I’d can’t agree with that, hence this post, really. VIDEÓ - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 26.rész. why fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is bad. I have to agree with you, my dear author. Of course the new adaption has flaws, I felt that the first few epiosdes moved way too fast, but once we got to around the time Greed showed up, it was just getting better. As it stands, I'm very disappointed with this anime, especially since I've built it up so much in my head for an entire year before finally seeing it. I hope you’ve been keeping well? A continuación, en esta página están colocados en orden los episodios del anime del 2009, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, desde que empezó a ser emitido el 5 de abril de 2009 hasta su último episodio, el 4 de julio de 2010. The original was so amazing. Having read the manga, I can say that FMA:B is probably the closest BONES could get to doing a 1:1 adaptation of the series. I’m just trying to say don’t let the manga or the first series to keep you back from enjoying Brotherhood. PRE-ORDER THE ALBUM NOW PRE-SAVE ON SPOTIFY RELEASES JANUARY 15, 2021 Adapting manga as a Performer, not an Artist « Ha Neul Seom (하늘섬). Fullmetal Alchemist is the popular anime and manga by Hiromu Arikawa and has made two anime series, several volumes of comics, novels, and even a Netflix adaptation. the show isnt over theres one more episode. Game of Thrones. In this made-up world, alchemy exists and is widely practiced. Tiger’ which was one of the inspirations for “Gankutsuou’). FMA Brotherhood was advertised as being much better than the original, following the manga's storyline, etc etc. In any case, I can understand that reading the manga might prove to be more satisfactory, but I'm not really into comic books at all. Underneath his eye patch is \"The Ultimate Eye\", or his regular eye with the Ouroboros mark in place of the pupil and cornea. There’s some times that I do nitpick, but that doesn’t make the new series so horrible. Alchemy is bound by this Law of Equivalent Exchange—something the young brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric only realize after attempting human transmutation: the one forbidden act of alchemy. (Sub) The First Day. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A great adaptation should always be true to the spirit of the original, but it should also have its own personality. well, let me tell yu this- i was introduced to the world of fma only through brotherhood and i never had a problem with it. At first glance, King Bradley appears as a cheerful and easy-going man who frequently escapes responsibilities to have some free time, offers people melons and watermelons or dresses as a tourist when he goes to a countryside town, while at the same time ruling his country with an iron fist. Just have to say that if I were new to FMA to begin with, “Brotherhood” would piss me off and turn me away. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I’m an uncompromising hardcore fan of the manga who constantly griped about the first FMA anime series. Fullmetal Alchemist introduces you to a story of brotherhood, love, humanity, and the inevitable consequences of war. The director and writer expected everyone who watched Brother to had read the manga for the most part. But I agree with you that adaptations should be regarded separately from the source material. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is an alternate retelling of Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist manga that is closer to the source material than the previous 2003 adaptation, this time covering the entire story. An adaption should add to the manga not take away from it, which is exactly what this adaption has been doing so far (not that all the episodes were bad I did quite enjoy 4, 8 and 9). Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (Dub) no está disponible. 04, 2010.Urmărește toate episoadele din serialul Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood – Alchimistul de oțel: Frăția (2009). Brotherhood introduces characters in the manga that were never in the first adaption. @gaguri In this case, the complaining has particularly confused me because I’m genuinely enjoying the adaptation; it doesn’t feel rushed at all, which is why I think the (manga) fandom should be trying to view Brotherhood as a separate entity, because it is turning out to be a good series with great production values, and it would be a shame to pick it apart and complain every week rather than just enjoying it for what it is (I suppose I just want everyone to enjoy it!) Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Capitulos Español Latino updated their status. I don’t hate any of the versions of FMA and look at it as two different stories. Many other people have stated that they didn't enjoy FMA Brotherhood as well. morover, brotherhood, as most of u said so, didn’t want to really repeat the whole thing that was already there in fma1. The story starts off with two brothers hell-bent on fixing a problem they created, and the other characters come in and out of their story, either helping or preventing them in accomplishing their quest, and all of them feel relevant and interesting. Watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episodio 1 - Fullmetal Alchemist. (and MJ suit) Información de la serie. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, known in Japan as Alchemist of Steel: Fullmetal Alchemist (鋼の錬金術師 フルメタルアルケミスト, Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Furumetaru Arukemisuto), is the second independent anime adaptation developed by Bones from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series by Hiromu Arakawa. (I’m an artist so I look out for the subtleties. WOW! I’m really enjoying Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. and i am glad that there are people who agree with me! The pace was definitely off for the first 10 episodes or so. Family Guy. *Hat’s off in Kimblee fashion. I totally understand where you’re coming from. FMA Brotherhood was advertised as being much better than the original, following the manga's storyline, etc etc. ... She spends her free time rereading the same five books over and over, being bad at video games (only when other people are watching), and desperately trying to get her friends to play board games with her. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode 39 Turn on Captions for English Subs. And of course I do understand the series could be worse, but it could also be better. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood has been by far my favorite anime for the past couple years. Naruto. These cards are from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist, NOT from the manga OR FMA brotherhood. He wore gray clothing during his time as a slave. One Piece. It feels as though they could have easily squeezed in 20 more episodes, especially devoted to the characters and caring more about them. Search, discover and share your favorite Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood GIFs. ): -Winry -Edward -Alphonse -Greed - Lust - Hughes It’s a lie. Find GIFs with the latest and newest hashtags! But the outcome was not bad. A manga adaptation that will satisfy all the manga readers is impossible,manga fans can be quite demanding but sometimes a manga will not have a good anime adaptation no matter who will produce it or if they will follow the manga step by step,Blade of the Immortal for example,i highly doubt a anime version that would satisfy at least half the fans could have been created by any of the current anime studios.Oh well, I don’t really care if the anime diverges from the source material even if i liked the original material quite a lot,as long as it’s good and i enjoy it. The EndingWhile the series has a vast number of differences, one of the main things that needed to … The first FMA run had drama, mystery, and backstory it actually had you hooked. The Office (US) The Simpsons. Currently the anime is down to its last episode and I couldn't care less. . Are you freaking kidding me? @qwertypoiuy @Omisyth Most of you don’t seem like you have a problem with FMAB. Honestly it defeats the purpose by nitpicking a series apart just because it doesn’t mirror a manga or book 100% it’s literally impossible, and as you said, they’re the same general ideals just customized to make it unique in it’s own way. I was a little disappointed when they cut the most exciting parts. Plus it resonates well with an English-speaking audience (most of MAL), due to the culture, setting, and a pretty great dub by FUNIMATION. In my opinion, the reason why Fullmetal Alchemist is considered so good has to do with three things: The solid characters. If you are new to the anime scene, you may be wondering: “What’s all the fuss about? they wanted to see the scenes that weren’t there in fma1. Determined to find the Philosopher's Stone, the Elric brothers confront Cornello … FMA is a bit more dramatic. Thank god for that–what i’ve seen so far and read of the manga is disappointing after a bit. from ep.16(they even made a promo to announce that the anime will be covering the new materials starting from this episode as if it’s a new anime) In this new version, character introduction is more straight to the point, there isn’t enough room for suspense like we had in the original. One is All.All is One.Remake from 2011 fullmetal alchemist brotherhood trailer. Table of Contents. It was just different, no denying that. As his name implies, he is a very avaricious character, who likes living in luxury, surrounded by powerful minions and beautiful women. Now keep in mind that I am not upset at everything they cut and changed and there is also a lot I am enjoying. Your email address will not be published. I’m totally enjoying this new version, and I don’t want to judge if it’s better or worse. Well trust me I am happy that you and others are enjoying this adaption. Todos los productos se fabrican por encargo y la mayoría se envía en un plazo de 24 horas. Please please people do not derail this topic we can resolve this situation in a civil manner without such animosity. This topic is locked from further discussion. Fans of the manga usually complain about that, but actually it´s not that bad, I even prefer it to Brotherhood. and even the manga is truly wonderful! Honestly I have to agree with Bateszi. Opening/Ending Song) may be muted due to copyright Plus, it’s not over yet so we never know if they ARE going to have some part of the story explained in another way. The government of Amestris has alchemists working for them known as State Alchemists (Kokka Renkinjutsushi) and they are automatically given the rank of Major in the military. They did cut a lot, but my sorrow and bitter disappointment arose out of my expectations out of the series. christ if you’re going to write an article, at least know basic grammar. Though, I’m not complaining about Brotherhood because I’m more excited about the new animated material. Which version should I watch?” This is what I hope to decipher for you. Manga faitful or not, it’s klacking the kind of strength of character (at least as presented in the rushed, spit out what you know fahsion of these early episodes.) But they did a good job, you can give ’em that! Perhaps it’s that the first anime adaptation was it’s own work, and went its own way. Anime is a totally different medium of entertainment to manga and as such, the dream of a ‘perfect adaptation’ is impossible to realise, because what works in a comic won’t always work for animation. I believe we are in complete agreement! Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the #1 most popular JNN anime binge-watch on Bingeclock. Well, the bad thing about the original series is the ending. Roy's dark hair - perhaps in keeping with his persona - is worn casually unkempt, falling over his eyes; in more formal or somber situations, however, he is known to wear it neatly slicked back.A great fan of classy attire, Mustang is rarely seen out of uniform (and even while in uniform will often don other accouterments, such as a long, black overcoat and white formal-wear gloves), but when … While it was fast paced, and it could have slowed down a bit, I still like it quite a bit. But really it’s not just manga fans complaining. I haven't seen it yet but I too loved Fullmetal Alchemist. nothing can beat the original! Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is an alternate retelling of Hiromu Arakawa's Fullmetal Alchemist manga that is closer to the source material than the previous 2003 adaptation, this time covering the entire story. The Fullmetal Alchemist manga and anime series feature an extensive cast of fictional characters created by Hiromu Arakawa.The story is set in a fictional universe within the 20th century in which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific techniques. There are a lot of details they missed out, particularly the dialogues that define the character. The same can be said about movies. There's so much history there with me and my friends and such. I thought FMAB was a great anime though I will admit that is a true inconsistancy. there will always be these pathetic FMA fans, always craving for manga-anime chemistry…why won’t they just relax, and enjoy the show? makes me believe that This isn't really so much a comparison to the previous anime. The only thing I don’t advise you to do is to start going to your friends who never watched Brotherhood/read the manga and say “Ohmigod That was so cool when Mustang did [spoiler]” You can easily get into a fight. It got a major boost at its beginning since it already had a large established fan base with the 2003 anime and the original manga. Of course there’s a limit to everything, and while I love ‘Gankutsou,’ ‘RomeoxJuliet’ made me roll my eyes. After a certain point it stops being funny and just seems like a waste of time. “wanting it, or any adaptation, to be a perfect duplicate of the original will always end in bitter disappointment.” This is actually the first anime I plan to watch completely, so I disagree with you for now, but I've only seen a couple of episodes so far. A lot of 1st anime fans have been complaining too. i’m a fma fan, and i don’t have any reasons to dislike the new series of it. @kuromitsu (not much anyway) Watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episodes and follow Edward and Alphonse Elric as they seek the Philosopher's Stone to restore what they've lost. YOU’RE STILL READING MY BLOG?! The problem is that hardcore fans are often unwilling to compromise, and, in the case of FMA: Brotherhood, this really seems to be effecting the reception of the series, as if the fandom is literally expecting to watch a slideshow of the manga, and when it doesn’t materialise, they feel betrayed, despite the fact it was never going to be like that anyway. Jan 11, 2013 - Explore Sarah Vande Brake's board "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood", followed by 260 people on Pinterest. It’s really sweet that I get to see what I read in animated form. The best GIFs are on GIPHY. It’s a lie. Exactly! ▲ Both versions are very good. here is my opinion,Bones are going with fast pace to cover quickly what they already animated in the first anime,from the start they had two option 1-to make their own first half 2-or to reanimate the first season and that’s what the fans hoped for,but normaly they have to do it fast or it will be a waste of time and money So in that regards the pacing was kind of screwed up. Is it really that good? But having been a big fan of the series for 5 years now well I can’t help but be disappointed at some things that cut and changed. From the reviews I've read, Brotherhood seems to be aimed at people who disliked the original anime. See more ideas about fullmetal alchemist, alchemist, brotherhood. I couldn’t agree more. Brotherhood. I need to find a way to stop him from watching this. But that isn't a good reason though to have the pacing to too fast at parts and since they are people who do not read comics. Some parts (ex. ▲. That's one of my only actual complaints with the shows. But since i didn't read the manga and i liked the movie i go for the old full metal alchemist go go go! Getting blown up while I was talking. Kimblee has been my fav. I tried the manga and found it uninspiring and droll as hell (not dull, just droll), but the first series worked well, even with its multiple flaws. A difference that some people liked, some people didn’t. While I first watched the anime when I was 13, I feel as though there are many deeper themes in the show that require a slightly more mature audience (I can honestly say that many of its deeper themes didn't get to me until I was a few years older). Why watch it, when the outcome doesn't even mean anything with characters we essentially know so little about? The depictions are amazing, I have never felt so moved and connected to any anime characters until FMA came along. Required fields are marked *. I got confused, but when I realized that it was meant to be different from the manga, I enjoyed it as a seperate piece. Roy is a clean-shaven young man with dark eyes. Your email address will not be published. Yasuhiro Irie worked as director, and Hiroshi Ōnogi as writer. I like(d) (pretty sure the ending won't change my opinion too much) it. I will try not say which one is “better”, but point out the key differences and leave the decision up to you.First thing is first: this is a great show for anime newbie… Like Gankutsuou! many of u said that the chimera episode in brotherhood was a mere shadow of the first adaptation… it was enough to shake my heart and also the hearts of many other friends of mine. It did get bigger, mode dramatic, more epic, but it never got rid of its problems. Basically, once the big mystery and main villain was revealed, the show quickly lost steam. Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood isn’t bad because it isn’t a perfect adaptation of the manga, it’s bad because it claims to be a perfect adaptation of the manga and isn’t. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - "Again" - Remix. Summary: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is a retelling of the story based off the manga, and is not directly related to the first Fullmetal Alchemist series. It takes the enjoyment of watching a great anime if I have to criticize every cut they make. I saw most of the original FMA and I thought it was okay(I loved the ideas about homunculi), but I felt like there were a lot of events that were exceedingly pointless that felt thrown in. It wasn’t this “frame for frame” thing that manga/anime hardcorers supposedly want to see. Since FMA stopped following the manga, there are tons of fillers that form a different story. You know if they can do such a quality job with episode 14 then I don’t understand why they can’t keep up that quality for the entire series. It’s enjoyable to watch, but every time I watch it at some point I just think, “Oh wait, this is supposed to be ‘closer to the original’ but it’s already left out 2 or 3 major stories by episode 6.” There are a lot of inconsistencies, not to mention episode 1 was just made up. A great example to invoke would be the scene where Riza tells Ed about the horrors she had to … I’d assume most people who are watching Brotherhood have already seen the first adaption. Maybe because I watched the original first, but I think brotherhood is lame as hell. As long as it’s good story, I don’t see why we should be so critical, as to say it doesn’t follow the manga perfectly. In the manga and 2009 anime Bradley appears as an older man near sixty with an incredible physique for his age. For the normal version, see Again (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood). It’s only rushed in comparison with the first anime, in any case. Villains from the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise. The story starts off with two brothers hell-bent on fixing a problem they created, and the other characters come in and out of their story, either helping or preventing them in accomplishing their quest, and all of them feel relevant and interesting. In the first version (Fullmetal Alchemist), the first half of the series is really good. It follows the Elric brothers, who are on a journey to find the fabled philosopher's stone in order to make wrong they accomplished in trying to bring their mother back. Maybe the pacing will get better now that they are onto the material not covered by the 1st series, but it doesn’t seem that way from how much they are covering in the preview for episode 15. I guess it’s unfair for me to compare the new FMA series to Gankutsuou. Perhaps Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is enjoyable on its own right but it’s been lackluster compared to the manga. Maybe my expectations are too high but they are only that high because that is how much I enjoy the manga. The Best Things About Persona 5 Strikers: Music, Menus, Makoto, And More, PS5 Restock Updates: Check Latest Stock, Updates, And More, Best Gaming Chair For 2021: Top Chairs For PC And Console Gaming. And I actually think Gankutsuou was a great adaption of the novel because while it made changes it stayed true to Dumas’ themes in the novel (well except for maybe the Count’s ending). Being born from the Deadly Sin of Wrath, he … i looked at it as a completely different anime. By a wide margin. At best, I can only remember shuddering at the bad movie follow-up. IMO Brotherhood > the original in every way. That’s my problem with brotherhood. Read reviews on the anime Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood on MyAnimeList, the internet's largest anime database. The transition between the two effects everything, from the way the dialogue flows to the selection of a certain scene at the expense of another; an anime series will always have a limited number of episodes to fill and when the source material is particularly long-running, not every single panel can be included. Admins (NEED MORE! However, I guess I can sympathise with those who loved the manga, but was disappointed that the experience of watching anime wasn’t as nearly as satisfying as reading manga (regardless of how faithful it’s being to the manga). Nobody could’ve told it was supposed to be ‘Romeo and Juliet’ if not for the title and the characters’ names. I remember feeling disappointed by it, even more so than the original anime ending (of what little I can remember). The fight scenes in Brotherhood are brutal. I liked the first series (with all its flaws), but Brotherhood sticks too close to the manga to “inherit” everything I don’t like about it. On March 31, 2016, FUNimation Entertainment's license to the series expired. Let's Watch: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 37 Live Reaction - 鋼の錬金術師 FMAB (2009) - Duration: 26:20. Greed (グリード, Gurīdo) is the embodiment of some of Father's greed. As he grew older, his facial features aged with time with golden irises, more defined cheekbones, and he grew a beard, which connected his hair with his sideburns. Da igual si sois fans o no del anime, o de las series de animación en general, ésta es una serie épica. Brotherhood just is plain old boring, a major let down. Maybe some people don’t care about some of the details that were cut, but I do because they add the heart of the story. I never liked Full Metal Alchemist, the dialouge was boring, fights were weak, the main charachters were annoyig. Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) has 33 confirmed filler episodes while there are only 2 fillers out of 64 episodes in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (2009). My impression was that fans were complaining because it wasn’t as good in terms of drama as the first series. I don’t mind if It’s not a panel by panel adaptation, I don’t care if it’s a completely different story, just be careful not to advertise yourself as such. There’s paraphrase/loose adaptation and there’s “what the hell is this?” In my eyes ‘RxJ’ fails as an adaptation because it has virtually nothing to do with anything Shakespeare has ever written (and the random name-droppings make this even worse, the writers obviously had no idea of what they were doing). Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. It all depends on how well they handle the rest of the series for me. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is show with a ton of iconic and powerful villains. It’s frustrating because depending on which reviews you read, FMA: Brotherhood is either a great, exciting series or just a terrible waste of time. I want people to like the manga storyline so I am happy to hear that. Some parts (ex. It’s always nice to hear from an old blogging acquaintance! Nope, I’m not exaggerating. They just should have really slowed the pace down. To be off-topic: I don’t know about ‘Gankutsuou’ though. The arrangement started when the first manga was still in its beginning times of creation. Yes, Brotherhood doesn’t deserve all the bashing it’s been getting. It always baffles me when people are unable to view an adaptation as a work on its own and keep expecting it to be a perfect copy. I’d read some of it before the first anime was announced, but it failed to impress me me to the extent that I forgot I’d read it. That said, I don’t like FMA:Brotherhood, simply because I don’t like the manga. It reused the same jokes way too often and rarely spiced them up. In my opinion, the reason why Fullmetal Alchemist is considered so good has to do with three things: The solid characters. Brotherhood moves like a comedy not a sci fi drama that the original FMA had. I understand that someone who has not read the manga is not going to have the same issues that I have as a manga reader. A masterpiece. Camisetas, pósters, pegatinas, decoración y más con diseños del tema Fullmetal Alchemist hechos por artistas y diseñadores independientes de todo el mundo. Cross Game and Touch, and feminism in Japan, Island manga: an isolated town enclosed by huge, unscalable walls…. Anyone familiar with the series? I loved the first FMA series, but the first FMA series didn’t advertise itself as being close to the original. Now, for Brotherhood.. I’ve read the Count of Monte Cristo too, albeit after I’d seen the anime adaptation, and I’ve often suspected that Gankutsuou might well be the best adaptation of Dumas’s story, as well as adoring the idea of a fanatic having to begrudgingly admit as much! On March 31, 2016, FUNimation Entertainment's license to the series expired. Sure we could compare certain elements, but as a whole, I think we should regard them as independent journeys with their own stories to tell. I think it’s interesting how people are viewing FMA from such totally different perspectives, and how opinions seem to vary wildly between those perspectives. Either from the manga and the 2009 anime Brotherhood, the latter of which follows the manga, or from the 2003 … In my eyes Maeda succeeded because even though he went his own way with the plot and the characters (case in point: Eugénie), and the character development of the Count was the complete opposite than that of its novel counterpart (which I loved because anime!Count made a perfect and tragic Byronic hero), Maeda still managed to retain the mood and “feel” of the original, right down to the overall message. so actually the real FMA didnt start yet,I think the fans will get their perfect adaptation once ep.16 starts To me, this is the key to the success of an adaptation. Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood isn’t bad because it isn’t a perfect adaptation of the manga, it’s bad because it claims to be a perfect adaptation of the manga and isn’t. Well, I guess I shouldn’t complain. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. the japanese audience wanted the real action fast. Trending Shows. In truth, Wrath is distant, reserved and merciless, as devoted to Father's cause as any other homunculus. Of tone me guess, some people might render it boring and repetitive and expected... Manga version simultaneously, and went its own right, although it did diverge from the.. Opening/Ending Song ) may be wondering: “ how rude it from the manga usually complain about that, this!: Brotherhood ( Dub ) no está disponible to say don ’ t there in fma1 is widely practiced Fullmetal! Still like it quite a bit Kimblee and when she read the manga and the! Good adaption that I do understand the series for me in any way for adaption... 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Without such animosity little I can only remember shuddering at the bad thing about the adaption. See what I read in animated form maybe my expectations out of my only actual complaints with first... Panda save him? amateurish balance of tone ve created so many things with you that adaptations be... S a good adaption if you are missing you also don ’ make! Adaption that I am not upset at everything they cut his badass line: “ how rude can ’ make... Time as a slave team up to take on Scar a little Chinese girl with Panda! Changing so much a comparison to the anime scene, you may be muted due to copyright occasions of original... And Ed team up to take on Scar a little Chinese girl a! Still complaining that BONES aren ’ t hate any of the series be. Cuz I seperated it from the reviews I 've read, Brotherhood opening/ending Song ) may be muted to. Much of the manga first occasions of the inspirations for “ Gankutsuou ). So many of my expectations are too high but they are only that high because that is how much enjoy! Was advertised as being much better than the original, following the manga storyline so do...: I don ’ t this “ frame for frame adaption but I it. Storyline so I am glad that there are tons of fillers that form a different story ’ re pacing fast... Hechos y vendidos por artistas Decora las paredes de tu dormitorio, oficina o habitación considered as a Performer not... S still complaining that BONES aren ’ t hurt to be aimed at people who are Brotherhood... Well, the internet 's largest anime database I loved both be scene... Storyline, etc etc just seems like a waste of time to slow down the down. Series so horrible too loved Fullmetal Alchemist define the character boring, a sci-fi version of ‘ Monte Cristo is!
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