flanking in a sentence

This vine is a near relative of the pumpkins and squashes of our gardens. the part of a bastion that extends from the curtain to the face and protects the curtain She couldn't imagine why a demon would want to pose as Gabriel – and insist on guiding her through the underworld. Examples of flank in a Sentence Noun She gently patted the horse's flank. Besides the Bokovoi Khrebet several other short subsidiary ranges branch off from the main range at acute angles, lifting up high montane glens between them; for instance, the two ranges in Svanetia, which divide, the one the river (glen) Ingur from the river (glen) Tskhenis-Tskhali, and the other the river (glen) TskhenisTskhali from the rivers (glens) Lechkhum and Racha.Down all these glens glacier streams descend, until they find an opportunity to pierce through the flanking ranges, which they do in deep and picturesque gorges, and then race down the northern slopes of the mountains to enter the Terek or the Kuban, or down the southern versant to join the Rion or the Kura. Her limited experience with demons was that they all wanted to kill her or drag her to Hell or to Darkyn. We were attacked on our left flank. The whipping posts and branding irons ov luxury. Copyright (c) 1995-2021 Kenkyusha Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 例文帳に追加 放射又は受信アンテナにおいて、周波数阻止特性を急峻として、隣接帯域への干渉又は隣接帯域からの干渉を抑制すること。 Between the two flanking towers of the west facade, the spires of which are of the 16th century, rises a central tower of the same period. somatic mosaicism was not observed in three other lines examined, further emphasizing a role for flanking DNA in modulating repeat stability. Ingrid and Mike got to sit in the first rows, with the other actors and main movie staffs, flanking Nancy on each side. 3. 125. They were bent on flanking the enemy. From. 「カテゴリ」「情報源」を複数指定しての検索が可能になりました。(プレミアム会員限定), to attack the enemy in the flank―make a flanking attack on the enemy例文帳に追加, Wooden Statue of Yakushi Nyorai with Flanking Samurais例文帳に追加, The principal image is an Amida triad (Amida Nyorai, right flanking attendant Seiji Bosatsu, left flanking attendant Kannon Bosatsu).例文帳に追加, 本尊は阿弥陀三尊(阿弥陀如来、右脇侍勢至菩薩、左脇侍観音菩薩)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, There were long rows of pine trees flanking the shore of Lake Biwa.例文帳に追加, Wooden Statues of Yakushi Nyorai and Flanking Samurai (Installed in Kondo, Main Hall)例文帳に追加, 木造薬師如来及両脇侍像(金堂安置) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Wooden Statue of Yakushi Nyorai and Flanking Attendants (installed in Kondo)例文帳に追加, Wooden statues of Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagata) and flanking attendants例文帳に追加, Wooden Statue of Amida Nyorai and Two Flanking Attendant Statues例文帳に追加, To suppress interference to a flanking band or interference from the flanking band by sharpening frequency rejection characteristics in radiation or reception antenna.例文帳に追加, 放射又は受信アンテナにおいて、周波数阻止特性を急峻として、隣接帯域への干渉又は隣接帯域からの干渉を抑制すること。 - 特許庁, To enhance transcriptive ability of eucaryotic organism or promoter originated from virus by transduction of transcription factor coupling region into a flanking region.例文帳に追加, 真核生物やウイルス由来のプロモータの近接領域(flanking region)に転写因子結合領域を導入して転写能力を増強する。 - 特許庁, The wooden seated statue of Amitabha Tathagata (Amida Nyorai in Japanese) and the wooden seated statues of his two attendants flanking him on either side (Sanzenin Temple in Kyoto)例文帳に追加, 木造阿弥陀如来及両脇侍坐像(京都・三千院) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Wooden Statues of Yakushi Nyorai and Flanking Samurai (formerly installed in the Upper Daigo Yakushido)例文帳に追加, 木造薬師如来及両脇侍像(旧上醍醐薬師堂安置) - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Wooden Statues of Yakushi Nyorai and Flanking Attendants (Important Cultural Property) – Installed in Kondo例文帳に追加, 木造薬師如来及び両脇侍像(重要文化財)-金堂本尊。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Standing statue of Bishamonten: Cultural property designated by Oyamazaki-cho, stands 169.0 cm tall, a flanking attendant of the principal image例文帳に追加, 毘沙門天立像-大山崎町文化財、像高169.0cm、本尊脇侍 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Takeda's cavalry which was outnumbered drew lines of battle in the shape of two flanking wings that surrounded the enemy.例文帳に追加, 数的劣勢に立たされていた武田軍が取った布陣は翼包囲を狙った陣形だった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, All of the eight right and left flanking statues are essentially the same but closer inspection reveals subtle differences.例文帳に追加, 左右の8体はほとんど同形であるが、仔細に見ると作風には微妙な違いが見られる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The three statues are made of granite, with the Amida statue standing at 91.5 cm in height and the flanking attendant statues each measuring approximately 103 cm.例文帳に追加, 花崗岩製で、阿弥陀像の像高91.5cm、両脇侍像の像高は約103cm。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The kneeling flanking statues of the bodhisattvas Kannon and Seishi are both yosegi-zukuri style pieces covered in gold leaf with crystal eyes that stand 107cm tall.例文帳に追加, 両脇侍の観音菩薩跪坐(きざ)像、勢至菩薩跪坐像は木造漆箔玉眼で、高さ各107cm。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, In "Myohoji-ki," he is described as "Mr. Yasaburo GUNNAI joined the Yokoire (flanking attack)," and this description of joining the flanking attack is often used as a base of the theory that the separate troops existed actually.例文帳に追加, 『妙法寺記』に「郡内弥三郎殿は(中略)よこいれを成され候ひて」とあり、よこいれ=側面攻撃をしたと言う記録が別働隊説の根拠とされることが多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Primers may recognize a sequence within the 5' flanking region of A2704-12 or within the 3' flanking region of A2704-12 and a sequence within the foreign DNA respectively.例文帳に追加, プライマーは、A2704−12の5’隣接領域内、またはA2704−12の3’の隣接領域内の配列と、外来DNA内の配列をそれぞれ認識することができる。 - 特許庁, These yaku-ishis may be arranged the other way around, depending on whether the installation site is to the left or to the right of the veranda and whether the installation site is close to a sodegaki (low fence flanking the entrance).例文帳に追加, これらの役石の置き方は設置場所が縁側の左端か右端か、袖垣の近くかで左右が逆になる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Naturally, Nobunaga would have anticipated the two-flanking wings formation to concentrate gunners whose availability was limited on both wings.例文帳に追加, また、当然信長としても鶴翼包囲を予見し、限られた数の鉄砲を両翼に集中的に配置していたと考えるのが自然である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, Yakushi Nyorai and two flanking attendants, Nikko Bosatsu and Gakko Bosatsu, are installed as the objects of worship in the wide open space inside.例文帳に追加, 内部は広大な空間の中に本尊の薬師如来坐像と日光菩薩、月光菩薩の両脇侍像が安置されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, It is Monju Gosonzo (the Monju quintet) composed of the 7-meter-high statue of Monju Bosatsu riding on a gigantic lion and the statues of four flanking attendants.例文帳に追加, 巨大な獅子にまたがる総高約7mもある文殊菩薩像を4体の脇侍像が取り囲む文殊五尊像である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, But Yoshinari's forces were soon outflanked and attacked by 2000 troops from Asai Tsushima and Genba; after this flanking force was joined by the troops of Asakura Nakatsukasa, Yoshiie YAMAZAKI, and Saburo AHAKA as well as the main forces of Nagamasa ASAI, Yoshinari--and Nobuharu ODA, Nobunaga's younger brother--were eventually killed during the battle.例文帳に追加, だが、浅井対馬・玄蕃の2千に側面から攻撃を仕掛けられ、さらに朝倉中務、山崎吉家、阿波賀三郎の隊に加え浅井長政本隊もこれに加わったため信長の弟・織田信治とともに討死した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The seated statue of the Thousand-armed Kannon at Bujo-ji Temple and the flanking attendant statues of Fudo Myoo with his two attendants and Bishamonten are small yet have a metropolitan, elaborate style and, as legend suggests, are believed to date from the time of Bujo-ji Temple's founding.例文帳に追加, 峰定寺に伝わる本尊千手観音坐像と脇侍の不動明王二童子像・毘沙門天像は、小像ながら都風の入念な作で、伝承どおり、峰定寺創建時の作と見なされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス, The primer recognizing the 5' flanking region may include a specific nucleotide sequence, and the primer recognizing a sequence within the foreign DNA may include another specific nucleotide sequence.例文帳に追加, 5’隣接領域を認識するプライマーは、特定ののヌクレオチド配列を含み、外来DNA内の配列を認識するプライマーは、他の特定のヌクレオチド配列を含むことができる。 - 特許庁, The system includes use of a member of the SB family of transposases (SB) or nucleic acid encoding the transposase, and the nucleic acid fragment containing a nucleic acid sequence having the flanking inverted repeat sequences.例文帳に追加, このシステムはトランスポザーゼのSBファミリーの構成員(SB)又はトランスポザーゼをコードする核酸、及び隣接逆方向反復配列を有する核酸配列を含む核酸フラグメントの利用を含む。 - 特許庁, To provide a flanking type energy irradiation device capable of effectively irradiating laser beams on a lesion part located in the deep, while preventing damage of normal tissues easily and securely.例文帳に追加, 容易かつ確実に、正常組織の損傷を防止しつつ、深部に位置する病変部にレーザ光を効果的に照射し得る側射式のエネルギー照射装置を提供する。 - 特許庁, The replacement targeting construct, which may contain a selectable marker, is constructed to contain two regions of sequences which are homologous to the 5' and 3' flanking sequences of the targeted locus.例文帳に追加, 選択マーカーを含み得る置換標的化構築物は、標的遺伝子座の5’および3’フランキング配列に相同である配列の2つの領域を含むように構築される。 - 特許庁, The shutter drive motor 27 and the filter drive motor 28 are disposed flanking the second optical axis A2 when viewed in a direction along the second optical axis.例文帳に追加, 第2光軸に沿った方向から見たとき、シャッタ駆動モータ27およびフィルタ駆動モータ28は、第2光軸A2を挟むように配置されている。 - 特許庁, This method for preparing a marker for detecting the polymorphism in a plant genome includes preparing primers for amplifying a nucleic acid using a transposon in the plant genome and/or a base sequence in the flanking region thereof.例文帳に追加, 本発明の植物ゲノム中の多型検出用マーカーの作成方法は、植物ゲノム中の転移因子および/またはその隣接領域の塩基配列を利用して核酸増幅用プライマーを作成することを含む、ことを特徴とする。 - 特許庁, The method includes amplifying a sequence of a nucleic acid present in biological samples, using a polymerase chain reaction with at least two primers, one of which recognizes the 5' or 3' flanking region of A2704-12, the other of which recognizes a sequence within foreign DNA, preferably to obtain a DNA fragment of between 100 and 500 bp.例文帳に追加, 一つがA2704−12の5’または3’の隣接領域を認識し、他が外来DNA内の配列を認識するような少なくとも二つのプライマーとのポリメラーゼ連鎖反応を用いて、好ましくは100〜500bpの間のDNAフラグメントを得る、生物サンプル中に存在する核酸配列を増幅することを含む方法に関する。 - 特許庁, A DNA vector comprising a recombinant adeno-associated virus genome and DNA sequences encoding adeno-associated rep/cap proteins, wherein the recombinant adeno-associated virus genome comprises adeno- associated virus inverted terminal repeats flanking non-adeno-associated virus DNA sequences operably linked to promoter and polyadenylation sequences and wherein the DNA sequences encoding rep/cap proteins are located outside the genome.例文帳に追加, 組換えアデノ随伴ウイルスゲノムおよびアデノ随伴rep/capタンパク質をコードするDNA配列を含むDNAベクターであって、ここで該組換えアデノ随伴ウイルスゲノムは、プロモーターおよびポリアデニル化配列に作動可能に結合した非アデノ随伴ウイルスDNA配列に隣接するアデノ随伴ウイルス逆方向末端反復を含み、そしてrep/capタンパク質をコードする該DNA配列は該ゲノムの外に位置する、DNAベクター。 - 特許庁, The separator is provided with an airflow channel S1 on the surface side flanking at least an air electrode of the unit cells, the cooling space S2 supplying air and water to the rear face side as a cooling means, and discharge regulation means S2' in which liquid water collected in the discharging part is gradually discharged.例文帳に追加, セパレータは、単位セルの少なくとも空気極に接する表面側に空気流路S1を備えるとともに、背面側に空気と水とを供給される冷却空間S2を冷却手段として備え、冷却空間の排出部に、該排出部に溜まる液体水を緩徐に排出する排出規制手段S2’を備える。 - 特許庁, The method also includes the steps of then forming each convex part 12a and flanking GaN consisting of selecting growth layer 14 in air gap portion 12c between the lower surface and footprint of trench 12b like as elaborate on the seed layer 12.例文帳に追加, 続いて、凸部12a同士に挟まれてなる各凹部12bの底面及び壁面上に窒化シリコンからなるマスク膜13を形成し、その後、シード層12の上に、各凸部12aと接するようにGaNからなる選択成長層14をその下面と溝部12bの底面との間に空隙部12cが設けられるように形成する。 - 特許庁, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. 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