It's great. Idioms good for, [be + ~] certain to repay (money owed): I'm sure she's good for that debt. Information and translations of good to know in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. All Free. A: She’s really strict about citations so … How to use know in a sentence. The fact that you know such a thing is great. (I'm) happy about it. "good to know." True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline. No Good . Goodness is part of God’s nature, and He cannot contradict His nature. Knowing it is great. How to say good to know in sign language? When good is used as a noun, no can quantify or modify it. So when asked "hey, what do ya know? This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to get into some heavy-duty dirty talk, but it does mean that being open with feedback, direction, and suggestions can only lead to good things. Get answers by asking now. 0 0. Meaning of good to know. It's good to know that people look up to me, but the real thing is : Everybody is capable of doing whatever they want to do in life, i hope I created a thing that's going to transcend to more kids so they believe in themselves first and foremost. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. What does good to go expression mean? The numerical value of good to know in Chaldean Numerology is: 7, The numerical value of good to know in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4. And while you will find many locals who speak English, Greeks (and anyone for that matter) always appreciate it when you try to speak their native language, even if it is just saying a few words. (n.) overindulgence in food or drink (Helen’s fried chicken tastes so divine, I don’t know how anyone can call gluttony a sin.) It's good to know that people look up to me, but the real thing is : Everybody is capable of doing whatever they want to do in life, i hope I created a thing that's going to transcend to more kids so they believe in themselves first and foremost. The composition is considered one of Guthrie's best songs, defining his style, and demonstrating his "increasing comfort with writing topical songs about the poor and downtrodden". good to know means that its useful info which is not useful to you. There are no sharks in this ocean. haughty (adj.) Learn more. It’s nice to know that there’s someone nearby if she needs help. 52 words that make you sound smart when you use them.These words are great vocabulary builders. Fever is a common symptom of COVID-19 but it doesn't always mean you should see a doctor. What does good to go expression mean? (I'm) happy for you. Someone gives you relevant information like "She like blue" and you want to buy a gift for her you say "good to know" or. 'We're good to go'=we're ready for action. Kevin Na’s victory Sunday at the Sony Open almost didn’t happen after Na pulled a rib on Wednesday. Good to see you. GOOD TO KNOW The symbol ! gratuitous (adj.) Holiness and righteousness are part of God’s nature; He cannot do anything that is unholy or unrighteous. The answer to the meaning … means factorial. to understand as true: I know the sun will come up tomorrow. slang To be well-informed, especially about a topic that is not widely known. What do they mean by 'good to know'? 18 Jan. 2021. This tells you to multiply all integers from 1 through the number to which the symbol is attached. In Western philosophy: Philosophy …Form is that of the Good. Meaning of good to know. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate image within your search results please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. The song’s chorus, “So long, it’s been good to know you,” carries a dual meaning as people both fled from the dust storms and saw them as the end of the world. Mandatory access control schemes can also audit accesses, in order to determine if need to know has been violated. Find another word for know. (I'm) glad to hear that. What does good to know mean? Helpful information is the best way I can put it. At times, there’s no difference, and they can be used interchangeably. You might use “hear” if you actually heard it. Figure 5-8 Carrier and sideband amplitudes for different modulation indexes of FM signals based on the Bessel functions. good to know adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." Also, if anyone ever said "It feels good to hear from you" to me--in writing or when speaking--I would probably assume that one of us had terminal cancer. You've seen all his movies, you … A definition is a statement which captures the meaning, the use, the function and the essence of a term or a concept.” Why bother defining stuff at all? Learn what sheen means, and discover the difference it can make in your space. The phrase “good to know” is one which is spoken by millions of people whenever they are told a useless fact, whether out of sarcasm or sincerity. means 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 5 120. You've seen all his movies, you … We truly appreciate your support. C. cizutoca Member. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English it’s nice to know (that) it’s nice to know (that) KIND used to mean that you feel happier when you know something I still haven’t heard any news – it would be nice to know what’s happening. Moreover, Adam, Eve, their descendants, and the world were not improved by that which is contrary to God and eternally destructive. good to know adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." If they could not know good, they could not know that which defines God’s character and therefore could not have known and loved Him. like if someone tells you lizards live in the dessert and you do not care or you know you say "good to know". To become acquainted with (someone or something). ; to be acquainted with: I know her sister. 45 synonyms of know from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 25 related words, definitions, and antonyms. At times, there’s no difference, and they can be used interchangeably. The numerical value of good to know in Chaldean Numerology is: 7, The numerical value of good to know in Pythagorean Numerology is: 4. What does good to know mean? Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! I'm going out there and competing, trying to stay as clean as possible and it's nice knowing the game is going to be fair, it's good to know they are going out there and digging out the guys who have been cheating. A vocabulary list featuring 100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know. ... Idioms good and, This phrase is used to mean "very'' and comes before an adjective or adverb to express intensity: The coffee is good and hot. Watch this and find out. ; to be aware of: I know his eyes are green. To say that God is good means that God always acts in accordance to what is right, true, and good. See more. feel-good definition: 1. causing happy and positive feelings about life: 2. causing happy and positive feelings about…. 0 1. Know definition: If you know a fact, a piece of information , or an answer , you have it correctly in your... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples T E Morris. A way of telling someone they just told you something they don't give a fuck about. Explanation of the English phrase "good to know": If someone gives you useful information, you can say this. See also: know. to understand as true: I know the sun will come up tomorrow. . What does good to know mean? English - United States Jan 5, 2015 #2 Please give us the complete sentence, cizutoca, with some context. 4. Now I get to meet and know … See more. 06/12/2016 05:16 pm ET Updated Jun 13, 2017 Decorum must prevail when you're in the office, so nasty-nice code words and phrases stand in for candor. Ok, so it's good to know there's an infinite series, but it's also good to know you can chop it off and do business with a few terms. That's good to know! uncalled for, unwarranted (Every evening the guy at the fish and chip shop gives me a gratuitous helping of vinegar.) American Heritage Dictionaries normally feature about 70,000 entries. "good to know." Thanks for your vote! God is love. Does flat fit you best, or should you go glossy? Thanks for your vote! Know definition, to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and with certainty: I know the situation fully. ; to be acquainted with: I know her sister. Define know. Definition. Learn more. But where there is love, there is meaning. Still, the way they do it is more humane than what he did to my family. Email This BlogThis! idiom. Its not what he deserves but it will be good to know we got as much justice as allowed by the law. (reassuring) buono a sapersi inter interiezione: Esclamazione: Perbacco!, dai!, forza!, oh no! Acronym Definition; G2K: Getting to Know: G2K: Godzilla 2000 (movie): G2K: Global 2000 (Forbes annual ranking): G2K: Good to Know: G2K: Gateway 2000 "So Long, It's Been Good to Know Yuh" (originally titled "Dusty Old Dust") is a song by American folk musician Woody Guthrie first released in 1935, and part of his album Dust Bowl Ballads. What does good to go expression mean? Meaning of good to know. Ask Carrie who's going to get the promotion—she's on the executive board, so she's in the know about a lot of things. I track mass data through Human Communications. So when asked "hey, what do ya know? Tags god, love, meaning; Topics. 8 years ago. How to use know in a sentence. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. I've heard he has a gorgeous brother. still, the way they do it is more humane than what he did to my family. --> "good to hear" is used usually when someone tells you good news about something/somebody that makes you happy| Very similar, almost interchangeable. Get the most popular abbreviation for Good To Know updated in 2021 Synonyms: comprehend, grasp, understand… Antonyms: miss… Find the right word. 18 Jan. 2021. (Thanks for telling us what you think it means. To become acquainted with (someone or something). good to go phrase. abhor. I've been really working hard, 2018 was my off year to get some speed in and I think it has worked pretty well along with the strength and conditioning work and it's really good to know I just ran a life time best here. They allow us to assess situations better, have more meaningful conversations, and make better decisions. good to go phrase. Evil Helps Nothing. it's good to know. By Holly H. Date Updated: November 13, 2019. A good rule of thumb is that you should sit at a distance from the TV that is three times more than the height of the screen for HD and just 1.5 times the screen height for 4K Ultra HD. Definition of good to go in the Idioms Dictionary. You don't always win your battles, but it's good to know you fought. The correct way to use them isn’t that clear cut. ~ You may also like: Woody Guthrie, “I An’t Got No Home in This World Anymore” (Victor 26624, 1940; Dust Bowl Ballads, Volume 2, Victor P-28, 1940) Posted by Rico Detroit at 6:00 AM. It is great to know. Military phrase, used to denote readiness. It s commonly used by sales people, it s an offensive question engineered to put someone on the spot and to assert the upper hand. translation and definition "it's good to know", Dictionary English-English online. (v.) to hate, detest (Because he always wound up getting hit in the head when he tried to play … before the process of knowing starts: Tomorrow Bob's family are coming here. Synonym for That's good to know --> "good to know" is used when you find out information that is beneficial to you. (I'm happy for you to like it.) SINCE 1828. You know all the facts about his life: when he was born, where he went to school, his favorite hair gel, and so on. One should not seek to know and understand the meaning of life. But if knowing good requires knowing evil, the entrance of sin was a good thing … 8 years ago. There is no point in life, and that is exactly what makes it so special. But where there is love, there is meaning. (I'm happy about the fact that you liked it.) Consumer Reports tells you what you need to know about fever and COVID-19. How to say good to know in sign language? A vocabulary list featuring 52 Interesting Words to Know. This is the end of a horror story for the Vicha family. It is “beyond being and knowledge,” yet it is the foundation of both. too good to be true definition: 1. so good that it is hard to believe, or seeming very good but not real: 2. so good that it is…. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. All things good to know are difficult to learn. Know: to have a practical understanding of. This directly leads into what I believe to be the first oversimplification: “all things good to know” is a relative term, meaning each individual first gets to decide what information is important for him or her to know. good to know synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'goods',goodly',god',goodbye', definition. wordsalad Senior Member. know synonyms, know pronunciation, know translation, English dictionary definition of know. Wow good to know. Giga-fren. Without love, everything becomes pointless. Still have questions? Web. Holiness and righteousness are part of God’s nature; He cannot do anything that is unholy or unrighteous. Definition of good to go in the Idioms Dictionary. It's good to see you doing that.). "To get to do sth" means to get the opportunity to do it, So you can get to know someone way before you actually meet or know them, i.e. QED. Sin kills and destroys. 2 words for each letter in the alphabet. What does get-to-know mean? Gryphn. 0 0. Anonymous. Information and translations of good to know in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The words are fun to say and have a cool meaning. English - US Dec 16, 2014 #3 (It's) good to hear that. Its not what he deserves but it will be good to know we got as much justice as allowed by the law. It was good to know he was willing to protect others, but then it was sad he had to give up his own life for it. Creativity (1) Health (1) Meditation (1) Self-knowledge (4) Theology (1) Uncategorized (2) Work (1) Top Posts. ‘Small up yuhself’ A useful expression to know when using crowded buses or taxis; Small up yuhself quite literally means to make some room. God is the standard of all that is good. I'd aim more for "It was good hearing from you" or something a tad closer to casual. 'Good to hear that!' The correct way to use them isn’t that clear cut. Define know. Example sentences with "it's good to know", translation memory . How to abbreviate Good To Know? We truly appreciate your support. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate image within your search results please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. It’s good to know that challenges are designed to make me and not to break me. Learn more. Paint; Home Décor; You've picked a color, so what sheen should you use? Greeks know that their language is hard, so they don’t expect you to master it at all. New York. : I'm happy to be aware of that! Need to know is often concurrently applied with mandatory access control schemes, in which the lack of an official approval (such as a clearance) may absolutely prohibit a person from accessing the information. The phrase “good to know” is one which is spoken by millions of people whenever they are told a useless fact, whether out of sarcasm or sincerity. Good to Know: What Sheen Means. GAMES BROWSE THESAURUS WORD OF THE DAY WORDS AT PLAY. Know definition is - to perceive directly : have direct cognition of. ... Good to Know; Good to Me; good to see you; good to see you again; Good to see you again. good to know. For example, 5! It s commonly used by sales people, it s an offensive question engineered to put someone on the spot and to assert the upper hand. Definition of good to know in the dictionary. . Flag. Definition of good to know in the dictionary. As a full sentence, you would say “That’s good to know.” However, in spoken English “good to know” is more common. feel-good definition: 1. causing happy and positive feelings about life: 2. causing happy and positive feelings about…. Not good means something is bad or undesirable. Here’s something that’s good to know: No good means something has no use or value, and has no potential of becoming good. Every workplace has its jargon, its code words. Not good means something is bad or undesirable. good to know means that its useful info which is not useful to you. like if someone tells you lizards live in the dessert and you do not care or you know you say "good to know". Plus, many words in use in the English language were borrowed from other languages. "Great to know" means that for some reason you are better now than you were before you knew whatever it is that's "great to know" 0 0. pup in a cup99. This is because need to know can be a subjective assessment. (reassuring) bueno saberlo loc adj locución adjetiva : Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo ("de fácil manejo", "a contraluz", "de fiar"). Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Can please someone give me a formal replacement for "It's good to hear that... / I'm glad to know that..." Florentia52 Modwoman in the attic. Information and translations of good to know in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. good - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Definition of good to know in the dictionary. good to talk to you; Good to talk to you. LOG IN; REGISTER; settings. Goodness is part of God’s nature, and He cannot contradict His nature. Source(s): me 0 1 Paige is in the know, so if she says that's the best restaurant in town, we definitely have to go there. The point still stands that these facts are “good to know.” That’s just one example, but another would be to look at the specific dreams, goals, and aspirations of certain individuals. 3 ways to abbreviate Good To Know. “Being” in this context does not mean existence, but something specific—a human, a lion, or a house—being recognizable by its quality or shape. I don't believe that it is an idiom. Here’s something that’s good to know: No good means something has no use or value, and has no potential of becoming good. ", the appropriate response is to say "I know that I m too busy for open ended questions". Acronym Definition; G2K: Getting to Know: G2K: Godzilla 2000 (movie): G2K: Global 2000 (Forbes annual ranking): G2K: Good to Know: G2K: Gateway 2000 What does get-to-know mean? Source(s): me. Know definition is - to perceive directly : have direct cognition of. by beyonce27 May 24, 2014. Good definitions are valuable assets. Friendly reminder for the ~purists~ – all words were made up at some point. We just arranged the party. ; to be aware of: I know his eyes are green. SAVED WORDS … Here's how to decipher passive-aggressive workplace communication. (which is to say it's both overly formal and overly intimate at the same time for most situations). Some buzzwords and insider phrases are industry-specific; others are just … To say that God is good means that God always acts in accordance to what is right, true, and good. Get instant definitions for any word that hits you anywhere on the web! It's not a nice feeling knowing you are putting your all out there and somebody else is cheating. Web. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. It means what you think it means. That's good to know! Wisconsin. 1 decade ago. That's useful to know! Good definition, morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man. Here are 15 Jamaican Patois phrases to know and use on your next visit to Jamaica. You know all the facts about his life: when he was born, where he went to school, his favorite hair gel, and so on. Understand good to know meaning and enrich your vocabulary ", the appropriate response is to say "I know that I m too busy for open ended questions". God is the standard of all that is good. know synonyms, know pronunciation, know translation, English dictionary definition of know. Life has no meaning, but as humans we try to associate a meaning or purpose so we can justify our existence. Sound smart when you use, especially about a topic that is unholy or unrighteous is unholy or unrighteous what... Eyes are green virtuous ; righteous ; pious: a good thing … good to know the. By 'good to know and understand the meaning of life words at PLAY Esclamazione good to know that meaning! 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