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Report a missed collection. We offer an advice service for private landlords on their legal responsibilities when renting to tenants. Information event - Being a Councillor guide and further information In support of our information evening held on 16 October 2018 we have produced a guide to being a Councillor in Epsom and Ewell, and made the presentation from the evening available on this page. That's because market conditions change all the time, and your recycling is sent where it is Reduce food waste and your shopping bill, too. What if a collection is missed? If you would like an additional green recycling bin, glass recycling box or food waste bin please request them using the link to the right. Get your garden waste calendar. This is a fortnightly, chargeable service for subscribers only. See over for calendar To join gardenwaste or call us on 01372 732000 £51.50 per year or £47 if paid by Direct Debit 240 litre brown bin £12.90 each per year or £11.75 if paid by Direct Debit Why do we recycle fewer plastics now? Home; This browser version is not supported. Check how garden waste collections will work during the emergency. Business waste - business and commercial waste is not accepted at the CRC and must be taken to the waste transfer station (entrance via Blenheim Road (from the direction of Epsom Motor Group and Epsom Coaches) where it will be weighed and a charge made for its disposal. Now that we make weekly refuse collections, we allow only one black refuse bin per household. Independent auditors then inspect the Council's management arrangements and financial accounts, reporting back Littering epidemic in Epsom and Ewell parks Epsom & Ewell Borough Council is running a new campaign over the summer months due to the increases in littering and anti-social behaviour that have been seen since lockdown eased. What if a collection is missed? The compost is not sold back to residents. Garden waste collections take place fortnightly, on your normal collection day. Mixed recycling bin - weekly collection Glass recycling - weekly collection Textiles, clothing, shoes and accessories recycling - weekly collection Food waste recycling - weekly collection How to deal with waste if you are self-isolating What is Council Tax and who has to pay it? Leave your bins in a clearly visible place at the edge of your property by 6.30am. The Waste Services department is responsible for administering Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s kerbside recycling and refuse collections and bulky waste collections. Paper; card; cans; plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays ONLY. We also have powers to ensure that landlords comply with housing standards and licensing requirements. Here's an overview of where your recycling goes. Surrey's councils working together We work for domestic and commercial customers in the area, covering a wide array of properties including homes, offices, warehouses, shops, factories and flats. Home. Garden waste must be loose and contained within your bin. Contact us Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Town Hall The Parade Epsom Surrey KT18 5BY Tel: 01372 732000 Email: Exciting events are held throughout the year with a real community feel. Ewell (/ ˈ j uː əl / YOO-əl, inf. This privacy notice explains how we use information about you and how we protect your privacy in these services. Epsom and Ewell Borough Council. Surrey County Council has introduced a booking service for its Community Recycling Centre (the tip) on Blenheim Road. Learn about recycling and waste; Recycling out and about. NO GLASS, NO FOOD, NO TEXTILES, NO CARTONS, NO PLASTIC BAGS, NO OTHER PLASTICS. Environmental Health and Licensing Enforcement Policy, Enforcing standards in private rented properties, On-street parking suspension and waiver certificates, Epsom office buildings Article 4 Directions, Primary retail frontages Article 4 Directions, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) guidance, Supplementary Planning Documents and other guidance, Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation, Bin collections - what you can do to help, Textiles, clothing, shoes and accessories recycling - weekly collection, Garden waste recycling - fortnightly collections, How to deal with waste if you are self-isolating, The Community Recycling Centre, Blenheim Road, Tattooists, piercing, acupuncture and electrolysis, Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, Data matching - National Fraud Initiative, Surrey County Council Local Committee for Epsom and Ewell. Waste collections today; Check your collection day; Join our garden waste recycling service; Book a bulky waste collection; Bin collections - what you can do to help; Simply Weekly Recycling. You may notice changes to when you looked at this page last time. A variety of commercial companies turn your recycling into good, economically valuable stuff. Please use Internet Explorer 9 or higher. Councillor Neil Dallen, Chair of the Environment and Safe Communities Committee, said: “We are delighted to be able to resume the garden waste collection service after only three week’s suspension. Search form. Allotments; Bourne Hall; Epsom and Walton Downs; Epsom Playhouse; Ewell Court House; Nonsuch Park; Open spaces; Parks. New legislation affecting landlord and tenants New legislation came into force in 2015 and 2016: Recycling and waste. Planning Application Search | Committee Search, Developed in partnership with Plan Alpha Systems | Powered by Drupal. Report a missed collection. At this time of the year, with Spring upon us, there are a multitude of jobs to do in the Epsom garden. Our 240-litre garden waste bins cost £56 each per year if paid by Direct Debit, or £61.50 if you pay by another method. Leave your bins in a clearly visible place at the edge of your property from 6.30am on collection day. Epsom & Ewell Borough Council forms. If it can't be recycled in your other bins. Mixed recycling in your green bin. Garden waste is composted and used as soil-improver in major commercial projects or on large farms. Garden waste recycling. What is Council Tax and who has to pay it? Please visit the SCC website for full details of: The tip is operated by Surrey County Council, to whom any queries should be directed. Waste collections today; Check your collection day; Join our garden waste recycling service; Book a bulky waste collection; Bin collections - what you can do to help; Simply Weekly Recycling. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Garden waste collections have re-started according to their normal, fortnightly schedules. You will need to get permission from your landlord before the swap can go ahead. Services. Get your garden waste calendar. Garden Waste kerbside recycling service 240 litre brown bin £56.50 per year or £51.50 if paid by Direct Debit garden waste waste Gardenwaste leaflet 18.indd 2-3 09/03/2018 09:48 Garden Waste Collections reinstated in Epsom and Ewell | Epsom and Ewell Borough Council The 20 mile mainly off-road route takes in some of the beautiful open spaces in Epsom and Ewell. There will be certain conditions you will have to meet. The bike event takes place annually in May. Epsom Garden Waste Removal. Due to the current emergency we cannot guarantee our full, normal garden waste service. Visitor permits are limited to a maximum of 120 scratchcards in one calendar year. Epsom Garden Society promotes all aspects of horticulture in Epsom. Single-use plastics and the Council Single-use plastics and the Council. Home composting is a great way to recycle garden waste. This is a fortnightly, chargeable service for subscribers only. Environmental Health and Licensing Enforcement Policy, Enforcing standards in private rented properties, On-street parking suspension and waiver certificates, Epsom office buildings Article 4 Directions, Primary retail frontages Article 4 Directions, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) guidance, Supplementary Planning Documents and other guidance, Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation, Bin collections - what you can do to help, Textiles, clothing, shoes and accessories recycling - weekly collection, Garden waste recycling - fortnightly collections, How to deal with waste if you are self-isolating, The Community Recycling Centre, Blenheim Road, Tattooists, piercing, acupuncture and electrolysis, Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Vehicles, Data matching - National Fraud Initiative, Surrey County Council Local Committee for Epsom and Ewell, Textiles, clothing, shoes and accessories, you can wrap your food waste in plastic bags. We work as normal on bank holiday Mondays and Good Friday. Please complete the application form and return this with your payment to Parking Services, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council. Please note that garden waste recycling collections are currently suspended. The site will be open 9am - 6pm seven days a week until further notice. Recycling is a global industry, of course, so they're not always in the UK. Do not put sacks or bags in your bins. Our range of services include personal alarms, bogus caller alters and family monitoring to keep an eye on your loved one. We offer the following services in the Epsom area. NO FOOD. Planning Application Search | Committee Search An Award Winning Gift Shop with eight rooms filled with gorgeous gift ideas, fashion, homeware and much more. your garden waste from your kerbside Collected fortnightly on same day as your fill out our direct debit form at rubbish collection. Partly this is because of the contracts in place to provide compost to commercial projects. Home. This site is powered by Self Cookie Policy. If you are a council or housing association tenant and you would like to exchange your property you can register with Homeswapper. You can advertise your property and search for another tenant to swap with. Glass bottles and jars ONLY, Textiles, clothing, shoes and accessories in a clear, sealed, labelled bag by your other recycling, Food waste in your food waste caddy. What if your bin has the wrong waste in it? Social distancing will be in place within the site. We have three shows per year, monthly meetings with a wide range of interesting speakers, 10 newsletters per year, an open gardens group giving members the opportunity to look round other members' gardens, a flower arranging section and a junior section and coach trips to gardens. Surrey County Council has announced that its Community Recycling Centre (the tip) at Blenheim Road has re-opened but will ONLY accept garden waste and bagged refuse until further notice. Refuse. What if your bin has the wrong waste in it? Alternatively, you may consider: Home composting; Recycling at the Community Recycling Centre, Blenheim Road; Prices. They cannot be composted and may cause the whole recycling load to be rejected. Get your garden waste collection calendar. Planning Application Search | Committee Search. #notjustashop Shop online or in store. Please see the labels on your bins, and your service leaflet, for full details of your recycling and refuse service. Real nappy trial kits could help you make the move from disposables. Garden waste recycling - fortnightly collections; Bulky waste such as furniture; ... Calendar; Committees; Councillors; Councillors' allowances; Decision making and voting; County councillors; Meetings; ... My Epsom and Ewell Current tab: Search for a location Introduction. There is no charge for these containers. “I would like to thank our garden waste customers for their patience at this challenging time.” said Councillor Neil Dallen, Chairman of the Environment and Safe Communities Committee. Join our garden waste recycling service. Individual permits can also be purchased for £2 per scratchcard. More than ever, it's incredibly important to put the right thing in the right bin. Fortnightly garden waste and leaves recycling. Check our current service update for waste collections and services at the tip. Garden waste recycling services are resuming in Epsom and Ewell after a three-week pause due to the coronavirus outbreak. Community Recycling Centre (the tip) on Blenheim Road, Latest updates on what you can take there. Each year in February, the Council prepares a budget book containing an estimate of our income and expenditure for the forthcoming financial year, which commences on 1 April. Stay safe and independent with help at the push of a button. Garden Waste Removal, Office Clearance, House Clearance, Builders Waste Clearance. / ˈ j uː l / YOOL) is a suburban area in the borough of Epsom and Ewell in Surrey, approximately 13 miles (21 km) south of central London and 1.5 miles (2.4 km) northeast of Epsom.In the 2011 Census, the settlement had a population of 34,872, a majority of which (73%) is in the ABC1 social class, except the Ruxley Ward that is C2DE. Well Done Epsom and Ewell Football Club who won 4-0 today and are through to the next round of the by woiepsom 2 days ago If you were wonder what the film crews were doing at the Town Hall and in Rosebery Park yesterday they The event is open to all ages and participants can register for free. Recycling. All food waste except bulk liquids (like large amounts of milk or soup), No packaging, but you can wrap your food waste in plastic bags, Refuse in  your black wheelie bin. Glass recycling in your recycling box. We work as normal on bank holiday Mondays and Good Friday. We also prepare financial statements within two months of the 31 March financial year-end. Leave your bins in a clearly visible place at the edge of your property from 6.30am on collection day. Round the borough bike The round the borough bike forms one part of the round the borough hike and bike challenge. These come in a book of 10 scratch cards and the cost for one book is £20. In a statement posted online Wednesday (April 22), a spokesperson for Epsom and Ewell Borough Council (EEBC) said that the council was now accepting new subscriptions after a suspension immediately after the Covid-19 lockdown measures were imposed nationally. Developed in partnership with Plan Alpha Systems | Powered by Drupal. If you are looking for house clearance, office clearance, garden clearance or rubbish removal in Epsom, Ewell or the nearby areas, look no further than Goodbye Rubbish. Recycling and waste. Garden waste collections are fortnightly, on your normal collections day. The Community Recycling Centre, Blenheim Road; Bulky waste such as furniture; Online forms; Useful contacts; Venues, sport and leisure facilities. To find out more about the event please visit our That we make weekly refuse collections and bulky waste collections take place fortnightly, your! / ˈ j uː əl / YOO-əl, inf in place within the site will be open 9am - seven... Of a button route takes in some of the 31 March financial year-end current service update for waste will... Spaces in Epsom and Ewell after a three-week pause due to the coronavirus.! What if your bin has the wrong waste in it that we make refuse! 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