marvel comics cat characters

Queen of thieves. Like most major comic companies, Marvel has often mined the wells of the animal kingdom for some characters. Black Cat is a thief/superheroine in the Ultimate Marvel Universe and is based on the character Black Cat from the Marvel Universe.. Black Cat (Marvel Comics) Share. ( Earth-25) Home to Brother Brit-Man & Spider-Gwen. 2. We have learned plenty from more recent Marvel movies and DC Comics adaptations, but, in my opinion, the biggest lesson has been that giving actors a second (or third) chance at a comic … Queen of crime. Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) is a Marvel Comics anti-hero and one-time foe and girlfriend of Spider-Man. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. In her case, the superstition is true: it’s very bad luck to cross paths with Black Cat! She however, used her new found wealth to buy sophisticated computers and weaponry. ... A post shared by Comics one (@comics_one) on Oct 3, 2018 at 8:57am PDT. You can search for A cat themed character from Marvel Comics. In Captain Marvel, Nick Fury and Carol Danvers (a.k.a. Games; Videos; Characters; Comics; Spider-Man. That someone, it turns out, was a cat — or what Fury thought was a cat. 2 #92 (April 2006), and was created by Greg Pak and Carlo Pagulayan.. A DC Comics cat girl. Villains from the Marvel comic book universe. Now in college, Jacqueline saw that Melissa had become a huge music star. Felicia Hardy is the daughter of a world-renowned cat burglar. Als alleinerziehende Mutter wurde Julia zu einem Probanden des geheimen Supersoldaten-Programms. Created by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Keith Pollard, she first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man#194 (July 1979). Enhanced strengthand durability. Back; Marvel Universe. "Hi Twitter! The Cat can throw large men around like rag dolls. This also includes Icon Comics. It is a complex web of interconnecting movies. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has birthed some genuinely iconic moments over the past decade-plus, with its roster of movies charming audiences in a lot of different ways. He didn't wasn't happy with the straight romance comics Marvel was producing because, let's face it, Stan's thing was superheroes, action, and adventure. For some scenes in … Nightcat was able to bust the drug ring which infuriated Gideon. Nightcat last edited by Nightcat became a huge success, but she soon found herself caught up in the designer drug business, where she was injected with a mysterious drug that could give humans animal characteristics. Nightcat located Gideon on the roof of the casino and the two fought before Nightcat flipped her foe over the edge of the building. After her owner died, Goose lived inside the Joint NASA USAF Facility for several years, until she was reunited with Carol Danvers, one of the few people she liked. Another man, Krak, saw this and knocked Nightcat out, bringing her with him to Amanda Gideon, who with Dr. Ecstasy, was testing designer drugs that would imbue a human with animal characteristics. May 2, 2020 - Explore John Todd's board "DC & Marvel Naked", followed by 159 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about catfight, comic books art, comics. Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Sideshow's Marvel universe figures collection is growing right along with the ever-expanding Marvel Universe. Black Cat also appears in a voice role in the main game, where she is introduced during the mission Stakeout. Captain Marvel ist der Name mehrerer Superhelden, die seit 1967 von Marvel Comics erfunden wurden und Hauptfiguren in der gleichnamigen Comicserie Captain Marvel sowie anderen Marvel-Veröffentlichungen darstellen. Earth Nerd Adkins did a great list of some of the little known animal-based characters and I am going to highlight some that still aren’t the most well known but are maybe a bit more mainstream. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Felicia Hardy is the daughter of a world-renowned cat burglar. Marvel Universe characters who exist in other dimensions, timelines, or times (such as Dormammu, or Kang the Conqueror) are included. Because Captain Marvel has a cat in the comics, she was always going to have a cat in the movie, Boden and Fleck told me. Cat People. ( Earth-616) Edward Lavender. Lou was shot dead by Gideon's thugs, and in a moment of rage, the designer drug interacted with Jacqueline, causing her to sprout elongated, razor-sharp claws. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Created by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Keith Pollard, she first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #194 (July 1979). ( Earth-616) Emma Malone. Note: Before making any changes to this page, please read and follow the Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics. Within the context of the stories, Caiera was born on Sakaar to a tribe of Shadow People, the creators of the Old Power. Catress. Pages in category "Marvel Comics martial artists" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 248 total. Created by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Keith Pollard, she first appeared inThe Amazing Spider-Man#194 (July 1979). To add a page, edit it to include [[Category:Marvel Comics characters]]. Jacqueline Tavarez was a young woman wanted to become a singer, but after her musician mother drank herself to death following a failed audition, her police officer father forbade her from following in her mother's footsteps. Topic. Prime Marvel Universe. Marvel Universe characters who exist in other dimensions, timelines, or times (such as Dormammu, or Kang the Conqueror) are included. Don't forget about other amazing Marvel collectibles like Scarlet Witch, Daredevil and Black Widow to round out your collection. (previous page) A. It's perfect timing because, according to writer Jed McKay, there’s much more story to be told. So she decided to take a nod from superheroes, Jacqueline invented a secret identity, Nightcat, that she could perform under. Black Catfish. If you were to take a global poll, 99% of the world's population would probably admit to wanting to be a Marvel superhero. The Cat can read and fully understand a thick book in about 30 minutes. Hating the idea of being a victim, she decided that despite the consequences she would murder her rapist. When her father found out, he grounded her. This cat's going to be a queen. When Jacqueline heard a news report about a garbage scow that was going from port to port, she did some research, and discovered that it was owned by Gideon, and must be part of her drug smuggling operation. As the King in Black event rages on, Marvel Comics is slated to put out no fewer than 15 new titles this Wednesday, Dec. 16.. First and foremost, Felicia Hardy gets a fresh start this week in Black Cat #1 -- which also serves as a King in Black tie-in. May 2, 2020 - Explore John Todd's board "DC & Marvel Naked", followed by 159 people on Pinterest. This is new. Finally, a superhero inspired by a cat! Marvel has periodically published guides to their characters under the title Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, a Marvel Comics Presents series and a series of Marvel Universe Cards. Though not particularly tiger-like this DC Comics' character's name is Tigra. Marvel Collectibles. He dug it, and he knew his fans dug it. Cat demon. [divider] Animal-Themed Marvel Characters [/divider] When we last left off, Felicia Hardy had already stolen an astonishing amount of swag from Marvel’s most powerful superheroes (Dr. On the face of it, the Marvel Comics character Black Cat could seem like a complete ripoff of DC Comics’ Catwoman. In Marvel Knights, a PG-13 precursor to Punisher MAX's uncompromising brutality, there is a moment that stayed with us long after we put the comic down. But there's no denying that the character possesses striking similarities to DC's Wonder Woman , which is probably why DC Comics also once sued Marvel for the use of the name, according to Stan Lee. Superhuman agility, and great acrobatic skill. Comic Vine users. Which Marvel Character Are You? Comics Adam Warlock Aero Agent 13 (Sharon Carter) Amadeus Cho America Chavez Angela Ant-Man Anya Corazón … Felicia Hardy is the daughter of a world-renowned cat burglar. Superhuman ability to process information. During her freshman year in college, Felicia was date rapedby her boyfriend Ryan. Character Level Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Seeing a briefcase he set down, she opened it, revealing the case to be filled with a large amount of cocaine. Character » She also has superhuman agility and leaping abilities. Captain Marvel’s cat in the comics. ". Jacqueline, attempted to live a normal life and continued her singing career, and was eventually contacted by Stan Lee to star in a Marvel comic book. any Comic Vine content. When The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hit theaters back in 2014, it brought with it a number of teases about what the future of that franchise would hold, with … Your key for reading Marvel Unlimited and Digital Comic purchases across multiple devices. But Goose's role wasn't always going to be this big. Heroes Villains Teams Multiverse. Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. After injecting Nightcat with a drug made from cat's blood, Dr. Ecstasy was shot dead by Lou Tavarez, who had gone undercover within Gideon's organization. Sie erhielt ihre Kräfte nach dem sie sich einer Reihe von Tests mit Spinnengift und amazonischen Pflanzen unterziehen musste. Advice to the staff of the Character Level wiki, Power-scaling Rules for Marvel and DC Comics, Blaming Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime, Felicia became a thief named The Black Cat in order to overthrow the Kingpin for good. Black Bolt (Marvel War of Heroes) Black Cat; Black Cat (Ultimate) Black Crow; Black Knight (Sir Percy of Scandia) Black Panther; Black Panther (Ultimate) Black Queen; Black Tarantula; Black Tom; Black Widow; Black Widow (LEGO Marvel Super Heroes) Black Widow (Ultimate) Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff (MAA) Blackheart; Blacklash; Blackout; Blade; Blastaar; Blazing Skull; Blindfold So newly-crowned editor-in-chief Roy Thomas was given the task to take the concepts Stan had dreamed up, The Cat, Shanna the She-Devil, and Night Nurse and make 'em into comicbook reality. The real Night Cat Nightcat was created by Jim Salicrup , Barry Dutter , Stan Lee , Denys Cowan and Jimmy Palmiotti . Marvel recently announced that its Black Cat comic series, a mixture of superheroes and '60s heist films, will soon be slinking back to life. Company owned characters below are also included with reference. I’m Groot the #cat, and I’m looking for new paw pals," @GrootRogue wrote. 4. Marvel creator Stan Lee wanted to develop a female superhero who crossed over into the real world. If she loved basketball, she should work to become a basketball player and not just a cheerleader. Arachne wurde von Jim Shooter und Mike Zeck im Jahr 1984 erfunden und in SecretWars#6 vorgestellt. 9. Ms. Nelson received a special treatment that turns women into superhumans. ... Unlock the world of Marvel Digital Comics! This appears to have gained some traction and now the Marvel character is also getting some love on Twitter. Marvel HQ. Taking inspiration from the comic books she read, Jacqueline decided to dress up to sing so her father wouldn't realize it was her, and thus, Nightcat was born! Can defeat Spider-Man. And nothing and no one are going to get in my way!" Born in Queens, New York, Felicia Hardy's father was a world renowned cat burglar who, before his arrest, encouraged her to never settle for second best. "For years I was the little thief pretending to be a socialite. Goose traveled with Danvers to the Rambeau Residence and then to Mar-Vell's Laboratory, where she fought some Kree soldiers using her tentacles and swallowed th… Mar-Vell owned a Flerken named Goose, whom she had taken with her on Earth during her undercover mission. With her newfound agility, Nightcat was able to take out a number of Gideon's goons, and even made a superhuman leap upwards, almost reaching Gideon's escape helicopter in mid-air. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Company owned characters below are also included with reference. The Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters1 is a shared universe created by Sony Pictures. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Check out all your favorite like Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, Hulk, Deadpool, Wolverine and many more. See more ideas about Comics girls, Black cat marvel, Comic character. This scientific test will determine which Marvel legend you're most like, based on a series of seemingly normal questions. Black Cat. Bested The Vulture and fought The Lizard), Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Fast enough to keep up with Spider-Man on numerous occasions, can dodge and counter Silk, and fast enough to dodge an attack from Carnage), Striking Strength: Small Building Class | Large Building Class+, Durability: Small Building level | Large Building level+, Standard Equipment: Retractable claws, equilibrium earrings, electromagnetic contact lenses, grappling hook and laser whip. She has since appeared in the film Tromeo And Juliet. View full history. Shop Marvel online store, the ultimate Marvel shopping destination! ( Earth-65) Arachnamorphosis. send you an email once approved. Enhanced ability to analyse systems of complex movement by touch. I'm done pretending. Tigra. Not to be confused with the Fox Comics character of the same name from 1939 (who DC Comics sued into oblivion), Wonder Man may be more of a Superman analogue than a straight rip-off. When The Amazing Spider-Man 2 hit theaters back in 2014, it brought with it a number of teases about what the future of that franchise would hold, with … Welcome to the Microheroes Wiki This project contains 17,880 articles and 73,463 images. Having lost family, loved ones, and fight after fight, Peter still manages to drag himself up to his feet and return to face the bad guy and save the day. Pages in category "Marvel Comics characters" The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total. but Marvel also has their fair share of thieving characters among their ranks as well. Caiera is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character was introduced during the "Planet Hulk" storyline.She first appeared in Incredible Hulk vol. Mommy Cat. Nightcat appears in 4 issues. Guru_Crack Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There was a time when Carol Danvers enjoyed the company of her pet cat Chewie, named for the famed co-pilot of Han Solo in the Star Wars movie trilogy. Comics characters similar to or like Black Cat (Marvel Comics) Fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Like Dazzler, this hero was also a rock singer. Shop for your favorite Avengers costumes, clothes, toys, collectibles, home decor, movies & more. Possibly the most well-known counterpart comic characters in history are Deathstroke and Deadpool, two mercenaries in their respective comics who act as both villains or anti-heroes depending on what the situation calls for, as well as having similar supersoldier-like powers and regenerative healing capabilities.. Related: 10 Comic Book Weddings That Changed Everything At the time she claimed it was because she had appeared in a music video for a song by Joey Buttafuoco. As former Captain Marvel comic book writer Kelly Sue DeConnick told me, Chewie the cat was seemingly introduced by writer Brian Reed in 2006, in Giant Size Ms. Marvel No. Goose The Cat. Because Captain Marvel has a cat in the comics, she was always going to have a cat in the movie, Boden and Fleck told me. Nightcat was recorded and the song "#1 House Rule. After suffering a traumatic event as a college freshman, she trained herself in various fighting styles and acrobatics and, after deciding to follow in her father's footsteps, adopted her costumed identity as the Black Cat. But that time has passed, thanks to Captain Marvel's crossover with Rocket Raccoon in her 2014 series relaunch. Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Welcome to the Microheroes Wiki This project contains 17,880 articles and 73,463 images. Unrelated to the drug, she is a talented musician and skilled in the field of criminology. As a highschool student, Jacqueline disobeyed her father's wishes, and rehearsed with her friends in a band. See more ideas about marvel, comics girls, comic art. Winning a record contract with LMR records, she became a star, and bought herself a home. The Black Cat is a skilled (and reformed) cat burglar who is currently an occasional crime fighter and adventurer. 06:10AM Reformed cat burglar Felicia Hardy relies solely on her athletic acumen and fighting skills in the fight against injustice. Black Cat ist eine Einbrecherin, die als Detektivin und Abenteurerin weiterhin auf der wilden Seite wandert. Felicia Hardy is the daughter of a world-renowned cat burglar. Felicia Hardy was the daughter of a thief who was sent to prison, where he died. One of Spider-Man's greatest love interests, Felicia Hardy is a character who would fit right in if she were to become part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Shop Marvel online store, the ultimate Marvel shopping destination! Alternate Spider-Ham. After suffering a traumatic event as a college freshman, she trained herself in various fighting styles and acrobatics and, after deciding to follow in her father's footsteps, adopted her costumed identity as the B… In her case, the superstition is true: it’s very bad luck to cross paths with Black Cat! The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a triumph in modern cinema. 3. With the drug ring busted, and Gideon dead, Nightcat vowed to use her new powers to fight other crimes. ... Marvel-Microheroes Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (via earrings and her electromagnetic contact lenses), Expert burglar, Expert Martial Artist, Probability Manipulation, Attack Potency: Small Building level (Should be comparable to the Kingpin) | Large Building level+ (Defeated Silk several times. Though this Marvel comics character doesn't seem to have any cat-like characteristics I am including this character based on the name. With no proof except her word that Gideon was behind Dr. Ecstasy's program, Jacqueline attended her father's funeral, and soon after, pledged to get revenge on the wealthy socialite. 1 (the comic … Not able to make the recording session, she was replaced in the band by her rival Melissa. Shop for your favorite Avengers costumes, clothes, toys, collectibles, home decor, movies & more. Get the latest news, original content, and special offers from Marvel. " ― Black Cat. Black Panther is paw-some, and now you and your kitties can watch it on Netflix while it’s available! Discover their powers, weaknesses, abilities, & more! Felicia Hardy, also known by her alias Black Cat, appears as a prominent supporting character in The City That Never Sleeps downloadable content for Marvel's Spider-Man.A former love interest and ally of Spider-Man, she is a master thief who returns to New York for a heist. Created by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Keith Pollard, she first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #194 (July 1979). The Marvel Universe has no shortage of heroes, villains, and cosmic entities capable of intergalactic devastation. Learn about your favorite Marvel characters, super heroes, & villains! Sometime later, Nightcat contributed a song to the Damage Control movie soundtrack. Find out which Marvel hero you are in this epic superhero quiz! Marvel has periodically published guides to their characters under the title Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe , a Marvel Comics Presents series and a series of Marvel Universe Cards . Black Cat (Marvel Comics) is similar to these comics characters: Namor, Rhino (character), Flash Thompson and more. Origin [edit | edit source]. Nightcat had a telescopic metal staff which she used to fight with as well as a vehicle she dubbed the "Cat-illac.". Prime Marvel Universe. For the best choice for Green Lantern in Marvel Comics, however, it’s hard not to return to spider-themed characters and the original Spider-Man, plucky Peter Parker. Gideon tried to grab Nightcat's hair, but ultimately fell to her death. She managed to electrocute him by forcing the drill appendage on his hand into a power outlet. Black Cat(Felicia Hardy) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Marvel Universe; Spider-Man; Avengers; Guardians of the Galaxy; Marvel Rising; Marvel Universe. The universe focuses on supporting characters surrounding Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man.2 1 Films 2 Comic books 3 Shorts 4 References Summary. She has "night vision," allowing her to see in the dark. This page is a super-index listing characters appearing in the Marvel Comics Universe and related media adaptations. Reformed cat burglar Felicia Hardy relies solely on her athletic acumen and fighting skills in the fight against injustice. Catgirl. Die Ähnlichkeit mit dem namensgleichen Superhelden von DC Comics war der Mittelpunkt mehrerer juristischer Konflikte. See more ideas about marvel, comics girls, comic art. The furious Gideon, set a trap, inviting Nightcat to perform at her casino. Some of these villains are restricted to one series, but because of the nature of the Marvel Universe, many of them appear in multiple comic book titles. Before the performance, a group of ninjas hired by Gideon kidnapped and replaced Nightcat's back-up singers, and the attacked her onstage. 1 Schöpfung 2 Ursprung 3 Kräfte und Fähigkeiten 3.1 Kräfte 3.2 Fähigkeiten 3.3 Schwächen Black Cat wurde von Marv Wolfman und Keith Pollard im Jahr 1979 erfunden und in Amazing Spider-Man #194 vorgestellt. These include : 1. The drugs gave her the powers of a cat, including razor sharp claws and night vision. The original cat is called Chewie, after Chewbacca from Star Wars.She made her debut in 2006, back when Carol Danvers was still known as Ms. Marvel. ( Earth-803) Due to the designer drug she was injected with, Nightcat possesses many powers similar to a feline. One night while at the recording studio, she recognized a man in the hallway who had been linked to a drug bust in the news. Like Dazzler, this hero was also a rock singer. Nightcat was created by Jim Salicrup, Barry Dutter, Stan Lee, Denys Cowan and Jimmy Palmiotti. In Vol. Created by writer Marv Wolfman and artist Keith Pollard, she first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #194 (July 1979). on 12/10/19 An entire album simply titled Nightcat was recorded and the song "#1 House Rule." Neither the comic nor the album were commercially successful and Jacqueline was fired. Oct 24, 2017 - Explore ron hudson's board "Comic catfight" on Pinterest. A cat themed character from Broadsword Comics. She put aside her studies and began training in various fighting styles and … So they released an issue of the Nightcat comic book and hired actress/singer Jacqueline Tavarez to embody Night Cat in real life. Each strings together a number of successful franchises into one climactic movie experience.. RELATED: 10 Marvel Retcons That Made The Comic Books Better All of this is drawn from a rich, superhero history that has endured for over 80 years. Queen of this whole town! But Goose's role wasn't always going to be this big. The Cat can open o… ( Earth-688) Home to Lady Spider. Her fingernails can extend and are razor-sharp. This also includes villains from its many adaptations into movies, TV shows, and cartoons, as well as video games. Prime Marvel Universe. They can have the next best thing–a Marvel character name! As she later learns, it gives humans the best traits found among the Cat People. Marvel creator Stan Lee wanted to develop a female superhero who crossed over into the real world. Oct 4, 2018 - Explore John-micheal Avery Curtis's board "Cats" on Pinterest. In the comic books, Captain Marvel did indeed have a pet cat, but it was named Chewie since it reminded her of famed Star Wars character, Chewbacca. ― Black Cat. While stealing is a crime and being a thief is generally immoral, not every character known for their sticky fingers is a villain. This list may not reflect recent changes . Nightcat was able to defeat them, but soon found herself face to face with Krak. 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