Freed Justine & Bickslow, Juvia Lockser & Lisanna Strauss vs. Erza Scarlet, Mirajane Strauss vs. Elfman Strauss & Evergreen, Gray Fullbuster & Loke vs. Mest Gryder & Wendy Marvell, Gajeel Redfox & Levy McGarden vs. Kawazu & Yomazu, Panther Lily, Wendy Marvell & Mest Gryder vs. Azuma, Natsu Dragneel & Makarov Dreyar vs. Zancrow, Gray Fullbuster, Loke, Lucy Heartfilia & Cana Alberona vs. Caprico, Mirajane Strauss & Lisanna Strauss vs. Azuma, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel & Happy vs. Kain Hikaru, Natsu Dragneel & Cana Alberona vs. Bluenote Stinger, Freed Justine, Bickslow & Lisanna Strauss vs. Rustyrose, Lisanna Strauss, Levy McGarden & Cana Alberona vs. Kain Hikaru, Bickslow, Freed Justine & Elfman Strauss vs. Yomazu & Kawazu, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Wendy Marvell & Laxus Dreyar vs. Hades, Panther Lily vs. Maguilty Sense Unnamed Grimoire Heart Mages, While they are leaving, Ultear finds Juvia and tries to kill her with her Magic Sword , but Gray saves her and then fights Ultear.[8]. Juvia is further shocked when Meredy's Maguilty Sodom attack is able to harm her water body, and is completely overwhelmed by her until she is knocked down. Fortunately, Gray appears and rescues her; and though unconscious, she manages to hear Gray state his will to live with his friends, causing Juvia to smile. Meredy is a cheerful, friendly and innocent individual. added by canon98 *Gray X Juvia* They are soon approached by Meredy. Juvia tells Erza to leave the fight to search for their comrades, including Gray, and prepares to fight Meredy by herself. Juvia Lockser is victorious. After they finally join battle, Juvia follows Gray to the front lines to help Lyon defeat the Empire's troops. from the story Fighting With You (juvia Lockser) by rainwomen12 (ruby) with 161 reads. Meredy's declaration that she will never forgive Gray for causing pain to her beloved guild mate Ultear brings Juvia to her feet in an eerie, dissonant rage that unnerves both Meredy and Erza. This was shown when she kindly greeted Juvia after seeing her again for the first time in seven years and smiling as she did so. Juvia runs towards Meredy and says that she won't let her, before that happens she will render her incapable of fighting. She is also shy about her body, as she didn't like to shower with other girls. Meredy … She wears some sort of gold wing-like headgear around her ears. She wears some sort of gold wing-like headgear around her ears. Meredy gets a vision and tells everyone about it so They Hide and Gray and Lyon fight the group but after the eclipse door is closed the Opponents starts to disappear and They won the fight. When she saw Makarov in his Giant Form, she looked both frightened and curious. Character Juvia is surprised by the young age of their opponent, but Erza senses a bizarre Magic Power from Meredy and warns Juvia not to underestimate her. This article is currently under construction. Tenrou Island arc meredy. Erza Scarlet vs. Azuma fairy tail fairy tail meredy fairy tail juvia juvia meredy. With her senses connected with Gray's, Meredy decides to kill herself to end Gray's life, but Juvia stops her by breaking her own leg. Erza agrees and leaves while saying that she will leave it to her.[1]. She tells Erza to search for Wendy and Gray, deciding to fight Meredy on her own, and covers Erza's escape when Meredy tries to prevent it. Her hair reaches down to the middle of her back, is a quite wavy ponytail, and is accompanied by a dark brown set of earmuffs. Meredy also has an immense amount of passion and resolve, as she was willing to kill herself to protect the one she loves. As time goes back by that single minute, Juvia and Meredy are saved by Gray again, and subsequently after Juvia's bashful reaction to Gray's intimate rescue, the Mages envision Gray's death and are astonished by the occurrence, with Juvia noting that she also witnessed it. Juvia and Meredyis a friendship between Fairy Tail Mage, Juvia Lockser, and Crime Sorcière Mage,Meredy. Female Juvia and Meredy Juvia Lockseris aMageof theNeo Fairy Tail Guild, wherein she is a member of Team Natsu. Juvia notes her to have also developed a witty sense of humor as well as a playful personality shown when she teased Gray and Lucy with the Sensory Link, and Jellal about his lie to Erza. Because of this, Meredy can be designed to hold a support and healing role, an offen… Human Meredy is a young girl of short stature. Juvia and Meredy fall to their knees and the three of them get freed from the Three Spread Sensory Link. Arc: Juvia also seems to have a slight masochistic side; upon making a mistake, she asks Gray to spank her as punishment, saying it's her "hobby" while Gray says it isn't his. She is first introduced with long hair, tightly curled at the base, wearing a navy blue coat, a fur shawl with a teru teru bōzu attached to it, as well as a Russian Cossack hat. Meredy attempts to take her own life in order to kill Gray as well, but Juvia embraces her and pleads with her to live instead. Know… Meredy is a cheerful, friendly and innocent individual. Meredy tells Juvia that all the damage she takes will be felt by Gray, Juvia asks her how dare she try to hurt Gray-sama, and attacks Meredy by rushing at her cloaked in water. With the danger passed, Juvia happily hugs Meredy, glad that the long battle has finally come to an end. Enhanced Durability: Meredy has shown herself to be a durable combatant. She immediately reawakens when she hears Gray speak to her, and eagerly follows his orders to chase after Meredy as she tries to escape with Zeref. During the games, Jellal was selected to fight against Jura of Lamia Scale. MIDDAY twitter- @midday413 Posts; Likes; Archive; MEREDY&JUVIA. Meredy repeats that that the only thing left for the three of them is to die, but Juvia says that there is another option, the three of them can live, even though they may defeat their enemies, Fairy Tail Mages would never take their lives. Previous: Meredy extends her hand towards Juvia and tells her she will show her the touch of heaven and boundless despair.[3]. However, Juvia and Gray also get hurt, and Meredy explains that she has attached herself to the connection and as of now the three of them are connected, so it doesn't matter which one of them dies, because Gray will die too. Meredy is blown away, but uses her Three Spread Sensory Link and Juvia uses a whirlpool to attack Meredy once more. Meredy is forced to defend herself as Juvia begins attacking her relentlessly, shocked by the sudden increase in strength of the Mage she had ranked so low. juvia lockser. Later Jellal participated as Fairy Tail's Mystogan. Herded together by Zancrow and Keyes, the two form a Sensory Link to amplify their powers and easily defeat their opponents with a combined technique. Unwilling to take anyone's life, not even that of an enemy, Juvia declares that all three of them can live. Juvia Lockser (ジュビア・ロクサー Jubia Rokusā) is a Mage of Fairy Tail, formerly being one of the five S-Class Mages of the Phantom Lord Guild. Meredy and juvia hug each then. Juvia looks on in horror with Lyon and Meredy as Gray's body is riddled with laser fire from multiple arriving attackers. Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant: While preferring to use her Magic for long-range combat, Meredy does has some basic skills in unarmed combat. The cape's left-shoulder portion has the symbol of Grimoire Heart in white. Over her uniform, she wears a red cape with a golden lining around the edges. She took up making teru teru bozu dolls in an attempt to make it stop raining, but it only served to make the other children tease her even more. At one point in her life she was in a relationship with Bora, but he broke up with her because he couldn't stand the rain. However, her movements are impeded due to her broken leg, forcing Juvia to crawl after Meredy. The cape's left-shoulder portion has the symbol of Grimoire Heart in white. Read Juvia and Meredy from the story Fairy Tail Pictures by Yandere_Juvia (Yandy) with 627 reads. Whilst there, Juvia finds and approaches Gray, telling him that she has upgraded to "Juvia 2.0." Juvia Lockser vs. Meredy However, Meredy brings Juvia to safety and waits with her until Azuma returns the guild's power. However, her disposition was formerly dour. Active Erza Scarlet & Juvia Lockser vs. Meredy Fairy Tail Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. When Meredy asks Gray if he would like a sense link to feel what Natsu is feeling, Juvia notes that she has loosened up a bit. According to Juvia , she has a witty sense of humor as well as a playful personality shown when she teased Gray and Lucy with the Sensory Link , and Jellal about his lie to Erza. Meredy is a cheerful, friendly and innocent individual. Gray tells Juvia he has something to tell her, which she immediately assumes is going to be a love confession, though Gray insists it is nothing of the sort, what he needs to say being fairly unimportant. The two run into Zancrow, who accuses Meredy of betraying Grimoire Heart with Ultear and attacks them, knocking them aside. However, she is shocked to witness the advent of the deceased upon the battlefield, thanks to Neinhart's Magic, and is caught by surprise by Keyes, who remarks upon the workings of Historia of the Dead. Meredy She is also modest, being respectful and showing a childlike persona despite her adult-like appearance. However, Gray sidesteps, sending her to the ground as he states that he too is entering a new era and says no thanks to her affection. Image Gallery. By the time of the Grand Magic Games, Juvia seems to have let her hair fall freely past her shoulders in a wavy style. Meredy uses Maguilty Rays to free herself and attack Juvia, but Juvia uses Water Slicer to protect herself.Meredy tells Juvia that it's mysterious how over one person, Gray, one can love him and the other one can hate him, that over the same individual there can be different ways to see them and feel about them. Meredy tries to dissuade her from following by bringing up her supposed hypocrisy towards her earlier speech about love, but Juvia remains firm, not wanting to argue with her. In X784, Meredy is a young girl of short stature. Merudi After she joins Fairy Tail, she develops a happier demeanor. A tiny grin took over the soft, delicate lips that Meredy loved so much, and Juvia's silky voice echoed in her ears, "Hello, Mer." She is obsessed with Gray Fullbuster to the point of considering anyone who shows affection towards him a rival. Her outfit after consists of a red dress with a golden trim around a deep neckline that exposes a large amount of her now ample cleavage with a short skirt and a belt tied around her waist and black colored stockings and brown boots. Juvia Lockser. Meredy Juvia tends to refer to herself in third person, and she used to say "drip, drip, drop" after her sentences due to the rain she used to bring with her. Juvia and Meredy hug each other like long-lost friends; Juvia is glad to see Meredy smiling cheerfully. Jubia Rokusā As the two clash, Juvia remarks upon the despicable nature of the one who is defiling the deceased, but her disgust turns to shock again as she sees the clouds being cleared from the heavens to reveal the night sky, only to be reassured by Meredy that this is an effect of Jellal's Magic. Her uniform is a tight, purple leotard with brownish thigh-high boots that have white stripes at the top. In the midst of the battle, Juvia is approached by Meredy inside the wrecked Bar Sun, with the latter asking where Ultear has gone to since the two have been separated; Juvia says she hasn't seen her. She quickly grew excited because she saw that the island was in view, but showed a lack of confidence after Ultear scolded her, as she then hung her head down in an ashamed manner. Juvia Lockser vs. Meredy is a fight fought between Fairy Tail Mage Juvia Lockser and Grimoire Heart Dark Mage Meredy. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She has short, pink hair and bright green eyes. Her hair reaches down to the middle of h… N/A Suddenly, Gray shoves her aside and takes the shot instead, piercing his chest. Human If she has love in her life she must keep on living. The cape's left-shoulder portion has the symbol of Grimoire Heart in white.In X791, she has grown olde… Jose Accepting Juvia into the Phantom Lord Guild. Meredy is bland and boring. Her uniform is a tight, purple leotard with brownish thigh-high boots that have white stripes at the top. Active Later in the series, Juvia and Meredy meet again in the Grand Magic Games arc. тнey're practically liĸe sisтers!. As she grew older, she would overhear other people commenting on the gloominess of the rain around her, making her feel increasingly depressed. -Lyon and Meredy met during the fourth day of the Games, when Lyon rescued Juvia after the Naval Battle incident and tried to convince her to give him a chance. After the assault, Juvia lies next to the fatally wounded Gray, sobbing and looking on in pure agony, noting the laser that went right through Gray's skull. 17 (X784) Age Juvia responds that that is what it means to be human. They soon encounter Zancrow , who sees Zeref on Meredy's back and accuses her of betraying Grimoire Heart together with Ultear, … She is also modest, being respectful and showing a childlike persona despite her adult-like appearance. Next: Juvia also seems to have a slight masochistic side; upon making a mistake, she asks Gray to spank her as punishment, saying it's her "hobby" while Gray … Meredy says that this Magic will also share the pain and attacks Juvia in her arm with Maguilty Sodom, making Gray also get hurt. A little later, Juvia stands by the rest of her guild as they ask Yukino to join their ranks, wanting her to come with them but is also hesitant over the idea, as she believes Gray doesn't need another admirer. Juvia and Meredy is a friendship between Fairy Tail Mage, Juvia Lockser, and Crime Sorcière Mage, Meredy. Combatants Juvia tells her to stop it, Meredy ignores her and says that she does not fear death. Meredy states that now that she and Gray are connected, there is no need to fight anymore, she puts two swords at her neck, and says that she can just kill herself. She brings her comrades to the clearing of the battle, where they find Gajeel gravely wounded, but victorious. After The Grand Magic Games, Each Individual Day, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia & Happy vs. Bora, Natsu Dragneel vs. Gajeel Redfox: Rematch, Natsu Dragneel, Gajeel Redfox & Wendy Marvell vs. Faust (Dorma Anim), Natsu Dragneel & Gajeel Redfox vs. Sting Eucliffe & Rogue Cheney, Natsu Dragneel & Gray Fullbuster vs. Mard Geer tartaros, Lucy Heartfilia & Cana Alberona vs. They put on a show together with their water and ice magic. Juvia tells Meredy to live, she lives for the ones she loves and she has to too. Alias The two reach an understanding and collapse, discontinuing their fight as Meredy lifts her Sensory Link off of the three. This the dead end of despair and end to Gray's life.[4]. [6], After Gray is freed from Meredy's Magic, Ultear finds him and deceives him with lies. She is obsessed with Gray Fullbuster and when Meredy threatens him, Juvia loses her generally calm demeanor and enters a somewhat satanic-appearing state that frightens Meredy and even Erza. Throughout the battle, Meredy ranks her opponents in the order she plans to kill them, with Juvia being the "low-ranked" thirteenth place, and Erza being ranked fourth. Know… '' Hi, '' Meredy said when she reached Juvia, Fairy Tail Fairy Guild! And Gray 's death like heaven and now she could die happily is what means! Cana: Tracking People with Cards Meredy is a former member of Grimoire airship. Take anyone 's life. [ 3 ], stopping her execution uses Maguilty to... 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