best nonfiction books of the 21st century

In On Writing, bestselling author Stephen King discusses his early-career struggles, offering advice to up-and-coming writers. Composed of interviews and explorations of the history of women in intellectual and public life, this feminist book is a richly researched triumph. What success in dollars got The Hunger Games”, “A Song of Ice and Fire”, “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” and so on? From prescription painkillers to black tar heroin, these drugs have devastating consequences, as Quinones reminds us. Though the citizens of North Korea consistently confront poverty and famine under the censorship of a repressive regime, little details about their lives sometimes escape the country’s impenetrable borders. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates offers a powerful history ... 2. This is an essential text for anyone interested in how ethics and aesthetics intersect. Von Humboldt was a German naturalist and explorer, and his then-radical ideas — that nature existed for more than human consumption — paved the path for contemporary conservation movements. Underland literally takes us beneath the surface of our world — venturing into underground caves, graves, and geological features. Thurgood Marshall, the Supreme Court’s first black justice, is perhaps the most significant legal figure of the twentieth century, arguing landmark civil rights cases. This unsettling book warns about the potential devastation that awaits us in the near future — unless we can enact a revolution in how we tackle global warming. Discover our full range of books, gifts, toys, stationery and audiobooks at Brandon Stanton’s photo interview series “Humans of New York” initially became famous on Facebook for capturing everyday lives. This breathtaking tale about the Second World War is sobering, informative, and brilliantly told — an essential read for anyone interested in the War’s effect on individual lives. Here are TIME’s picks for the 10 best fiction books of the 2010s, in order of publication year. Some lists count more than others. We have now reached the eighth and most difficult list in our series: the very best novels written and published in English between 2010 and 2019. This encouraging memoir thematizes the power of memory and the importance of perseverance. The 100 best non-fiction books of all time judged by a panel of historians, authors, publishers, and experts for the National Review Magazine. Have you heard of Chanel Miller? 31 Dec 2019. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides? Daniel Kahneman won the Nobel Prize in Economics for his groundbreaking research on cognitive biases and behavioral science. A Short History of Nearly Everything book. 1. The author is entirely unconvinced by religion, and explains his reasoning in this detailed and expansive work. Lists are re-scored approximately every 5 minutes. They show us who we are, where we came from, and where we might be going. I agree with some and really disagree with others! The 100 Best Nonfiction Books of the Century? His book presents an alternative outlook that would empower more people among us to follow their dreams, because it’s never too late! The best books of the year 2020. Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Children's books about diversity are crucial: they introduce difficult but important topics to little ones in engaging and thoughtful ways. Zuboff investigates the power and peril of digital surveillance, arguing that we have now entered a new age of capitalism where information and personal data are tools in the hands of corporations. As you’re probably already aware, here at Off the Shelf we’re a little obsessed with books. Evicted is unafraid to say what is often left out of the conversation about poverty, as it forces readers to look at the dire state of American housing and homeownership. The way most history textbooks tell it, Europeans brought civilization to the Americas with the arrival of Columbus in 1492. The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee. Eager for more of the best contemporary reads? Walker delves into the scientific specifics of why sleep is so important, and reminds his readers that sleep deprivation, though common in modern society, is a worrying phenomenon.This book makes a convincing case for being generous with our down-time and getting some rest. In Moneyball, Michael Lewis follows the story of the Oakland A’s and their unconventional strategy of scouting players, allowing them to choose the best talent for a fraction of the budget of other teams. Doctor Paul Kalanithi confronted the possibility of death nearly every day in his work as a neurosurgeon… until one day the life at stake was his own. Susan Cain’s Quiet argues that Western society (and especially American society) is structured in a way that valorizes extroverted personality traits, to the detriment of introverts. 21 Best Selling Novels of the 21st Century [Infographic] The Anatomy of a Bestselling Novel [Infographic] 5 Steps to Ensure Your Novel is a Bestseller in its Genre Best books of 2014: Top 10 books of the year, graphic novels and audio books View Photos Book World critics pick the best reads of 2014 in fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels and audio books. Perry Albrigo February 7, 2019 at 06:37 PM: Great list — Suzanna Clark’s Jonathon Strange & Mr. Notell should be on everyone’s list of great books I first heard of Clark im Neil Gaiman’s Virwnfrom the Cheap Seats. This joyful and down-to-earth book is an excellent resource for anyone who’s interested in modern art but daunted by the sometimes-elitist institutions that represent it. Non-fiction texts can be just as engaging and riveting as fiction. list created July 10th, 2016 Nothing to Envy ventures inside the world’s most closed-off society, giving voice to everyday people as they try to live their lives amidst totalitarianism. The Sixth Extinction charts the transformative, and potentially catastrophic, impact of human activity on the planet, forcing us to consider what change we must enact now to ensure the continued survival of our species — and all species. David Crystal’s How Language Works is a detailed, all-encompassing book addressing the many questions that arise when you start to really think about the processes of using language. Marshall analyzes the geopolitical complexities of each region, showing the many layers and dimensions of our political reality as captured by cartographers. It is a damning indictment of white violence, and the centuries of genocide and erasure of native history that have accompanied colonial expansion. You said : Excellently combining social anthropology, philosophy and great storytelling in what might possibly be the best science-fiction novel ever written. A disarming “biography” of disease, The Emperor of All Maladies chronicles thousands of years of people grappling with the terrifying specter of cancer. This riveting journey through time traverses the rich expanse of humankind’s past and future. Thinking Fast and Slow book. One day, journalist Ted Gup discovered letters addressed to his grandfather from suffering families in Canton, Ohio, from the time of the Great Depression. So go ahead, do nothing… after, of course, you’ve read this book. Intelligent and informative, SPQR is an excellent choice for both devoted historians and casual nonfiction readers. Devil in the Grove looks at the toughest cases he confronted before he was on the Supreme Court: fighting for “The Groveland Boys,” black workers in Florida’s orange industry who were subjected to horrific violence and lynchings in the Jim Crow South. For our final installment, below you’ll find 10 books that have defined the 2010s so far (fear not—we are almost through). His book makes clear that real people are being harmed by corrosive capitalism. Last year we took you on a trip down memory lane with a look back at Every Pulitzer Prize for Fiction Winner of the 21st Century, and now it’s the turn of the General Nonfiction category. The New Canon: The 21 Books from the 21st Century Every Man Should Read. Now he takes us along for the ride on the trip of a lifetime (and many previous lifetimes). Following that epistolary trail seventy-five years later, Gup uncovered the story of how his immigrant grandfather secretly helped fellow Cantonians, discovering more about his own grandfather as well as the history of America in the process. For the people of Annawadi, an impoverished community not far from the Mumbai airport, lives of luxury and economic prosperity are constantly within sight — but always out of reach. David Bellos’s Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Legal scholar Michelle Alexander argues that justice is neither truly blind nor colorblind — in fact, the criminal justice system in the United States systematically targets people of color and enacts racial oppression. Where did we humans come from? In The Invention of Nature, however, Andrea Wulf argues that he has undoubtedly shaped our understanding of the environment and our role in protecting it. When you think of the best novels of the 21st century, what are the first titles that come to mind? After two years of careful consideration, Robert McCrum has concluded his selection of the 100 greatest nonfiction books of all time. 1. New books are added every day. 2018 Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America by James Forman Jr. Journalist Rebecca Traister’s book All the Single Ladies underscores the collective power of single women, creating a vivid and diverse portrait of unmarried women in the United States. Written in 1996, this sci-fi novel was set in the near-future of the 21st Century. His book Thinking, Fast and Slow takes us through decades of his most essential research about how we think and why we make decisions the way we do — through the “fast” system of intuition and the “slow” system of logic. 3. Check out our list of the 21 best novels of the 21st century! And of course there are wonderful works of nonfiction written before the twentieth century. The 100 Best Non-Fiction Books of the Century by National Review. For cartography fans and or anyone with even a casual interest in geography, Tim Marshall’s Prisoners of Geography is a brilliant interpretation of ten modern maps. In Nickel and Dimed, journalist Barbara Ehrenreich goes undercover, journeying from Florida to Maine to Minnesota working a series of minimum-wage jobs. This thoughtful and reflective book is an impactful invitation into the interior world of one of America’s most acclaimed essayists. Share using Email. Brave and enlightening, this is a difficult but important read. This book explores how surfaces can be deceiving, delving underneath them to examine (among other things) how Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook seep into our political thinking. In this book, she defines the concept of introversion, traces its history, and proceeds with a mind-blowing analysis of our everyday lives and the biases inherent in the way people are assessed in a social atmosphere. Shoshanna Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism takes as its subject our current technological state, where corporations have access to a lot of personal information. Behind the Beautiful Forevers is a shocking examination of pervasive inequality in contemporary India and the people left behind by the powerful elite. You may not recognize the name Alexander von Humboldt. Tuesday 31 December 2019. The Warmth of Other Suns is one of the greatest tales of American history you’ve never heard. Robinson argues for educational reform that will make helping students find their element a priority, as it is the key to unlocking creativity and innovation for the future. is a witty, informative ode to the practice of literary translation. Nonfiction is a VAST field. Freakonomics is a witty, eye-opening interpretation of the economy, suitable to any reader with an interest in why things work the way they do. The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America by George Packer (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013). But it is also a story about thinking differently and taking risks. Another fascinating historical read, The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan closes in on the relationship between the East and West. Though Kalanithi passed away from in 2015, his devastatingly beautiful reflection affirms the impact of his life on countless patients and readers. Susan Cain: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking (2012) Pop sociology is perhaps the most significant sub-genre of nonfiction so far in the 21st century, and Cain’s book is a great reminder of how much talent is left in the dust by society’s inability to see the virtue in introverts. Freakonomics, the famous book by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, reveals “the hidden side of everything,” as its subtitle makes clear. Take a quick look back at five centuries of great writing By WIRED. I generally trust "best of all time" lists voted by authors and experts over user-generated lists. Examining and dismantling Eurocentric narratives, Frankopan’s illuminating work focuses on the history of countries lying on the “Silk Road,” the trade route connecting East and West, and attempts to re-balance history. The 100 Best English-Language Nonfiction Books of the 20th Century. As she grows up during a tumultuous chapter of the country’s history, her story is both a coming-of-age tale and a historical chronicle. … Thank you Powell’s! This astonishing memoir especially focuses on the author’s relationship with her bohemian-minded parents, whose flaws and eccentricities are described with deep affection, no matter how difficult they are to live with. Here we share some of the most revelatory nonfiction books of the century so far. In a capitalist society that encourages constant action and productivity, it seems nearly impossible to not be doing something, but How to Do Nothing shows that there is another way to live. The stunningly vulnerable confessions that result are moving expressions of raw emotion. 21st Century Reading | … And what does it even mean to be “human” in the first place? Jeanette Walls’s The Glass Castle is a tender, humorous account of the author’s nomadic childhood, which has been adapted into an acclaimed movie. A fascinating and thorough book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism is guaranteed to provoke deep thinking about our relationship to tech. Confronting bereavement occasionally leaves even one of America’s most lyrical writers at a loss for words. Buy on Amazon. While countries in the Americas continue to grapple with the enduring horrors of slavery, there is a side to this devastating history that has never been fully confronted: the enslavement of indigenous peoples. An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States is the first comprehensive account of the nation told from an indigenous perspective. These must-reads will keep you informed, inspired, entertained, and exhilarated as you journey through the most contentious and compelling topics in history and the contemporary world. The authors make the case for constantly asking questions, challenging accepted truths, and looking at facts and data in a novel way. This book ensures that their memories are not forgotten. Where possible, book titles have been linked to either the original New York Times review or a later article about the book. These must-reads will keep you informed. Read 12 582 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Add to library. Where are we going? Also read TIME’s list of the best nonfiction books of the decade. We began with the best debut novels, the best short story collections, the best poetry collections, the best memoirs, the best essay collections, the best (other) nonfiction, and the best translated novels of the decade. The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration , Isabel Wilkerson (2010) France draws from firsthand accounts and meticulous historical research to cement the legacy of all those who have battled the disease and fought the government and pharmaceutical companies for the rights to treatment. His provocative challenge to readers’ views is sure to prompt spiritual soul-searching for fellow atheists and religious readers alike. You must have a goodreads account to vote. Cultural critic Maggie Nelson’s The Art of Cruelty contends with the history of violence across media and the arts, scrutinizing the moral implications of our obsession with acts of brutality enacted against living bodies. In learning more about language, you’ll also learn more about yourself, your idiolect, and your unconscious linguistic influences. A brutal and honest book, The God Delusion is an unapologetic defense of atheism by Richard Dawkins. Maybe not — but it’s likely you’ve heard of the man who sexually assaulted her on Stanford University’s campus: Brock Turner. The definitive portrait of a founding father — and of the foundations of America’s history — Alexander Hamilton is a brilliant biography, as audacious and awe-inspiring as its subject. After all, there are a lot of moving pieces and you only get one cha... Keep track of your reading progress with this interactive PDF. Embracing God in the Right Perspective with the Right Foundation of Faith in Him. Page. Written by successful novelist Jonathan Safran Foer, Eating Animals is a passionate testament to vegetarianism and a philosophical, ethical, and moral assessment of our eating habits, with a special focus on our consumption of animal products. by. When was the last time that you can say you really, truly did nothing at all? This book is guaranteed to change the way you view maps forever. It is a haunting look at their despair and disillusionment — and the dreams they continue to nurture in spite of it all. After watching intense debates about racism unfold in the United States, British journalist Reni Eddo-Lodge recognized that the same conversations were just as urgently necessary in Britain. Drawing from intense investigative reporting and heartbreaking personal stories of addiction, Dreamland reveals how and why the opiate industry has wrought destruction on communities in the United States and Mexico. This account of true crime and the fight for justice delves into Marshall’s origins as a fearless crusader — something not to be missed. Desmond weaves his narrative from the stories of eight families in Milwaukee, showing the dearth of resources and affordable housing options available to them. In Late Bloomers, Rich Karlgaard dispels the assumption that all genius must emerge in days of youth. Wulf’s luminous look at his life, full of ecological exploration and scientific advocacy, shows the lasting impact of his ideas. Most importantly, it shows that when the game of life seems stacked against you, you don’t have to play along: you can reinvent the rules entirely. The 100 best books of the 21st century; Non-fiction; Non-fiction. Grayson Perry’s cheerful, informative, and inspiring Playing to the Gallery is a crash-course in art appreciation. per page. Evicted is a gripping exploration of life on the margins for the untold numbers of people in America living in poverty. Updated February 11, 2017 | Infoplease Staff. In the wake of the #MeToo movement that has had transformative effects around the world, college campuses have become intensely scrutinized battlegrounds for debates about sexual politics. In Humans of New York, interviewees bare their souls to Brandon as they pose for his camera, creating a meaningful reminder of our shared and enduring humanity. Now that we’re entering the 2020s, we thought it only fair to look back at all the amazing stories published in the past 20 years and honor the best of the best from the 21 st century (so far). In Frankopan’s version of world history, the center point of Western civilization is the Persian Empire. The Guardian published on 21st of September 2019 a list of The 100 best books of the 21st century and this is my commentary on the list. These are some of the massive questions that historian Yuval Noah Harari attempts to unpack in Sapiens. 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