Effect(s) Grandmaster Feline Armor: Mastercrafted Feline Armor x1. Diagram Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword: Mastercrafted Feline Steel Sword x1. The FelineSteel set of swords is a previously closely guarded secret of the School of the Catbuilt around the premise of growing with the witcher's skill level through the various different experience rankings. Grandmaster Feline Set Bonuses: 3 of 6 Equipped: After a Heavy Attack, all Light Attacks gain +5% sword damage (+5% per equipped Feline set) for 5 … The Feline armor set is ideal for sword combat. Source Head into a cave and follow the walls to a gurney where you will find the diagrams for this, Grandmaster Feline Gauntlets and Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword. Witcher Item Grandmaster Feline Witcher Armor Set Level 5 Welcome to my listing. Bonus for 6 pieces: Rear attacks deal 50% more damage, and also stun opponents at the cost of 1 Adrenaline Point(s). 10. 2.36 Attributes Find a small sack at the end of the cave, inside you will find Diagram: Grandmaster Feline steel sword, Diagram: Grandmaster Feline silver sword, Diagram: Grandmaster Feline gauntlets and Lexandre's journal. To craft this item, you will need to acquire Diagram: Grandmaster Feline steel sword, obtain the needed number of required Components, then visit a Craftsman with the required Type and Level, and pay the cost to craft it.The complete information needed to craft this item can be found below. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It would be much cooler if the bonuses kicked in for 2 and 4 piece sets. Thanks. Source One needs all the previous Feline silver sword diagrams to craft the grandmaster version as one of the required crafting components is the Feline silver sword - … Grandmaster Feline Gauntlets, Steel Sword, and Silver Sword. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Information Inside a cave, after defeating 2 Archespores you will find the Grandmaster Feline steel sword, Grandmaster Feline silver sword and Grandmaster Feline gauntlets diagrams. Find below a searchable list of all Weapon item codes and spawn commands from Witcher 3 on Steam (PC / Mac). Inside a cave, after defeating 2 Archespores you will find the Grandmaster Feline steel sword, Grandmaster Feline silver sword and Grandmaster Feline gauntlets diagrams. Lynx School silver sword 4 Weight These item IDs can be used to the additem console command to spawn items into your game. there is a string of red text that says something like "Witcher set bonuses only apply once upgraded to Grandmaster". I tried getting half and half. Tier Grandmaster Feline steel sword Grandmaster Feline silver sword is a craftable silver sword and is part of the Cat School Gear in the Blood and Wine expansion. The Cat School Gear (also known as the Feline School Gear) consists of armor, boots, gauntlet, trousers, a silver sword, a steel sword, and a crossbow. The Grandmaster Armor is an awesome set to have in The Witcher 3. Video guide to the location: It can also provide high protection against enemy's close … Monster Blood x1: Grandmaster Feline Armor: Mastercrafted Feline Armor x1. Craft STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE BASIC to GRANDMASTER BEGINNERS TIPS COMPLETE CRAFTING WALKTHROUGH This video is a comprehensive crafting guide for The Witcher 3. Unfortunately, there are much better swords than the default witcher sets, so I rarely get the six piece bonus. Griffin Witcher Gear Set (Grandmaster) This is a page about Grandmaster Feline silver sword, a Witcher Item-tier weapon in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The FelineSteel set of swords is a previously closely guarded secret of the School of the Catbuilt around the premise of growing with the witcher's skill level through the various different experience rankings. Grandmaster Wolven Armor; Grandmaster Griffin Set; Grandmaster Feline Armor; Grandmaster Ursine Set; He also sells all kinds of local armor and outfits, which is great if you want to cosplay a native Toussaintian. Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword: Mastercrafted Feline Steel Sword x1. IE, ('Lynx Armor 3') is a Feline mastercrafted chest piece, so logically ('Lynx Armor 4') would be the grandmaster variant. As far as grand master sets go, I've only used Manticore, Feline, Wolven, and Griffin, and I've enjoyed the bonuses from Griffin the best. Grandmaster Feline silver sword Grandmaster Feline Steel & Silver Sword, Gauntlets The final diagrams are located in a monster den a bit south from the swamp (north of Dulcinea Windmill). +10% Critical hit chance+15% Chance to cause bleeding+10% Chance to dismember+5% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans. Grandmaster Feline steel sword is a craftable steel sword and is part of the Cat School Gear in the Blood and Wine expansion. Set Bonus: Before we dive in to finding each piece, it is important to note the benefits of the Grandmaster Feline Armor. That ♥♥♥♥ is boring and to long. Component(s) 3 Grandmaster Ursine Trousers, Boots, and Steel Sword Location The next location is a cave to the northwest of Flovive. Quest completed. This page contains the walkthrough for Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Feline Gear, a side quest in The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine. #5 – Grandmaster Feline Silver Sword – 1:53 #6 – Grandmaster Feline Gauntlets – 1:53. The Feline swords make for an excellent recommendation whether you’re in the early-game or the late-game. After killing the archespores, loot the bag at the end of the cave to get the last three grandmaster Feline diagrams: steel sword, silver sword… Directly underneath the ruins at the Hanse Base is a Monster Den containing the diagrams for both grandmaster swords and the gauntlets. Feline: Bonus for 3 pieces Strong Attacks increase Fast Attack damage for 5 seconds by 10% for each piece of the set. For real, Who feels like going around the world to get multiple sets of the same armor just to get the Grandmaster version. Enriched Dimeritium Ingot x2. Enriched Dimeritium Plate x2. It can also provide high protection against enemy's close-ranged attacks. Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Feline Gauntlets, Steel Sword, and Silver Sword. Grandmaster Feline Steel Swordis a Steel Weaponin the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine Expansion. The Grandmaster Feline silver sword is a silver sword and part of the Cat School gear in the "Blood and Wine" expansion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.. The final series of Grandmaster Feline diagrams are found in a cave called the … #4. It provided good resistance, damage output and adrenaline gain. Monster Liver x2. The Grandmaster Feline Witcher Gear Set can only be found in the Blood and Wine DLC (Scavenger Hunt: Grandmaster Cat School Gear Upgrade Diagrams). Grandmaster Feline steel sword is a craftable steel sword and is part of the Cat School Gear in the Blood and Wine expansion. Diagram Lynx School steel sword 4 The Witcher 3. Toddgranit 3 years ago #5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Guide to Romance. Grandmaster Legendary Feline Armor Set. 19 Feline Silver Sword. +10% Critical hit chance+15% Chance to cause bleeding+10% Chance to dismember+20% Bonus experience from monsters. User Info: Toddgranit. If you found this guide useful, please leave feedback and share the article with others, so that it may … How to Craft Grandmaster Feline silver sword. ... ('Lynx School steel sword 3') These are not for the Grandmaster set. Chronos. Bonus for 6 pieces: Rear attacks deal 50% more damage, and also stun opponents at the cost of 1 Adrenaline Point(s). Probably. When you go into the cave, keep following the walls until you reach a gurney. interesting,im lvl 21 right now so i was thinking about getting the ursine armor with swords but i might get the feline armor,is it a bad idea to use the ursine swords with the feline armor? One needs all the previous Feline steel sword diagrams to craft the grandmaster version as one of the required crafting components is the Feline steel sword - … This is a page about Grandmaster Wolven silver sword, a Witcher Item-tier weapon in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Guide to Romance. https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Grandmaster_Feline_silver_sword?oldid=520410. Grandmaster Feline Set Bonuses: 3 of 6 Equipped: After a Heavy Attack, all Light Attacks gain +5% sword damage (+5% per equipped Feline set) for 5 … ... 1 Grandmaster Gauntlets, Steel Sword and Silver Sword. Enriched Dimeritium Ingot x2. From shop Superblades. ... you'll have five new quests, one for each of the sets: Wolven, Feline, Ursine, Griffin, and Manticore. Grandmaster Ursine Trousers, Boots, and Steel Sword Location The next location is a cave to the northwest of Flovive. Speak with the vendor and exhaust every dialogue option — other than buying / selling goods. Interesting because the game said something about needing to upgrade my crossbow to the Grandmaster Ursine level. additem('Lynx School steel sword 4') ... Basically just add one more to the commands for the mastercrafted to get the grandmaster. Leather Scraps x2. The Grandmaster Feline set may not look the best, but it when all of the buffs are stacked it can allow one melee hit to do almost 160% more damage – which is … The player cannot find them naturally in the game world and Geralt must forge them himself. Grandmaster Feline silver sword is a craftable silver sword and is part of the Cat School Gear in the Blood and Wine expansion. One needs all the previous Feline silver sword diagrams to craft the grandmaster version as one of the required crafting components is the Feline silver sword - mastercrafted. Monster Blood x1. Type Visual appearance. Monster Heart x2. That ♥♥♥♥ is boring and to long. Medium armor increases Sign and Stamina regeneration and is, therefore, best for those seeking a mage build. You must find the bag shown on the above picture. There are actually two nearby caves, and you want to drop into the one that’s right next to the water and has a stream flowing through it. Read on for information about this weapon's components, its price and weight, how to craft and upgrade it, and other properties. Those who prefer a light armor set with damage bonuses should seek out the Cat School Gear's grandmaster upgrade diagrams. Weight Next Grandmaster Witcher Gear Feline School Gear Prev Grandmaster Witcher Gear Manticore School Gear. I found though that 15% chance for quen is too low so i traded the chest armor with feline for additional damage and kept the ursine swords for adrenaline gain and massive crit damage. Grandmaster Feline steel sword In general, we can say that light armor allows for quick, nimble movement that focuses on critical and fast attacks. Look for a simple armor and sword shop. Finally, heavy armor increases maximum HP and strong attacks, which helps if you want to build a tank, and favors swordplay. Armor Bonuses: The Witcher Sword - Swords of Geralt of Rivia - Great Sword and Feline Sword Superblades. To craft this item, you will need to acquire Diagram: Grandmaster Feline silver sword, obtain the needed number of required Components, then visit a Craftsman with the required Type and Level, and pay the cost to craft it.The complete information needed to craft this item can be found below. The Grandmaster legendary Feline steel sword is a steel sword and part of the Cat School gear in the "Blood and Wine" expansion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.. Crafting Leather Scraps x2. +15% Aard Sign intensity+10% Critical hit chance+15% Chance to cause bleeding+10% Chance to dismember+5% Bonus experience from humans and nonhumans Witcher Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Slots This is a completely handmade, high quality cosplay based on the witcher costume, worn by Geralt of Rivia in the videogame. Inside a cave, after defeating 2 Archespores you will find the Grandmaster Feline steel sword, Grandmaster Feline silver sword and Grandmaster Feline gauntlets diagrams. +15% Aard Sign intensity+10% Critical hit chance+15% Chance to cause bleeding+10% Chance to dismember+20% Bonus experience from monsters Find a small sack at the end of the cave, inside you will find Diagram: Grandmaster Feline steel sword, Diagram: Grandmaster Feline silver sword, Diagram: Grandmaster Feline gauntlets and Lexandre's journal. The Feline armor set is ideal for sword combat. Grandmaster Feline Silver Sword Information . Crafting Mastercrafted Armor, Gauntlets, Trousers, and Boots. Infused Slyzard Hide x2. Slots Grandmaster Legendary Feline Armor Set. Note: set bonuses apply only to Grandmaster level items. Bonus for 3 pieces: Strong Attacks increase Fast Attack damage for 5 seconds by 10% for each piece of the set. This can be found south of the northern swap and north of Dulcinea Windmill. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Enhanced Feline Gear is level 2 update of the basic Feline / Cat School Gear. One needs all the previous Feline steel sword diagrams to craft the grandmaster version as one of the required crafting components is the Feline steel sword - mastercrafted. The third and final chest contains the rest of … Monster Liver x2. #1 – Grandmaster Feline Armor – 0:05 #2 – Grandmaster Feline Trousers – 1:19 #3 – Grandmaster Feline Boots – 1:19 #4 – Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword – 1:53 #5 – Grandmaster Feline Silver Sword – 1:53 #6 – Grandmaster Feline Gauntlets – 1:53. Infused Slyzard Hide x2. https://witcher.fandom.com/wiki/Grandmaster_Feline_steel_sword?oldid=520411. In order to forge the Cat School Gear, the player needs to track down the diagrams for each one. Now go to the left room which you haven't explored yet. All packed and ready to return back to Lafarque, the grandmaster armourer. In the crafting screen, if you select one of the Witcher crossbows (Ursine & Feline?) Component(s) Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. THIS ONE HAS A HOOD! 1 × Feline silver sword - mastercrafted2 × Leather scraps2 × Enriched dimeritium ingot1 × Sapphire1 × Monster tooth The player cannot find them naturally in the game world and Geralt must forge them himself. With the new DLC, Witcher sets now receive special bonuses at 3 and 6 pieces equipped. Silver sword Attributes Craft Item ID LOOK AT THIS HOOD!!!! Grandmaster Feline Silver Sword is a Silver Sword in the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine Expansion. Last but not least, you can find some fancy horse gear in his shop – all the pieces have the same stats, but they look different. Steel sword In order to forge the Cat School Gear, the player needs to track down the diagrams for each one. Weapons are any item that has purpose or use for combat, including swords, bows, crossbows and axes. Head inside the cave and use Witcher Senses to find the chest straight ahead. The set bonus for … Witcher Item … PSN: tbgranit. Read on for information about this weapon's components, its price and weight, how to craft and upgrade it, and other properties. The Aerondight is The Witcher 3’s best silver sword, but it’s only available if you’ve either purchased the Blood and Wine DLC or have the GOTY edition that includes the expansion by default. Griffin Witcher Gear Set (Grandmaster) Time to acquire the remaining pieces of your new gear. ... Silver sword Steel sword Chest armor Boots Trousers 3 Type Tier All packed and ready to return back to Lafarque, the grandmaster armourer. I have been playing the game on a deathmarch for some time and I recently finished building all the Grandmaster feline gear. This final grouping of … Bonus for 3 pieces: Strong Attacks increase Fast Attack damage for 5 seconds by 10% for each piece of the set. Type the name or spawn code of a Witcher 3 item into the search box below to instantly search our database. Wearing 3 pieces of the Grandmaster Feline … Item ID Type the name or spawn code of a Witcher 3 item into the search box below to instantly search our database. Quest completed....And concluded in a cave known as the Pits of Brume, where diagrams had patiently waited long years for one who would find them. There are actually two nearby caves, and you want to drop into the one that’s right next to the water and has a stream flowing through it. 2.36 How to Craft Grandmaster Feline steel sword. 5 out of 5 stars (330) 330 reviews $ 114.97 FREE shipping Bestseller Favorite Add to Witcher Sword 3: Wild Hunt Geralt of Rivia Limited edition BATTLE READY Silver Sword PartytimesHK. Information Below is a searchable list of 4231 item codes from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on Steam (PC / Mac). Last but not least, you can find some fancy horse gear in his shop – all the pieces have the same stats, but they look different. Feline Steel Sword location Around the middle of the map, just south of the Glory Gate you probably used to enter Novigrad, is Drahim Castle. The Witcher 3allows players to choose from three armor types. 10. Grandmaster Wolven Armor; Grandmaster Griffin Set; Grandmaster Feline Armor; Grandmaster Ursine Set; He also sells all kinds of local armor and outfits, which is great if you want to cosplay a native Toussaintian. Find below a searchable list of all Weapon item codes and spawn commands from Witcher 3 on Steam (PC / Mac). Witcher Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 1 × Feline steel sword - mastercrafted2 × Leather scraps2 × Enriched dimeritium ingot1 × Sapphire1 × Monster blood Viper swords (Steel & Silver) The very best starter swords on offer, and the first gear set that you … Sapphire x1. Went for Ursine swords and Chest armor and Feline for the rest. Enriched Dimeritium Plate x2. Witcher 3: Grandmaster Feline Sword vs Aerondight? Bonus for 6 pieces Rear attacks deal 50% more damage, also stun opponents at the cost of 1 Adrenaline Point(s). This is the Grandmaster Feline Build that got me through B+W in Death March (Current Level: 52) 4 Greater Red Mutagen Muscle Memory 5/5 Precise Blows 5/5 Whirl 5/5 Strength Training 5/5 Rend 5/5 Sunder Armor 5/5 Razor Focus 1/5 Resolve 5/5 Cat School Techniques Acquired Tolerance 5/5 Heightened Tolerance 5/5 Metabolic Control Mutation: Euphoria unlocked 2 Mutation Slots Synergy … The schematics will be next to it. No it didn't. Sapphire x1. 472 - 576 Silver Damage +15% Aard Sign intensity +10% Critical hit chance +15% Chance to cause bleeding +10% Chance to dismember +20% Bonus experience from monsters The following is a walkthrough showing how to find the Grandmaster Feline Armor. The Witcher 3 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies #1 – Grandmaster Feline Armor – 0:05 #2 – Grandmaster Feline Trousers – 1:19 #3 – Grandmaster Feline Boots – 1:19 #4 – Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword – 1:53 #5 – Grandmaster Feline Silver Sword – 1:53 #6 – Grandmaster Feline Gauntlets – 1:53. It will be made for your special order, according to all of your measurements. Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword, Silver Sword, and Gauntlets Location At the final nearby diagram location, you’ll find a monster Den and a cave. Effect(s) Grandmaster Feline silver sword Weapons are any item that has purpose or use for combat, including swords, bows, crossbows and axes. Requirements to craft. Weapon Specs. ... Grandmaster Wolven silver sword, Diagram: Grandmaster Wolven steel sword and Diagram: Grandmaster Wolven gauntlets. The Cat School Gear (also known as the Feline School Gear) consists of armor, boots, gauntlet, trousers, a silver sword, a steel sword, and a crossbow. / Cat School Gear, the player needs to track down the for... Piece of the Grandmaster version the following is a Monster Den containing the for... Playing the game world and Geralt must forge them himself below to instantly search our database Blood:. And grandmaster feline sword straight ahead on a deathmarch for some time and I recently finished building all the armourer... You must find the chest grandmaster feline sword ahead, we can say that light set! Through the website below is a completely handmade, high quality cosplay based on the above.... Search box below to instantly search our database both Grandmaster swords and chest armor and for. 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