Elohim: Father God / God the Creator – In the beginning [Elohim] created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1). and God saw that it was good. Jah. In the passage quoted above from Galatians 5:22 , "goodness" is one of the fruits of the indwelling Spirit of God, and in that from Ephesians 5:9 it is described as being, along with righteousness and truth, "the fruit of the light" which Christians had been "made" in Christ. It is one of the words he used in the Psalms (23 times, plus Hosea 2:19) to translate the Hebrew ch-sed when it refers to God's love for his people Israel. One is agathosune which means moral excellence, virtue, worth, honor, righteousness, purity, generosity and lovingkindness. Tools. The word Shaddai is also used by itself in Numbers 24:4, commonly translated as “Almighty”. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The choice between good and evil has lain before people since the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate fruit from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" ( Gen 2:9 ). Asherah, known as the “Lady of the Sea” Asherah, the Shekinah, consort and beloved of Yahweh. It is more than an excellence of character; it is character energized, expressing itself in active good. Hilarare is a verb that means "to gladden" or "to be cheerful!" Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! For human beings goodness involves right behavior, expresses itself in kindness and other praiseworthy qualities, includes avoiding evil, and springs from the inner person. The word “heal” in the Hebrew means: to heal, to restore, to cure, to repair, to make healthful, to mend and to make whole. On our own, we cannot be truly good. God, Goodness Of Certainty God, Titles And Names Of Honesty. He is the Sovereign God, and God of Eternity. Four thousand years ago the Israelites introduced a novel concept to... the world: God is good. It’s interesting that we just come out of a holiday (Thanksgiving), and it truly seems that as soon as dinner is over … Psalms 23:2,6: “ He makes me lie down in green pastures…Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Practically every English translation will translate that last phrase as I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. That’s what the word heaven means in Hebrew and Greek. It is one of the words he used in the Psalms (23 times, plus Hosea 2:19) to translate the Hebrew ch-sed when it refers to God's love for his people Israel. In the beginning, He created – just by the power of His spoken Word. I like looking for redemption and goodness….in people and all Jah. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. The Hebrew word Sabaoth was also absorbed in Ancient Greek (σαβαωθ, sabaōth) and Latin (Sabaoth, with no declension). There are a few Hebrew words meaning “to wait”. God’s lovingkindness, His steadfast, loving actions on our behalf, knows no bounds: “Your lovingkindness is great to the heavens / And Your truth to the clouds” (Psalm 57:10, NASB). Many of these are lost in translation. Nonetheless, it’s certainly a high ranking and only those who are deserving of it can receive it. That’s what the word mercy means in Hebrew and Greek. Eden was a place of purity and goodness, and when Adam and Eve invited sin into the garden, they made a covenant with death and death could not be allowed to exist in God’s good Kingdom. Painting by Jonathon Earl Bowser. The Hebrew word most often translated “lovingkindness” is checed, ... 145:8), everlasting (Jeremiah 33:11; Psalm 100:5), and full of goodness (Psalm 69:17). Verse Concepts. This is not an exhausted completed listing, but these words are here for your learning. For usage information, please read the Baker Book House Copyright Statement. We worship the LORD because He is always good, and His eternal love never fails. There is one Hebrew word which is the key to God’s goodness… See More "Goodness of God" is a song by Bethel Music and Jenn Johnson which was released as the third single from Bethel Music's eleventh live album, Victory (2019), on November 1, 2019. AZLyrics. The Goodness of God In the original Hebrew language of Old Testament Scripture, the word used for the goodness of God, is the same word used for the glory of God. Praise to Yahweh, speaking the glorious attributes, workings, mercy, goodness, power, love, etc. But the most theologically important uses of these words have to do with moral qualities. He is not only good in general, but he is good to us ( Psalm 23:6 ; 68:10 ; 73:1 ; 119:65 ; 145:9 ; Lam 3:25 ; Luke 6:35 ; Rom 2:4 ; 11:22 ; Eph 2:7 ; Titus 3:4 ). It’s interesting that we just come out of a holiday (Thanksgiving), and it truly seems that as soon as dinner is over … These words often appear in a nonmoral sense; a "good" or "good-of-appearance" woman is beautiful ( Gen 6:2 ; 24:16 ; 26:7 ; 2 Sam 11:2 ; Est 1:11 ; Esther 2:2-3 Esther 2:7 ) and a "good" man is handsome ( 1 Sam 9:2 ). The word glory in Hebrew can mean various things. This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like goodness of god.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. Remember God’s Goodness: You know. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we develop goodness and other spiritual fruit that includes love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness, along with faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).Even in a tumultuous world filled with pain and despair, God is good. to God. Finally, if you’re looking for a specific baby name or nationality, make sure to check out one of our many other categories. “My goodness is not apart from You.” Why is this important? The word "goddess" No word for "goddess" exists in Biblical Hebrew. In Scripture, God goodness is described as a rock and refuge. It can mean an amazing social status, honor for those who love God, or praise to God for how awesome He is. so the whole word Tevet from beginning to end is a word full of God’s goodness. Sound 2011: Seven Hebrew Words for Praise Page 2 4. Echad means “one” in Hebrew so this name means “one God… The goodness God's people exhibit shows itself in various moral qualities, notably kindness; hesed [d,s,j], translated "goodness" or "kindness, " serves as one of the major synonyms of tob [b'f], "good, " in the Old Testament. Psalm 65:4 Every good thing is given by God and our response is always gratitude and praise. Hebrew words for goddess include אֵלָה, אֲלִילָה, אל ה, אלת, אָלָה, אֵלֶה, אַלָה and אלה. Because just as much as goodness is an abundance word, abundance is a grace word. HEBREW WORD STUDY – IN THE HEART OF GOD – BABYITH YHWH בבית יהוה. All rights reserved. His goodness is praised in the psalms ( 25:8 ; 34:8 ; 86:5 ; 100:5 ; 118:1 ; 136:1 ; 145:9 ). Because the ancient Hebrew letters were pictures, everything in ancient Hebrew can be explained by something that is tangible. Thanks for sharing! Praise to Yahweh, speaking the glorious attributes, workings, mercy, goodness, power, love, etc. Jesus affirms the Father's goodness when speaking to the rich young ruler ( Matt 19:17 ; Mark 10:18 ; Luke 18:19 ). Trustworthiness The Lord Is God God's Word Is True God's Trustworthiness. The goodness God's people exhibit shows itself in various moral qualities, notably kindness; hesed [חֶסֶד , חֶסֶד], translated "goodness" or "kindness, " serves as one of the major synonyms of tob [טָב], "good, " in the Old Testament. It’s a combination of steadfast love, goodness, forgiveness, strength, lovingkindness, and so much more. Certainly, I cannot imagine the glory of beholding God’s goodness. Hebrew Word of the Day - Goodness, grace, charity, mercy - חֶסֶד. In relation to God, ‘che•sed’ is a part of a well-known phrase which is an endearing attribute, almost another name for God. That’s what the word heaven means in Hebrew and Greek. Browse below for Hebrew Baby Names, which includes gender, meaning and origin. Sound 2011: Seven Hebrew Words for Praise Page 2 4. Moses and Aaron both carried one of these Asherah “poles” as a sacred staff of power. 20 shares. Bible verses about God’s goodness I’ve been a Christian for years and I have not even begun to scratch the surface of truly understanding God’s immeasurable goodness. The Hebrew Goddess. The Hebrew word means KINDNESS, GOODNESS, BENIGNITY (or tolerance in general) It is this expression which is celebrated in the psalm before us. If so, please share this content. B. Bethel Music Lyrics. First said by Moses: In 1 Peter 2:3 Peter echoes the language of Psalm 34:8: "Taste and see that the Lord is good!"'. The Hebrew word Sabaoth was also absorbed in Ancient Greek (σαβαωθ, sabaōth) and Latin (Sabaoth, with no declension). How to say god is good in Hebrew. Proud member There are several Biblical Greek words for God’s goodness in the New Testament. to God. I believe David leaves it to your imagination. Goodness involves not only right behavior but also avoiding its opposite, evil. 20 shares. All in all, God mercy is something that the English language fails to truly capture. So He put together a great plan of salvation. However, that day will come and it will be amazing. What reasons do I have to give thanks to the L ORD? There are exactly 26 Hebrew words before that phrase, and exactly 26 words after it. Good, Goodness. Seven Hebrew Words for Praise. This beautiful phrase has become a part of the Hebrew traditional prayer: ‘E•rch A•pa•yim ve•Rav Che•sed’ (Long Suffering, and Abundant in Goodness) . Find more Hebrew words at wordhippo.com! In the New Testament goodness is a fruit of the Spirit ( Gal 5:22 ), while moral excellence is one of the steps on the "ladder of virtue" ( 2 Peter 1:5 ). i do not write often any more, although i always read the post. So Adam and Eve were exiled out of the garden by their own doing, but it was not God’s plan; it was not what YHWH wanted. And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered [wait: qia’wu] together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. You have said to YHWH, “You are my Lord, I have no good apart from You.” Psalm 16:2 No Goodness – It helps if we see the literal rendering of this verse. Hebrew Translation. It is nearly impossible to think about goodness in the abstract. Little wonder King David became God’s favorite despite his atrocities on the throne as King of God’s nation, Isreal. As clichéd as this phrase may sound, it should not be taken for granted. Thanks for reading! Psalms 23:2,6: “ He makes me lie down in green pastures…Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” What’s more, in the verses leading up to that phrase, the poet speaks of God in the third person: “he” does this and “he” does that. It precisely says that God allows His Gladness/Goodness to flow out of Himself towards others!) Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in English. Healing is an integral part of God’s good nature and His will for every single child of God. El Shaddai means “all sufficient God”. Agathosune is goodness, but it does not spare sharpness and rebuke to produce good in others. I pray you found this article helpful. Psalm 31:19 HEB: מָ֤ה רַֽב־ טוּבְךָ֮ אֲשֶׁר־ צָפַ֪נְתָּ NAS: great is Your goodness, Which KJV: [Oh] how great [is] thy goodness, which thou hast laid up INT: How great is your goodness Which have stored. Tools. God, Goodness Of Certainty God, Titles And Names Of Honesty. Here are 25 verses that describe God’s goodness, praise His goodness, and Scripture that shows how He pours out His goodness into our lives. Her sacred pillars or poles once stood right beside Yahweh’s altar, embracing it. The names of God in Hebrew vary, however, there are a few names that god is best known for… Here are the most popular ones… The Tetragrammaton; The Four-Letter Name: The most popular name of god in Hebrew bible is “YHWH”, however, that name is so special and powerful to the Jewish people, it’s hardly pronounced or written in everyday life. The English word "goodness" includes many pleasing qualities whereas the Greek word indicates one particular quality. Another Hebrew word is checed kindness: pretty, lovingkindness, mercy, beauty, bounty, good deeds, cheer and pleasure. Loving-Kindness.This is a biblical word, invented by Miles Coverdale, and carried over into the English versions generally.It is one of the words he used in the Psalms (23 times, plus Hosea 2:19) to translate the Hebrew chesed when it refers to God's love for his people Israel. Browse below for Hebrew Baby Names, which includes gender, meaning and origin. Finally, if you’re looking for a specific baby name or nationality, make sure to check out one of our many other categories. God-the-Mother. Because God is good, he is good to his people; when people are good they behave decently toward each other, based on God's goodness to them. This page provides all possible translations of the word goodness in the Hebrew language. Certainly, I cannot imagine the glory of beholding God’s goodness. The goodness God's people exhibit shows itself in various moral qualities, notably kindness; hesed [חֶסֶד , חֶסֶד], translated "goodness" or "kindness, " serves as one of the major synonyms of tob [טָב], "good, " in the Old Testament. Those who serve God will "seek good, not evil, hate evil, love good" ( Amos 5:14-15 ). In Scripture goodness always involves particular ways of behaving. Since then God's curse has fallen on "those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter" ( Isa 5:20 ). In the Old Testament God's goodness to his people and their goodness in response is based on the covenant between them. If not for David’s belief in the goodness of God he would have fainted, given up, been depressed, suffered PTSD? We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Brown-Driver-Briggs. The abbreviated form Jah (/ dʒ ɑː /) or Yah (/ j ɑː / ; יהּ, Yah) appears in the Psalms and Isaiah. This is probably due to the fact that no female form of the word אֱלֹהִים 'elohim was in use, leading to the awkward designation of Ashtoreth as a "god." HALAL(1984) – (root word for hallelu-jah) to shine, boast over God, celebrate foolishly -- an abandonment of self and a boasting in the Lord and being in love with the Lord. Tertullian and other patristics used it with the meaning of Army of angels of God. Because the difference in the word order shows us what is emphasized … Merit Badges Read More » Donate to At God’s Table. Little wonder King David became God’s favorite despite his atrocities on the throne as King of God’s nation, Isreal. Yahweh: God – The name of God used most often in the Hebrew Bible is YHWH known as a tetragrammaton (four-letter word). El Shaddai: God Almighty – The all SHABACH means, "to shout, to address in a loud tone, to command, to triumph." Waiting for God. The prefix "ex" just intensified the term! I will be forever grateful for God’s mercy and how He saved me from the devil’s hands. [Hebrew and Aramaic] KJV (108): (vf: Paal, Hiphil) well, good, please, merry, amend, better, accepted, diligently - Strongs: H3190 (יָטַב), H3191 (יְטַב) k m) b u i m (מיתהב MYThB) - Best: KJV (6): best - … Become A Better Singer In Only 30 Days, With Easy Video Lessons! All in all, God mercy is something that the English language fails to truly capture. There is qavah (which we’re focusing on here), yachal (an expectant, hopeful wait), chuwl (writhing, an … The Hebrew word for moon is yareakh (ya-re-AKH), though that isn't the tiny celestial body's name in the Book of Genesis. Regarding the middot ha-lev (qualities of heart) that are to mark the follower of Yeshua, the Apostle Paul wrote, "the fruit of the Spirit (פְּרִי הָרוּחַ) is love, joy, peace; long-suffering, generosity, acts of kindness; faithfulness, humility, and modesty – against such there is no Torah" (Gal. I will be forever grateful for God’s mercy and how He saved me from the devil’s hands. Seven Hebrew Words for Praise HALAL (1984) – (root word for hallelu-jah) to shine, boast over God, celebrate foolishly -- an abandonment of self and a boasting in the Lord and being in love with the Lord. 2 Samuel 16:12 2 Sam 16:12. (Exhilarated is a Latin word. The general biblical words for "good/ goodness" include this idea of right behavior, although the idea is often expressed by means of a more specific term like "upright/uprightness" or "righteous/righteousness.". It is "Kabod," which means "weighty, splendor and majesty." The numerous gods worshipped in the ancient world were terrifying, not compassionate. King David never take the goodness of God over his life for granted; that is why he never misses the opportunity to give thank to God for his goodness. Hence the sayings, “God … you did that again in this one. God is literally exhilarated with His Own Goodness! His goodness is compassionate and never fails. That’s what the word mercy means in Hebrew and Greek. No human will ever be able to comprehend the full extent of God’s goodness. Use it for solving word puzzles, scrambles and for writing poetry, lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses. luzette, i have often read and appreciated your post, and think you speak the truth from the full council of god’s word. The word in Hebrew for unless is lula which has the idea of but for, if not for, etc. For the Christian or the faithful Israelite, goodness has never been a matter of outward behavior alone; it comes from within. The abbreviated form Jah (/ dʒ ɑː /) or Yah (/ j ɑː / ; יהּ, Yahu) appears in the Psalms and Isaiah. Hebrew is read right-to-left so the letters Yōd, Hē, Vav and Hē are taken for consonants and expanded to Yahweh or Jehovah in English. a) For His unchanging mercy /even when we didn’t deserve it. The final letter in Tevet is also “tet”…. Abundance is everywhere, already, here, before you've done or said a thing, before you've earned it, before you've fought for it, before you've proved that you’re worthy of it. King David never take the goodness of God over his life for granted; that is why he never misses the opportunity to give thank to God for his goodness. Tertullian and other patristics used it with the meaning of Army of angels of God. However, that day will come and it will be amazing. A land may be good ( Deuteronomy 1:25 Deuteronomy 1:35 ) and so may gold ( 2 Chronicles 3:5 2 Chronicles 3:8 ), soil ( Luke 8:8 ), a tree ( Matt 7:17 ), wine ( John 2:10 ), or all of creation (seven times in Gen. 1). And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant: KJV, YLT, DARBY. If not for his belief to see the goodness of the Lord. A wise ruler like Solomon, or indeed anyone who wants to obey God, needs the wisdom to tell good from evil ( 1 Kings 3:9 ; Heb 5:14 ). The main Old Testament words for good/goodness come from the Hebrew word tob [b'f] while the most common New Testament words are kalos [kalov"], agathos [ajgaqov"], chrestos [crhstov"], and their cognates. God's appeal to his people to return to the covenant relationship finds expression in a call to simple goodness ( Mic 6:6-8 ). It’s a combination of steadfast love, goodness, forgiveness, strength, lovingkindness, and so much more. The Hebrew word Sabaoth was also absorbed in Ancient Greek (σαβαωθ, sabaōth) and Latin (Sabaoth, with no declension). Salem Media Group. The Hebrew Word for "Good" Question #1: What does the word "good" mean in the first chapter in the Book of Genesis. The abbreviated form Jah (/ dʒ ɑː /) or Yah (/ j ɑː / ; יהּ, Yahu) appears in the Psalms and Isaiah. Human goodness is modeled on divine goodness ( Matt 5:48 ). SHABACH means, "to shout, to address in a loud tone, to command, to triumph." Trustworthiness The Lord Is God God's Word Is True God's Trustworthiness. We've got 0 rhyming words for goodness of god » What rhymes with goodness of god? El Echad אֵל אֶֽחָד. Meanwhile, giving thanks to God for his goodness also unlock numerous blessings from God. Ashtoreth, the goddess of Sidon, is called "the god of Sidon" (אֱלֹהֵי צִדֹנִים) in I Kings 11:5. Hebrew Words for Goodness. And now, O Lord GOD, thou art that God, and thy words be true, and thou hast promised this goodness unto thy servant: KJV, YLT, DARBY. A month beginning with goodness and ending with goodness. Psalm 47:1 O clap your hands, all peoples; shout (shabach) to God with the voice of joy (or triumph). Our loving Heavenly Father has a covenant relationship with us as our healer, restorer, mender, repairer and the one who makes us healthful and whole. I’m a lover of all things good. god noun: אלוהים, אֵל, בַּעַל … Psalm 47:1 O clap your hands, all peoples; shout (shabach) to God with the voice of joy (or triumph). An evil person is evil within ( Gen 6:5 ; Mark 7:14-23 ; and parallels). God, god NASB Translation divine (1), divine being (1), exceedingly (1), God (2326), god (45), God's (14), goddess (2), godly (1), gods (204), great (2), judges (3), mighty (2), rulers (1), shrine* (1). Although we might discuss God's goodness in some abstract philosophical sense, in Scripture his goodness appears most clearly in his dealings with people. The thought of God as good and the prominence given to "good" and "goodness" are distinctive features of the Bible. As His children, on the other hand, we bear goodness only through God. Writer(s): Jason Ingram, Elle Limebear, Ran Jackson . Thanks for reading! KJV: to see the goodness of the LORD INT: had believed see the goodness of the LORD the land. of God's goodness is a bedrock truth of Scripture. God gave this name to Himself in Genesis 17:1 when establishing His covenant with Abram. Hebrew Word of the Day. What an amazing God we serve! Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. This page list all the various possible anagrams for the sentence goodness of god. Verse Concepts. The first time this word shows up in the Bible, however, it was not people who waited… it was the waters: Genesis 1:9-10. This name comes from being in awe of His power displayed throughout nature. I pray you found this article helpful. Loving-Kindness.This is a biblical word, invented by Miles Coverdale, and carried over into the English versions generally.It is one of the words he used in the Psalms (23 times, plus Hosea 2:19) to translate the Hebrew chesed when it refers to God's love for his people Israel. 2 Samuel 16:12 2 Sam 16:12. The word “mercy” in Hebrew is the word HESED. Also, feel free to share any thoughts in the comments below. God is always the perfect expression of His perfect character – here, of His goodness and loyal love. Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Thanks for sharing! The main Old Testament words for good/goodness come from the Hebrew word tob while the most common New Testament words are kalos , agathos , chrestos , and their cognates. Jah. Moses' invitation to Hobab expresses this emphasis: "Come with us and we will treat you well, for the Lord has promised good things to Israel" ( Num 10:29 ). Christian quotes […] Tertullian and other patristics used it with the meaning of Army of angels of God. ness Would you like to know how to translate goodness to Hebrew? Remember God’s Goodness: You know. Meanwhile, giving thanks to God for his goodness also unlock numerous blessings from God. To a Hebrew reader, the Bible is full of word plays, puns, and rhymes, intended to help the hearer remember and learn. Oh, I'm gonna sing of the goodness of God I'm gonna sing, I'm gonna sing 'Cause all my life You have been faithful And all my life You have been so, so good With every breath that I am able Oh, I'm gonna sing of the goodness of God Oh, I'm gonna sing of the goodness of God Submit Corrections. If "goodness" is the general term, these other specific terms show what goodness means in daily living. In the story of creation, the moon is described as the “lesser light” that God created to "rule the night": "And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also" (1:16). In the passage quoted above from Galatians 5:22 , "goodness" is one of the fruits of the indwelling Spirit of God, and in that from Ephesians 5:9 it is described as being, along with righteousness and truth, "the fruit of the light" which Christians had been "made" in Christ. In the New Testament many words describe the specific characteristics and behaviors of good people, including "just/justice, " "righteous/ righteousness, " "holy/holiness, " "pure/ purity, " "gentle/gentleness, " and "kind/kindness." Click Here to go back to GOODNESS homepage » Tub: good things. A few days ago we began a new series that has a connection to the previous series, ‘fruit,’ in its metaphorical manifestation. Cognate: 19 agathōsýnē (from 18 /agathós, "inherently good," see there) – properly, intrinsic goodness (especially as a unique quality and condition, note the -synē suffix); as relating to believers, the goodness that comes from God (Souter) and showing itself in spiritual, moral excellence (virtue). In the same way a good person's good behavior shows a good heart ( Matt 12:33-35 ). Also, feel free to share any thoughts in the comments below. This word can be interpreted as “love, lovingkindness, loyal love, goodness, kindness” – with a forever emphasis of covenant faithfulness. I’m an incurable optimist. ×¢Ö²×Ö´×× ×Ö¼Ö¸×Ö¾××Ö¼×Ö´×, These files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available BibleSupport.com. Question. If so, please share this content. The thought of God as good and the prominence given to "good" and "goodness" are distinctive features of the Bible. HEBREW WORD STUDY – IN THE HEART OF GOD – BABYITH YHWH בבית יהוה. אלוהים הוא טוב Find more words! Below you will read some awesome verses about the goodness of God. It will be amazing thing is given by God and our response is always gratitude and praise expression. 19:17 ; Mark 7:14-23 ; and parallels ): Seven Hebrew words for goddess אֵלָה! The Baker Book House Copyright Statement English language fails to truly capture virtue, worth, honor, righteousness purity... A word full of God as good and the prominence given to `` good '' and `` ''... Should not be truly good `` Kabod, '' which means moral excellence, virtue, worth honor..., generosity and lovingkindness same way a good HEART ( Matt 12:33-35.. Tevet is also “ tet ” … a month beginning with goodness and ending with goodness 6:5 ; Mark ;! Does not spare sharpness and rebuke to produce good in others צִדֹנִים ) in i Kings 11:5 wonder. What reasons do i have to give thanks to the L ORD the... 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