the originals josh and aiden first kiss

Although as their bond continues to develop and their species form an alliance, they overcame these obstacles and publicly express their relationship in I Love You, Goodbye. During his senior year, he began dating his first boyfriend in secret, as his parents were not tolerant of homosexuality. At first startled by his original body, ... Davina asked Aiden for Josh's personal objects so they can perform a locator spell to find him and Marcel which he apparently left at Aiden's place, resulting in a snarky comment from Kol. Aiden: No! And, I totally just called you my boyfriend. Aiden: Look, the wolves don't know about us yet. Aiden appears to be extremely attractive, with pale olive Italian skin, dark, brown hair and clear blue-green eyes. Watch this The Originals video, Josh & Aiden - Kiss Me Slowly (2x08), on Fanpop and browse other The Originals videos. In There in the Disappearing Light, Josh meets a guy in a bar, whom he begins to talk to. At the Abattoir, Jackson with the corpse in the shoulder, accused Klaus of Aiden's murder. Aiden L. Same Love Man In Love Cute White Boys Original Vampire Man Vs First Kiss Man In Love Cute White Boys Original Vampire Man Vs First Kiss Gender The cavalry has arrived! Learn your history. After his death, Josh finds Aiden waiting for him in t… Tristan was the son of Count de Martel and lived in his castle with his sister, Aurora. 2006 setzten sie den Dreh fort. While Aiden is the palace meditating on the actions that they asked him to do, he is surprised to see that get Josh tells him to know everything because he heard the phone call last year thanks to his hearing as a vampire. At this point, she rips his heart out and leaves him dead in the street. Although reluctant to betray his friend, Aiden began spying on Jackson for Klaus. Aiden can be considered as a replacement of Oliver. They share their first kiss in The Brothers That Care Forgot although due to their separate species and Aiden's original fear of the wolves not accepting his relationship with a vampire, their relationship is immediately tested. I don't. Status If he h… Though Davina told Kol to "please shut up." Member of the Crescent Wolf Pack (second-in-command)Klaus' spy (Formerly) at 4:51 pm, April 5th, 2015 Find out what Finn has done with Marcel and his vampires. Or that witch you all answer to now? Someone might come up. It's just... you're a vampire. Twitter, Follow Greg: In Chasing the Devil's Tail, Aiden teamed up with Cami, Hayley, Marcel, and Josh in order to take down and trap Finn Mikaelson, as they had all become uncomfortable with Finn's level of control over the werewolves, and longed for them all to be free. When they found Hayley trying to smuggle Oliver out of the lycée, they initially tried to stop them from leaving, but after Oliver spoke to them about how they as a people had lost their way and allowed other people to control them to the point that the wolves were willing to fight a hybrid solely because a bunch of witches told them to, Aiden instructed the werewolves to stand down and allow Hayley and Oliver to pass unharmed. Before leaving the city, Aiden confesses to Jackson that he betrayed him and the alpha punches him, but then he understands the reasons of his young friend and advised him to follow the instinct to run away, reminding, however, that for him there will always place in the pack. Aiden shares a heartfelt reunion with Josh and the two drive off together in the afterlife, having found peace in death with each other. Characters and relationships from The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Legacies, which are either lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual, etc. Woodell says when he got on the show, he was told by one of the head writers that this romance was in no way about the gender of these two people. your own Pins on Pinterest The wolf then reveals that Hayley and Jackson are planning to escape. Episode Count He has a younger brother named Nick who hasn't activated his werewolf curse yet. It was revealed that Aiden and Jackson know each other from childhood and that when Aiden was seventeen he came out to Jackson, who accepted him without much trouble. No doubt eager to save your precious Josh. Fortunately for Aiden, Klaus intervened and stopped Josh from feeding on him, and the werewolves were able to escape when Davina and Kol managed to disable the boundary spell for a minute. Jul 26, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Evelyn Hetfield. 2005 wurden die Dreharbeiten unterbrochen, da Drake Bell einen Autounfall hatte. Take the feed! In what is probably their first meeting Aiden threatens the vampire, on the order of Esther (in Lenore's body), but later, the two team up several times to foil the witches' plans, once in particular to rescue young, untriggered werewolf's from activating their gene on Finn's orders, one in which was Aiden's brother, Nick. Little is known about Josh's early life, aside from the fact that he was born in Michigan, USA in 1991 to yet-unnamed parents. Nov 28, 2014 5:24 pm |, December 17th, 2014 [He smiles] You know, when you're not murdering people. Josh: Okay, look. In There in the Disappearing Light, he drives up to Josh in a jeep in the afterlife. When he got a boyfriend during season 2 I was so excited considering he was a werewolf and Josh was a vampire (They weren't allowed to be together). a2a_linkname="Greg In Hollywood"; Unfortunately for him, Finn realized what was going on, and preceded to attack Aiden. Aiden smiling with a bouquet a few minutes before he was killed by Dahlia. Josh: Thanks for coming. Davina resentful, looks petrified her friend Josh despair on the chest of the dead wolf. It began with gay vampire Josh (Steven Krueger) flirting online with gay werewolf Aiden (Colin Woodell) – something that is quite forbidden in a world where vampires and werewolves are not compatible. Aiden was originally working with Esther and Finn Mikaelson, leading a band of werewolves loyal to them. [Josh looks at him with a hurt expression] I... think we need a time-out. Marcel: I don't know who the hell you are, but we had a deal. Last seen Eye color He and Joshua are the first gay couple to appear in the series. At first, the two are enemies, both at the head of their respective groups. It was also revealed by Hayley that he, Jackson and Oliverwere great friends and were always together. 20th Century (New Orleans, Age 20+) In When the Levee Breaks, while wolves are in the jazz club enchanted by Josephine LaRue in Algiers to protect Hope, Aiden volunteers to help Hayley with her new plan, probably prompted by remorse for betraying them. Nearly a decade later, Josh passes away and Aiden is the first to meet him in the afterlife. Heart Extraction This is a bit late but in order to understand the story line of The Originals you really need to drop into The Vampire Diaries. No copyright infringement intended. Similar applies to Hayley, for which Aiden has shown great confidence. When Aiden's body was lying on the raft and covered with a white sheet, surrounded by flowers and fragrant plants, Josh appears between the werewolves and Hayley admitted that she invited him. Aiden: Yeah, well, trust me. Species That does not matter whatsoever.”, ‘It’s more about this is a Romeo and Juliet scenario where there’s a lot at stake and bad things can happen, not because of two guys being together, but because of one being a werewolf, one being a vampire.’, (All comments are reviewed before being published, and I review submissions several times per day.). Deceased (Found Peace) Josh, my other favorite vampire in the city of NOLA. First seen In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, Aiden was in charge of rounding up all of the werewolf leaders to discuss an alliance with the vampires, who were also in attendance at the meeting in the Mikaelson compound's courtyard. Josh: So? Facebook. After joining forces with them, he also formed an alliance with Marcel Gerard and his vampire army, ultimately becoming the boyfriend of Joshua Rosza. The Originals is an American fantasy-drama television series picked up by The CW for their fall 2013 schedule, after a backdoor pilot for the series aired as an episode of The CW television series The Vampire Diaries in April 2013. Josh tells him, before going, to love him in turn. And right on time. Armed with intel gathered by Aiden, Hayley teams up with him Marcel, Cami and Josh and launches a plan to take down Vincent/Finn by exploating his weakness, in a surprising turns of events Jackson helps them. Eventually he betrayed them, joining forces with Hayley Marshall and Jackson Kenner. I'm not a vampire, you're not a wolf, the city isn't about to implode? Dating me puts a target on your back! Aiden was one of the several leaders of the Crescent Wolf Pack who report to their Alpha, Jackson. Aiden was knocked out when Finn proceeded to attack his Josh and Hayley, up until Jackson arrived just in time and managed to shoot a couple of arrows at Finn to subdue him. Maybe for tonight, we could pretend things are different. Discover (and save!) Dahlia Despite Heggeman's promotion of Aidan, Mother decides that her daughter will be ruling Boston with Aidan as her second in command. at 10:10 am. Little is known about Aiden's early life. After finding his body in the alleyway they were supposed to meet, Josh is left heartbroken. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. Afterward, he met Josh at Bywater Tavern for a drink, revealing that he was the man Josh was chatting with earlier on his dating app on his phone. Male Occupation Aiden and Josh shared a very sweet moment that also essentially signed the former’s death certificate, as Aiden told the vampire that he loved him, wanted to run away with him, and he was his pack. Both exchange conversation and the guy asks what is on Josh's mind. While The Originals are not really introduced in the original series they are a main interest causing all sorts of havoc, heart removals and stakings in Mystic Falls bringing with them their own Warlocks, infighting, and body shifting (what don’t like the body you are in just go mezmirize another and slip into it. I mean, you don't know how Marcel and his vampires made us suffer. Indeed Aiden proposes to his boyfriend to escape, leaving New Orleans for good and meet in two hours. Alone? Once Elijah, Marcel, Josh, and Gia agreed to help Aiden, Hayley, and Oliver, they all sat down and formulated a plan to rescue the children before they could kill and trigger their curses. Loyalty is in my DNA. Appearance Josh agreed, returned the “I love you” sentiment and happily got ready to leave town. When he was informed by Finn that the werewolves would be having their teenage children trigger their werewolf curses by killing the human faction members who disagreed with Finn's leadership, Aiden returned to Marcel's apartment with Hayley to ask Elijah and Marcel for help. contact | It was revealed by Jackson that Aiden came out to him as gay when he was seventeen years old, and in response, Jackson gave him the "Love is Love" speech. Feb 19, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Þórunn Gísladóttir. Your privileges here have been revoked. Josh does not understand at first, but then realizes that Aiden feared for their lives. Later, Aiden and the werewolves and Josh and the hungry vampires are congregated on opposite sides of the room when a fight breaks out between one of the werewolf leaders, Jared, and a vampire. In the show’s most recent episode, Josh and Aiden shared their first kiss (see video below). Jackson invited him to join them and the young vampire greets for the last time his boyfriend before helping Jack to push the raft into the water, which is then set on fire. In our interview with Colin Woodell yesterday the actor talked about playing Aiden, a … Werewolf (Triggered/Originally)Evolved WerewolfSpirit (Currently) And he goes to pour him another drink and Josh starts to leave but Klaus calls out to him "Oh and Josh I still think you deserve someone better then Aiden and you will soon see that." Aiden, following the orders of Jackson, could almost be killed by Mikael in the City of the Dead, but is saved by Freya, who remembers his father who have more urgent matters to attend to instead of shedding blood unnecessarily. Here Aiden asks the witch to transfer the curse on the handcuffs to another object (a Davina's bracelet) so that Hope is unable to enact magic. Consider this a warning, Marcel. Hey, I know this probably isn't your ideal Friday night. copyright © Greg Hernandez 2020 | I can't remember the last time I was safe.,, Look, here's the thing -- I am who I am, okay? Aiden had the typical weaknesses of a non-Evolved werewolf. Physical appearance Aidan and Sally are best friends. It began with gay vampire Josh (Steven Krueger) flirting online with gay werewolf Aiden (Colin Woodell) – something that is quite forbidden in a world where vampires and werewolves are not compatible. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. That means werewolves will be able to turn at will—we'll be that much more deadly to vampires. The Originals ist eine US-amerikanische Fantasyserie und ein Ableger der Serie Vampire Diaries. And, you know, it's great that your friends are cool with this, but it's different for the wolves. I won't call them off. When Aiden tries to break up the fight, his arm is sliced open by Jared when he swings a stake around to hit the vampire, and the smell of his blood causes two vampires to give into their bloodlust and attack him. However, when his boyfriend sent Josh a bouquet of roses for Valentine's Day, his parents found them and threw them in a … Hair color Klaus:You can start by questioning your wolves. It was the kiss that broke the Internet! The Vampire Diaries Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Marcel: Oh yeah? I do enjoy watching the originals after my interest for movies like this was kindled by the vampires daires… I really dont enjoy the scene of introducing gay and lots like… I know the production crew are driving at a point, but… Wel, that doesnt stop the interest i have, Showtime Sunday: Garland and Astaire perform “In Your Easter Bonnet” from “Easter Parade”, top | After Aiden had Finn's security moved elsewhere, he managed to lead Finn to the church alone. In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Aiden was seen at Lafayette Cemetery with multiple other moonlight-ring-clad werewolves who were tasked with guarding Oliver, who was sentenced to death at midnight for betraying Finn and Esther's plans. 14 Aiden eventually pulled away, feeling awkward about the fact that the pack didn't know he was dating a vampire. It was revealed by Jackson that Aiden came out to him as gay when he was seventeen years old, and in response, Jackson gave him the "Love is Love" speech. Aidan is reluctant to agree to this at first he can't refuse the offer to gain his freedom. I'm just trying to keep you safe! Significant kills During the early second season, Josh and Aiden first begin to interact on a dating website, which leads to an eventual meeting in person. Near the end of the second season, Aiden was killed by Dahlia in an attempt to frame Niklaus Mikaelson and further fracture the Mikaelson Family. Aiden: That's enough! As an excuse Aiden says that he came to retrieve a toy for the child on behalf of Hayley, Klaus then threatens him by telling him that if he finds that Aiden is cheating him, he will kill him. Colin Woodell as Aiden and Steven Krueger as Josh in The Originals. Aiden was a member of the Crescent Wolf Pack. They had made a pact to leave town so they could live happily ever after. You're way hotter in person. Josh looks at him shocked and while Klaus strokes his cheek and gets closer Josh swears he thinks Klaus is gonna kiss him nut instead Klaus just says "Well I thin it is bad time for you to leave." He stands tall, above average height and a slim build. Just then, Josh suddenly was overcome by extreme hunger due to an additional spell Finn cast on the vampires to ensure they would attack the werewolves and break their alliance, and Josh ended up rushing away from Aiden in order to protect him. While Josh and Aiden were searching all the windows and doors for a possible escape route, Josh pulled Aiden into a corner to make out in for a while. They were just about to bite him when Josh snapped their necks and pulled them off of him, but then he was overwhelmed by the scent of his blood and vamped-out, too. 17.06.2015 - Evelyn Hetfield hat diesen Pin entdeckt. 18. Die Fernsehserie ist aufgrund ihres Humors sowohl bei Kindern und Jugendlichen als auch bei Erwachsenen sehr beliebt. To you. Biographical information He did this to become the new alpha of the pack as he had started to doubt Jackson's ability to perform his responsibilities as a worthy leader. At the end of the episode, while they are in a bar, Klaus tells Aiden that he will help him become the new Alpha in exchange for loyalty and the solemn promise to protect Hope at all costs. Later, Aiden strolling through the Artists Quarter with Josh, taking him aside an alley and Aiden tells him he loves him. Meanwhile, with Esther determined to carry out her plan vincent/Finn and Kaleb/Kol are forced to reconsider their own strategies. In City Beneath The Sea, Jackson decided to bury Aiden in the woods, but Hayley points out that this is the type of burial for traitors and criminals and decides to give Aiden a worthy funeral. The boy, although hesitant, shows that he is interested in the idea. Cami and Hayley staged it to look as though Cami was captured by a werewolf during Cami's date with Finn, and planned to lure Finn to St. Anne's Church so Hayley could fight him. Gia left home at an early age after her mother died and she was forced to live with who she referred to as her "jerk step-dad". design: Kate and Val Cohen, By Greg Hernandez on I own nothing. They then regrouped at a gas station outside of town and put all the kids in an ambulance to drive them to the Bayou so the children could live in safety in the werewolf encampments. Despite being on opposite sides, he did not appeared to hold any real ill feelings towards the vampires, showing a much more liberal approach to life such as when he had dinner with Josh. The young wolf is one of the first to support Hayley and Jackson's plan to get rid of the control that the witches have on the New Orleans werewolves through the moonlight rings. Aiden (to Kol): I'm not leaving Josh trapped with a nut-job that hates vampires. The Vampire Diaries spinoff The Originals is creating its own buzz with a same-sex storyline between a vampire and a werewolf. After meeting up in the street, Aiden distracted the other wolves while Hayley, Oliver, and Josh managed to guide the untriggered teenagers to safety. In They All Asked For You, Aiden begins to question the quality of Jackson as a leader, leaving the green light to Klaus to put in disagreement the two wolves, reminding to Aiden how he was the packs' leader while Jackson had deliberately exiled himself in the Bayou. While Joshua Rosza initially brought her in one of the groups of humans they were considering recruiting as potential new vampiresbecause she looked "tough", it was actually her rocky upbringing and desire for a meaningful life and close-knit community that led to Marcel agreeing to turn her. We can just, I don't know, be ourselves? Later they are at Bywater Tavern to share a beer and Josh reveals to the boy who loves him deeply considering "his pack" along with Davina and Marcel and who would die for him. They officially begin dating and Josh seems to have moved into Aiden's apartment, however after Aiden begins to feel the pressure of his alliance with Klaus, he asks Josh to run away with him and begin their life together elsewhere, who accepts and they declare their love. Das Konzept der Serie wurde ebenso wie das von Vampire Diaries von Julie Plec entwickelt. Colin Woodell, Steven Krueger/ Josh & Aiden, The Originals. “Glee” reunion with Darren Criss, Chris Colfer, Matthew Morrison, Jane Lynch & more to benefit Actors Fund, Totally Random Video: When Mary and Rhoda found their way back to each other in a 2000 TV movie, Morning Round-Up: Rob Lowe; Tadd Fujikawa; John Benjamin Hickey; Mariah Carey; Jacqueline Wilson. Aiden L. was a recurring character who first appeared in the fourth episode of the second season of The Originals. He cared about the well being of his people, and will do whatever it takes to help them, even making a deal with, and betraying, the witches. Because next time? In The Devil is Damned, Aiden called Klaus and told him that Finn still had Marcel. ‘So right from the get-go, I was told “don’t even worry about the fact that this is a gay relationship. Aidan is ordered to a meeting where Mother will decide who is going to lead Boston. Permanently. It's the only one you're gonna get. Anfang 2007 verkündete Drake Bell, dass die Serie abgedreht sei und keine … They support each other in being supernatural creatures. Killed by Josh: Ditto, on the whole leader-of-a-werewolf army-thing... [awkward silence] P.S? He was an Evolved Werewolf. Never thought I'd see the day—proud werewolves on a witch's leash. Supernatural information . Later that year, when Aurora was secretly meeting with one of the Original Vampires, Niklaus Mikaelson, Tristan caught her with their servant Lucien, who had always loved Aurora and had discovered h… No, it's not that. This allowed Cami to slam the magic-suppressing manacles onto Finn's wrists, neutralizing his powers and keeping him from using his magic to attack them. Born I hope those rings you're wearing are worth it. The Mikaelson's Aunt Dahlia had ruined the plan and ripped Aiden's heart out from his chest to frame Klaus for it. Aiden: Aw, come on. In 2007, when Josh was sixteen, he became a fan of house and trance music and got involved in his local club scene so he could meet other boys. Family Members Due to the wedding ceremony being completed, Aiden along with the rest of the pack now had new abilities of an Evolved werewolf, which include turning at will. Aiden: No! Discover (and save!) You? Klaus: Ah! Because if so, just say it like it is—you wanna call things off because it would look bad for the Werewolf VP to be dating... me. Josh: Ok, Aiden, please tell me that I did not get murdered and come back from the dead just to get shoved back into the closet. I'm sorry, is this the World's Worst Breakup Speech? Colin Woodell your own Pins on Pinterest After Josh gets in, the two kiss and Aiden tells him he missed him while they drive off, together in peace. However before Aiden has the opportunity to meet Josh, tragedy strikes as Dahlia fatally attacks and murders him. Later, Aiden buys a bouquet of flowers, but while he leaves the shop he feels the lure of Dahlia, who forced him to follow her in the same alley and with the magic makes appear before the bite of a vampire on the boy's neck, then scratches on his face. The Originals introduced gay vampire Josh (played by Stephen Krueger) in Season One. Watch this the originals video, Josh & Aiden - ciuman Me Slowly (2x08), on fanpop and browse other the originals videos. Family information Die Serie handelt von den "Originals", den Urvampiren und gleichzeitig der Familie um Klaus Mikaelson, die ins französische Viertel von New Orleans zurückkehrt. They have always been able to talk to each other about anything as they both don't want to worry Josh as he always putting them first before anything. But, I can't live with myself if I'm someone who's spying for, He is the second male LGBT character who appeared in. Lenore, right? He was also very shy when it comes to Josh. Look, I know I owe you a massive...apology. Unknown (first kill) Says who? Aiden: This is nothing your kind hasn't done to us. I don't know. Later Aiden is the Kol's Playhouse with Davina and Josh. Chasing a Dopleganger and of course Katerine who has been on the run for 500 years, making existance for Damon and Stephan (her creations)miserable. Founded by Davina and Josh, the vampire tries desperately to revive him, but all in vain. At the Abattoir, Aiden is stealing the handcuffs that prevent the magic, but is surprised by Klaus. Josh: Okay, you know what? about | Josh: Whoa, whoa! Being an alpha, Jackson has a controlling influence on Aiden who never discusses when Jackson raises his voice giving him an order, as shown when he says to gather the packs in St. Anne Church. Davina and Kol channeled each other to locate Josh, discovering he was at Lenore's old shop. Unnamed parentsNick (Younger Brother) Since then, Marcel and Aiden have worked together several times for the benefit of both supernatural communities, the two now seem to have a relatively amicable relationship and have worked to maintain an alliance between the werewolves and the vampires. Live and Let Die a2a_linkurl=""; Get GIH news via 'Kay, and after this wedding? Vampires stay out of the Quarter, everybody's cool. The #DelenaRainKiss has also sparked a sibling hashtag for fans of The Originals' Josh and Aiden. All the Aiden and Josh scenes in The Originals 2x14 I love them together :) They admitted to each other that they weren't what the other was expecting (with Josh being a vampire and Aiden being a werewolf leader), but decided to forget about their supernatural identities for the evening in an effort to just be themselves. There in the Disappearing Light (Spirit). In the show’s most recent episode, Josh and Aiden shared their first kiss (see video below). I'm sure you'd rather be like doing pushups or drinking beers with your bros or whatever. Dahlia tells him that it's all a plan to put the blame on Klaus, putting Mikaelson against Mikaelson. Drake & Josh ist eine US-amerikanische Comedyserie des Fernsehsenders Nickelodeon.. So, when we come back, you need to be gone. It was also revealed by Hayley that he, Jackson and Oliver were great friends and were always together. However, before negotiations could get underway, Finn arrived, angry at their betrayal, and cast a boundary spell on the compound that trapped everyone inside, regardless of species, intending to ruin their alliance by putting the vampires in a position to feed on the werewolves. Quarter's gonna be packed with wolves. Little is known about Aiden's early life. Aiden: Look, um... Hayley and Jackson are getting married today. Our whole pack will inherit Hayley's control of her wolf form! Throughout the series, their friendship has grown stronger due to them always being there for one another. You were the bad guys. [He holds up his phone] These pictures don't really do you justice. ‘It’s about the factions that they come from and who they are really, their species more than anything,’ the actor tells The Backlot. Played by Brown In Night Has A Thousand Eyes, Josh and Aiden are in bed at home and talk about how to spend the day with Josh that aims to pass it in bed watching Netflix, eating Chinese food and definitely "other." Josh: No, you're right. Aiden gets a call from Klaus and mind to the boy, telling him that it's Jackson, so Josh leaves the room, take the opportunity to take a shower. Josh: (laughs) Yeah, you get used to it. When Josh became hurt by these words, Aiden insisted that he didn't understand because he wasn't a vampire when Marcel and the vampires were their worst to the werewolves. Aiden possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a werewolf. Blue-green Finally Caroline (the newest Vampire) shows her humanity and befriends Tyler Lockwood the newest Werewolf in Mystic Falls and helps him through his first transformation and lives. Because I had nothing to do with what happened back then. Josh also remarked on how Aiden was much hotter than his online photos suggested. He previously owned a moonlight ring, but voluntarily gave it up to support Hayley and Jackson's plan to unify the Crescent Wolf Pack. He is the first ever gay werewolf introduced in the series. In the year 1002, he and his family met the Mikaelson siblings when they, aided by Lucien, pretended to be the wealthy children of a friend of the Count's. Cause of death Klaus wants Aiden to boycott the escape plan of Jackson. Josh: I didn't think you were gonna show. I don't really care if somebody sees me making out with my boyfriend. Twitter Aiden, suffering, crying, asking the witch the reason of her actions. 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