Edit: also, another maybe unanticipated impact of Wintersun is that it's been an insane buff to Breton. "Enchanted with the daedra Feyfolken, servitor of Clavicus Vile, it had brought him great wealth and fame as the scribe of the weekly Bulletin of the Temple of Auri-El.But he realized that it was the artist, and he merely the witness to its magic. Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim Features. Mods: Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul (CACO): Compatible. I think a breton with the Old Ways is the best roleplay choice and it's hell a lot of fun. once i get to 300-400 magicka i usually drop magnus for julianos. if we are talking JUST andromeda then yeah, atronach is the most versatile and almost any character can make use of it. serpent with imperious argonian means a sneak attacker has all the advantages and none of the penalties. Zenithar is really good to begin with (maybe even unbalanced), because of the Work Ethic, you can level smithing and enchanting really fast with that. But if you forget to get your Shrine bonus with Satakal, you're fucked unless you're willing to do it all over again. what makes her A tier? CVH Recommended for you. Magnus has very good bonuses for his shrine blessing, worshipper and devotee; perfect for any elven mage. You didn't list the old ways but it's the best deity for an enchanter. Daedric Princes: Molag Bal, Hircine and Hermaeus Mora. and i would put magnus in the B tier because it makes early game mages not have to care about magicka management at all, but late game julianos is better. The Devotion cost is so high it hurts. #68092996, #68121291 are all replies on the same post. Nocturnal. So much so, the British YouTube vloggers Brodual are still going strong, with a recent upload of yet another superb Skyrim mod. IIRC from my console testing, at below 75% hp you get 3.00 regen added to your "healrate" which means 2.8% hp a sec in combat for characters with a starting healrate of 1. so at 400 hp that's 11 hp a second. I think most of your A tier is overrated. Edit: also, another maybe unanticipated impact of Wintersun is that it's been an insane buff to Breton. 6. share. I'm sure it doesnt really matter, but lore wise, would mora choose a warrior to be his follower? Riddle’Thar is great for my punch cat main character. lord is amazing with sacrosanct and blood revel. Partly because of the deities they have access to, but also largely because of their Ritual stone bonus. Contribute to SovnSkyrim/AmongSovngardesStars development by creating an account on GitHub. That is why Skyrim Mods like Wintersun — Faiths of Skyrim are still so popular.. The fact that I can zoop somebody to coldharbour on a whim helps a lot in situations where I need go get rid of a cqc enemy. I decided to try it since it's new to the mod. My A tier is probably just Molag, Hermaous, and Sithis. Leki: pretty bad, the devotee is only a 20% damage bonus which many deities give you permanently. Banishing one enemy for 15% isn't profitable in these extreme circumstances. The Shrine of Julianos is a shrine in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Are they just randomly placed in the inventory of someone you are about to pickpocket? 1 Blessing effects 2 Crafting 3 Locations 4 Gallery 5 See also 6 Appearances Activating the shrine confers the Blessing of Julianos for a duration of eight hours. Are there any deities in Wintersun that hate mages? it solid for any melee character, but my god is it good with sword and board/timed blocks. Learn the true power of the Gods. Malacath, because he is the deity of the warrior. Use the compatibility patch on the download page. atronach for mages. Page 94 of 229 - Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim - posted in File topics: In response to post #68085991. That said, Satakal requires traveling to the relevant shrine, which is okay if you're between quests but doesn't allow for efficiency if you make a mistake. Kurser; Möhippa & Svensexa; Privata gruppbokningar I believe most deities are good but ranking them like that is only good for min/maxing. Hermaous Mora: the best mage deity probably; offers most of the baseline bonuses and the bonus during 2 handed spell casting is huge. What Deities Would be the Best to Worship with Wintersun in a Foresworn Playthrough? unless stated somewhere i don't know, the restoration "plague" spells deal disease damage, not poison. I have two favorites. Well with ordinator restoration you can get any shrine bless to become 6x as powerful. Azura doesn't add that much for my dunmer illusionist, I do not feel her love. Where do you guys think the deities fall? Satakal and St.Alessia, because of their versatility. #67230716, #67232286, #67234576 are all replies on the same post. I am running a sneak destro breton vampire, with Vokrii, worshipping Molag Bal + Atronach stone, high alteration for spell absorption, lightning cloak. haurbad had at last seen the power of the quill," said the Great Sage, continuing his tale. It's probably the same as regular Rim: Atronach > else. Mods at the top of the list are loaded first. if i didn't have/there wasn't a mod that gave all vendors 5k+ gold then i would agree with him being top tier because I wouldn't have to punch vendors to reset their gold amounts lol. 2 people have mentioned Steed since I got here, and one is myself. That's where Namira earns his A class by making a hit-or-miss build consistently good. You can forget to meditate to Alessia halfway to Blackreach. The Epirus Bow, a weapon of immense power, weapon of the Gods, were lost on Skyrim during the war. Fellglow Keep 5. Whenever you use a shrine, a dialog box appears, allowing you to become a Follower of that deity. Spoiler mastara2012 wrote: Wanted to ask what Im doing wrong here....I accepted Nocturnal as my god. If I counted Blessings this list would look a little different. plus julianos still combos well with atronach, not as well as magnus but still pretty well. I have passed 200% and every time I pray to him, a beam of light comes down from the sky and ignites me. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Vinprovningar i Göteborg . Old Ways: I need to do a full post on this, but again, combined with Breton leads to absolutely bonkers enchantment builds. Wintersun 3.1.2 (SKYRIM LEGENDARY EDITION VERSION. i personally think arkay could go into the A tier. Zenithar: Strictly dominated by Old Ways for crafting. Meditating to remove petty bounties is amazing. It's probably A tier as well. Also, I created this list to account for the highest of difficulties, playthroughs with 10× the enemies and they all instakill you. :), Press J to jump to the feed. lord is amazing with sacrosanct and blood revel. I might go from Julianos to Zenithar just because you told me a Zenithar follower can (eventually?) Molag Bal's worshipper is the ultimate sustain and stronger than a lot of other devotee bonuses in the mod. Old ways is very powerful and versatile because you can change aspects. I'm not gonna disagree. Page 179 of 229 - Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim - posted in File topics: In response to post #72882698. Syrabane, Jephre and Hircine are nice starters for wandering and leveling. do this. And where? Y'ffre cries for the lost Bosmer who abandoned him. Names them more tangible. I like the loot based ones. Version. how does a breton buff enchanting more with the old ways compared to other races? I'm making a anti-magic character, and I want to worship a god that shares the belief that using magic is bad. Hermaeus Mora makes shout based builds and/or magic builds very strong; there's actually incentive to worship him during/after the Dragonborn DLC apart from the story narrative. ... Malacath, god of the abandoned, laughs at the irony. No matter what torture he inflicted upon them, fear was enough to keep them in line and do his bidding. His Worship ability is stronger than his Devotion imo. Yokudan Deities: Leki and HoonDing because of their lore based connections with sword singing and their combat boosts. Only one blessing (effect) can be active at one time. Page 54 of 229 - Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim - posted in File topics: In response to post #67226341. 448,554. The only Stone I ever see mentioned is Atronach. Akatosh's devotee is also superb as it makes greater powers a lot more appealing. Wintersun – Faiths of Skyrim by EnaiSiaion adds new options and rewards for those who want to live in line with the Divines, the Daedra, or more obscure deities. What is up guys Killerkev here and today I am going to be Show casing The God of War Kratos Mod in Skyrim Remastered. Partly because of the deities they have access to, but also largely because of their Ritual stone bonus. What about you guys? I've spent some time on talos, just because I like him. Player can disenchant the bow and learn it's effects. I've found arkay to be a pretty fun one, and useful on legendary difficulty. Jyggalag: Not bad, but I think that one time bonuses of 120/120/120, are clearly worse than constantly draining 20/20 per second. Uncle clavicus is fun too but because I play with a mod that unlevels the world so isn't viable. With Ordinator, you can make a pretty good shout based Redguard build. Because I specifically wrote this list to avoid shrine blessings except Alessian ones because she can be used on-demand. Choose a deity to worship, either as a racial deity, at their shrine or by reading about them. Its insulting. I like the list as far as I can tell. Load Wintersun below CACO because CACO modifies shrine blessings and prevents you from worshipping the Divines if Wintersun is loaded above CACO. Plus pickpocketing "mysterious coinpurses" for huge favor boosts make Nocturnal viable, useful, and fun. Auriel is self explanatory as he's the "I'm better than you" deity. Hircine's devotee is just amazing as you can use it before transforming into a werewolf/werebear before mauling everything to death. Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim is a mod for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition that turns the worship of gods into an active part of gameplay while expanding the pantheon of deities you can choose to follow.. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Stendarr, because morally good characters are out of fashion. regardless, still a strong deity if you want to unlock all enchantments without using the console/traveling to merchants. Endorsements. lover stone with wintersun's zenithar is basically just free cash and a revive. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I have a new character who is devoted to the Magna-ge. The best Skyrim followers. But blessings are inconvenient. magnus + atronach stone (andromeda) is a great combination in the early game before your magicka pool gets big. andromeda really depends on the build and your other Enai mods. Poisoning is as viable a build as any in Original EnaiRim, so long as you're not facing an opponent immune or highly resistant to it. Haven't tried Meridia and Mannimarco yet, they look like fun. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Julianos is not bad when it comes to convience compared to hemaculous mora. I definitely reccomend doing this. Some deities can only be worshipped by certain races or after completing a quest. Even in death, they served their master by guarding the catacombs of the ancient tomb of Valthume. Is this intended? Some scholars believe because of this that Hircine was not one of the original Daedric Princes and is, therefore, a spawn or offshoot, similar to Malacath. That in turn basically makes any deity that can actually be worshipped by Bretons stronger. 20% damage anytime you want really, and 20% speed in combat for kiting. Stendarr has one of the strongest devotee bonuses in the mod with the only downside being preemptive instead of intuitive. Poison Damage & Poison Damage Cumulative twin enchanted (Summermyst), Brotherhood Cocktail & entire Poisoner tree branch (Ordinator). You didn't list the old ways but it's the best deity for an enchanter. He rewards you with power and faith for crushing enemies of the orcs and any large&powerful foe. Passive. reducing poison resist sounds nice, but where is a large source of poison damage coming from? I think the Old Way might be the same gods that the Forsworn worship in the way that Jupiter is the same god as Zeus. Assume the powers of an animal god: +2% All favor gains multiplied by x1.25 if you are a Nord . Hircine, the Spirit of the Hunt's past, leads many to argue. That in turn basically makes any deity that can actually be worshipped by Bretons stronger. He himself was never mentioned or heard of in the early histories of Nirn. Sadly Mephala and Boethiah are pretty much the same, not really that interesting if you consider Namira and Sanguine are focused on alchemy too and alchemy system becomes tedious and broken pretty fast. Old hermaeus mora is my favorite pretty much everyone can find reasons to follow Mora he isn't picky, it's more useful for a mage of course. Take Restoration (for Pilgrim) and smithing, you can craft some insane stuff. However, at the end of the Dragonborn DLC, I switch to Hermaeus Mora. I like Shor, since he like when your character slays big enemies like dragons and stuff but doesn’t care if you commit crimes. I'm particularly interested in hearing about sanguine, hircine, and the more obscure racial deities. Stone of the forebears is also arguably one of the best artifacts. Is it a passive ability or you need to explicitly use Hunt to expose them to bitter mercy? Malacath with Orc's Berserk turns everything into meat paste. Ebonarm: Devotee sucks; hitting armor cap is easy and the amount subtracted from each enemy is tiny. Report Save. Satakal should be S rank not C rank. Crafting is so good he's still not bad but I don't think a deity strictly worse than another should be in A tier. This mod brings player the Epirus bow. Pretty impressive. and let's not forget that if you go below 50% it's 25.2 and so on. N'T add that much for my punch cat main character more appealing: and also, do! Variety of builds each deity is good for min/maxing not played most deities so i n't. Powerful and versatile because you can make a pretty fun one, and the disease existing well the. A form of various torture devices and implements versatile because you can it. He 's the best roleplay choice and it adds religion and worship to the Skyrim Edition. 100 restoration, going all the advantages and none of the Void being strong. 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