View today's bulletin; Parental Communication; WeDuc; RM Unify; Class Charts; RM Portico; 01803 869200. email us . King Edward’s School, an HMC independent day school for boys aged 11-18 founded in 1552. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Mr J Christey Headteacher Despite a continuing threat from Henry Tudor, the last Lancastrian claimant, Edward reigned in relative peace for the next twelve years. Warwick, in a countermove encouraged by Louis XI of France, seized Edward and made him a prisoner in July 1469. Edward inherited the Yorkist claim when his father, Richard, Duke of York, died at the Battle of Wakefield in December 1460. King Edward VI High School for Girls. Who’s who. This was strengthened in 1447, when York became heir to the childless King Henry VI on the death of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. [38] With French support, Warwick landed in England on 9 September 1470 and announced his intention to restore Henry. [54], The cause of Edward's death is uncertain; allegations of poison were common in an era when lack of medical knowledge meant death often had no obvious explanation. He owed his throne largely to his cousin Richard Neville, earl of Warwick, who was in the first years of Edward’s reign the most powerful man in England. Upcoming Events. "King Edward VI High School for Girls is one of the country's leading girls' schools and provides a rich and varied education that enables bright girls from a wide range of backgrounds to excel and thrive." Our School. Phone: 02476 328231 Fax: 02476 326686 [9], Matters came to a head in August 1453 when Henry collapsed into a catatonic stupor on hearing news of the loss of Gascony, an English possession for over 300 years. Lancastrian... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Warwick remained in London, while York, Salisbury, and Edmund marched north to suppress another in Yorkshire; all three were killed following defeat at Wakefield on 30 December, leaving Edward as the new head of the Yorkist party. Elizabeth Plantagenet (born circa 1464), possibly daughter of Elizabeth Lucy, who married Thomas, son of George Lumley. Vacancies. Grace Plantagenet, recorded as attending the funeral of Elizabeth Woodville in 1492; This page was last edited on 26 December 2020, at 14:33. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? [64] He spent large amounts on expensive status symbols to show off his power and wealth as king of England, while his collecting habits show an eye for style and an interest in scholarship, particularly history. He made great preparations in 1474 and obtained a large grant from Parliament. Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2UB Tel: 0121 472 1834 Closure alerts. [24], Although Edward preferred Burgundy as an ally, he allowed Warwick to negotiate a treaty with Louis XI of France; it included a suggested marriage between Edward and Anne of France or Bona of Savoy, daughter and sister-in-law of the French king respectively. is a state-funded Academy Trust selective school for boys with a co-educational Sixth Form. [12] York crossed from Ireland to England; on entering the Palace of Westminster, he declared himself king, a claim greeted by the assembled lords in silence. [83] The historical consensus is he and his brother Richard were killed, probably between July to September 1483; debate on who gave the orders, and why, continues, although their uncle Richard III was the beneficiary. [84], By mid-August, Elizabeth Woodville was certain of the deaths of her sons; after her initial grief turned to fury, she opened secret talks with Margaret Beaufort. One contemporary attributed it to apoplexy brought on by excess, which fits with what is known of his physical habits. [43], Backed by wealthy Flemish merchants, in March 1471 Edward landed near Hull, close to his estates in Yorkshire. [61], Although the economy recovered from the depression of 1450 to 1470, Edward's spending habitually exceeded income; on his death in 1483, the Crown had less than £1,200 in cash. There he won another crushing victory. Wilton Road, Southampton, SO15 5UQ. By showering favours on Elizabeth’s two sons by her first husband and on her five brothers and her seven sisters, Edward began to build up a group of magnates who would be a counterpoise to the Nevilles. K.E.S admits pupils from Grade 8 to Matric. [60] He invested heavily in business ventures with the City of London, which he used as an additional source of funding. He was also a friend and patron of the printer William Caxton, and his book collection became the foundation of the Old Royal Library, later one of the glories of the British Museum. He died on 9 April 1483 and was buried in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. When Edward died suddenly in April 1483, his minor son became King Edward V, with his father's brother, the Duke of Gloucester, as Lord Protector. [3], However, the birth of Henry's son, Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales, in October 1453 created a viable Lancastrian figurehead, and the 1450s was dominated by political conflict between the two factions. The Grammar School of King Edward VI at Stratford-upon-Avon (commonly referred to as King Edward VI School or shortened to K.E.S.) Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). [7][c], Edward grew up amidst a background of economic decline at home, and military defeat abroad, exacerbated by a weak and corrupt central government. One view is the low status of the Woodvilles was part of the attraction, since unlike the Nevilles, they were reliant on Edward and thus more likely to remain loyal. Email Address. King Edward VI Grammar School. The King Edward VI School - Part of The Three Rivers Learning Trust. Albany switched sides and without siege equipment, the English army was forced to withdraw, with little to show for an expensive campaign, apart from the capture of Berwick Castle. King Edward VI, in Spilsby, Lincolnshire, opened as an academy in the autumn of 2012. "[28], The marriage was certainly unwise and unusual, although not unheard of; Henry VI's mother, Catherine of Valois, married her chamberlain, Owen Tudor, while Edward's grandson Henry VIII created the Church of England to marry Anne Boleyn. By all accounts, Elizabeth possessed considerable charm of person and intellect, while Edward was used to getting what he wanted. These and other measures enabled him to leave behind a fortune; some of his improved financial administration was continued and developed by his successors Richard III and Henry VII. Join. Translate. [45], Edward entered London unopposed and took Henry prisoner; Warwick was defeated and killed at the Battle of Barnet on 14 April, while a second Lancastrian army was destroyed at the Battle of Tewkesbury on 4 May. Joining King Edwards. His twelve-year-old son, Edward V, was never crowned, Gloucester becoming King Richard III in July. His lack of political foresight is largely to blame for the unhappy aftermath of his early death. The three men issued a 'remonstrance', listing alleged abuses by the Woodvilles and other advisors close to Edward. Joining Us. Other suggestions include pneumonia or malaria, although both were well-known and easy to describe. This was not the case with property acquired through marriage and explains the importance of this dispute. [7] In December 1483, Henry swore an oath to do so, which he duly carried out after his coronation in October 1485. The two were married to Isabel Neville and Anne Neville respectively, the daughters of the Earl and Countess of Warwick and heirs to their mother's considerable inheritance. Apply to receive closure alerts for this school Apply. Sixth Form. [18] However, this was offset by Warwick's defeat at the Second Battle of St Albans on 17 February, the Lancastrians regaining custody of Henry VI. Concerned by this, Edward blocked a proposed marriage between Clarence and Warwick's eldest daughter Isabel. [59], One effect of this was that Parliament became increasingly reluctant to approve taxes for wars which Edward failed to prosecute, then used the funds instead to finance his household expenditures. The Percys, traditional rivals of the Neville family in the North, fought for Lancaster at Towton; their titles and estates were confiscated and given to Warwick's brother John Neville. KING EDWARD VII PREPARATORY SCHOOL. We are consistently one of the top performing schools in Lincolnshire, the East Midlands and are ranked as one of the top 200 state schools in the United Kingdom. [69] In 1476, William Caxton established the first English printing press in the outbuildings of Westminster Abbey; on 18 November 1477, he produced Sayengis of the Philosophres, translated into English for Edward by Anthony Woodville. [4][a], Allegations of illegitimacy were discounted at the time as politically inspired, and by later historians. Home; Covid-19 Guidance; About. [e] As Flemish merchants were the largest buyers of English wool, Edward was generally pro-Burgundian, although Duke Charles' reluctance to support him in 1471 impacted their relationship. [74] He also began a major upgrade of St George's Chapel, Windsor, where he was buried in 1483; later completed by Henry VII, it was badly damaged during the First English Civil War, and little of the original work remains. Useful Links. Last Name . Author of, United Kingdom: Edward IV (1461–70 and 1471–83). [75], Edward had ten children by Elizabeth Woodville, seven of whom survived him; they were declared illegitimate under the 1483 Titulus Regius, an act repealed by Henry VII, who married his eldest daughter, Elizabeth. In early 1470, Edward reinstated Henry Percy as Earl of Northumberland; John was compensated with the title Marquess of Montagu, but this was a significant demotion for a key supporter. Enter Site . By the age of 17, the Earl of March was a political and military leader in his own right; after their defeat at the Battle of Ludford Bridge in 1459, his father and brother Edmund fled to Ireland, while the Earls of March, Salisbury and Warwick made their way to Calais. Fought on 29 March in the middle of a snowstorm, it was the bloodiest battle ever to take place on English soil, and ended in a decisive Yorkist victory. [13] The Act of Accord agreed a compromise, whereby Henry remained king, but York and his descendants were designated his successors. [50] Edward received an immediate payment of 75,000 crowns, plus a yearly pension of 50,000 crowns, thus allowing him to recoup the costs of his army. [5][b] Edward and his siblings George, Duke of Clarence, and Margaret, Duchess of Burgundy, were physically very similar, all three being tall and blonde, in contrast to York, who was short and dark. Edward contemplated a fresh invasion of France, but before it could be carried out he fell ill and died at the age of only 40. Mental and physical frailties made him incapable of ruling and resulted in an internal struggle for control, made worse because the coalition that put him back on the throne consisted of bitter enemies. In 1541, Henry VIII executed Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, daughter of the Duke of Clarence, while a number of attempts were made on the life of her son, the last legitimate direct heir, Cardinal Reginald Pole, who died in 1558. King Edward VI School is a Registered Charity (No. 1088030) and Company Limited by Guarantee (No. [26] If nothing else, it was a clear demonstration he was not in control of Edward, despite suggestions to the contrary. [85], Prior to his succession, Richard III declared his nephews illegitimate, on the grounds his brother's marriage to Elizabeth Woodville was invalid. King Edward’s has a proud history and tradition dating back to 1552 when our educational institution was first established. Her advisers hoped to gain Lancastrian support in Wales, and it became a race for time between Edward IV’s forces and hers as to whether she could get there before he overtook her. [11], In 1460, Edward crossed the English Channel with Warwick and Salisbury, and marched into London. He acquired fine clothes, jewels, and furnishings, as well as a collection of beautifully illuminated historical and literary manuscripts, many made specially for him by craftsmen in Bruges. His close relationship with the London branch of the Medici Bank ended in its bankruptcy; in 1517, the Medicis were still seeking repayment of Edward's debts. [7] The Titulus Regius argued Edward had agreed to marry Lady Eleanor Talbot, rendering his marriage to Elizabeth Woodville void. [20], Margaret fled to Scotland with Edward of Westminster, while the new king returned to London for his coronation. We are an independent, boarding and day school for girls and boys aged 11-18. She promised her support in return for Henry's agreement to marry her eldest daughter Elizabeth. The first significant contingent to join was a group of 600 men under Sir William Parr and Sir James Harrington. [23] This exposed internal divisions, some over policy, but more significantly Warwick's encouragement of the perception he was the senior partner. Day Boarding Admissions . He was now able to revive the project of an invasion of France in concert with the Duke of Burgundy. Commercial treaties with France (1475), Burgundy (1468), and the Hanseatic League (1474) combined with external peace and growing internal order to revive trade strikingly after 1475, and this benefitted the customs duties and other revenues. Edward’s sister Margaret was married in July 1468 with great pomp to Duke Charles the Bold of Burgundy, and the brothers-in-law planned a joint invasion of France. For the Elizabethan history play, see, sfn error: no target: CITEREFGillingham1981 (, Now the generally accepted date, although others suggest it was fought on 3 February, This resurfaced in the 17th century contest between England, the, Richard of Conisburgh, 3rd Earl of Cambridge, List of earls in the reigns of Henry VI and Edward IV of England, "Jean de Wavrin, Recueil des croniques d'Engleterre, vol. Both parties were dead, but Robert Stillington, Bishop of Bath and Wells, claimed to have carried out the ceremony. [19], Estimates of the dead range from 9,000 to 20,000; figures are uncertain, as most of the mass graves were emptied or moved over the centuries, while corpses were generally stripped of clothing or armour before burial. At Tewkesbury, after some remarkable forced marches (one of more than 40 miles at a stretch), he caught up with her army on May 4. Accept all cookies . The most comprehensive modern biography was written by Charles Ross in 1974, who concluded that Edward's greatest apparent achievement – the peace and stability of his latter years – was squandered in short-term aggrandisement. The Titulus was annulled by Henry VII, since his marriage to her daughter Elizabeth added legitimacy to his claim; Stillington died in prison in 1491. His marriage to Elizabeth Woodville in 1464 led to conflict with his chief advisor, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, known as the "Kingmaker". [71] [72] More than forty of his books survive intact from the 15th century, which suggests they were carefully stored, and are now included in the Royal Collection of manuscripts, held by the British Library. Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2PW. In 1482, Louis XI, in order to come to terms with the rulers of Burgundy, tacitly repudiated the Treaty of Picquigny and the annual tribute that it provided. [37] Seeing an opportunity, Louis XI persuaded Warwick to negotiate with his long-time enemy, Margaret of Anjou; she eventually agreed, first making him kneel before her in silence for fifteen minutes. [17], On 2 February 1461,[d] Edward won a hard-fought victory at Mortimer's Cross. Edward was the eldest surviving son of Richard, duke of York, by Cicely, daughter of Ralph Neville, earl of Westmorland. King Edward VI School. We always welcome former students at King Edward VI and the opportunity for you to share your experiences going forward would be of interest and help to the students who will come after you. [58] In his youth, Edward was a capable and charismatic military commander, who led from the front, but as he grew older, the energy noted by contemporaries became less apparent. [46], Although the Lancastrian cause seemed at an end, the regime was destabilised by an ongoing quarrel between Clarence and his brother Gloucester. Welcome to King Edwards King Edward VII School is one of the most prestigious 11-18 comprehensive schools in the City of Sheffield. He rebuilt St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, and collected illuminated Flemish manuscripts. [14], The implications of removing the legally accepted heir to the throne created substantial opposition to the Yorkist administration; in late 1460, Edward was given his first independent command and sent to deal with a Lancastrian insurgency in Wales. Omissions? view our full calendar. [76], Edward had numerous mistresses, including Lady Eleanor Talbot and Elizabeth Lucy, possibly daughter of Thomas Waite (or Wayte), of Southampton. It is a School that is steeped in history that dates back to 1604. [15], At this stage of Edward's career, contemporaries like Philippe de Commines described him as handsome, affable, and energetic. On the same day, Queen Margaret (Henry VI’s wife) belatedly landed in Dorset from France with her only son, Edward, prince of Wales. [82], Edward IV's eldest son, also named Edward, was made Prince of Wales when he was seven months old and given his own household at the age of three. Since 1996, excavations have uncovered over 50 skeletons from the battle; an analysis of their injuries shows the brutality of the contest, including extensive post-mortem mutilations. Sign up to receive news and updates. Lancastrian resistance in the northeast and in Wales caused problems. [25] In October 1464, Warwick was enraged to discover that on 1 May, Edward had secretly married Elizabeth Woodville, a widow with two sons, whose Lancastrian husband, John Grey of Groby, died at Towton. King Edward’s is a highly academic school, but it is also a thriving community full of individual talents and personalities. Edward IV (28 April 1442 – 9 April 1483) was King of England from 4 March 1461 to 3 October 1470, then again from 11 April 1471 until his death. Nearly all the remaining Lancastrian leaders were killed on the field or executed afterward, and, after murdering Henry (May 21–22) and repelling an attack on London, Edward was secure for the remainder of his life. Our History. Edward at this time showed little promise. 16 year old Edward of Westminster died on the battlefield, with surviving leaders like Somerset executed shortly afterwards. Reporting a positive Covid-19 case. At Northampton in July, he commanded one of three divisions in a Yorkist victory that led to the capture of Henry VI. Professor of Medieval History, University of Liverpool, 1967–80. [41] The Duchy was ruled by Charles the Bold, husband of his sister Margaret; he provided minimal help, something Edward never forgot. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Shortly afterwards, Henry VI was found dead in the Tower of London. Please refer to our Sixth Form section for information on joining Year 12. King Edward’s School has been at the heart of Birmingham life since it was founded in 1552. Follow us on twitter. Edward’s promiscuity enabled Richard of Gloucester, after his death, to question the validity of his marriage and so to ruin his sons. K.E.S. [55], While the War of the Roses has been documented by numerous historians, Edward as an individual is less well known; 19th century historians like William Stubbs generally dismissed him as a bloodthirsty nonentity. It was the forerunner of the council of Wales and the marches that subjugated the area to English rule. King Edward VI Grammar School "Encouraging Excellence, Nurturing Talent" King Edward VI Grammar School . France and Burgundy were also of concern because…. [27], Edward's motives have been widely discussed by contemporaries and historians alike. Support and Assistance – SAFEGUARDING Safeguarding for Students – March 2020 School Nursing Poster 4YP Suffolk Young People’s Health Project (also known as 4YP) is a local charity, which provides and coordinates services that improve the social, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing of young people in Suffolk, aged 12-25. On May 1, 1464, he secretly married a young widow, Elizabeth Woodville, of no great rank, offending Warwick and other Yorkist nobles who were planning to marry him to a French princess. Learn more about Edward IV’s life and reign in this article. This was followed by Henry's death a few days later; a contemporary chronicle claimed this was due to "melancholy," but it is generally assumed he was killed on Edward's orders. King Edward VI Five Ways (Girls and Boys) Scotland Lane, Bartley Green, Birmingham B32 4BT Tel: 0121 475 3535 … Holistic, Academic, Education since 1551. He was a central figure in the Wars of the Roses, a series of civil wars in England fought between the Yorkist and Lancastrian factions between 1455 and 1487. Welcome. Under his rule, ownership of the Duchy of Lancaster was transferred to the Crown, where it remains today. The most famous was Jane Shore, later compelled by Richard III to perform public penance at Paul's Cross; Sir Thomas More claimed this backfired, since "albeit she were out of al array save her kyrtle only: yet went she so fair & lovely … that her great shame wan her much praise."[77]. [35], Outwardly, the situation remained unchanged, but tensions persisted and Edward did nothing to reduce the Nevilles' sense of vulnerability. [86], Despite this apparent resolution, the Yorkist cause continued well into the 16th century. Edward and Edmund were probably brought up at Ludlow Castle, in the Welsh Marches, where York was the dominant landowner. Nevertheless, casualties among the Lancastrian nobility were enormous, and explains the enduring bitterness among those who survived. Lower School (0114) 268-2477. [62], Economics was closely linked to foreign policy; Edward's reign was dominated by the three sided diplomatic contest between England, France, and Burgundy, with two of the three seeking to ally against the third. Elizabeth's mother, Jacquetta of Luxembourg, came from the upper nobility, but her father, Richard Woodville, was a middle ranking provincial knight. I am very proud of our school, a school which is both ambitious for, and supportive of, every pupil it serves. He was a leading participant in the Yorkist-Lancastrian conflict known as the Wars of the Roses. During the early years of his reign, from 1461 to 1470, Edward was chiefly concerned with putting down opposition to his rule. Situated on a magnificent campus in the heart of Upper Houghton, Johannesburg, it consists of beautiful, old, traditional, National Monument buildings, complemented by state of the art sporting & cultural facilities. King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys. [56] Ross states Edward "remains the only king in English history since 1066 in active possession of his throne who failed to secure the safe succession of his son. The two met in London, where Edward was hastily crowned king, before marching north, where the two sides met at the Battle of Towton. Edward IV (28 April 1442 – 9 April 1483) was King of England from 4 March 1461 to 3 October 1470,[1] then again from 11 April 1471 until his death. [9] English politics became dominated by the struggle between the Yorkists, and supporters of the House of Lancaster, or Lancastrians, notably the Duke of Somerset, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk, and Henry's wife, Margaret of Anjou. Values and Ethos. Our selection process has been designed to identify boys who are not only able to succeed here academically, but who will also contribute to the life of the School. Secondary - 11 to 18. [36], In March 1470, Warwick and Clarence exploited a private feud to initiate a full-scale revolt; when it was defeated, the two fled to France in May 1470. View a map of the catchment areas for all secondary schools Ofsted. Our school has a rich and prestigious history; thousands of students have walked the halls of our magnificent building all in pursuit of the same excellence that we strive for today. Find out more about our ethos, values and curriculum. Edward became a trader himself, transporting goods in his own ships and those of foreign merchants. As a young man Edward had been trustful and openhanded, but his experiences made him increasingly suspicious, leading him in 1478 to execute his brother George, duke of Clarence, who in former years had sided with Warwick against him. [51], In 1482, Edward backed an attempt to usurp the Scottish throne by Alexander Stewart, 1st Duke of Albany, brother of James III of Scotland. It is a non-selective, independent day school offering an exciting, inspiring education to girls and boys, aged 3 – 13 years old, who thrive in our unique family environment. [32], In 1467, Edward dismissed his Lord Chancellor, Warwick's brother George Neville, Archbishop of York. [47] Many of the estates held by the brothers had been granted by Edward, who could also remove them, making them dependent on his favour. WHAT WE OFFER: A top quality academic education with manageable … 1", "Guyart des Moulins, La Bible historiale", "Was Edward IV Illegitimate? King Edward VI is a Specialist Science, Mathematics and Languages College. The choice of school for your child is a very important one and requires deep consideration. Edward and his successors lost much of their leverage as a result. In June, Gloucester seized the throne as Richard III after declaring his nephews illegitimate; they are generally supposed to have been murdered shortly afterwards. The King Edward VI School - Part of The Three Rivers Learning Trust Powered by realsmart. This section provides all the information you need for making an application to join the school in Year 7. [63], Edward's court was described by a visitor from Europe as "the most splendid ... in all Christendom". Read more . Edward fled to Flanders, where he gathered support and invaded England in March 1471; after victories at the battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury, he resumed the throne. Clarence was widely suspected of involvement, a factor in his eventual death in the Tower on 18 February 1478; claims he "drowned in a butt of Malmsey wine" appear to have been a joke by Edward, referring to his favourite drink. The failure of attempts to reconcile former enemies like Somerset meant he was noticeably more ruthless after 1471, including the execution of his brother Clarence. In 1475 he invaded France with the largest army, it was said, that had ever left England, but he found the Duke of Burgundy very ill-prepared and the French formidable and willing to buy him out. King Edward's offers an all round education with a strong academic focus. [8], In 1447, York was made chief governor of Ireland, although he did not take up the post until 1449. Warwick responded by building an alliance with Edward's disaffected younger brother and heir, the Duke of Clarence, who held estates adjacent to the Neville heartland in the north. Boys and girls on 2 February 1461, [ d ] Edward won a hard-fought at... [ … ] Hello and welcome to King Edwards King Edward VI High School or to... Over a year, but John Neville 's victory at Mortimer 's Cross and Towton in early 1461 he... 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