inclusion list asean

These products will have a tariff reduction schedule to bring their tariff rates down to 0-5% in 2003. Below are 10 examples of Inclusion Statements I hope you draw inspiration from. Only companies with scores across all four pillars are assigned an overall score (the average of the pillar scores). The ASEAN Guiding Principles for Inclusion into or Exclusion from the Negative List of Substances for Health Supplements lists the active substances that are prohibited from being used in or being part of the composition of Health Supplements. In implementing this decision, Member Countries have decided to group unprocessed agricultural products into three lists: (a) Immediate Inclusion List; (b) Temporary Exclusion List and (c) Sensitive List. inclusion efforts as well as those interested in enhancing their current diversity and inclusion strategies. Book Title : "ACPMS 2017 - Inclusive Development" Click on the Cover Book Image to download this eBook. Overview about ASEAN Regional Economic Integration: “Inclusion for Workers and the Unions” By Maragtas S.V. Products in the Temporary Exclusion List can be kept out of the normal or fast-track of the CEPT Scheme only for a limited time. Leading the list are the following 10 companies: Human Resources Online is on Telegram! More than 99 percent of the products in the CEPT Inclusion List (IL) of ASEAN-6, comprising Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, have been brought down to the 0-5 percent tariff range. Note: If you like this …   In 2017, its gross domestic product was $2.77 trillion, an increase of almost four and a half times the GDP value in 2000. ASEAN is slowly erecting a paradigm of equitable growth based on social and economic inclusion. In the majority of Asian countries the average representation of women at the junior management level is around 50 percent. Article 4 (C)(2) 2. The full list of APAC companies represented in the list is given below: Here, we’ll provide a snapshot of representation within the company, how we plan to increase it, and how we cultivate a community of belonging and allyship. products which have undergone simple processing with minimal change in from the original products. once in Jakarta in December 1994, and again in April 1995 in Kuala Lumpur. The ASEAN Charter The ASEAN Charter defines it as a legal entity and inter-governmental organization that has authority over its members. However, unprocessed agricultural products in the Sensitive List will face different treatment compared to the products in the first two lists. In many Member Countries, a significant portion of the rural population depends on farm production, and over the past, strong protection has been extended to this sector. The product has to be included in the Inclusion List of the exporting and the importing countries and must have a tariff of 20% and below; It has to have a program of tariff reduction approved by the AFTA Council; It has to be an ASEAN product, i.e., it has to satisfy the local content requirement of 40%. Another 402 tariff lines representing 20% of the total have also been submitted for temporary exclusion. A working group under the purview of both the Senior Economic Officials Meeting (SEOM) and the Senior Officials of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (SOM AMAF) has been created to work out the features of the special arrangement. ASEAN Member Countries have made significant progress in the lowering of intra-regional tariffs through the Common Effective Preferential Tariff (CEPT) Scheme for AFTA. The ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) has now been virtually established. financial inclusion. While financial inclusion stands at about 50%, the percentage of adults with a mobile phone in the ASEAN population is close to 90%. In implementing this decision, Member Countries have decided to group unprocessed agricultural products into three lists: (a) Immediate Inclusion List; (b) Temporary Exclusion List and (c) Sensitive List. The first six members are commonly referred to as the ASEAN-6 while the latter four entrants are commonly known as the CLMV countries. Yes, Member Countries can accelerate their tariff reduction and/or include more than 20% of their products in the Temporary Exclusion List into the Inclusion List. The private sector, through ASEAN-CCI, can propose an acceleration to the Senior Economic Officials Meeting (SEOM) via the AFTA Unit or the National AFTA Units. Hence, nearly two-thirds of intra-ASEAN imports of unprocessed agricultural products will be in the CEPT Scheme by 2003. The Inclusion List refers to those products, which are scheduled for tariff reduction, removal of quantitative restrictions and non-tariff barriers. "Our data also found that Malaysia and Singapore have seen an 89% and 88% rise in board gender diversity respectively over the last five years, which are among the largest increases in proportion of women on boards globally.". ASEAN is the Association of South East Asian Nations. The 1992 CEPT Agreement excluded unprocessed agricultural products from the CEPT Scheme. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experiences on our website, to show you personalised content and targeted ads, to analyze our website traffic and to understand where our visitors are coming from. MANILA -- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has vowed to provide “inclusive, equitable and quality" education and "lifelong learning opportunities" to its citizens. Amante Professor, College of Economics and Business Administration, Hanyang University Erica Campus (Korea) Summary: This paper offers ideas for the roadmap to ASEAN economic integration to achieve decent work, That makes it … Disclaimer: Warwick ASEAN Conference would like to clarify that all opinions expressed in this article are the authors’ and editors’ own. Tariffs on the remaining 40% of the Inclusion List shall be eliminated not later than 1 January 2010. Underlying the move towards unity and integration is its new motto: “one vision, one identity, one community.” The Charter improves ASEAN’s system of decision-making and enforcement. • For households in ASEAN, cash still constitutes the main means for executing financial transactions (payment of wages, government transfers, payment of bills, receiving and sending remittances). Unprocessed agricultural products in the Immediate Inclusion List are to be transferred to either the normal or fast-tracks by 1 January 1996. Realising an inclusive and people-centered Asean requires a mutually supporting ecosystem with Asean. • A large number of adults with accounts at financial institutions still prefer By 1 January 2000, the total number of tariff lines in the CEPT Inclusion List will reach 53,254 tariff lines, which represents about 82.78% of all tariff lines in the ten ASEAN countries. Unprocessed agricultural products in the Immediate Inclusion List are to be transferred to either the normal or fast-tracks by 1 January 1996. Free Flow of Goods 7 Elimination of Tariff Barriers 7 Rules of Origin 11 Trade Facilitation 13 A significant proportion of those products originally excluded from the CEPT have been submitted for immediate inclusion. Industries leading this year’s D&I Index Top 100 are banking, investment services & insurance firms with a total of 18, followed by pharmaceuticals with 9 and telecommunications services, specialty retailers and personal & household products & services with seven respectively. The research also includes a survey conducted in December 2011 to January 2012 which yielded 355 responses from companies located in seven key markets across the region: Australia, China, India, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea and ASEAN. BY ROBERTO GIMÉNEZ LLAMAS 2017 is a year of celebrations for both the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union (EU). It is the most recent output of a fruitful The following are some notable achievements in the Asia Pacific region that show recent progress in broad diversity and inclusion efforts. A total of 21 APAC-based companies, and six ASEAN-based companies, have featured in Refinitiv's 2020 top 100 most diverse and inclusive organisations globally as ranked by its Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Index. A special arrangement will be created for these products with the understanding that the features of the special arrangement need not be the same as the arrangement in the CEPT Scheme. What inclusion unlocks. More than 99 percent of the products in the CEPT Inclusion List (IL) of ASEAN-6, comprising Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, have now been brought down to the 0-5 percent tariff range. ASEAN was preceded by an organisation formed on 31 July 1961 called the Association of Southeast Asia (ASA), a group consisting of Thailand, the Philippines, and the Federation of Malaya.ASEAN itself was created on 8 August 1967, when the foreign ministers of five countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, signed the ASEAN Declaration. Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, High Level Task Force (HLTF) on the Drafting of the ASEAN Charter (2007), Eminent Persons Group (EPG) on the ASEAN Charter (2006), ASEAN Committees in Third Countries and International Organizations (ACTCs), Speeches & Statements of the Secretary-General of ASEAN, Speeches & Statements of the Former Secretaries-General of ASEAN, Inclusion of Unprocessed Agricultural Products, 47th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015, 46th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, 2014, 45th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam, 2013, 44th ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, Siem Reap, Cambodia 2012, 43rd ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, Indonesia, 9-14 August 2011, 42nd ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting, Da Nang, Viet Nam, 22-27 August 2010, Free Trade Agreements with Dialogue Partners, ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF), ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Minerals (AMMin), ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Science and Technology (AMMST), ASEAN Mekong Basin Development Cooperation (AMBDC), Train-for-Trainer Manuals on Supply Chain and Logistics Management, ASEAN Telecommunications and IT Ministers Meeting (TELMIN), Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) and Narrowing the Development Gap (NDG), raw materials/unprocessed products covered under Chapters 1-24 of the Harmonised System (HS), and similar agricultural raw materials/unprocessed products in other related Headings; and. The Member States of the Association are Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, In the less financially developed ASEAN countries, enhancing financial inclusion is thus one of the levers available to promote a more sustainable growth that benefits to … Today, we’re sharing what we’ve been working on with Netflix’s first inclusion report. The Department of Health (DOH) will recommend the inclusion of United Arab Emirates (UAE) to the list of countries with travel restrictions after the new variant of coronavirus was detected on a Filipino who arrived from there. However, the tariff reduction commitment under the special arrangement will have to be deeper than the Uruguay Round commitments of Member Countries. United States leads the Top 100 list with 20 firms followed by the United Kingdom with 13, Australia with nine and Canada and France with seven. Any unprocessed agricultural product in the Temporary Exclusion List will be transferred into the Inclusion List in equal installment each year and be subject to the same tariff reduction schedule as other CEPT products. The irony is that it is the pride of many Asian and Asian-American cultures not to settle for anything less than they deserve. ASEAN COMMUNITY PROGRESS MONITORING SYSTEM 2017 INCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) was established on 8 August 1967. The outcome of these meetings has been the Submission of the three Lists from each country as well as initial discussion on the features of the special arrangement. At the time, Netflix’s U.S. workforce included only 6% Hispanic/Latinx and and 3.8% Black employees. It promotes the economic growth of 10 countries located south of China. Hence, the decision to create a special arrangement with features which differs from the CEPT Scheme is an attempt to balance the need for lowered levels of protection and lightening the adjustment cost of trade liberalisation for the farm sector. They represent some 1,358 tariff lines or 68% of the unprocessed agricultural products. The top 100 ranked companies with the best overall D&I scores are selected for the Index. Immediate lifting of this protection is bound to create significant adjustment costs which can lead to unemployment of resources and social disruption. This is a list of ASEAN countries by GDP. ASEAN Integration Report 2015 i Contents Abbreviations and Acronyms v List of Figures, Tables and Boxes xi Foreword xv Executive Summary xvii Chapter 1 - ASEAN’s Macroeconomic Landscape in 2014 1 Chapter 2 - ASEAN Economic Community 7 Pillar 1: A Single Market and Production Base 7 A. The baht rose 0.6% to 29.82 per U.S. dollar, breaching the psychological 30 level and at the strongest since May 2013. Netflix's First Inclusion Report Offers In-Depth Look At Workforce Diversity, Addresses Areas That Need Improvement ... Middle Eastern, Asian, … The full list of APAC companies represented in the list is given below: Alfred Lee, Managing Director, Asia Pacific at Refinitiv said: "We have seen encouraging progress among APAC firms in their efforts to increase workplace diversity and inclusiveness, with our data showing a 53% increase in the region’s board gender diversity over the last five years and a 78% increase in the number of APAC companies with an official flexible working policy during the same period. The fact that the special arrangement will have features different from the CEPT is a concession to the special nature of the agricultural sector. In their Meeting in Phuket in April 1995, the Sixth AFTA Council looked at these Lists and decided that the present Lists should be improved by minimizing the number of products in the Sensitive List and expanding the Inclusion List as much as possible. Q10. It is now possible to turn even a simple-feature mobile phone into a financial service point. ASEAN was first formed in 1967 with six member countries: Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines; and was subsequently joined by Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam. "Six ASEAN companies from Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand earned a place in this year’s D&I Index Top 100, with Thailand’s Home Product Center PCL leading the Southeast Asia region," noted Vernice Moh, Managing Director, ASEAN at Refinitiv. "With investors and businesses paying more attention to D&I practices and disclosures in the region, we are confident that more APAC organisations will be taking the lead in embedding diversity and inclusion into their business strategy going forward.". Those classified in the Immediate Inclusion List account for 31.6% of intra-ASEAN imports; the products in the TEL account for 32.9%; and the products in the Sensitive List account for 35.5%. The D&I Index is evaluated using 24 metrics across four pillars: Diversity, Inclusion, People Development and Controversies. 53% increase in the region’s board gender diversity, banking, investment services & insurance firms, Malaysia and Singapore have seen an 89% and 88% rise in board gender diversity, Refinitiv's 2020 top 100 most diverse and inclusive organisations, Bloomberg appoints Alisha Fernando as new head of diversity and inclusion in APAC, What inclusion in the workplace is (and isn’t), Q&A with Alisha Fernando, APAC head of diversity & inclusion, Bloomberg, Updated 2021 SOPs for MCO in Sabah, new CMCO in Sarawak, 5 ways you can develop a good company culture, Expats in Malaysia with expired passes allowed to leave within 14 working days after MCO…, Employees from law firm Withers complete epic fundraising fitness challenge, Learning and Development Asia 2021 Malaysia, Learning and Development Asia 2021 Singapore, Five trends that could define global mobility and salaries in 2021, 5 changes to workplace culture that HR can drive in 2021, Q&A: Nurashikhin Md Sharif, Chief People Officer, Sime Darby Property, 2021 public holidays in Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia. Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand shall eliminate import duties on at least 60% of the products in the Inclusion List by 1 January 2003. This book provides a survey of progress on financial inclusion in five major Asian developing economies: the People’s Republic of China (PRC), India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand. Last week, the World Bank Group presented the latest data on financial inclusion in ASEAN to senior representatives of the ministries of finance and central banks of all 10 ASEAN member countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and … These additional instructions from the AFTA Council will guide the next meeting of the working group which is scheduled before August 1995. Let’s begin with why inclusion and diversity matter at Netflix. They have become vital copy to attract the best talent. It is also required that quantitative restrictions and other non-tariff barriers on these products be removed. This means that the time frame may be longer than 2003 and tariff rates are not required to be reduced to the 0-5% range as in the CEPT. The Asian Development Bank anticipates regional demand for infrastructure investment to amount to USD 60 billion per year until 2020 , and that more work must be done to meet this demand if growth is to be sustainable and increasingly inclusive. A summary of the lists is provided in Table 2. Table 2UNPROCESSED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS, BY CATEGORY. Spread the love Inclusion Statements appear on web pages, in job postings and, sometimes, in bigger reports (see PepsiCo below). Follow us @humanresourcesonline or click here for all the latest weekly HR and manpower news from around the region. The members of ASEAN Plus Three and the East Asia Summit are also listed. A list of member states is provided below. List. This working group has met twice already. Only a small number is left Outside of the CEPT framework although this admittedly includes some of the most important crops grown in the region. One immediate tweak to the regional ambition is … Lists. A total of 21 APAC-based companies, and six ASEAN-based companies, have featured in Refinitiv's 2020 top 100 most diverse and inclusive organisations globally as ranked by its Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Index. Click here for more information. These products, however, will be transferred into the Inclusion List by 2003. So governments try to push for a wider financial inclusion to reduce poverty and inequalities. By browsing our website, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. After all, the best talent values inclusivity. In Article 1 of the Agreement, unprocessed agricultural products are defined as: The 26th AEM held in Chiang Mai September 1994 decided to include all unprocessed agricultural products into the CEPT Scheme. GDP and GDP per capita data are according to TradingNomics's Quarter 3-2020 data. The AFTA Council will guide the next meeting of the pillar scores ) PROGRESS MONITORING SYSTEM 2017 Development! Tariffs on the Cover book Image to download this eBook of Asian countries the average the. S first Inclusion report expressed in this article are the authors ’ and ’. Reduction commitment under the special nature of the CEPT have been submitted for Immediate Inclusion List by 2003 the products... Book Image to download this eBook dollar, breaching the psychological 30 level and the. The East Asia Summit are also listed representing 20 % of the total have also been submitted Temporary! Pillars are assigned an overall score ( the average of the unprocessed products! 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