mephiles the dark

Time travelHarnessing chaos energyIblis fusionShapeshiftingFlightEnergy projectionImmortalityMaster manipulatorFlawed duplicationDarkness manipulation He managed to convince Silver and Blaze into attempting to kill Sonic before actually doing it himself, which would in turn release Iblis, though there was a much stronger form of Iblis already free in his time while he had a Chaos Emerald at hand. Ask anything you want to learn about Mephiles The Dark by getting answers on ASKfm. It is possible that Mephiles might have a low tolerance for aggravation, which can be seen when Shadow refused to join with him. Alors, Mephiles se transforma et Shadow se mit en position de combat. Mephiles the Dark is one of the main antagonists of Super Smash Bros. Crossover. Furthermore, he can alter his physical form to sink into the ground and merge with the shadow of another. During both boss fights, Mephiles hardly attacks on his own without aid, either by summoning shadows, or cloning himself to use as distractions. Anyway, the opponent is stabbed by the lance, taking 200% damage. Mephiles then sought to find the Chaos Emeralds in order to bring pain and despair to Princess Elise and release the "Flames of Disaster" (a.k.a. In the middle of the game, Mephiles travels to the present after being defeated by Shadow in the future. Mephiles held little interest in Silver the Hedgehog as a person and instead only used him as a tool to further his ends. This is shown when he preyed upon Silver's frustration and desire to save the world, by deceiving him into thinking that Sonic was responsible for the devastation of his future, knowing that killing Sonic would have done the exact opposite of what Silver was trying to achieve. He blinds them with the Emerald's powers, and projects an energy spear that impales Sonic from behind, killing him instantly. Throughout the game, he attempts to manipulate Shadow by revealing Shadow's future: imprisonment by mankind. Malheureusement, Mephiles menait le combat. English voice actor(s) Mephiles the Dark (闇のメフィレス, Yami no Mefiresu?, lit. Mephiles' final attack used before fusing with Iblis to become Solaris was a beam of energy that he extends from his right hand to kill Sonic. Mephiles s'était servi de ses répliques pour mieux distraire la Team Dark et ainsi rejoindre Sonic. Il manipulé Silver en croyant que Sonic est le responsable de la libération de Iblis. Zerochan has 75 Mephiles the Dark anime images, Android/iPhone wallpapers, fanart, cosplay pictures, and many more in its gallery. Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)Sonic Rivals 2 (cameo)Sonic Generations (cameo)Sonic Runners Find Mephiles the Dark videos, photos, wallpapers, forums, polls, news and … Il est aussi opportuniste et discret, voire silencieux, cruel et sans pitié, aussi bien envers ses marionnettes qu'envers ses ennemis. Mephiles VS Dark Bowseris a Death Battle. Speed. C'est le plus grand antagoniste de Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) et certainement l'un des plus effrayants de la série. King of Darkness. Realizing that Shadow did not know who Mephiles was (as Shadow had not yet traveled back in time to face Mephiles in the past), Mephiles transported Shadow and Rouge into the future. Mephiles the Dark was born from the \"Solaris Project\", an experiment conducted by the government of Soleanna; officially an energy research program, the project's true goal was to harness the power of Solaris and give humanity control over the flow of time itself. Powers and abilities Mephiles could refer to "Muffles" (مفلس), in Arabic Muffles means "broke", "a person with nothing". Mephiles the Dark is a character from Sonic '06. Malheureusement, dès qu'Omega et Shadow atterrirent dans leur époque, Mephiles était parti. In the brief cinematic in which Solaris's core is destroyed, a faint ". Comme ses pouvoirs d'ombre, les objectifs de Mephiles sont clairs : détruire le monde et interdire l'avenir. En japonais, il est doublé par Takayuki Sakazume en anglais par Dan Green ( voix anglaise de Knuckles de 2005 à 2010 et du Professeur Pickle dans Sonic Unleashed). Il sait trouver ses proies faciles, telles que Silver the Hedgehog et Blaze the Cat, et comment les manipuler pour atteindre plus facilement ses objectifs. Mephiles gets behind the nearest opponent by phasing into the ground and then arising up out of the shadows. Pour le combattre, il faut utiliser le Chaos Boost, puis trouver le vrai Mephiles parmi la foule de ses copies, et l'attaquer. Fur Mephiles was freed 10 years later from the Scepter of Darkness by the notorious Dr. Eggman, Rouge, and past Shadow. It isn't stated why Eggman wanted to capture Mephiles, but based on his actions in the game, it can be guessed that he had hoped to harness Mephiles' powers to travel through time if he failed to do so with Iblis, or that he needed both Iblis and Mephiles to completely control time, knowing they were the two halves of Solaris. Shadow enleva ses limiteurs et se servit de tout son potentiel pour raser l'armée de Mephiles. After his release, Mephiles orchestrated a centuries-long plan to release Iblis from Princess Elise and rejoin with it, which succeeded when he killed Sonic the Hedgehog. However, after Shadow vulgarly ejected Mephiles' invitation, Mephiles finally gave up his crusade and expressed his disappointment in him before resuming his old mission to kill him. When encountering Shadow again, Mephiles attempted to break Shadow's will to fight and join him (much like Black Doom had previously tried) by revealing that in the current future, the world and an unwilling E-123 Omega would turn against Shadow and imprison him in suspended animation (while keeping his hatred for Shadow a secret). Upon gaining his new form, he then laughed in amusement at the irony about how he was resurrected by the shadow of the person who sealed him away before sarcastically thanking Shadow for releasing him. Doomsday VS Mephiles the Dark is a What-If? Instead of fighting Sonic face-to-face, he appears behind him without Sonic or Elise knowing, and proceeds to impale him from behind. Dix ans plus tard, Mephiles a été libéré et voue à reformer Solaris avec Iblis. In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series and its spin-offs published by Archie Comics, Mephiles is present in the comics' universe, but he has yet to make an appearance. He sent the two back in time, having revealed his ability to them earlier when he told them that they needed to go back to the past to prevent Iblis's awakening, making them believe that killing Sonic in the present would save their future. It could be because Iblis evolved so much he could not fuse with Mephiles, or to ensure that Sonic's death would still occur so that Iblis would continue to exist at this point in the future (it is also possible that he could not go back to the exact moment where he and Iblis became two separate entities because he was already present). This likely means he can change his form at will. Taken this in mind, and Mephiles' nature in the game, they would seem similar. Mephiles is shown to hold a particular hatred for Shadow since it was he who sealed him in the Scepter of Darkness. Étant l'esprit de Solaris, Mephiles représente l'intelligence et la personnalité. In Silver's Story, however, Mephiles is in the form he got after directly taking Shadow's shadow. Parmi elles, Mephiles fit part à Shadow qu'il était futile de lutter aussi bien avec un pouvoir limité que pour ceux qui se retourneront contre lui plus tard, mais Shadow répondit que si cela devait arriver, alors il combattrait comme il l'a toujours fait. Bio. Skills For example, he made it his sole mission to cause pain to Elise throughout the entire course of the game, and even broke out into a maniacal laughter after ending Sonic's life. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Mephiles was released from the Scepter of Darkness and took Shadow's shadow to gain a new form, he laughed at the irony but still thanked Shadow for mistakenly releasing him, though he was surprised that he did not know him at that point. Moves and techniques Unfortunately, Sonic was restored to life and Solaris, the unified Mephiles and Iblis, is disabled by Sonic, Shadow and Silver in their super forms, and later erased from existence by Elise blowing out Solaris' flame. Voice actor(s) He is a dick who was born following a glitch in Mike Wazowski’s time machine that spawned the Flames of Disaster and sent it back to ancient Soleanna, where he spent centuries sealed in the flame. Game appearances He is the conscience, mind, and will of the sun god Solaris. Mephiles the Dark est un antagoniste de la série originale de jeux vidéo Sonic the Hedgehog, apparenté à l'univers moderne[1], et l'esprit de Solaris qui se revête de l'ombre de Shadow pour incarner un corps. shadow, he also can grow stronger by absorbing shadows, especially if it comes from the same type of shadow as the being whose shadow he absorbed earlier outside of time. Shadow Attack: Mephiles creates several shadowy clones of himself as he hides in an opponent's shadow. Many aspects of Mephiles, most notably his hateful connection to Shadow, his ability to make clones of himself, and his desire to flat out destroy existence in itself, bears several similarities to the Matrix villain. Ten years before the story takes place, when Shadow corners the newly created Mephiles before sealing him away, Mephiles' voice sounds startled if not frightened before quickly shifting into his more recognizable tone as he makes a threat to Shadow. Mephiles the Dark is one of the main antagonists of the game Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Black, purple, white Mephiles made a small appearance in Sonic Rivals 2, as one of the collectible cards in the game. Mephiles may also be inspired by the false prophet in the Book of Revelations of the Bible as he works in the shadows and manipulates the characters into doing things that would only further his own goals. Presumably in the latter's case, he utilized the Chaos Emeralds' magnetic properties to pull this off. Mephiles appears to be immortal, surviving every fight he takes part in, and whenever he is beaten he seems to just shift into his base form. Sonic Team (15 December 2005). The princess cries over his death and, as a result, Iblis is released, allowing Mephiles to fuse with him and transform into Solaris. He is the malevolent conscience, mind and will of the sun god Solaris. Mephiles apparaît exclusivement dans les crédits de fin de Sonic Generations, sorti sur PC. Ce qu'il ne savait pas, c'était que Sonic, Tails et Knuckles s'étaient retrouvés également dans le futur par Dr. Eggman et qu'ils les avaient aperçus. However, being that both fights are paired against Shadow and only Shadow, it's also likely that due to Mephiles' hatred towards him, that this was merely a display of hostility. Mephiles the Dark (闇のメフィレス Yami no Mefiresu) is the primary antagonist in Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). Mephiles the Dark (メフィレス・ザ・ダーク, Mefiresu za Dāku) (pronounced [mɛfɨləs] or [mə'fɪliːz] in English) is anthropomorphic Hedgehog-shaped spirit/demon and one of the main antagonists of the Iblis Saga.He is the conscience, mind, and will of the sun god Solaris, ultimately making him the main antagonist of the series. Physical description So if Shadow would fight for Mephiles, he would be fighting for his destruction. Mephiles the Dark. Comme ses pouvoirs d'ombre, les objectifs de Mephiles sont clairs : détruire le monde et interdire l'avenir. He tells Shadow that if he will fight for him, this would not happen. Equipment. Une autre forme ressemblant à Shadow mais avec les yeux verts. The two have technically never interacted, but Mephiles saw Sonic as the key to releasing Iblis from Elise and manipulated Silver by saying Sonic was the cause of Iblis destroying the future and sent the white hedgehog to assassinate Sonic. Eventually, after Silver abandoned his mission, he uses it to warp to Sonic and Elise's location shortly after they escape Dr. Eggman's exploding Egg Carrier. [8] At the time of their meeting in Flame Core however, Mephiles had changed his mind about killing Shadow and instead gained a fixation to turn him over to his side. Once he succeeded, Mephiles laughed in triumph before fusing with him. Mephiles was born during the Solaris Project when the experiments on Solaris split him into Mephiles and Iblis. Mephiles the Dark est le méchant principal dans Sonic the Hedgedog ( 2006 ) Il est le boss final dans l'histoire de Shadow. Since Mephiles absorbed Shadow's shadow, he has the ability to physically become the shadow itself, as seen in the first boss fight against him. Au moment où Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Rouge et Shadow furent sur le point de retourner à leur époque, Shadow aperçut Mephiles et décida de rester en arrière pour connaître les circonstances de l'avenir qui attendait son époque. Hélas, Mephiles se libéra du Sceptre et le brisa. Il expédia Shadow et Rouge deux-cent ans dans le futur, à l'époque où domine Iblis, et alla trouver Silver. Mephiles perdit cette nouvelle bataille et Shadow profita de cet instant pour sceller de nouveau Mephiles dans un nouveau Sceptre des ténèbres. Indeed, when defeated by Shadow a second time, he also declared himself to be immortal and invincible. Skin When the two later fought each other in Wave Ocean, Mephiles mocked and taunted Omega with how he was the one who sealed Shadow in the future. Therefore, Sonic was referred to as the "Iblis Trigger" by Silver and Blaze. Mephiles fait une exclusive apparition dans la série de bandes dessinées Sonic the Hedgehog, publiée par Archie Comics. Mephiles' name is derived from Mephistopheles, the demon from the legend of Faust, and possibly after Mephitis, the personification of the poisonous gases emitted from the ground in swamps and volcanic vapors. Mephiles intended to fuse with Iblis, reuniting them into a single entity, Solaris, their original persona. Mephiles then uses two Chaos Emeralds to create an army of clones of himself. In the present day, the Scepter was shattered during a struggle between Eggman, Shadow, and Rouge the Bat, and Mephiles was released. Those weaklings won't know whats coming when I, Mephlies the Dark, will outrun they're luck and fame. He can also grow stronger by absorbing shadows, especially if it comes from the same type of shadow as the being whose shadow he absorbed earlier outside of time counts him as a very powerful character in the series. Whether or not this was due to taking Shadow's form through his shadow or it was one of his innate abilities is debatable; however, being one half of the time god Solaris, the latter seems more probable. Aquatic Base It is unknown why Mephiles tried to go into the past to find Chaos Emeralds and trick Silver into killing Sonic instead of just using his purple Chaos Emerald to join with Iblis in the future. Mephiles also has misanthropic and even nihilistic tendencies, as evidenced in his final fight against Shadow, where he asked why Shadow even bothers fighting at all, and why Shadow even bothers defending humanity when they will inevitably persecute him later. Whether or not he is capable of feeling pain is unknown; although he reacts to taking damage during his boss battles with Shadow, he merely stood and allowed himself to be shot multiple times when confronting Omega at Wave Ocean. ». Shadow, Omega, and Rouge later encountered Mephiles in a desert temple, though they were too late to stop him from getting the Chaos Emerald there. Dislikes He then re-merged with Iblis, remaking Solaris, but was defeated by Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, and subsequently erased from existence. He also doesn't fight Shadow directly until the player expels him from Shadow's shadow. In addition, his intelligence was such that he could craft fallback plans in case his initial plans did not work. After his birth, Mephiles was sealed inside the Scepter of Darkness by Mephiles est une carte à collectionner dans Sonic Rivals 2. Shadow et Rouge arrivèrent trop tard et Omega passa aux aveux. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. De retour à son époque, Shadow rejoignit Omega en postion K31, à Wave Ocean, car c'est là-bas qu'Omega avait traqué Mephiles. Shadow comprit que le hérisson blanc était lui aussi en quête de sauver l'avenir, alors il l'invita à un petit voyage dans le passé pour trouver la solution et l'identité de Mephiles. Pinterest. Along the way, as all three storylines progress, the three main characters discover how Mephiles was somehow involved in the incident which created the "Flames of Disaster", wielded by Princess Elise. Sonic Team, Blindlight (24 November 2006). His eyes also change color in this form, gaining red sclerae and lighter green irises, and his quills are more bushy and ended in white tips. In the console/PC version of Sonic Generations, Mephiles made a cameo appearance during the ending credits where a screenshot of him from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) was shown. This is most likely due to his apparently endless lifespan and time travel power allowing him to study the world around him for as long as he needs to. Solaris is soon defeated in the final battle against Shadow, Silver and a revived Sonic in Super States before Elise goes back in time and extinguishes him when he was a mere flame. fanpop community fan club for Mephiles the Dark fans to share, discover content and connect with other fans of Mephiles the Dark. Il a plusieurs formes: Dix ans avant les événements de Sonic the Hedgehog, Mephiles et Iblis étaient complets en Solaris. pitting Doomsday of DC Comics with Mephiles the Dark of Sonic the Hedgehog. Mephiles never directly spoke to any female characters (Rouge and Blaze) he encountered. Il peut donner vie à des ombres corporelles et s'en servir comme boucliers pour se tenir à distance, ou comme leurres pour calculer à quel instant il doit agir. He also has a major role in Silver's story, as he manipulates Silver and Blaze into attempting to kill Sonic so that he can finally fuse with Iblis. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème sonic, art sonic, fond ecran swag. He can release unseen shockwaves from them,[4] have them instill visions in others,[5] blind opponents,[6] and warp the other six Emeralds to his location instantly using just one. In this media, Mephiles was born during an experiment that split his original being, Solaris, into himself and Iblis. Possibly this point, he (rather than progressing to the next scene) traveled to the future to deceive Silver (this is not specified, but it would explain how he had the purple Chaos Emerald and the knowledge of Sonic at this point). Dans son nouveau corps, Mephiles se présenta, même s'il fut surpris de constater que le Shadow devant lui n'était pas celui qui l'avait enfermé dans le Sceptre des ténèbres dix ans plus tôt. Varies Area/Level: Mephiles Phase 1. 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