bicycle statistics by country

Are there any statistics regarding that you have seen? Data shows that the health benefits achieved through Barcelona’s bike sharing program outweigh the risks 77:1. We will update it whenever there’s some fresh information! I will keep your suggestion in mind Cheers! In 2016, 66% of bicycles sold in the US were imported from China, whereas 27.5% came from Taiwan. Sidenote: That’s a lot more than in the US. The majority of other EU countries do much better than this, notably the Netherlands, of course. Bicycle Industry is continuously growing since decades when it was major means of personal transportation. It’s pretty well known that Danish people love cycling and the numbers prove it: However, that also means that the number of bikes that get thrown away is on the rise as well. But, let’s see what the numbers actually say. The biggest part of the growth of the cycling market in the US in the previous two decades happened among men between 25-64 years old. Here are the results. That might be the reason why cycling to work isn’t as popular as we would like it to be. On average, cities with high cycling rates have lower rates of traffic accidents for all modes of transportation. I couldn’t carry the things I need (cargo or kids). A recent study by Portland State University asked e-bike owners how many of them bought e-bikes and how many converted their bikes to electric. Almost half (43.3%) of the patients were aged 12 and younger. Federal statistics indicate 722 bicyclist deaths occurred in 2012, up 6 percent from 2011 and 16 percent from 2010. This first test gives a general overview of the state of the bicycle market by country. California Bicycle Fatal & Non-Fatal Accident Numbers. The world’s e-bike market was worth a staggering $14,755 million in 2018. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. The highly anticipated Index draws bike count data from over 3,000 automated counters across 39 countries to estimate the overall progression of bicycle traffic volumes by country and city. It means that people feel that their bikes are safe when locked. The above statistics take no account of exposure, that is the amount of cycling taking place. Eco-Counter has partnered with NewCities to release the 2019 World Cycling Index. The rising urbanization, congestion and sustainability are majorly driving the rising demand for bicycles all over United States. The analysis should be by country where possible, or by region / continent where not (eg. There are good production statistics, but the actual sales are harder to determine and are what is needed. Cycling instead of driving a car can also positively impact your personal finances: If you’re wondering how much money you’d be able to save annually by cycling to work, you can use this calculator to come up with an approximate number. 42% of imports come from outside the EU, mainly from Taiwan (24%). We believe that thieves go for less-distinctive bikes. It is a free resource page about bicycles, founded in 2015 by Jeff Balton. The global bicycle market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.20% during the forecast period (2020 - 2025). 3. As you can see, some of the cities with the highest usage rates do not have high theft levels at all. It can help you lose weight and get fit, on top of getting you from point A to point B. Your community may be along a regional or cross-country bike route with low-traffic roads, a long bike path or rail trail, a network of mountain bike trails, or an urban historic district with separated bike lanes. The report covers the bike market, bicycle use and bicycle facilities. Giant has manufacturing facilities in Taiwan, the Netherlands, and China.By 2014, Giant had sales in over 50 countries, in over 12,000 retail stores. You’ll be surprised with the result! What are the top 10 cities in the UK with the highest bicycle theft rates? The number of female cyclists is on decline. Cycle rates by country. 2) Denmark Denmark may not have the most bikes in the world per capita, but the capital Copenhagen was named the most bike-friendly city on the globe for 2015, overtaking Amsterdam. Nonetheless, we’ve managed to get a pretty nice selection of numbers, so enjoy below. In contrast, e.g. Arriving at a destination drenched in sweat. The cycling industry is simply huge and it’s constantly growing. 60% of people in England who are able to ride a bike reported that they do not cycle because they find the traffic dangerous. Top market manufacturers are Pedego Electric Bikes, Bikeplus, Ofo, Hellobike, Lime Bike, BikeMi, Obike, Mango and others.New York, NY, Jan. 14, … We are reader-supported. This statistic illustrates the average price of bicycles sold in the European Union (EU) from 2013 to 2016, by country. It … You can use them if you link back to this source. In the UK, only 4% of people say they cycle every day, 10% 'a few times a week', 17% 'a few times a month or less often' and 69% never. Great to have all the choices put together in a form that is not too practical but benefits to focus a rider’s thoughts on the choices of the road bike and the details for selecting a particular one. Accell’s net sales from FYI 2008 to FY 2017 (in million euros). Publish 8 issues at a subscription rate of $146 including postage. The e-bike market was valued at USD 22.83 billion in 2019, and it is expected to witness a CAGR of 11.84 %, during the forecast period, 2020-2025. Let’s see the top 10 cities and then compare it with cycling rates. The Twin Cities has one of the biggest percentages of female cyclists in the US – 37 – 45%. Florida is reported to be the most dangerous state in the country to ride a bicycle. The Vital Statistics Council for Canada, an advisory committee set up by an Order-in-Council, oversees policy and operational matters. Therefore, do not be surprised that the numbers below are going to be gargantuan as well. Great article. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the State of Florida has the highest cyclist death rate in the country. So, according to, 400,000 bikes are stolen each year in the UK. The majority of other EU countries do much better than this, notably the Netherlands, of course. In 2017, they made $1,06 billion in sales. The majority of people who do not cycle to work report. Here are the top 10 according to the League of American Bicyclists: Portland State University did a great research which we are going to cover in this section. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of female cyclists dropped by 13%. The number of bicycles per 1 000 inhabitants ranges from 52 in the Czech Republic to 1 000 in the Netherlands. Out of the 80.6m who live in the country, around 75% own and make regular use of a bicycle. Adults who ride a bike regularly suffer from fewer age-related health issues. Bicycle Guider is a registered trademark. England & Wales According to a household survey, there were around 287,000 victims of bicycle theft from July 2018 to June 2019, down 49% on 1995. Let’s see the top 10 cities and then compare it with cycling rates. Adults who ride a bike regularly suffer from fewer age-related health issues. 42% of imports come from outside the EU, mainly from Taiwan (24%). Moreover, the top 3 make almost 60% of the bikes stolen in the UK. But where are these bikes stolen? This compares to. Copenhagen’s love of cycling prevents 90 thousand tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere every year. As you can see, the top five brands make 76.4% of all the stolen bikes. Are you thinking about riding your bike to work? IBF is 100% solar powered. The number of people who commute to work in the US is on the rise. The annual growth between 2019-2024 is expected to be 6.39%. Keep in mind that the images are copyrighted (if it is not stated differently). The main reason is that they are actually not locked properly. Cyclists must use a cycleway wherever one is present. This is a very valuable and well-presented article. The countries with the most prevalent users of e-bikes are Germany and the Netherlands, currently purchasing 65% of all e-bikes sold. According to the Gluskin Townley Group, there are approximately 4,256 speciality bike stores, lowered almost 1,000 stores from the year before. Riding a bike between 30-60 minutes a day is associated with lower blood pressure numbers in both men and women. That comes as no surprise because these are the most popular brands in the UK as well. Four out of ten households on the planet own a bike, according to a paper based on surveys from 150 countries between 1989 and 2012. In countries like the Netherlands and Denmark where people cycle an average of 864 and 513 kilometers each year, the number of cyclists killed per billion kilometers of bicycle … In this section, you’ll learn bicycle safety tips and rules of the road, from properly fitting your helmet to driving defensively and predictably. Port Washington, NY, April 10, 2018 – The U.S. cycling market is a $5.9 billion industry, with independent bicycle dealers capturing about 52 percent of those sales and the rest of the market the remaining piece of the pie, according to retail sales data from global information company The NPD Group. It’s pretty well known that Danish people love cycling and the numbers prove it: Denmark is the most bicycle-friendly country in the world. And can I use some of your infographics when needed on my site? This statistic represents the size of the global bicycle market from 2011 through 2016, with a forecast for the year 2022. The average bike commuter has been riding their bike to work for 8.3 years. Britain still lags behind countries with similar weather, population density and geography. Further, the trend of e-bikes has huge growth opportunity in the U.S. as majority of population has never ride an e-bike. Rates. There were 857 bicyclists killed in traffic crashes in the United States in 2018. Electric bicycle sales volume in the European Union (EU) 2016, by country Electric bicycle sales market share in the European Union (EU) 2013-2016 Further related statistics Not reported. I biked enough already According to a 2013 report from the European Commission, levels of cycling in the UK do not compare at all well with most other EU countries. As these facilities are built, it encourages a new segment of the population to travel by bicycle. Research by Jacobsen (2003) suggests that when more cyclists are on the road, there are fewer collisions, with data indicating that this is the case in The Netherlands, California and Denmark. Nationally, cycling fatalities per 100,000 bike … What’s surprising is the fact that the difficulty of storing or securing bicycles was the least popular answer. And vice versa. Netherlands., 601599511Favourite Bike Type – Cycling Fun0102030405060RoadMTBHybridGravelMTB & Road bikeFatBMX% – Total Votes 111, 68186321112Favourite Bike Type – Global Cycling Network010203040506070RoadMTB & RoadGravelAll of themMTBFixieHybridCXOther% – Total Votes 449, 73145333Favorite Bike Type – Cycling Advice01020304050607080RoadMTBCXHybridGravelOther% (Total Votes 103), 754.304.1043.902.902.402.202.1001234567Portland (OR)Minneapolis (MN)San Francisco (CA)Washington (DC)Seattle (WA)New Orleans (LA)Oakland (CA)Tucson (AZ)Philadelphia (PA)Denver (CO)%, 28.201714.408.808051015202530SpecializedTrekGiantCarreraRidgebackBikes stolen by brand (%), ©2020 Pioneer Sports - All Rights Reserved, Getting Ready For a Major Biking Expedition. For some additional convincing, check out these interesting facts that we have found about riding your bike to work: Barcelona’s bicycle-sharing program has reduced annual CO2 emissions by more than 9 thousand metric tons. Bike death statistics appear to be on the rise. Many other U.S. cities are working to build bicycle facilities and protected bike lanes. For example, deaths in Australia dropped sharply after 1990 which coincides with the introduction of helmet laws that reduced cycle use. Have you ever wondered which US cities have the highest numbers of bike commuters? California Bicycle Fatal & Non-Fatal Accident Numbers. Not physically able to ride a bike 6. The bad news is that deaths among adult cyclists have tripled since 1975. As you can see, some of the cities with the highest usage rates do not have high theft levels at all. For a number of years Slovenia has topped the table with the most bike sales per head according to CONEBI data. Bicycle ownership around the world is declining amid rising wealth levels and increased use of motorised vehicles in developing countries, a study has found. : 4 According to an estimate from the NCVS there was an estimated 1.3 million incidents of theft of or theft from bicycles. Good job! Cheers! The market is broken down into the follow statistics. It’s a huge number. I have a team of friends who help me gather data around from forums,apps, podcasts,YouTube videos, magazine article etc. Original post can be found on their site here. Here are the results. The world’s e-bike market was worth a staggering $14,755 million in 2018. It’s one of the best ways to exercise and stay healthy as well. I biked enough already 7. One of the best infographics I have seen so far with a ton of information and stats. In England, 65% of electric bikes sold are bought by individuals aged 55 and over. Out of 1,784 people, 21.3% converted their bikes to e-bikes. Abandoned Sharing-Bikes Create ‘Graveyards’ In China. Smeed argued that data from 62 countries indicated that the number of road fatalities per vehicle was lower in countries with more driving. Employees with a flexible work schedule are more likely to ride their bikes to work than those on a fixed schedule. So, according to, 400,000 bikes are stolen each year in the UK. The country with most cycling enthusiasts is Denmark. The Twin Cities has one of the biggest percentages of female cyclists in the US – 37 – 45%. You might have heard some horror stories, but most of them are not true. A study in Norway showed that people who obtained an e-bike increased their cycling trips from 28% to 48%. Many other U.S. cities are working to build bicycle facilities and protected bike lanes. Here are the top 10 according to the League of American Bicyclists: Portland State University did a great research which we are going to cover in this section. Report on the economic potential of bicycles in developing countries. Nobody knows exactly how many bikes exist in the world, but it is estimated that there are somewhere around 1 billion. Data shows that the health benefits achieved through Barcelona’s bike sharing program outweigh the risks 77:1. We do update our posts from time to time. Have you ever wondered which US cities have the highest numbers of bike commuters? The answers of 1,755 respondents were quite interesting: Interesting results? I would like statistics on the sale of adult bicycles around the world for the most recent year available. Hi Gabriel, This work takes time and I could not do it alone. Retail sales of bicycles and related parts and accessories through all channels of distribution. We believe that thieves go for less-distinctive bikes. Therefore, do not be surprised that the numbers below are going to be gargantuan as well. It means that people feel that their bikes are safe when locked. But, let’s see what the numbers actually say. So around 93.5 percent bicycles were imported from Taiwan and China. In a majority of bicyclist deaths, the most serious injuries are to the head, highlighting the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet. Bike death statistics appear to be on the rise. Wow, the average price is quite high according to that information. But where are these bikes stolen? The good news is that child cyclist deaths have declined in recent years. In contrast, a car-borne visitor will only spend £7.30. It’s a huge number. 37.1% used specialty e-bike shops and 18.6% a standard bicycle shop. Biking is too slow Anyone who wants to write an article on a bike will find your article a treasure trove. Cycling has a modal share of 27% of all trips (urban and rural) nationwide. I couldn’t carry the things I need (cargo or kids). Bikes are fairly easy to steal and resell. At least one hand must be kept on the handlebars at all times. Here you can find more electric bike facts and statistics. Feel free to do so. In reality, the benefits of cycling to work greatly outweigh the potential risks, that’s something numerous studies show. In 2017, they made $1,06 billion in sales. 2. Your post revealed a few quite interesting facts about a bike like how many bikes at present in the world, most favorite bike types, and bicycle market in the USA. Well, it’s time to publish the bike statistics that we have been gathering for some time. These are the biggest contributors to cycling-related fatalities. Are you thinking about riding your bike to work? The number of people who commute to work in the US is on the rise. Adolescents who cycle to school have a lower risk of being obese or overweight. Davis has been investing in protected bike paths and mutlimodal infrastructure for many years. All provincial and territorial jurisdictions and Statistics Canada are represented on the Vital Statistics Council. However it also confirms some known challenges with the quality of the data. For comparison, there are around 1.5 billion cars in the world. Top 10 American cities with the highest bike theft rates according to are: Followed by Portland (OR); Denver (CO); New Haven (CT), Cambridge (MA) and Austin (TX). Portland, for example, changed it’s bicycle mode share from 1.8% to 7% between 2010 and 2015 . Together, people in Copenhagen alone bike around the world 35 times a day. According to Markel Insurance, 188,500 bikes are stolen each year in the US. Let’s see some other popular answers as well: 4. Security is crucial! The country with most cycling enthusiasts is Denmark. So, the main takeaway is to always wear a helmet, never drink and ride, and exert the most caution when crossing intersections. In 2018, 88.32% of all e-bikes in the world were pedal assisted e-bikes. You might think that they would be cheap Mongooses, but here are the results: The more bikes on the road, the easier it is to sell a stolen one. Copenhagen’s love of cycling prevents 90 thousand tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere every year. Biking is too slow 5. According to a research conducted among British bike commuters. Your community may be along a regional or cross-country bike route with low-traffic roads, a long bike path or rail trail, a network of mountain bike trails, or an urban historic district with separated bike lanes. Bike security is a serious concern for cyclists and anyone who's thinking of taking up cycling - thousands of machines are stolen every year. : 4 According to an estimate from the NCVS there was an estimated 1.3 million incidents of theft of or theft from bicycles. The country with most cycling enthusiasts is Denmark. 80% of respondents in a research conducted by Bike League said they believe e-bikes have positive aspects. A study in England concluded that the average cyclist. Bicycle Industry Statistics and Trends. For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global bicycle market report on the basis of product, technology, end-user, and region: In the UK, only 4% of people say they cycle every day, 10% 'a few times a week', 17% 'a few times a month or less often' and 69% never. Here are some interesting facts that help us understand this situation better: According to BuzzFeed, for every 3 male cyclists, there is just 1 female cyclist. Bikes are fairly easy to steal and resell. That’s every 5th e-bike on the street. Employees with a flexible work schedule are more likely to ride their bikes to work than those on a fixed schedule. Statistics by Country Map total downloads by country as from 2017. The main reason is that they are actually not locked properly. Let’s see some other popular answers as well: 4. That makes for 1,100 bikes a day or 2 bikes in three minutes. So, the specialty share is still quite high. Giant has manufacturing facilities in Taiwan, the Netherlands, and China.By 2014, Giant had sales in over 50 countries, in over 12,000 retail stores. I think riding against traffic is the most dangerous thing you can do on a bike. Together, people in Copenhagen alone bike around the world 35 times a day. In the European Union, e-bikes are most popular in Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Italy. 35.6% bought their e-bikes online. That’s every 5th e-bike on the street. Cycling instead of driving a car can also positively impact your personal finances: If you’re wondering how much money you’d be able to save annually by cycling to work, you can use this calculator to come up with an approximate number. The document is based on figures provided by our member associations, the European Bicycle Manufacturers Association and non-member countries. For some additional convincing, check out these interesting facts that we have found about riding your bike to work: Barcelona’s bicycle-sharing program has reduced annual CO2 emissions by more than 9 thousand metric tons. The rest comes from Cambodia (18%), Bangladesh (11%), and the Phillippines (10%). Source: Bicycle Accident Statistics by State in the USA. Philadelphia, PA. Read More... Well, it’s time to publish the bike statistics that we have been gathering for some time. The rest comes from Cambodia (18%), Bangladesh (11%), and the Phillippines (10%). Washington, DC. But the growing popularity and affordability… Out of the 80.6m who live in the country, around 75% own and make regular use of a bicycle. It’s pretty well known that Danish people love cycling and the numbers prove it: However, that also means that the number of bikes that get thrown away is on the rise as well. The majority of people who do not cycle to work report. In the European Union, e-bikes are most popular in Germany, the Netherlands, France, and Italy. . Giant Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is a Taiwanese bicycle manufacturer that is the world’s largest bicycle manufacturer. Countries with the highest rates of cycling and walking have the lowest rates of obesity. The European Bicycle Industry & Market Profile 2017 European Bicycle Industry & Market Profile BIMP (2016 statistics) is available here. In 2016, 66% of bicycles sold in the US were imported from China, whereas 27.5% came from Taiwan. In reality, the benefits of cycling to work greatly outweigh the potential risks, that’s something numerous studies show. Bicycle Guider has gained more than 8,000,000 readers and has sold more than 400,000 cycling related items so far, with the support of, ©2021 - Comprehensive Bicycle Guide for 2021, Bicycle Guider is a registered trademark. The main goal of this website is to provide valuable guides, reviews, and articles about different types of bicycles, including mountain, hybrid and road bikes. Cyclists in Hong Kong have the same rights and responsibilities as all other road users, except for prohibitions from expressways and some other designated locations, such as tunnels and many bridges. 60% of people in England who are able to ride a bike reported that they do not cycle because they find the traffic dangerous. In 2019, Portugal produced the most bicycles and other cycles among all EU-28 member states. Netherland, Denmark, and Germany are 3 top countries with most bicycles per capita. Riding a bike between 30-60 minutes a day is associated with lower blood pressure numbers in both men and women. Great post here with tons of Great information! Cycling regularly can reduce the rate of all-cause mortality by 10%. Thats for sharing. Nobody knows exactly how many bikes exist in the world, but it is estimated that there are somewhere around 1 billion. Europe by country, perhaps Africa as a region). Bicycle tourism also plays an important role when considering the size of the market: The Accell Group includes different bike manufacturers such as Diamondback, Raleigh, Ghost, and others. In 2005, this was 0.4% of all commuters; in 2009, it was 0.5%; whereas in 2013, that number was 0.6%. You can use them if you link back to this source. I am looking at new bikes and this is a great website. Cycling regularly can reduce the rate of all-cause mortality by 10%. - People: 16,652,800. Hi Eddie, Thanks for your positive feedback! Hi Joe, Great ideas there! Here are some interesting cycling health facts we’ve picked out that will tell you more about it: If this is not enough to convince you to start cycling, you should know that riding a bike can protect you from diseases and prolong your life: On average, cyclists take 15% less sick days than those who are not active. Different national statistics and lack of data collection make it hard to be certain about the cycling record of each country. 4. A bicycle commuter who rides 8km to work four days a week will save, Cycling is excellent for the rural economy. Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2018 – … Giant was started started by King Liu in 1972. Bicycle Industry Statistics and Trends. Unfortunately, women still do not take up cycling as much as men. Moreover, the top 3 make almost 60% of the bikes stolen in the UK. According to the US Department of Transportation, 76% of all bicycle trips are made by men and just 24% by women. 37.1% used specialty e-bike shops and 18.6% a standard bicycle shop. Bicycling in … Nonetheless, we’ve managed to get a pretty nice selection of numbers, so enjoy below. 87% of store fronts are just a single location. The others are Manchester, Cambridge, Cardiff, Bournemouth, and Reading. Our content is provided free as a public service! According to the British Transport Police, theft and bicycle damage has grown 67% between 1999 and 2005. The report found that the three states accounted for about 41% of the nation's cyclist fatalities between 2014 and 2017. 80% of respondents in a research conducted by Bike League said they believe e-bikes have positive aspects. However, bicycle theft statistics show a different reality. Sidenote: That’s a lot more than in the US. In light of this, the ECF Cycling Barometer has taken five verifiable EU-wide surveys and therefore eliminated different treatments given to cycling in EU member states. What’s surprising is the fact that the difficulty of storing or securing bicycles was the least popular answer. (2016 statistics) july 2017 2 contents foreword 4 background 5 the european bicycle industry 6 the conebi members 10 european bicycle production 12 european bicycle production (eu 28) 13 2016 european bicycle production (eu 28) 14 2016 european bicycle production (eu 28) 15 european epac production 16 european epac production (eu 28) 17 2016 european epac production (eu28) 18 2016 … Order-In-Council, oversees policy and operational matters 60 % of bicycle thefts across 17 countries were reported to police... King Liu in 1972, between 17 % and 25 % of all the stolen bikes 1 in! Deaths have declined in recent years, mainly from Taiwan some horror stories, but it is estimated that are! Estimated that there are good production statistics, but not much from 2020 countries with highest! To time bike market, bicycle theft statistics show a different reality bike market, theft! 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