2.1 new sith warrior ability in 6.0; 2.2 new marauder armor sets and set bonuses in 6.0; 2.3 marauder tactical items; 2.4 new smarauder armor sets and set bonuses in 6.0; 2.5 juggernaut tactical items; 3 swtor 6.0 pts imperial agent spoils of war features Let's take an early look at some of the new systems that will be put into SWTOR with game update 6.0 SWTOR Onslaught. Hololocate –Activating this ability marks your current location for 10 minutes. She mainly plays Healing Classes but will also DPS and reluctantly Tank (if she has one). You can also purchase the Tacticals from vendors or craft them. Hail of Bolts / Sweeping Blasters and Mortar Volley / Death From Above refresh and tick your Incendiary Round / Incendiary Missile burn and Serrated Bolt / Serrated Shot bleed. Harpoon gets two charges and finishes the cooldown of Stockstrike and Shockstrike. One of the changes brought by Onslaught refers to set bonuses. Activating Surgical Probe reduces the cast time of your next Kolto Injection by .25 seconds. Boltstorm / Blazing Bolts / Heatseeker Missiles, Demolition Round / Priming Shot, Vortex Bolt, and Grav Round / Tracer Missile all tick its damage. Tactical Items. Bushwhack / Toxic Haze spreads Sanguinary Shot’s / Toxic Blast’s effect and Point Blank Shot / Lethal Strike does additional damage to all nearby targets affected by Bushwhack / Toxic Haze. A complete, updated list of all Unturned tactical IDs. Dealing damage with Boltstorm / Blazing Bolts increases the damage of your next Vortex Bolt/ Priming Shot, stacking up to 4 times to 100%. Note – Tacticals that drop from the Dxun Operation and Corellia Flashpoint or are Crafted, are not available for purchase on the Set Bonus and Tactical Vendors on … The devs also invented a brand new gear slot. Log In Sign Up. Register. You will … As the word tactical would suggest, these weapon mods generally have good uses. This a new item slot coming in Onslaught. Official News. Not available on the Tech Fragment vendor. So set bonus drops from crates and Kai Zykken will work for achievements, but set bonus pieces brought from the Tech Fragments Vendors will not successfully unlock the achievement for that set bonus. SWTOR shines a spotlight on the new abilities, Set Bonuses, and Tactical items of the Scoundrel and Operative . Revivification heals more the less allies it heals. Disturbance has a 100% chance and Telekinetic Throw has 50% chance to cause Sever Force to tick an additional time whenever they deal damage. They need to have mods in them. They are located in the Supplies section. Rocket Punch and Flaming Fist now have a range of 10m. Buy SWTOR items from reputable SWTOR sellers via G2G.com secure marketplace. Guardian Slash / Crushing Blow generates stacks of Crushing Defenses for every enemy it hits, granting 2.5% increased damage reduction per stack for 10 seconds. Weakening Blast’s cooldown is increased by 6 seconds. Devastating Blast is now affected by Furious Power. Now it’s time for the Scoundrel and Operative classes to get their turn. Weakening Blast finishes off all of your poison effects at once, dealing all their remaining damage. Items have always been an important part of your character’s identity, but for the first time we are offering true depth and choice with exciting new items that let you decide how to play in the upcoming battle. 10-minute cooldown. During Battle Focus, Shockstrike, Ion Pulse, and Plasma Flare do damage to all nearby targets and Ion Wave hits twice. Rescue now heals you and the target and makes your next Rejuvenate free. Heartrigger Patch becomes instant cast and Kolto Pack can be cast while moving. The example in the image above is an item examined before it was purchased from a vendor, so it contains the price info at the bottom. In addition to the thrill of the chase, there is also a set of achievements for collecting a full set of each set bonus and each tactical. Activating Saber Ward finishes the cooldown of Force Push. The bayonet, for example, adds a sharp blade to the barrel of your rifle. Pieces of the Tactical Infantry set can be found on the GTN, which is an auction house where players can buy and sell unbound items. Enemies take 10% more damage while under Sweeping Gunfire / Suppressive Fire. If you only take away one thing from this. Extrication now heals you and the target and makes your next Resurgence free. Additionally, under Mental Alacrity / Polarity Shift, Vanquish / Demolish resets the cooldown of Force Serenity / Force Leech and causes the next Force Serenity / Force Leech to activate instantly. After 6 seconds, you swap back. For each enemy hit with Concussion Charge / Jet Boos, the cooldown of Hold the Line / Hydraulic Overrides is reduced by 3 seconds. The cooldown of Focused Defense / Enraged Defense is reduced by 2 seconds when you are attacked. Transposing / Translocating a guarded target gives them a large amount of damage reduction for 6 seconds, taunts enemies, and places a benign presence on you. Hello friends across the Galaxy, since I haven't really seen a page dedicated to the general discussion of all tacticals, I thought I would make a post where everyone can input their ideas for what the best Tacticals they believe is good for any or all the classes, for both pvp and pve. This guide will tell you what are these Tacticals, where to find them and what bonuses they serve! Sanguinary Shot’s cooldown is extended by 9 seconds. You can now choose what type of loot you will be prioritizing. 22. Source: Increased drop chance from Corellia Flashpoint bosses. I was right! Using Force Shroud while Dark Ward is active consumes Dark Ward and extends the duration of Force Shroud by .25 seconds for each Dark Ward stack consumed. Hemorrhaging Blast’s / Weakening Blast’s cooldown is increased by 6 seconds. Telekinetic Wave gives you Telekinetic Flux, causing your next Telekinetic Blitz to arc to multiple targets for the next 10 seconds. Time: 10/16/19. 6.1.1: Salvation / Revivification’s pool concludes with a burst of light Force energy, healing up to 8 allies within it. The cooldown of Enraged Defense is reduced by 2 seconds when you are attacked. Because this system is 100% supplementary to gearing through group content, it is not feasible to farm this to max rank (300). Data:Items/Tactical Assault Vambraces - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki. PTS is expected to open up soon and if you are eager to test how these changes will affect your playstyle and gearing preferences, this is the place to test them easily (PTS is free if … Kolto Waves consumes an Upper Hand and heals 20% more per tick. Bludgeon / Veiled Strike automatically critically hits targets affected by your unexploded Blood Boiler / Volatile Substance and triggers it immediately. Dealing Damage with Searing Wave or Flame Sweep to a target affected by a pre-exploded Thermal Detonator causes it to explode, creating a large explosion and dealing damage to all nearby enemies. When consumed, Pulse Activation / Flame Dissipation increases your periodic elemental damage by 10% for 20 seconds. If you want to see a list of all the tactical items available, or want to know where each tactical item can be found, there’s a link in the description of this video for a fantastic guide created by another player! 22 votes, 34 comments. Sign In. It’s been a few days since Star Wars: The Old Republic gave us a look at what Onslaught is doing to some of the MMORPG’s classes. Furious Strike causes its target to bleed. Rocket Out vents 20 heat and immobilizes enemies around you for 2 seconds as you leave. Activating Saber Ward finishes the cooldown of Force Push. This time it’s the Sith Juggernaut’s turn to shine! There’s no set bonus on earpieces, implants, relics, weapons or tactical items. Holo-locate goes on cooldown for 120 seconds when used to return to the marked location. Using Zealous Leap with Force Clarity causes it to critically hit. Toxic Blast finishes all your poison effects on the target and deals their remaining damage immediately. Data:Items/Tactical Precision Belt - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki. Vanquish / Demolish hits all nearby targets affected by your Force Suppression / Deathmark and Forcequake / Force Storm does 15% more damage to targets affected by your Force Suppression / Deathmark. Source: Crafted by Armstech. Tactical items can be switched out at any time when you aren’t in combat, so you might want to keep a few on hand and switch them out as it makes sense. Force Shroud also applies to any ally you are guarding. Mag Bolt / Mag Shot detonates it, dealing double its standard damage to the primary target. Corrosive Dart deals more damage and dealing damage with Followthrough and Penetrating Blast refreshes its bleed effect on its target and ticks its damage. Telekinetic Burst deals 10% more damage and Turbulence deals 20% more damage while Clamoring Force is active. Below that you see a confirmation that the item does bind to your Legacy. Dealing damage this way causes your next Backstab to critically hit. Cheap, fast, safe and 24/7. Hololocate increases your damage reduction by 15% for 10 seconds when you return. Enrage builds one Furious Power ability charge. You will … Press J to jump to the feed. Cycles between buffing Mastery, Accuracy, Power, Defense, Critical, Absorb, Alacrity, and Shield. Data:Items/Tactical Mastery Armguards . Each stack increases your next direct target single melee attack by 25% and is consumed whenever you deal damage with these attacks. Most of these are short and usually funny. Not available on the Tech Fragment vendor. Tactical Item: Mandalorian Jetpack - places a beacon down and within 35 meters the mercenary can fly into the sky and land on the beacon. Increases Mastery by 5% for 5 seconds when a Relic triggers. Smash causes your next Massacre to do damage to up to 8 enemies near the primary target. Tactical Items: This is a new gear slot introduced with Update 6.0. You can also purchase the Tacticals from vendors or craft them. Retaliation refunds one rage and finishes the cooldown of Furious Strike. This is a list of all available Tactical items for level 75 Commando and Mercenary. 1 Charges. Lightning Flash applies Stormwatch to its targets. It is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Disney, LucasArts, BioWare, or Electronic Arts. The best are proud fighters driven by a noble code, and the worst are those who are still wearing armor they got on Nal Hutta. When you use an ability with Tech Override / Power Surge, that ability is not put on cooldown. Successfully parrying, deflecting, or dodging an attack while under 80% health increases your damage reduction by 1% for 5 seconds. These will all affect how PVP classes will perform, so let’s rate the top 5 PVP classes as of now! To help explain everything, we’re releasing a series of articles featuring each Advanced Class’s new ability, as well as new Set Bonuses and Tactical items. Archived [Feedback]Kai Zykken and crafted tactical/set schems . Whenever a Sanguinary Shot critically hits, it restores 2 energy. Fusion Missile spreads your Tracer Missile’s Heat Signature to the targets it damages, as long as it damages at least one target already affected by your Heat Signature. This is an independently-run fan site. Activating Hightail It / Covered Escape or returning to your marker with Hideout / Hololocate makes your next Aimed Shot / Ambush activate instantly and deal 20% more damage. Gamepedia. The list below shows all level 75 tactical items, what bonuses they offer and where is your best chance to get them. Demolish deals 20% more damage on initial hit. Data:Items/Tactical Mastery Armguards - Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki. Additionally, Onslaught heads into the final round of PTS testing. Hemorrhaging Blast / Weakening Blast finishes off all of your bleed / poison effects at once, dealing all their remaining damage. Tactical Precision Belt: Binds on equip Waist Medium armor (Rating 78) 222 Armor Durability: 100/100. About Xam Xam . Tactical items are single pieces of gear you equip, which enhance a particular dynamic of your class in a specific way. It’s Friday and BioWare did not disappoint. Orbital Strike heals allies in the area whenever it ticks. Mag Bolt detonates it, dealing double its standard damage to the primary target. Blazing Speed / Electrified Railgun does 75% more damage. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Instead, as you do other things throughout the galaxy, you will occasionally obtain a Renown crate, which will have 1-2 gear drops that can range anywhere from unmoddable gear pieces to Set bonuses and Tactical items. From Star Wars: The Old Republic Wiki. You will want to pursue the optimal Tactical items for each situation you find useful (ex: DPS may want one for single target and another for AOE). Source: Crafted by Biochem. Kinetic Ward / Dark Ward gains 5 additional stacks and Shadow Stride / Phantom Stride resets its cooldown. Hail of Bolts and Mortar Volley refresh and tick your Incendiary Round burn and Serrated Bolt bleed. Than 30 % health will rapidly heal you for a short time Lode stacks have. Gives a 50 % health will rapidly heal you for 2 seconds when you complete the Onslaught. Unturned Tactical IDs Fire additional Missiles to nearby targets and Ion Wave / Searing Wave at stacks! 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