I always have trouble arguing with somebody who calls me brilliant. . Joseph Smith loved the Constitution and hoped that its promises could be used more effectively to protect his people. . Therefore, the only reason “Heavenly Mother” is not named specifically is because that would imply singularity. The Matthean text was copied and recopied multiple times to produce the Greek manuscripts from which the KJV translators worked. RFM makes several important announcements involving the direction of the podcast, an update on the #GiveThanks episode from last week, and revealing a big secret about what has been going on behind the scenes at Radio Free Mormon! Brigham Young must have felt this. RFM was interviewed by John Larsen ten years ago on his epic podcast, “Mormon Expression.” In commemoration of that historic event, I am pleased to post that memorable interview (with permission) here at Radio Free Mormon! Follow on Twitter, Subscribe Here to Access Premium Episodes, RFM and Bill Reel take a look at the December 2020 Changes to the General Handbook of Instruction within the LDS Church. Ken's essay "Lying for the Lord." #social .stitcher{ Past actions should be judged by the laws and culture of their time. [4] Our friendship began when we were both students at The University of Chicago in the 1950s. Brigham Young declared, ‘I do not think that a man lives on the earth that knew [Joseph Smith] any better than I did; and I am bold to say that, Jesus Christ excepted, no better man ever lived or does live upon this earth.’ One does not need to agree with that superlative to conclude that the man whose legal contests will be dramatized tomorrow in Springfield was, indeed, a remarkable man, a great American, and one whom I and millions of our current countrymen honor as a prophet of God.[21]. Parody: that is, a work that ridicules another, usually well-known, work by imitating it in a comic way. Have you considered doing an episode where you critique your arguments in defense of the BOM? Just read through your entire message. The church is not built for me. However, that amendment was not adopted until twenty years after the Nauvoo suppression. We've also done a two part overview on the Book of Abraham which used the Mormon Stories interview with Dr. Robert Ritner extensively along with the series from biblical scholar Dr. David Bokovoy both with Mormon Stories and Radio Free Mormon. Jurisdiction then transferred to the federal court in Springfield, Illinois. I used to look forward to my Monday commute so that I could listen to your new episode of the week. (There’s an argument that the author originally wrote in Hebrew, which was subsequently translated into Greek, but we have no Hebrew manuscripts which purport to be original.) Professor Robert V. Remini, a University of Illinois historian, who also served as the U.S. Congressional Historian, gave this admiring description. I have titled my remarks, “Writing about the Prophet Joseph Smith.”, I begin with the Nauvoo Expositor. Mormon Discussion Inc is a 501(c)(3) and is in the arena of journalistic work and is part of a free press. We can make the following generalizations about this material: The Jews had to obey his instructions or be damned, by their own law; and Christ Himself fulfilled all righteousness in becoming obedient to the law which he had given to Moses on the mount, and thereby magnified it and made it honorable, instead of destroying it. The fair use privilege is perhaps the most significant limitation on a copyright owner’s exclusive rights. Instead, I will mention the prominent participants and circumstances in these three hearings, sometimes with my own summaries and sometimes quoting what I said in Nauvoo. I still remember vividly the experience of slitting that paper band with my thumb and having about 50 documents spill out on the table before me. Smith got the text all wrong Parody: that is, a work that ridicules another, usually well-known, work by imitating it in a comic way. I’ve been the first to get an Eagle Scout in my ward in 10 years. Hill. The evidence against her is overwhelming. I was a convert at a young age (my parents joined when I was 4) and was a die-hard, black-and-white-thinking member my entire life, but my shelf broke a few years ago, and even so, thinking outside the automatic Mormon box now is sometimes still a struggle. Basic question might be, Are Plural Sealings Still Being Performed in the Temple? Justification: I listen while I fall asleep and then throughout the night until my alarm goes off. At the same time, there are many, many doubting Mormons out there who wouldn't touch RfM with a ten-foot pole. But you have always been there and you will be here hopefully for years to come. Composers still embrace a lot of old techniques in their compositions, and I wonder how many of them are created subconsciously. Part 4 is a new Mormon Stories classic! Hello RFM, and greetings from Boston. As Heavenly Father is THE one father . Like on Facebook I thought I would like to offer an additional comment about the use of the Matthean material known as “the Sermon on the Mount” in the Book of Mormon. I admittedly am not LDS (rejected it after being approached by LDS guy #1, and engaging with him for about 2 years – infinite regression of gods was the death knell…). Dear RFM, A journalist would be permitted to quote from a political speech’s text without the politician’s permission. Could you go to my Facebook page and send me a PM and let me know? In my recent faith crisis, it is so refreshing to hear simple plain truths instead of apologetic mishmash. I’m trans so some of the activities I’ve described doing in the Mormon church, such as getting an Eagle Scout or participating in Priesthood sessions don’t match up with my gender. You know, Ross and Monica’s dad on Friends? I’m a retired law professor (and know several of your old professors at UT.) I remember feeling a sense of anger. I must have been drunk at the time. PS. In fact, I had used that site for a lot of my research into the history and theology of Mormonism. You pulled me out of a hall of mirrors and illusions. I LOVE every one of your podcasts – and I listen the instant they are posted. Just hope that explains the apparent inconsistencies. A close friend of mine in Utah Valley who has made a lot of money and who subsequently developed a relationship with a number of Apostles and other GA’s was given a “special calling” along with several other trusted members in Utah, under the direction of Elder Ballard via the local Area Authtority. “What is truly remarkable—really miraculous—[Professor Remini said] is the fact that this massive translation was completed in sixty working days by an uneducated but highly imaginative zealot steeped in the religious fervor of his age. Subscribe to Stitcher Feed The judges refused to send him back to Missouri for criminal prosecutions and confinement that would most likely have resulted in his death. Same goes for artists and musicians. 703.801.0258. It seems we both grew up at a time when the Mormon church was at least trying to show that its beliefs were based on good reasons. Thank you so much! In his defense of Joseph, Browning told the judge about the sacrifices and horrors of the Later-day Saints’ expulsion from Missouri. The Nephite oral or stenographic record was presumably translated into “Reformed Egyptian” by the relevant Nephite recordkeepers. The Principles of which you speak have not changed even though the rituals have. Like many members of The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints (LDS) McCue has a large family. By comparison, if we assume the historicity of the Book of Mormon: Thank you for what you do. The press provides the platform for a multiplicity of voices to be heard. The vagaries of multiple copyings and translations would surely have produced English tests at considerable variance with one another. . But I was also slightly cynical. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly! It seeks out and circulates news, information, ideas, comment and opinion and holds those in authority to account. Mormon Recovery Board(RFM) Rolls Out The Red Carpet For The Rude And Abusive Steve Benson While Condemning Infymus And The Mormon Curtain!! But so much of this was under the surface and hard for me to see. Many other programs dealing with recovery from drug addiction, over-eating, and other addictive behaviors have adapted AA's Twelve Steps. It was September of last year. If admin over there wants to continue acting like the Mormon thought police that they say they despise, then that is up to them. We all were good Mormons once. Please join me and Radio Free Mormon on Friday, January 15, 2021 at ... 8am Utah time for (tomorrow morning) a discussion of “Laura A. Gaddy vs. the Corporation of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” – a class action lawsuit currently before the United States District Court for the District of Utah, with Robert J. Shelby as the Presiding Judge. I’m wondering if you would consider doing a podcast on the Heartland Model and it’s claims, Here is an example of John Gee authoring a boom for which he has zero expertise. : 006: LDS Handbook Changes Part 2, Radio Free Mormon: 211: Escape from Polygamy Mountain Part 2, Mormonism LIVE ! [15] Millennial Star 8 (vol. I still was not completely sure what this all was going to lead to but I had ripped down some of the veil that surrounded me and you had given me a hand to clasp onto. I shall die in order to live. Unbelievable.”[14]. As such, I am a bit late to the party, but at least I have made it. is intended for a younger audience. Add on Google+ I have the most intelligent and thoughtful listenership of any podcast out there! You and I have been to a few meetings together as missionaries. Sadly on both fronts it is a strong NO. etc. A guys that is different is RFM who [according to him] was a convert. This is the tragedy of the church. Thanks for all your awesome words of wisdom keep up your great work. This is information that no police agency, acting on its own, would normally try to hide. RFM, how can I search your site for something I believe I heard you discuss? My first publication was a law review article on the suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor. I always love your General Conference break down – and would love to team up with you if you want to do a recap together. Elder Ballard lost his grand-daughter due to “Google” (i.e. [5] Eventually, I was persuaded to do some preliminary research. I frequently start in the middle so even the longer ones wake me up. Thanks again for sharing your brilliance. The Oaks/Bentley article on Joseph Smith’s bankruptcy proceeding, published in the BYU Law Review of 1976,[7] is 50 pages in length—too long to attempt to summarize here. This podcast contains the complete audio of my presentation at Sunstone on August 2, 2019. Then someone found Smith’s papyri 3. Joseph Smith’s unsuccessful application to erase his debts in bankruptcy had been mentioned in passing by Church historians, but never explored. I have to say that I was disappointed in the report that actually made it back to SLC, because it was obvious that although we came up with frank and honest analysis of the causes for the problem as well as very pointed suggestions as to what the church might do to address it, I felt that the report was white-washed and watered down so as to protect the “faithful credibility” of those delivering it and to avoid falling victim to a “shoot the messenger” reaction from Ballard. It’s not so lonely these days with “Mindy”, John, RFM, et. Criticism and commentary: for example, quoting or excerpting a work in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment. But, for many of us, it all started with RfM. level 2. Is all this only a confused dream, or do life and this death have a meaning?”. He was only thirty-eight and a half when he was murdered. Perry slaps his fist down on the table and shouts DAMN IT Paul always the element of doubt. [email protected]. I mean, after you have been told your whole life in the church that you were flying when actually you were chained in a cage? A free press is fundamental to a democratic society. Under the “fair use” defense, however, another author may make limited use of the original author’s work without asking permission. but i’m sure i’d receive an unacceptable answer.. either way, feather beds are superb to cloud beds…”e”ther one is okay though. Oh grief! He had better been sent to the gallows. Sincerely, You’re brilliant! So if I were Joseph Smith, I would say no way in a million years would I have come up with that on my own. Its sentiments are good, but it provides no means of enforcing them.[17]. Recovery from Mormonism. The issue of to whom Eve covenants obedience in my opinion finally recognizes a woman’s role as an equal partner with her husband which has always existed. RFM, maybe this story will help you identify with Dr. Gee and Dr. Muhlesein. It (or its components) would almost certainly have been originally delivered in Aramaic, since that was the common language of the residents of first century Palestine. The Prophet Joseph Smith’s Bankruptcy and Property at Death. He talked about how things were getting worse for people. Do we have an existence beyond it? background-image: url(https://mormondiscussionpodcast.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/06/Stitcher-Radio_icon1.png); The “dominant narrative” and the “real story.” The court is ruling that 2 contradictory stories can simultaneously be covered by the first amendment and therefore mutually represent The Church?! twelve step program for recovery from mormonism Thousands of people suffering from the devastation of alcoholism have been helped by following the "Twelve Steps" developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. background-image: url(https://mormondiscussionpodcast.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2014/06/Stitcher-Radio_icon1.png); October conference,2019. These people make me sick & are a disgrace to the entire world, especially the EX-MORmON community. That’s why I love your podcast–you help me make sense of things that were once so concrete in my mind, then turned to Jello when my world upended. RFM/Bill, After reading the CES letter and a bunch of other stuff I happened upon your podcast and have now binged almost all of your content and I really appreciate the informed and intelligent fact driven content you put together. “John, at that time, was the only legal administrator in the affairs of the kingdom there was then on the earth, and holding the keys of power. It was almost certainly not a single continuous sermon. New Mormon Stories/RFM interview with Egyptologist Robert Ritner Discussions toward a better understanding of LDS doctrine, history, and culture. Jesus of Gnatzareth is what I meant to type. I reflect a little on my experiences as a vegetarian in the church and reactions to this choice.) [7] Oaks, Dallin H. and Bentley, Joseph I, “Joseph Smith and Legal Process: In the Wake of the Steamboat Nauvoo,” BYU Law Review, 1976, 735-82, shortened version reprinted in BYU Studies 19 (Winter 1979), 67-99. Bill presented his case beautifully. A book reviewer would be permitted to quote passages from a book in a newspaper column, for example, as part of an examination of the book. . I remember that I googled, “I don’t want to be Mormon anymore.” I was confused and angry. I have printed it out and hope to read it during one my podcasts this week. your episode 190 adam clark show Second, and most important for purposes of Church history, Joseph’s 1842 conveyances of extensive Church properties in Nauvoo from himself in his personal capacity to himself as trustee for the Church were all held to be invalid. It is a matter of history that he and his people have been murdered and driven from the state. It doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. We need to talk. Being Internet literate my first thought was to turn to the ExMormon Internet boards. He had advertised the event with huge billboards saying he was looking for a … The problem with the LDS church is a “2 stories” issue. The various claims that Joseph had been guilty of fraud in his 1842 conveyances were discarded by the court, which ruled on two other legal theories. However, for reasons explained hereafter—notably bad legal advice—the needed legal separation failed to achieve its intended purpose. And that is where WE come in. Do you remember Elder Randy Larsen? Another opportunity to teach about Joseph Smith came to me in an unusual way. I recognized that description as the trial minutes we found in the archives and mistakenly thought were those of George Watt. Of current interest is that Carthage Conspiracy is still in print more than 45 years after it was published by the University of Illinois Press. Download Media, I am pleased to be part of this important symposium sponsored by BYU and the Church History Department. Sure, The Church (any church) CAN claim ANY story they’d like! If you want to send me something, I suggest you private message me at the Radio Free Mormon Facebook page. [1] Roberts, B.H., Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1930, 231-32. I gave the audience this summary: All three of Joseph Smith’s extradition proceedings had the same result. Mormon Discussion Inc is a 501(c)(3) and is in the arena of journalistic work and is part of a free press. Brilliant! By the way, and this is a tangent, if you haven’t listened to Mahler’s 2nd symphony I think you should. We most likely went to the same sacrament meetings a couple times and the big ones, the Tokyo Temple dedication and the area conference in the Budokan in October of 1980. Then he complained about the “prevalence of gay and lesbian lifestyles.” I couldn’t believe that an authority of God was saying such things at a temple devotional. RFM finds out what makes Peter tick, why the current state of Mormonism infuriates him so much, and what Peter […], Join RFM today as his good friend, Sue, tells about her escape from polygamy! There is no place for them amongst us or anyone that supports their abusive & vulgar behavior & treatment of others..THEY MAKE ME SICK! . [3] “The Suppression of the Nauvoo Expositor,” University of Utah Law Review, 9 (Winter, 1965), 862-903. Philip McLemore tells it all! give thanks! I even assumed that the murderers were punished with horrible deaths such as those recited in the popular book, The Fate of the Persecutors of Joseph Smith. I was open in my identity both by name and also regarding my status as a full, believing member (TBM as they call us). I’m on your side. What came into being, it must cease to be! Under the “fair use” defense, however, another author may make limited use of the original author’s work without asking permission. Radio Free Mormon (RFM) and Bill Reel dive into whether they take on this project with honesty towards the material and compassion towards those who lose faith. I love your insight, knowledge and unique perspective on all things Mormon. This is a must-listen! I after learning what you share and my own reading and research i’ve determined to remove my name from the church. To make the audience acquainted with Joseph Smith’s feelings about the United States Constitution, I quoted several of his statements. So you’ll believe in Prophet Joe Smith, An apologist Egyptologist At any rate, the purpose of the calling was to specifically address the current and growing epidemic of young people going inactive or outright leaving the church. [9] The Worlds of Joseph Smith: A Bicentennial Conference at the Library of Congress, Edited by John W. Welch, 2006, 259-60; BYU Studies 44 (2005), 153-72. As I have looked at this circumstance, I have concluded that the different positions of Emma and Brigham on who should own the properties that Joseph sought to convey to the Church in 1842 can be summarized as follows. . Ron Walker cites Myths of Ononda as well as Michael Quinn but neither mentions a possible connection between Zim’s ancient treasure and history and Joseph’s telling stories of the BoM peoples to his family and possibly treasure hunters that he may have led using his stone. If apologist Egyptologists The reason this book made such a splash is because it demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that a Semitic tribe such as depicted in the […], Mormon Apologists have long pointed out that one criticism of the Book of Mormon is its use of the female name Alma for a male’s name. A lot of people love the work you’re doing: The press provides the platform for a multiplicity of voices to be heard. Now you are defeated! There was even the written verdict of not guilty. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Keep up the good work. I think you sound just like Elliot Gould. O believe: Not every Mormon man, of course not, just thousands of them. Paul said, Perry after your wife dropped you off at the airport she came home and about an hour later a man pulling into the driveway. I still want MORE!. Rather than go on and on here, if you’d like more detail on what our suggestions were, let me know. When they arrive at your house they both go inside. It’s unclear whether any stenographic record was kept, or whether and to what extent the BofM record depended on oral transmission. And so does our perspective was it a few drinks and dancing like earlier texts that! I know you so much to everybody who showed up allies to their! Effort that it had become natural instinct can you make an alternate podcast no. Was wrong but i couldn ’ t get bitter approved or endorsed by Intellectual,! Have always been there and you need to rebuttal this now Mormon Detox Falling away from the last,... Shelved them. [ 17 ] RFM board has decided to ban links this! 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