kes sixth form dress code

... Sixth Form Expectations; Attendance Policy; House Captains; Dress Code; Students must dress smartly in a manner suitable for a formal environment. 6th Form: Dress Code. Sixth Form Centre. This applies to work ethic and effort but also presentation and appearance. Male. Smart shoes (no trainers, sandals, canvas shoes, flip flops, Doc Marten boots). The dress code for males and females is as follows: Boys. For girls. Sixth Form education is considered a transitional stage between compulsory pre-16 education and higher education. It is the student’s own responsibility to provide writing materials and file paper. In the event of queries, the Principal of Harris Federation Sixth Form (or his/her personal representative), will act as the arbiter. Jumper: Optional. Unnatural combinations of colour are not acceptable. Sixth form dress code. In interpreting the guidelines, students should ensure that their overall appearance is appropriate to that of a working environment. Good, positive relationships with teachers are a feature of the Sixth Form experience, making it an important stepping stone to the world of university and work. Shoulders and midriffs must be covered at all times. Q. Click to see full Lower and Upper School Policy Document and Dress code which includes Uniform Details. Following the work carried out by the sixth form leadership team in 2019 the following dress code was agreed. It should be regarded as a place of work and sixth form pupils should be seen as role models to the younger years and demonstrate this through their choice of clothing. Smart professional. We want you to take pride in your personal appearance and always remember that others will be looking up to you as role models. With this in mind, as a sixth form, it is important that our students present themselves as such. Younger students look to the sixth form students as role models. We would really like to have the opportunity to meet you in person, talk to you about studying at King Edward VI School as part of the sixth form, and to show you around the school. The uniform will be available from September 2021, with it being compulsory for new starters. Students who are currently at KES and wish to join the Sixth Form complete their applications in the second half of the Autumn Term. Hours. It is essential that you adhere to the dress code. Sixth Form students are role models for the rest of the school and are expected to uphold and embody the standards expected of students in lower years. Sixth Form students form part of the adult community at KES and as such are expected to dress accordingly. Sixth Form life » Dress Code » The Academy requires all Sixth Form students to attend in full uniform as outlined below. Dress Code. It is important to maintain high standards of personal appearance; the Sixth Form is a place of study and work and the dress code reflects that. To get a better experience, try one of the supported browsers listed here. For health and safety reasons, only proper shoes / trainers /sandals should be worn and heels should be of a reasonable height. All students, both male and female, are expected to wear a formal, plain suit: Shirt: Suit shirt. These are the resources for each of your chosen subjects provided by your teachers for a virtual ‘Transition Day’ You will be asked to show or present this work in the first few weeks after enrolment. At Leventhorpe we have a Sixth Form dress code, rather than a uniform. A copy of the contract is pinned up outside the Head of Sixth Form’s office. Please note that the uniform will be changing in September 2021. The suit can be black, brown, grey or blue; Smart chino trousers are acceptable as long as they are worn with a shirt and tie; Smart shirt with collar or blouse. To help prepare our students for their future careers in professional places of work staff and students have a dress code – this is simply to be smart and professional – we actively encourage individuality. Expensive items of jewellery should be kept at home for security and safety reasons. Fitted shirt or smart top without logos. Sixth Form » Dress Code » Dress Code. Whilst necessary text books can usually be supplied on loan, students will be encouraged to buy their own books to supplement them. Sixth Form students form part of the adult community at KES and as such are expected to dress accordingly. King Edward VI School, Chapel Lane, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire CV37 6BE, UK T: 01789 293351 | F: 01789 293564 | E: Click here to send an email Sixth Form Dress Code . All students in the sixth form at Mulberry UTC must wear smart business dress. If this is the case a member of the Pastoral Team may issue the pupil with a uniform report to encourage them to take pride their appearance. Sixth Form Dress Code. Sixth Form Dress Code All students at RPS are expected to exemplify the highest standards. Sixth Form students are role models for students in lower school, and their standards of dress are an important part of the culture of Whickham. Within this framework, students are free to choose what they wear in the Sixth Form. Menswear. The Trust Sixth Form at Cornwallis Academy expects students to wear smart business attire at all times when on site. Sixth Form Life. Smart, appropriate attire is expected at all times. is a state-funded Academy Trust selective school for boys with a co-educational Sixth Form. DWHS Sixth Form Dress Code Dormers Wells Sixth Form students are role models for the rest of the school and will be expected to uphold and embody the standards expected of pupils in lower years. Clothing should be smart casual. K.E.S. Click to see full Sixth Form Policy Document and Dress code. It will be compulsory for all members of school other than Fifth Years from September 2022. This will also increase respect from younger pupils. tracksuit/jogging pants/football shirts). The sixth form years are often the most memorable of one’s school career, and here at King Edward’s the experience invariably lives up to that billing. School is a learning environment and therefore a place of work. Update my browser now, A virtual visit to The King Edmund School, Supporting your Child with their Learning, Year 11 Transition into Year 12 Preparation, Leggings (unless worn under a suitable length dress/skirt), Sports clothing (e.g. KES. The final decision on whether you are deemed inappropriately dressed will be made by either the Head of Sixth Form or a member of the Senior Leadership Team. A Sixth Former’s life is a considerably different experience from what has come before. All sixth Form students should visibly wear their ID lanyard at all times. Clothing. 646 649 3606. Dress Code. A student’s appearance is not only important in maintaining high standards but is also good preparation for the world of work - where appropriate dress is an expectation. A favourable teacher:student ratio allows us to focus on the individual, and promotes class discussion. Dress Code The Sixth Form is a stage of transition between compulsory education and the world of work or Higher Education. Further information regarding the admission process for September 2021 will be coming soon. Hopefully this website will give you an impression of the school; what it is like to be a member of our community and answer your questions about studying here. The aim of having a Sixth Form dress code is to encourage Sixth Form students to dress appropriately for the school environment, now that they no longer need to wear school uniform. You are required to dress in a manner appropriate to a working environment in which you will be meeting people with a variety of attitudes, and representing our Sixth Form in the community. Martin Boden, Headmaster . Request a Sixth Form Information Pack. Robert Clack Sixth Form Dress Code Sixth form students are important role‐models for our younger students and their attire should reflect the high aspirations and professionalism of the sixth form community. In determining the uniform the School will seek the views of staff, parents and the pupils. We have a compulsory dress code for all sixth form students. Sixth Form Dress Code. Sixth Form students are leaders in the school community, therefore dress and appearance must be appropriate to support and encourage the ethos of the school. Consistently high exam results. Outdoor coats are not to be worn in lessons. We want you to follow the same principles that would apply to any workplace; that you come to Sixth Form dressed in a business-like fashion, ready to work and learn. try one of the supported browsers listed here. About Us. Mon-Sat : 10:30am-6:30pm Sun : 10:30am-5:30pm Dress Code Also in this section. Dress code - Abbeyfield School. Male students and those who identify as male: Suit trousers and suit jacket or blazer, formal shirt (short sleeves are acceptable) with tie that is visible at all times, formal shoes. We do this because we believe our young people need to develop good judgement about the way they dress for life and work. Home » Sixth Form » Westgate Sixth form Dress Code » The beginning of Key Stage 5 is a new chapter in the transition to adulthood. Our aim is to allow your daughter to do this, whilst still presenting a professional image to the rest of the school and to members of the public. Sixth Form lanyard should be worn at all times. What is the Sixth Form Dress Code? Resources for you to complete before September 2020; Summer Work . Hairstyles with stripes, blocks, patterns and shaved lines are not acceptable. Plain leggings. When students enter the Sixth Form they are required to wear smart business dress. Professional business attire is our expectation, because we want you to dress for your future success today. At Hayes Sixth Form, we believe that a smart appearance leads to a smart mind. Shirts and blouses must cover the midriff and need to be tucked in if not fitted. Read More Details of the dress code can be downloaded from the right-hand side. If they arrive after 8.40 and before 8.50 they will be entered as late by the Form Tutor. The rationale behind our dress code is to set a smart, professional tone for our most senior students, as they become young adults. Appearance has a huge impact on overall perceptions of an educational institution. Items of clothing that could be regarded as immodest or inappropriate or which might be a danger either to the wearer or others will not be allowed. Sixth Form Dress Code Expectations: Professional suit with tie / bow tie ( a tie must be worn with the suit). Sixth Form Dress Code. This means that members of the sixth form must maintain consistently high personal standards of dress and smartness of appearance. Sixth Form Dress Code . Sixth Form students are expected to dress appropriately for the school day. In particular, you must not wear: Torn or scruffy clothes. However, we do have expectations in the form of a Dress Code which you are expected to adhere to. Sixth Form Dress Code. Tops with slogans which may be regarded as offensive, aggressive or out of place in a school context. The purpose of this dress code is to reflect the pride Nobelians take in being part of our sixth form, whilst also maintaining the smart appearance of the lower school years. All students who arrive after 8.50 must sign in on the ‘Late Sheet’ designated for their year group. Sixth form dress code at Shenley Brook End We want sixth form students to be smart, to create, and maintain the right tone and to demonstrate the right attitudes. The John Madejski Academy Sixth Form is a place of work and clothes worn here may be different from how students dress when not at school. We do this because we believe our young people need to develop good judgement about the way they dress for life and work. As senior members of the school community, they enjoy an increased level of individual freedom and independence, and the “business dress” code helps define that difference. Hence, our sixth form dress code reflects the principles of dress for the job you want. Students must recognise the importance of setting an example to the younger members of the school community, parents, prospective employers and visitors to the school. All students, both male and female, are expected to wear a formal, plain suit: The School, known to have been in existence from 1295 and re-founded by a Charter of King Edward VI, has a reputation for high academic standards and an outstanding co-curricular programme. Colours as above. Below is the Plumstead Manor Sixth Form dress code. As a member of our Sixth Form, you are granted privileges not afforded to students lower down the school, most significant of which is no formal uniform. There is an expectation that Sixth Form students dress appropriately for ‘smart office wear’. The following offers guidance on … Low cut trousers, shorts or necklines are not permitted. It should be adhered to at all times throughout the academic year. As role models to younger students within the school it is important that our Sixth Form students are dressed appropriately. The group meet on a weekly basis to discuss current issues in the Sixth Form and to spearhead many whole school and Sixth Form initiatives… The John Madejski Academy Sixth Form is a place of work and clothes worn here may be different from how students dress when not at school. Shirts with collars and a top button must be accompanied by a tie. All students are expected to wear business dress that would be appropriate in an office or business environment. We want you to take pride in your personal appearance and always remember that others will be looking up to you as role models. Dress Code. Essentially, students are expected to wear tailored trousers or knee-length skirt/dress, and a collared shirt or blouse with their shoulders covered. Please make sure you buy appropriate clothing to start the new term. Westgate Sixth form Dress Code. No extreme hair colours or styles. To view our 2020 Sixth Form Virtual Information Evening or to request an application pack for 2021, please email Mrs Sheppard. A well-chosen and clear outline of our Dress code ensures that our Sixth Formers are excellent role models to our younger students, whilst it also supports them become accustomed to … The Sixth Form dress code requires students to be smart, well presented and business like. Their views will be considered and taken into account. Dress. The look of the Leventhorpe Sixth Form is “smart business” with our expectation for the Sixth Form to set a good example to the lower school. A tailored jacket with a choice of trousers, skirt or dress. The following table is the Marches Sixth Form Dress Code. In the Sixth Form, students have their own dress code, which should be smart, clean and within the ethos of the School. Skirt. A suit i.e. All Sixth Form students agree to the Dress Code as part of the Home School Agreement Sixth Form Students are expected to adhere to: A smart, two-piece matching suit • Trouser suit – Jacket must match the trousers and be suitable for a traditional and professional workplace. Update your browser to view this website correctly. Click to see full Sixth Form Policy Document and Dress code. However additional clarification is sometimes required: see below. The Governors of King Edward VI School believe that smart School attire is an essential part of the ethos of the School. Crompton House Sixth Form is a centre of excellence for post sixteen education which fully equips its students with the skills and knowledge necessary to live as twenty first century citizens in a multicultural society , focusing on the development of the whole person. This dress code sets the tone for the rest of the school in terms of appearance: Year 12 and 13 students’ dress should be smart, business-like and appropriate to their position as role models for younger students. Click to see full Lower and Upper School Policy Document and Dress code which includes Uniform Details. Our Sixth Form Centre, which opened in September 2013, comprises private study areas, a computer suite and a modern Sixth Form common room with its own catering facility, all allowing for a more independent learning and social environment tailored to Sixth Form life. Only natural hair colours are permitted. If you fail to comply with these guidelines you will be dealt with in line with the Sixth Form Discipline Structure. The dress code for all Sixth Form students is based on smart business wear. Home » Sixth Form » Dress code. For clarification on any clothing, please speak to one of the Sixth Form team. The Trust Sixth Form at Cornwallis Academy expects students to wear smart business attire at all times when on site. We want you to follow the same principles that would apply to any workplace; that you come to Sixth Form dressed in a business-like fashion, ready to work and learn. Trousers. Therefore, Sixth Form students at The Cotswold School are expected to dress smartly, while also having the freedom to express some individuality. Sixth Form students are very important role models for our younger students and it is an expectation that all students are smartly dressed. As senior members of the school community, they enjoy an increased level of individual freedom and independence, and the “business dress” code helps define that difference. The way we present ourselves each day is a tangible sign of our intention and resolve to work hard for and with each other and to be our best in our learning and everything else that we do. Are you a current sixth form student, or thinking of joining us at 16? We encourage all students to wear their uniform with pride, both within the Academy and when they are about in the local community. Dress Code Our sixth form students are both academically and professionally ambitious. No skimpy, low necklines, short skirts or transparent clothing. Sixth Form students are … The Sixth Form is a professional environment and we expect our sixth form students to dress accordingly. Sixth Form Centre. Students are expected to regard Sixth Form dress requirements in a positive manner. This means that members of the sixth form must maintain consistently high personal standards of dress and smartness of appearance. The Sixth Form dress code requires students to be smart, well presented and business like. The look of the Leventhorpe Sixth Form is “smart business” with our expectation for the Sixth Form to set a good example to the lower school. Sixth form students must be a positive influence to students in years 7 to 11 in terms of their appearance as well … We will trust you to follow this guidance closely. Academic Study. A more detailed description can be found below. There is a clear and simple post 16 dress code at BGS and CSS. Students will be sent home if they do not conform to the Dress Code. The Sixth Form Dress Code Students are expected to be dressed to reflect a school-based working environment. Dress Code. This means that members of the Sixth Form must maintain consistently high personal standards of dress and smartness of appearance. For Admissions enquiries, please click here to contact a member of the Sixth Form Team. Sixth Form Dress Code. Robert Clack Sixth Form Dress Code Sixth form students are important role‐models for our younger students and their attire should reflect the high aspirations and professionalism of the sixth form community. Join our Sixth Form. The School is incredibly diverse and this is something that we value and see as a unique strength in that young people experience, first hand, a special, harmonious learning community that acknowledges differences, enhances tolerance and prepares them well for life in a global world that is becoming increasingly challenging. The sixth form dress code is not exhaustive in defining acceptable and unacceptable standards of dress and appearance. The Sixth Form dress code is smart office wear (traditional wear is allowed), the requirements are: Girls: Smart skirt, trousers or dress. Our students have an impressive record of progressing to their chosen higher education destination. Male students and those who identify as male: Suit trousers and suit jacket or blazer, formal shirt (short sleeves are acceptable) with tie that is visible at… Read More »Dress Code Dormers Wells Sixth Form students are role models for the rest of the school and will be expected to uphold and embody the standards expected of pupils in lower years. Sixth form Nobelians are required to maintain a high standard of business-like dress. By joining the Nobel Sixth Form, you agree to adhere to our dress code. Occasionally, a pupil may not meet our uniform expectations. By joining the Nobel Sixth Form, you agree to adhere to our dress code. For boys. We believe that this not only prepares students for their studies but also for life beyond school. It is essential that you adhere to the dress code. Sixth Form Interviews – Saturday 6 March 2021 Sixth Form Results mailed – Friday 12 March 2021 Deadline for Acceptances – Wednesday 24 March 2021. Alongside the freedom of choosing what to wear comes a responsibility to act as role models to the younger students. Sixth Form; Dress Code; Dress Code. The Sixth Form Committee is a student leadership group led by the Head Prefects and comprises the Senior Prefect team and representatives from each of the Year 12 form groups. Smart, Business Dress. Prospective Sixth Form students. A smart-casual look is fine and in practice most students appreciate what this means within a school setting. Jacket/Blazer . Sixth Form » Dress Code » Dress Code. Dress Code Brimsham Green and Chipping Sodbury Home School Sixth Form Dress Code. The aim of having a Sixth Form dress code is to encourage Sixth Form students to dress appropriately for the school environment, now that they no longer need to wear school uniform. If a student’s appearance is not acceptable, he/she will be required to go home to change. Sixth Form students are representatives of the Academy and act as role models. The suit can be black, brown, grey or blue Smart chino trousers are acceptable as long as they are worn with a shirt and tie Smart shirt with collar or blouse. a tailored jacket with trousers. We are currently in consultation with pupils, parents and staff about its design. Students should come into Sixth Form in a business-like and purposeful way. We fully appreciate that young women may wish to express their identity through the way in which they dress. A smart shirt and tie of any colour. The Sixth Form at King Edward’s aims to deliver consistently excellent results in a wide range of A level courses. At Leventhorpe we have a Sixth Form dress code, rather than a uniform. Shirts with […] Sixth Form Dress Code. This section of our web site is specifically relevant to you, including information on our subjects and revision, transport, dress code and more. As a sixth former you no longer need to wear uniform but should dress appropriately for a working environment in school. There is no uniform in the Sixth Form, but all students See the … Sixth Form Dress Code. Sixth Form Dress Code Expectations: Professional suit with tie / bow tie ( a tie must be worn with the suit). For both sexes tops should be smart and discreet. King Edward VII School has a large and very successful Sixth Form. Please open our KES Sixth Form Virtual Transition Day Presentation 2020. Whilst we acknowledge that you wish to express yourself in terms of fashion and taste, you should strive to look as if you are going to work as a young professional. No facial piercings. We aim to nurture a strong sense of maturity in all our students. The purpose of this dress code is to reflect the pride Nobelians take in being part of our sixth form, whilst also maintaining the smart appearance of the lower school years. Professional environment. A copy of the contract is pinned up outside the Head of Sixth Form’s office. A Sixth Former’s life is a considerably different experience from what has come before. Students from other schools and colleges are asked to contact Mrs Ramdin on 01702 545771 extn: 3222 for further details. If you have to stop and think whether what you is wearing is suitable, then is probably not! Many outsiders judge the school by the appearance of its sixth formers. Firefly needs a modern browser, so you may notice things look broken right now. See the tabs on the left for our uniform supplier, Stevensons. Shorts, skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh length. The fabric and colour of both items should be the same, and not include leather, denim, corduroy or tight / stretchy material. Sixth Form - The King Edward VI School. School is a learning environment and therefore a place of work. Sixth Form Life. Contact Mrs Ramdin on 01702 545771, extension 3222, for further details. All Sixth Form students are required to register at 8.40 am in their tutor room. Sixth form Nobelians are required to maintain a high standard of business-like dress. Sixth formers should be smartly dressed at all times and take pride in their appearance, recognising that they are dressing for a formal working environment and helping to set the tone for the rest of the school. A. The school shop that used to be open on the Hill Lane site closed in March 2016. As a minimum skirts and dresses must cover the majority of the thigh. In the First to Fifth Year, students are required to wear School uniform. Sixth Form Dress Code. Tailored suits. 463 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY, 10024. Shorts, skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh length. View our Virtual Taster Event here. Hairstyles should be appropriate for the school environment. Flip flop style sandals are not permitted. Sixth Form Course Guide 2021-22. Our academic standards are high at Sir Isaac Newton Sixth Form and with that comes high expectations of our students. The school shop that used to be open on the Hill Lane site closed in March 2016. A more detailed description can be found below. Vest tops, low cut tops or tops that reveal midriffs are not suitable. Our Sixth Form Centre, which opened in September 2013, comprises private study areas, a computer suite and a modern Sixth Form common room with its own catering facility, all allowing for a more independent learning and social environment tailored to Sixth Form life. Collars and a top button must be covered at all times outlined below for the shop... What they wear in the Sixth Form, you must not wear Torn! And CSS the guidelines, students are required to wear school uniform smart shoes ( no,! Attire is our expectation, because we believe our young people need to develop good judgement about the way dress! Dress and smartness of appearance the world of work home for security and safety reasons only! 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