While being difficult and likely to result in death from fall damage, this allows skipping the whole dungeon if executed properly. Tell Nelacar you're ready to enter the Star (If brought to Nelacar) 9. Destroy Malyn Varen's soul Black one can only hold human souls, which are always grand sized. You could always make a save file right before returning to Azura to get the trophy, then reload said save and finish with the Black Star. close. The right-hand passage in the next room leads to two conjurers and a skeleton. The Black Star: Help find and repair Azura's Star. Afterwords, if other people in the area are spoken to about the mage, they will still tell the Dragonborn to try talking to Nelacar, and the "Talk to Nelacar" part of the quest will be impossible to complete. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Xbox 360 . If the Broken Azura's Star is obtained by cheating before starting the quest, it can only be given to Nelacar, not Aranea Ienith. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. The gigantic statue faces south atop a mountain and a long staircase. Defeating Malyn's Dremora is an effective way to collect, If Malyn is killed, a necromancer or two may attack his killer somewhere in Skyrim. Go to Nelacar directly, and ask if he knows about the elven mage. With that being said, I did the infinite armor wearing glitch at the Falkreath jail and am now wearing a couple rings and amulets as well as full Dragonscale and Nightingale with Krosis and a Falmer Helmet. There, he continued his work, eventually succeeding in capturing his own soul inside the modified Azura's Star and achieving a state of immortality. The former can trap only white souls (those of non-sapient creatures) while the latter, according to Nelacar, can trap only black souls (the souls of sapient beings). He will say that his mentor, Malyn Varen, was experimenting with Azura's Star, and that the last known location of Malyn was Ilinalta's Deep. Malyn's skeleton in Ilinalta's Deluge can be reanimated with an apprentice-level reanimation spell. The underwater passage behind the waterfall on the left leads to a hidden room with a chest and the Alteration skill book, Breathing Water, floating near the ceiling. The Skyrim infinite loading screen appears to players who want to create a new save file and start playing the game. ANY soul (the important thing here is the ANY includes humanoid) can be stored in the Black Star. Make sure that some update in your anti virus application has not caused it to interfere with Skyrim. Who do I give it to and why? Back in the partially flooded area, there is an altar with a leveled soul gem on the right and a pull chain on the left that raises the bridge across the water that was just crossed. Up the stairs on the far side of the room is a barred door. Head to Winterhold. Give it to Aranea Ienith at the Shrine of Azura, and receive, Give it to Nelacar in the Frozen Hearth Inn in Winterhold, and receive. © Valve Corporation. ( doesn't work with Azura's Star. ) A high-level Conjurer in Ilinalta's Deluge. Lately I've been trying to work on something similar to this and here's what I have for an idea: Basically, How it works: 1. Azura's Star as it appears in the Dragonborn's inventory, The Black Star as it appears in the Dragonborn's inventory, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. To receive this quest, the Dragonborn must first talk with Aranea Ienith at the Shrine of Azura, south of Winterhold. As was destined, you are free to use my Star as you see fit.". If the Dragonborn returns the star to Aranea and a dragon attacks, she may become impossible to receive as a follower, but will keep offering to be one. The elegant, powerful, and open-source mod manager, Upgrade your account to unlock all media content, To enjoy the benefits of Nexus Mods, please log in or register a new account, Exactly what the name says. The Dragonborn may be transported to a location near Ilinata's Deep upon being removed from the Star. The Black Star is a re-usable black soul gem. See Also When this happens, they will be slowly "floating" down, unable to move, jump, or. In reality, however, the Black Star can hold either white or black souls, just like a black soul gem. The Black Star is a soul gem that can trap any size of creature, and it is never broken or consumed when you use it, it is only emptied. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition Black Screen Solution. If you reveal yourself as an agent of Azura, you will have to pass an easy-level Speech check or he will dismiss you outright. We The Players Winners - November/December. Nelacar, the ex-apprentice of Malyn Varen. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. After entering, the Dragonborn should go past the shackled skeleton and enter a flooded room with a partially open doorway on the left. It functions exactly like a normal soul gem, only one soul at a time. If an article link refers here, consider backtracking and fixing it, so that it points directly to the intended page. Following the hallway is a small room containing a skeleton and the first of many conjurers (necromancers at higher levels) found throughout the dungeon. There are now two options to fix the Broken Azura's Star: If the option to serve Azura is chosen, a small conversation with the godess takes place: "Greetings, mortal. The door on the right has an apprentice lock, with a chest and some potions on the other side. Skyrim SE Won't Start Fixed!. These souls can be used for enchanting or recharging. Additionally, an encounter with the wandering Dunmer Faldrus will point you in the same direction, so make your way to the shrine; it is located in the snowy mountains south of Winterhold. It is possible to receive this quest again after completing it, by meeting a. This may either be a bug, or Nelacar may be mistaken when stating this to the player. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Infinite soul gem". The black star is an infinite soul gem with the power to capture any soul, either from an NPC or a creature. ( doesn't work with Azura's Star. ) Can anyone help? Turns out I was wrong. Aranea Ienith Statements and footage within the video may be inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or otherwise misleading to viewers. In the room at the top of the stairs, Malyn Varen's skeleton sits peacefully in a chair, with the Broken Azura's Star at its feet, his grimoire on the floor next to his chair. Well, The Black Star is capable of trapping an infinite amount of Black Souls, which are found in Humans, Elves and Orcs, but nowhere else. Azura's StarAranea Ienith as a follower orThe Black Star She will say that Azura has chosen the Dragonborn as her champion, and that they must find "an elven mage who can turn the brightest star to the darkest night.". Source(s): https://shrink.im/a0KPd. If the Dragonborn is about to go into the star, Nelacar will hit them with Soul Trap but nothing will happen, and he will walk around with the spell out. Visit the Shrine of Azura 2. If you take the star to the lady at the shrine, you will get the normal (good) Azura's star - an infinite soul gem collector. This is just a small patch to make the Black Star infinitely usable. Black Star. All over Skyrim, innkeepers will readily tell you about the Shrine of Azura, a monument built by the Dunmer after they fled Morrowind. Games. This does NOT work with Azura's Star, I'm trying to fix that but nothing I've tried has proven to get it working. If Ilinalta's Deep and Deluge were cleared before starting this quest, new opponents will be present there when returning for the quest, even though Ilinalta's Deep will still be marked as "cleared" on the Skyrim map. Speaking to the desired person, with the Broken Azura's Star in hand, will begin this final step. - Infinite loading screens can be usually avoided by activating SKSE tweak. There is a chest, and quite a few potions and soul gems scattered throughout this room and the smaller one to the right. Infinite Black Star, no need to refill. - Black screen is often caused by a third party application. Quest Giver Completing the quest with Nelacar counts as helping a citizen for the quest ". Malyn Varen's skeletal remains with the Broken Star. Daedric quest All rights reserved. No clouds, no sun, no moon. Unfortunately for him, one of the properties of the Star was that black souls—the souls of sapient, mortal beings—could not enter it. So, the black star will ALWAYS have a grand soul in it. If Ilinalta's Deluge was entered this way, it is possible to use the exit to Ilinalta's Deep, yet the way back will be blocked by a boulder. Doing that will put the Black Star in your inventory. I will return you before you are cleansed." ( doesn't work with Azura's Star. Azura pronounces Malyn's name as "MAY-len," while Nelacar pronounces it as "MAH-len. Type Once Malyn's soul has been defeated, the Dragonborn is pulled out of the Star, thanked, and given either a working Azura's Star by Aranea Ienith, or the Black Star by Nelacar. The White star accepts any non-human sou ", "The Star is free to purify itself. The Infinite Black Star - posted in Skyrim Mod Requests: Back when I first started playing Skyrim, I had the crazy idea that you were able to pack as many souls as you wanted into these stars, which then could be used later. ... Infinite Black Star, no need to refill. Azura's Star is an artifact of the Daedric Prince Azura, and is one possible reward for the quest The Black Star. The passage to the left leads down a path, through another door, and into a room occupied by a conjurer and a skeleton, with cages along both walls. There is music playing (theme song), and the game actually doesn't start. However, he is still able to be hit and killed. This can be fixed with a. To use all tweaks you will have to update SKSE to version 1.7.3, despite that it … The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Fortify Restoration: Abecean Longfin. trust me, Black Soul Gems are pretty rare as well as expensive, and Grand Soul Gems are expensive but easy to find in shops. Like regular Soul Gems, Azura's Star has the ability to trap white souls, or those of creatures. The Dragonborn will then be able to pick it up. Until he is purged, my artifact is useless to you. There is no loot in here, so the Dragonborn should continue straight up the stairs to the left. Location Exactly what the name says. When the star is first entered, the Dragonborn will talk to Malyn, who may become unresponsive. PC PlayStation 3 PC PlayStation 4. Games. It's not even glitchy or blocky or anything. Quest ID Malyn was trying to find a way to prolong his spirit, and he believed that storing his soul inside the Daedric artifact, Azura's Star, would prevent him from dying. ... black star do the enchant now black star is empty repeat. However, she will not attack. 1. Both the Black Star and Azura's Star count as a Daedric Artifact, and both count toward the. Azura's Star comes with a follower (who FoxFingers selected for an Amorous Adventures quest) while the Black Star is an infinite use Black Soul Gem. I am at the end of the black star mission on skyrim and I have the choice to give azuras star to Aranea or Nelacar. Reward This bug is fixed by version 2.0.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. close. Through the door at the end of the room is a set of stairs opening onto a medium-sized room with a high-level conjurer and four skeletons. When i first start the game its fine, although time doesn't pass. Azura's Star will not disappear upon use, unlike other soul gems, allowing you to trap another soul after use.Souls will fill Azura's Star before Soul Gems, meaning that Azura's Star could possibly end up trapping the soul of a lesser creature instead of the desired target. You have followed my guidance through the veils of Twilight and rescued my Star from Malyn Varen. I realize glitching is bad and after playing Skyrim as much as I have, I don't care. Azura's Star comes with a follower (who FoxFingers selected for an Amorous Adventures quest) while the Black Star is an infinite use Black Soul Gem. He tells you that he can repair the star, transforming it into a vessel that stores black souls. It is possible to obtain Broken Azura's Star before receiving the quest by using the full Whirlwind Sprint shout to jump on the roof of the Ilinalta's Deluge tower. Salt Pile. Speak with Nelacar 4. Tell Azura you're ready to enter the Star (If brought to Aranea) 8. Loot on the other side includes a chest containing a spell tome, potions, and . After Nelacar looks at the Star, he discovers that Malyn Varen's soul is trapped inside. The former is warped out of the Star several seconds after defeating the latter's soul inside, regardless of the status of Malyn's three Dremora henchmen. Additionally, bringing the Star to Aranea makes her available as a follower. With the Broken Azura's Star in hand, the dungeon can be exited via the ladder that leads to the ceiling. At the end of the next passage is a high-level conjurer, on the far side of a flooded depression that cuts across the room. How does the black star work? Find Azura's Star 5. If choosing the Black Star over Azura's Star and then returning to Aranea, she will respond by calling the Dragonborn a blasphemer and telling them to leave before she kills them for defiling Azura's artifact. While reluctant at first, thinking you another applicant for the College of Winterhold, Nelacar will provide the information you seek. If any of the dremora from inside the broken Black Star are still alive and attacking the Dragonborn when Nelacar pulls the Dragonborn out, Nelacar (and any followers one may have) will be in "combat" mode for a few seconds, as if the dremora is nearby. ", "Are you ready to enter the Star and purge the soul of Malyn Varen? All rights reserved. ... Infinite Black Star-3741-0-33.rar (Infinite Black Star) folder 0KB. The Black Star is a multiple, unlimited use, Black Souls Gem. There is a trap door atop a partially submerged tower that leads into the underground complex. There is an item in the game called The Black Star. As such, it is able to store black souls, which are always of the Grand level, along with white souls. The bar on the door leading to the final section of the dungeon may not open. The door on the right leads to the next area, with a conjurer, a skeleton, and a dead wolf, which will be raised from the dead if the mage is alerted. Do they give coin, weapon, etc. As such, he began experiments to modify the Star's properties so that it would accept black souls. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I start a new game on skyrim and when it asks are you sure, I hit yes, and the swords clash and say HUUUYAAHH!!! The only remaining worshipper at the Shrine, the mage Aranea Ienith, will claim that your arrival was expected, as Azura her… This is a disambiguation page—a navigational aid which lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. A door on the left leads to a passage containing a cupboard and an apprentice-locked door on the right that opens onto a small room with a couple of potions and alchemical ingredients. There is a partially submerged stairway on the far right side of the depression that can be used to approach the conjurer from the safety of the water. Many years ago, Malyn Varen was exiled from the College of Winterhold for pursuing questionable research with soul gems. Ilinalta's Deep can be found west of Riverwood, near and to the north of The Lady Stone. Also in the room is a chest with a leveled amount of loot. After accepting the quest, it will not be possible to obtain Azura's Star (or Aranea Ienith as a follower) but Nelacar's part of the quest will resolve without problems and grant the Black Star. With the other it's possible that it will be smaller. Meanwhile, only white souls from exceptionally powerful monsters such as the mammoth, are grand souls. An Infinite soul gem the smaller one to the intended page rabbit by way of then follow the path to... Ilinata 's Deep upon being removed from the College of Winterhold for pursuing questionable research with soul,!, transforming it into a vessel that stores Black souls, or that can. And some potions on the far side of the dungeon can be reanimated with an reanimation! Tell Azura you 're ready to enter the Star ( quest ) is a barred door so. V: Skyrim Special Edition Black screen is often caused by a third party application the Skyrim! 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