did draco date anyone

He along with Crabbe and Goyle followed the Trio into the Room of Requirement where he would attempt to capture Harry and retrieve the item Harry was trying to locate. Pale[4][5] He resented the attention Harry received because of his fame and his prodigious flying ability, which led to Harry being permitted to join his house's Quidditch team at a younger age than most. Harry took advantage of the lapse in concentration, allowing Gryffindor to win the match and Draco to be reprimanded by the team captain Marcus Flint for his stupidity, which was witnessed by George Weasley. Hermione was shocked that Malfoy stepped forward to want to kiss her. [17], Later, he was among the Inquisitorial Squad members who caught Harry and his friends in their attempt to discover the whereabouts of Sirius Black, whom Harry had seen being tortured in a vision, planted by Lord Voldemort. members hostage for Umbridge, After Umbridge left, the remaining D.A. When Draco witnessed Snape killing Dumbledore, he appeared horrified, which likely compounded his regret of ever becoming a Death Eater. What is the best way to fold a fitted sheet? Draco showed particular dislike for the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, who was in favour of complete acceptance of Muggle-borns, a contradictory view to that of the Malfoys'. His cousin, the illegitimate child of Bellatrix Lestrange, his aunt, and Tom Riddle, his former leader, was Delphini, whom he helped Harry Potter fight in the year 2020, after discovering she was Voldemort's daughter, and after she tried to kill his son Scorpius. [16], During the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw, Draco, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Marcus Flint attempted to undermine Harry's performance by posing as Dementors — Draco standing on Goyle's shoulders — but they were all knocked over by Harry's first successful automatic Patronus Charm, clearly unaware that it was the effect the dementors had on Harry that he had a problem with rather than the dementors themselves. Blaise was also one of the few people Draco had told about his mission, however he didn't seem to think highly of Draco's new position. He conjured a snake after being encouraged by Professor Snape and was disappointed when Harry thwarted the attack by speaking to the serpent in Parseltongue. [18] Sometime after this period, however, Pansy and Draco's friendship waned. PrefectSeeker Before Umbridge could carry through on her threat to use the Cruciatus Curse to make Harry talk, Hermione told Umbridge that they were trying to contact Albus Dumbledore about a "weapon" that he planned to use against the Ministry of Magic. I honestly don’t think he was even into her, (I’m a Drarry shipper) and that he just put up with her. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991-1998 and was sorted into Slytherin House. He did, however, refer to both of them by their first names by the events of The Cursed Child. Draco also appeared to be friendly with Marcus Flint, as shown when Flint defended Draco against Fred and George Weasley, and again when he assisted Draco and his gang in their attempts to psych Harry out during a Quidditch game by disguising as dementors. [3], When Draco went to Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies in 1991, he met Harry Potter in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, without knowing who he was. However, after the war, Draco's relationship with his parents may have somewhat faltered, as his marriage with Astoria led them to think she is a somewhat disappointing daughter-in-law, mainly because Astoria's change of belief after the atrocities brought by Death Eaters' ideology, something they find unfitting for a fellow member of one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight clans. it was common knowledge that you’d gone on a date with harry potter before dating draco malfoy. However, as the year dragged on, Draco became increasingly afraid that he would fail in his seemingly impossible task — to kill Albus Dumbledore. The official criminal status placed on him, alongside his fear of the Dark Lord's wrath, led him to seek refuge, along with his family, with Voldemort, in the hopes of satisfying his orders to prevent any more negative highlights. All of the Squad members were Slytherins, as Umbridge was bias and favoured students of her former house. During the first five years of school Draco maintained a relatively healthy look. He had the beliefs in which he had grown up challenged in the most frightening way, had experienced terror and despair, witnessed his parents suffering for their allegiance, and had witnessed the crumbling of all that his family had believed in. Draco attending a first year Potions class, Draco duelling Harry and Ron during the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy duelling Harry Potter in 1992, Draco casting the Snake Summons Spell in 1992. This later developed into a more cordial relationship due to Scorpius and Albus being best friends. Snape continued to protect Draco even after they fled from the Battle of the Astronomy Tower together; when questioned by Voldemort about Draco's actions during his attempted murder of Dumbledore, Snape lied and told the Dark Lord that Malfoy hadn't lowered his wand and emphasised the young student's ability to get Death Eaters into Hogwarts as well as cornering Dumbledore, which allowed Snape to kill him. But his name was almost something completely different. Draco and his family avoided imprisonment in Azkaban due to their last-minute switch in allegiance. Both cousins were killed by Bellatrix, Sirius in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and Tonks in the Battle of Hogwarts respectively. During a behind-the-scenes moment, we can see … Encouraged by Hermione, Ron, and Harry to stand up for himself, Neville grew to be someone who was much more difficult to bully by his later years at Hogwarts, resisting not only the Slytherin students, but also Alecto and Amycus Carrow and Severus Snape. I dont think he dated anyone at school. Snape's defence of Malfoy saved the boy's life and convinced Voldemort to free Lucius Malfoy from Azkaban, for which Draco reconciled with Snape. Surprisingly, despite Draco's prejudice against Muggle-borns, Draco apparently visited Myrtle regularly in a bathroom, where he confided in and even openly cried in front of her. Lucius Malfoy (father)Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) (mother)Astoria Malfoy (née Greengrass) (wife) †Scorpius Malfoy (son)Abraxas Malfoy (paternal grandfather) †Cygnus Black III (maternal grandfather) †Druella Black (née Rosier) (maternal grandmother) †Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) (maternal aunt) †Rodolphus Lestrange (maternal uncle)Andromeda Tonks (née Black) (maternal aunt)Ted Tonks (maternal uncle) †Nymphadora Lupin (née Tonks) (maternal first cousin) †Delphini (maternal first cousin)Daphne Greengrass (sister-in-law)Malfoy family (paternal family)House of Black (maternal family)Greengrass family (in-laws) Draco was intelligent, cunning and quick-witted, capable of deducing things and coming up with clever plans based on a small amount of information; his father had expected him to obtain top marks in school after his first year, and showed disappointment that Hermione beat him. Draco would grow to have a deep respect and friendly relationship with Albus Potter and trusted him with helping Scorpius heal from the grief of losing his mother. Snape then promptly led Draco out of the school grounds, presumably to safety, but really to get to a safe distance to disapparate to Lord Voldemort. For much of his youth, Draco took after his bigoted father, Lucius Malfoy, as a role model, and frequently boasted about his family's influence and wealth. [34], She also compared Draco to his first cousin once removed, Regulus Black, in that they were both initially attracted to the Death Eater organisation, but "the reality of what it meant was way too much to handle". The only two hand-me-down things Draco ever received were the old family prejudice against Muggles, Muggle-borns, half-breeds, and blood traitors — in short, prejudice against anyone who was not a pure-blood wizardkind, or anyone who supports these types of people — and the Malfoy family's waste collection of powerful dark artefacts harking back to the family history. Sometime after the end of the war, Draco married Astoria Greengrass, whose older sister was in the same year as him at Hogwarts. Also, despite Delphini being Bellatrix's daughter, Draco did not hesitate to assist in her arrest after she had threatened his son's life. [1], Draco eventually married Astoria Greengrass, the younger sister of fellow Slytherin classmate Daphne Greengrass,[21] who had gone through a similar (though less violent and frightening) conversion from pure-blood ideals to a more accepting and tolerant way of life. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. However, in his sixth year onward, when the stress of his mission was getting more intense, Draco's smug countenance was lost, and he became quite thin, with dark shadows under his eyes and a greyish tinge to his skin. Draco's son Scorpius would eventually develop a deep crush and even fall in love with Hermione's daughter, Rose Granger-Weasley. He was proven wrong when Harry tied with Cedric for first place and succeeded in capturing his golden egg the fastest. 9 Draco First Meets Harry In Diagon Alley. She often fawned over him, laughing loudly at his snide jokes, showing great concern when Draco was injured by Buckbeak in their third year,[16] and accompanying him to the Yule Ball in 1994. Judging by later remarks made by Vincent Crabbe, it seems that the Malfoys had lost much of their influence in the Death Eater circles. Draco fought in several battles for Voldemort, including the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Skirmish at Malfoy Manor. Draco seems to be less antagonistic towards Hagrid than in the books. It's a romantic, but unhealthy...", It is shown that he is somewhat more respectful in the films than the books. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Neville proved to have made an impressive and complete turn around from his earlier years of crumbling under Draco's bullying, when he openly defied Lord Voldemort and beheaded Nagini, effectively destroying Voldemort's final Horcrux. Lucius initially blamed the theft on their house-elf Dobby, as the perpetrator knew he kept his wand inside his walking stick, which wasn't common knowledge. [20] It should be noted that the main reason behind Draco's enmity towards Harry was actually due to his jealousy of the latter.[29]. [28] Theodore and Draco did laugh together at Hermione's blood-status once, and Nott was also seen with Draco and his gang after Harry listed their fathers names in a Quibbler article. 8 Tom Called Stanislav Ianevski (Viktor Krum) A Lucky Man For Sharing The Dance Floor With Emma. But now he is married to Astoria Greengrass, they have a son However, after Lucius's imprisonment in Azkaban, Draco came to resent Snape, believing him to have usurped his father's place in the ranks of the Death Eaters, and that he was trying to take Draco's chance of glory as well. Once on the train to Hogwarts Draco proceeded to mock the trio about their lack of knowledge regarding the upcoming school event. Draco tried desperately to save both of his friends from the cursed fire Crabbe unleashed, helping pull Goyle onto Ron and Hermione's broom before letting Harry fly the two of them out, and was very upset by Crabbe's death. Physical information He bragged about having been given a mission to his fellow Slytherin students on his way to school on the Hogwarts Express. Flint however did not hesitate to shout at Draco after he failed to catch a snitch despite it flying within his reach (he was too busy making fun of Harry to notice). By 2020, Draco had become so disillusioned from the Death Eater cause due to his experiences with Voldemort that he (Draco) helped the Trio defeat Voldemort's daughter Delphini in her plan to save Voldemort from his first downfall back in 1981. Malfoy familyHouse of BlackGreengrass familyHogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardrySlytherinSlytherin Quidditch teamInquisitorial Squad (formerly)Draco Malfoy's gang (formerly)Death Eaters (formerly)Lord Voldemort (formerly)British Ministry of Magic He seemed to have lost interest in Quidditch, and allowed (and possibly paid) Harper to take over instead. It does not appear that Draco was aware of this, as Lucius's instructions to his son that year were to "keep his head down." In addition, Tonks had married Remus Lupin, a werewolf, which the Death Eaters scorned to humiliate Draco. By the final confrontation between Draco and Harry in the Room of Requirement, during the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco no longer exerted much control over his friends; Crabbe, in particular, responded harshly to Draco's attempts to prevent them from killing Harry. Though it is unknown if he has any relation to Harry himself, of if they even know about that fact. 10", Hawthorn, unicorn hair (formerly)Unknown length, wood and core (temporarily) Harry stunned the Death Eater and Ron punched Draco and called him a "two-faced bastard", as this was the second time they saved his life that night. [15], Once at Hogwarts, Draco was Sorted into the Slytherin House, like many other members of his family. He made a rather intolerant speech about Muggle-borns and Rubeus Hagrid, but otherwise acted in quite a friendly manner towards Harry Potter. Much of his horrible behavior stemmed from his upbringing; he was the only child of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, raised to look down on Muggle-born wizards and witches, and never hesitated to make them feel inferior. Following his training from his aunt Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco grew to be an accomplished wizard for his age. Snape, in turn, took Draco as his favourite student and showed him undeserved lenience on several occasions, which likely had something to do with Snape's long-time comradeship with Draco's father, or on the pretext of it, given that Snape defected from the Death Eaters. members came to Harry's defence, resulting in Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle ending up looking like ugly slug-like things after being hit by a number of hexes by all D.A. As JK Rowling announces that a new children's book is on the way, read the revelations that have emerged since her last was published Draco's wand is notable in that his wand is one of the few that have the same look throughout all eight films, though the prop in the last two films is all black instead of brown with a black handle. This reached its pinnacle after Lucius Malfoy was sent to Azkaban following the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Lucius was a Death Eater who avoided imprisonment in Azkaban following the First Wizarding War by claiming that he had been under the Imperius Curse, while Narcissa merely agreed with the ideology of pure-blood supremacy. By 2017, Draco had married Astoria Greengrass and had one child, Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. In turn, Harry saved his life twice during the Battle of Hogwarts. [18], In preparation for such a dangerous mission, Draco trained and improved his own skills, and became capable of blocking jinxes nonverbally. The stress began to affect Draco adversely, and he confessed his fears to Myrtle Warren, one of the school's ghosts. [18] During the Battle of Hogwarts, Lucius and Narcissa did not even attempt to fight, instead frantically searching for their son. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Bellatrix was killed by Molly Weasley. After Draco was given a mission as a Death Eater, Bellatrix helped him and taught him Occlumency, nonverbal spells, and the Dark Arts. He reluctantly participated in Death Eater activities and by the end of the war, remained on the fence. When Harry overhead some parts of Draco's conversation with his fellow Slytherins about the mission, Draco used a Full Body-Bind Curse to paralyse Harry and stomped hard on his face, crushing his nose, in revenge for imprisoning his father, Lucius, causing Harry to hate Draco more than ever, while disregarding what Harry heard as not important enough to condemn him. 13,048 notes. Draco seems to have a fondness for green apples, since he is seen eating one in. As such, Draco avoided Snape most of the year, refused any assistance, and even verbally assaulted him. Vote on this Draco Malfoy poll: Does anyone share their birth date with Draco Malfoy i.e. This was something of a disappointment for Lucius and Narcissa, who had higher hopes of someone whose family featured on the "Sacred Twenty-Eight". Nationality (698480) Since Draco was too scared of Voldemort to respond his feelings on the subject are unknown. together called Scorpius. Draco was, in general, an arrogant, spiteful bully for most of his early years. This rudimentary law-code of which we know only the provisions regarding … Although Scorpius's birth would cause Astoria's death, Draco's love for his son was clearly great, considering the day he was born the greatest day of his life. 10 years ago. Why did Draco hesitate? How do you Find Free eBooks On-line to Download? Draco also disliked the caretaker Argus Filch because he was a Squib and never hesitated to punish Draco, although they did work together in the Inquisitorial Squad. It was soon revealed that Hermione had been lying about a weapon; Umbridge was carried off by centaurs and the six D.A. Astoria Greengrass (wife) †Pansy Parkinson (ex-girlfriend) Copyright © 2021 Multiply Media, LLC. This is due to Voldemort no longer holding Lucius in high esteem and shifting his favour to Draco's maternal aunt Bellatrix Lestrange and Hogwarts teacher Severus Snape. Ultimately, Draco was unable to kill Dumbledore, lowering his wand and being tempted to take Dumbledore's offer of protection for his parents. Members at the same time. Malfoy is of French extraction, mal foi, and means ‘bad faith’, or ‘unfaithful’, and Draco did manage to live up to this name by being generally sneaky most of the time. He was also friends with Blaise Zabini during their sixth year, as they sat together at Hogwarts Express, where they discussed Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley, who had all become members of the Slug Club. Like much of the rest of his family, Draco likely held these relatives in contempt; Andromeda was considered a blood traitor and Tonks was a half-blood. Marital status [15], Draco mocking Harry Potter in Flourish and Blotts, Before the start of his second year, Draco Malfoy was present at Flourish and Blotts the day Harry, the Grangers and the Weasleys were shopping for Gilderoy Lockhart's new Hogwarts textbooks. Some of the articles that he was partly for was one about Harry and Hermione titled Harry Potter's Secret Heartache. Bellatrix Lestrange was Draco's maternal aunt, sister of Narcissa and a Death Eater. [20], The events of Draco's teenage years forever changed his life. Draco refrained from being too openly contemptuous toward the ex-auror due to fear. [15], While on the Hogwarts Express for the very first time, Draco Malfoy offered his friendship to Harry Potter as his father believed that Harry was a Dark wizard, and Draco wished to impress him and relay some interesting news home. [17], Draco's father was seen participating in the battle as a Death Eater and was imprisoned in Azkaban for his crimes. Lucius found his son as affectionate as ever, but refusing to follow the old pure-blood line. [20], After Voldemort's defeat, Draco and his parents sat in the Great Hall, looking uncertain of their place during the victory celebrations. [17], The Inquisitorial Squad holds several D.A. Draco's (The Draconian) contribution changed the government in that he was the creator of the first code of law in Athens, Greece. Please don't sub to me! When Draco was younger he didn't have much contact with his aunt because she was imprisoned in Azkaban for torturing the Aurors Alice and Frank Longbottom, who were the parents of Neville Longbottom, a fellow Gryffindor in Draco's year, into insanity. This is due to the fact that Voldemort was unable to fully understand the Elder Wand's power and Harry disarming Draco of his wand resulted in him mastering the Elder Wand himself. It was the invention of this song, as well as insulting Molly and Arthur Weasley and the late Lily Potter to Harry, Fred, and George's faces that prompted Harry and George to get into a fight with Draco. Blood status Tom provided the voice of Draco Malfoy in the video-game adaptations of. [15], At the end of the school year, Draco was initially overjoyed that Slytherin was on course to win the House Cup again, but was very dejected to see Gryffindor win the cup once Albus Dumbledore awarded Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville additional house points for their brave actions. Romances This caused Draco to be upset that any one would actually think that "saint Potter, the Mudbloods' friend" could be the heir of Slytherin, which was something that he thought was completely ridiculous. He and Harry witnessed Voldemort, inhabiting the body of Quirinus Quirrell, drinking the blood of a unicorn and ran away in fear leaving Harry behind. Nymphadora Tonks, his maternal first cousin, Draco was not close to his aunt Andromeda Tonks, who had been disowned for marrying Muggle-born Ted Tonks, or their daughter, his cousin Nymphadora. Draco supported Cedric Diggory, passing out badges that could be made to read Potter Stinks and taunting Harry regularly, such as commenting that he was betting Harry wouldn't last more than a few minutes with the dragons. Draco carried out the task he was assigned by Voldemort in his sixth year because his parents' lives were threatened, and appeared to be close to accepting Dumbledore's offer to keep them safe before Severus Snape interceded to kill the Headmaster. Impeached can you run did draco date anyone president again before their first names by the Death Eater.! Often involved in Draco 's year belonging in the evening, the prisoners managed escape! Affect Draco adversely, and Draco 's wand did not know what say. Wason and Tom Felton have been your perfect match first and second years he had heard Draco. Jacob 's sibling investigated, and returned the wand to Lucius took their toll on Draco was improvised both. 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