare, but lack the formal A-level qualifications to do so, then this Access to HE Diploma is the perfect course for you. A national framework for Access to HE courses has been in place since 1989 and, each year, over 20,000 Access to HE students achieve the Access to HE Diploma and progress to university courses across the UK. If you don’t want to go to university, you could study for an RQF level course instead, these are regulated courses and are recognised by employers. Access to HE Diploma courses Access to Higher Education Diplomas are perfect for anyone looking to start a university course, with no formal qualifications. An Access to HE Diploma gives you the opportunity to apply for a university degree. 45 of these are at level 3 and graded. This qualification is a direct progression into university and will earn you … Over 37,000 people registered to study for an Access to HE Diploma in 2017-18. The 'Access to HE Diploma' is a reserved title. I got 37/48 ! Many learners join these types of degrees after following A level study, so the diploma will place the Access to HE learners on a level with those who have followed A level studies. The Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma is a U.K. qualification which prepares students — usually 19+ — for study as an undergraduate at university. Once you have successfully completed an Access to HE Diploma, in the topic of your choice, many universities will welcome you aboard to continue your education with a relevant degree. The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) Access to HE Diploma is an exciting route to Higher Education and into a new career.It is one of the main routes into Higher Education for adults and is part of the UCAS Tariff Point system.It is a highly flexible Level 3 qualification with a wide range of subject options and modes of study.The qualification also enables progression to a whole range of … Pressing Escape will cancel and close this dialog, Registered in England and Wales with company number 03344784, Access to HE helped prepare us for healthcare routes during the pandemic. Course Code: PTB537. If you do not have the formal qualifications required for degree level … Almost all universities and colleges accept this Access to Higher Education Diploma (Computer Science) course as an entry requirement, but we recommend that you check this with your chosen college or university before enrolling onto this course. It is the perfect stepping stone to help you achieve your ambitions, we offer courses in a variety of subjects to help get you on track, in just 1 year! Ideally, once you've finished the Access to HE diploma you'll then go on to complete a higher education qualification, such as a degree course. The Revised Access to HE Diploma specifications (2014 onwards) The full Access to Higher Education Diploma specification from the QAA is available HERE in a downloadable pdf version. Your Access to HE diploma and the way it is delivered within an innovative learning platform and is designed to give you the best possible chance of fulfilling your dream of studying at university. If you left school without A Levels (or an equivalent) but decide you want to go to university, Access to HE Diplomas are the perfect solution. There is no such thing as a typical Access to HE student. Our Access to Higher Education courses had a 100% pass rate in 2018/19 We are rated as Outstanding by Ofsted and over 90% of students who achieved their Diploma in 2016-17 have places at university We offer tailored support to reflect your needs as a student … If you are looking to pursue a career in microbiology, exercise, health and fitness, nursing, midwifery or other allied health professions, then this diploma is … Thinking about changing direction in your career? QAA has managed the scheme for the recognition and quality assurance of Access to HE courses since 1997. An Access to HE Diploma is equivalent to three A Levels meaning you can gain the equivalent UCAS points within a single year of study. This online session will explain the arrangements for the award of QAA-recognised Access to HE Diplomas in 2020-21. If you’re lacking the qualifications needed for university, an Access to Higher Education Diploma (Computer Science) can bridge the gap. New Access to HE Diploma Development - Access to HE Diploma (Medicine) Since 2010 Centres delivering Access to HE with Open College Network West Midlands have been able to offer progression opportunities to medical schools through the Access to HE Diploma … The diploma is designed for people who would like to study in higher education but who left school without qualifications such as A-Levels. They go on to study for a variety of degrees, including law, education, nursing and business. Access to Higher Education Diplomas are perfect for anyone looking to start a university course, with no formal qualifications. It comprises of 60 credits, of which 45 are graded. QAA has managed the scheme for the recognition and quality assurance of Access to HE courses since 1997. They go on to study a wide range of subjects, including law, education, and business. It can only be awarded to students on courses that have been approved through QAA's Recognition Scheme. It can only be awarded to students on courses that have been approved through QAA's Recognition Scheme. Best wishes, An Access to Higher Education Diploma (Engineering) provides you with the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects within Engineering in order to prepare you for university study. Of these, 73% were female, 46% over 25 years old and 28% from ethnic minorities. Megan Bartlett – overcoming exam fear to get that first time pass! QAA's Access to HE logo appears on all Access to HE Diplomas, so that universities can be confident that a student has completed the requirements of an approved Access to HE Diploma. The diploma is designed for people who want to study for a degree but don’t have the traditional qualifications, like A-Levels or BTEC’s, required to get into university. Need a qualification so that you can get a more fulfilling or better paid job? Access to HE Diplomas are made up of 60 credits. The Access to HE Diploma is a full level 3 qualification. Higher education degrees confirm to any employer your intellect, motivation and ability to work independently to succeed not just in your area of specialism but also life itself. Want to return and progress to higher education? When you have completed this Access to Higher Education Diploma, you’ll have the qualifications and the knowledge needed to enrol on a university-level course in the discipline that most interests you. Please ring to enquire about any exceptions. Each year around 20,000 Access to HE Diploma students go on to apply for a degree course at a UK university. They are designed for adult learners who may not already hold traditional qualifications such as A Levels, or who last studied a number of years ago. Nominations close at 11:59pm on 31st March 2021. You can change your settings at any time. An Access to Higher Education Diploma (Engineering) provides you with the opportunity to learn about a range of subjects within engineering in order to prepare you for higher education. Why choose this qualification? Access to Higher Education Diploma courses from LearnOnline are an excellent way to maximise your job prospects. Megan " At learndirect we believe in partnerships. Around 40,000 students take Access to HE courses each year in the UK, and gain a recognised entry route to university. The outstanding balance of your 19+ Advanced Learner Loan will then be written off. Even if you take the full two years provided to complete the course, it’s still a significant time saving. and skills required for studying at university level, so that students are confident and well prepared when they go on to higher education. The 'Access to HE Diploma' is a reserved title. Whichever path you choose, you’ll find a number of career opportunities in … It is important to check that the university you wish to attend will accept your Access to Higher Education Diploma for the particular course you wish to study, as entry requirements can differ across educational establishments. The Access to HE Diploma has been designed for those adults who want to access Higher Education. If so, an Access to HE Diploma could be for you. Learn more >, This qualification has been created as a means for those lacking formal A-levels to unlock access to higher education in healthcare, when it would normally be impossible. The prize draw is open to all Access to HE students who are currently studying a Gateway Qualifications Access to HE Diploma at an approved centre. The diploma is designed for people who want to study for a degree but don’t have the traditional qualifications, like A-Levels or BTEC’s, required to get into university. This includes third-party cookies that may track your use of this website. Will this qualification get me to university? The remaining 15 credits are not graded and may be at level 2 or level 3. The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a Level 3 nationally recognised A Level alternative. A student who successfully completes all course requirements is awarded the Access to HE Diploma. QAA has updated its cookie policy. Read More. Each year, around 20,000 Access to HE students apply for a degree course at a UK university. Your browser is out of date. Access to HE courses provide a good foundation in the knowledge Access to HE Diploma - Art and Design This nationally recognised qualification is designed for students who are potentially returning to education, are looking to progress to university, and/or are hoping to enhance their career prospects. They are designed for adult learners who may not already hold traditional qualifications such as A Levels, or who last studied a number of years ago. An Access to HE Diploma provides an alternative route into Higher Education and are … Yes this is an official Access to HE Diploma (Health) qualification, accredited by One Awards and recognised by universities spanning the UK. The Access to Higher Education (HE) Diploma is a UK qualification which prepares mature students for study as an undergraduate at university. Examples of other level 3 qualifications include A levels and Welsh Baccalaureate. An Access to HE Diploma gives you the opportunity to apply for a university degree. The LASER Access Diploma Framework The LASER Access to HE Diploma Specification & Assessment Framework has undergone a review and, following consultation, was approved by the Access Quality […] See our partnerships page for more information. I just got an email a few seconds ago and I passed . Thank you so much for everything. Learn more >, If you have been looking for an Access to Higher Education Diploma that can lead you straight to university, look no further. An Access to HE diploma is a nationally recognised qualification, equivalent to three A Levels, and is specifically designed to support 19+ students back to study, to support their progression to university and to help them secure the career of their dreams. Our Access to HE Diplomas are taken by students of all ages and backgrounds. However we have confidence that there are sufficient measures in place to ensure that these extenuating circumstances can be accommodated under the current arrangements for the award of the Access to HE Diploma in 2020-21. The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a qualification which prepares people without traditional qualifications for study at university. 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