[13] However, the Chicago Manual of Style now recommends use of the uppercase two-letter abbreviations, with the traditional forms as an option.[14]. Maryland definition, a state in the E United States, on the Atlantic coast. The state motto is Fatti maschii, parole femine, which is Italian for "Manly deeds, womanly words". state abbreviation; alabama: al: alaska: ak: arizona : az: arkansas: ar: california : ca: colorado : co: connecticut: ct: delaware: de: florida: fl: georgia: ga: hawaii: hi: idaho: id: illinois: il: indiana: in: iowa: ia: kansas: ks: kentucky: ky: louisiana: la: maine: me: maryland: md: massachusetts: ma: michigan: mi: minnesota: mn: mississippi: ms: missouri: mo: montana: mt: nebraska: ne: nevada: nv: new … The twelve cases where USPS and USCG abbreviations differ are listed below and marked in bold red in the table above. The regular abbreviations to states’ names came out in 1963, but many were three to four letters in length and it was decided they would be too long to include on envelopes and packages as addressing equipment couldn’t accommodate these longer state abbreviations in addition to zip codes. [3], Since 1963, only one state abbreviation has changed. 1 ways to abbreviate Maryland State Athletic Directors Association. State abbreviations are all two letters, and these two letters are always capitalized without any periods. MD"The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of Maryland is MD. State Abbreviations. County abbreviations Party abbreviations Status List Acronyms for Offices. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. MS: Missouri : Mo. However, this is not the case, the Maryland state abbreviation is actually the first and last letter of the name, “MD”. Today, the GPO supports United States Postal Service standard.[11]. These codes do not overlap with the 13 Canadian subnational postal abbreviations. Flag adopted 1904. Publication 28 - Postal Addressing Standards - Appendix B - Two–Letter State and Possession Abbreviations. The Two-letter States Abbreviations in US. COVID-19 Vaccine. The black and Gold designs belong to the Calvert family. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State Archives, 1990. PA is the 2 letter abbreviation for Pennsylvania, the 5th largest state in the United States of America.Pennsylvania is a state located in Northeast part of U.S.A, bordering Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and West Virginia.Harrisburg is the capital city of Pennsylvania. Get all the latest content delivered to your inbox a few times a month. (27,395 sq. The ANSI alphabetic state code is the same as the USPS state code except for U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, which have an ANSI code "UM" but no USPS code—and U.S. Military Mail locations, which have USPS codes ("AA", "AE", "AP") but no ANSI code. I am new to Python and I am trying to use a dictionary to validate a 2 letter state abbreviation. MD: Marshall Islands MH: Massachusetts : Mass. Get this Flag However, they only accepted these abbreviations because of their popularity, preferring that patrons spell names out in full to avoid confusion. The 4 commonwealth states are Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The next larger state, its neighbor West Virginia, is almost twice the size of Maryland [24,229.76 square miles (62,754.8 km )]. Other states with similar spelling, letters, and abbreviations are the Maine State abbreviation and the Massachusetts state abbreviation. Maryland's abbreviation is also often used on official forms such as tax returns, government applications, and so on. ARIZONA The state reptile is the diamondback terrapin. or (more typically) "IOA" found in Iowa post office cancellations from the 1870s. Vaccines are here to help protect against serious illness from COVID-19. "Actually, MD is the Postal Service's two-letter state code. There is some confusion when it comes to the Maryland state abbreviation, some people assume that it is the first two letters of the name like the majority of other states, which would make it MA. As early as October 1831, the United States Post Office recognized common abbreviations for states and territories. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State Archives, 1990. MD"The standard two letter abbreviation for the state of Maryland is MD. "Actually, MD is the Postal Service's two-letter state code. The populated ones have their own postal codes, but only the two most populous (Puerto Rico and Guam) have abbreviations. There are several other states that begin with "MA" so the Maryland postal abbreviation and other states can be confused with one another People use state abbreviations all the time in everyday life and business, it is important to know the unique two-letter abbreviation representing each state in the U.S. as the probability of you needing to memorize it is very high. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Now that you know the two-letter MD state abbreviation, it makes sense to know what the regular state name abbreviation is for Maryland. ALABAMA. | AGUSTINMUNOZ offer daily download for free, fast and easy. In list, agate, tabular material, editor’s notes, and credit lines. AS. Check out variants for Maryland abbreviation in Us State Code List of Md State Abbreviation, Awesome images, pictures, clipart & wallpapers with HD quality. Get the most popular abbreviation for Maryland State Athletic Directors Association updated in 2021 The Two-letter States Abbreviations in US. Abbreviation Changes. USCG prefixes have also been established for five outlying territories; all are the same as the USPS abbreviations except the Mariana Islands. List of U.S. States with Codes and Abbreviations - Table of: Code, State, Abbreviation, Alpha code The state crustacean is the blue crab. Abbreviation. Major Rule Changes in The Chicago Manual of Style, Fifteenth Edition, Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service, National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees, National Rural Letter Carriers' Association, United States Postal Service Office of Inspector General, Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act, Postage stamps and postal history of the United States, USPS Post Office Box Lobby Recycling program, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_U.S._state_and_territory_abbreviations&oldid=1000293413, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 14:48. Maryland has an area of 12,406.68 square miles (32,133.2 km ) and is comparable in overall area with Belgium [11,787 square miles (30,530 km )]. What is the abbreviation for Pennsylvania state? The three of these states are often confused with one another. NE: Nevada : Nev. NV: New Hampshire : N.H. NH: New Jersey : N.J. NJ: New Mexico : N.M. NM: New York : N.Y. NY: North Carolina : N.C. NC: North Dakota : N.D. ND: Northern Marianas … Archives of Maryland Historical List Abbreviations Source: Edward C. Papenfuse, et al., Archives of Maryland, An Historical List of Public Officials of Maryland, new series, Vol. [12] There are also official USPS abbreviations for other parts of the address, such as street designators (street, avenue, road, etc.). County List Maryland synonyms, Maryland pronunciation, Maryland translation, English dictionary definition of Maryland. Learn the state abbreviations and postal codes. Need to know how Maryland is abbreviated in Us State Code? Maryland State Abbreviation Maryland State Abbreviation Art Print - Maryland Wall Art - US Wall Art - Maryland Pride Gift - Maryland Life Poster - Maryland Modern Art AVAILABLE PRODUCT OPTIONS 8x10 Printable 300 dpi JPEG FILE *(SEE PRINTABLE … David List 2 Comments. In 1987, the Secretary of Commerce switched to the more commonly used two-letter postal code abbreviations. mi. Couldn't find the full form or full meaning of Maryland? Hang it next to your desk, and you'll never again confuse the postal code AL for Alaska instead of Alabama! The MD state abbreviation is considered more difficult to remember than some others due to the confusion around Maryland, Maine, and Massachusetts. Promoting ZIP Codes in New York City, 1966 To allow space for the ZIP Code in the last line of an address, state names needed to be abbreviated. 1. Archives of Maryland Historical List Abbreviations Source: Edward C. Papenfuse, et al., Archives of Maryland, An Historical List of Public Officials of Maryland, new series, Vol. [3] Since 1963, only one state abbreviation … The red and white design belongs to the Crossland family. For example, they can be used in writing after a city (like in "Miami, Fla."). This table includes abbreviations for three independent nations related to the United States through Compacts of Free Association, and other comparable postal abbreviations, including those now obsolete. Sources: 1831, Table of Post Offices in the United States; 1874 and 1943, United States Official Postal Guide; 6/1963, Postal Bulletin 20368; 10/1963, Post Office Department Publication 59, Abbreviations for Use with ZIP Code.. Bitte scrollen Sie nach unten und klicken Sie, um jeden von ihnen zu sehen. However, they only accepted these abbreviations because of their popularity, preferring that patrons spell names out in full to avoid confusion. AK. Abbr. MD State Abbreviation For example, GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. For exceptions to this rule, please see datelines. Use the state abbreviations found below when they are, In conjunction with the name of a city, town, village, or military base in most datelines. The United States is made up of 50 states, all with their own unique two-letter postal abbreviations, it can be tough remembering the two letters required when filling in an address, especially when some states have very similar lettering. Sie sind auf der linken Seite unten aufgeführt. These … "Ioa." MO: Montana : Mont. (bold red text shows differences between ANSI and USCG), (bold red text shows differences between GPO and AP). Check out our United States Abbreviations table where you can see all 50 states including the Maryland postal abbreviation. Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: MARX - MARY - MARYISA - MARYJANE - MARYJO - MARYLEEN - MARYLOU - MARYMY - MARZ - MAS The above abbreviation of Maryland is recognized by the postal service and can be used on postcards, letters, and packages sent to or within Maryland. So, New Hampshire is shortened as NH … The purpose, rather than to standardize state abbreviations per se, was to make room in a line of no more than 23 characters for the city, the state, and the ZIP code. January 9, 2009". If you are interested in checking out the Maryland minimum wage, keeping updated on future increases, and the minimum wage history, check out our page dedicated to this. There are 50 states in the United States, 4 of which are using the term of "commonwealth" in their official names instead of "State". Maryland : Md. Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: MARX - MARY - MARYISA - MARYJANE - MARYJO - MARYLEEN - MARYLOU - MARYMY - … In 1987, the Secretary of Commerce switched to the more commonly used two-letter postal code abbreviations. These abbreviations (short names) were used in mailing addresses before the introduction of two-letter U.S. postal abbreviations.The traditional abbreviations are still commonly used in other ways besides mailing addresses. So, New Hampshire is shortened as NH and not as N.H. with periods after each letter. Some writers and editors still prefer to use the older forms of state abbreviations (see "Traditional Abbreviations in the table below), though this is rare. [9], Modern two-letter abbreviated codes for the states and territories originated in October 1963, with the issuance of Publication 59: Abbreviations for Use with ZIP Code, three months after the Post Office introduced ZIP codes in July 1963. The Old Line State has become an increasingly popular place for business owners and entrepreneurs to move to as there are many local, regional, and national resources available whether you are looking to tackle a government procurement contract for the first time, or wanting certification as a minority, veteran, or women-owned business. [3] Canada likewise chose MB for Manitoba to prevent conflict with either Massachusetts (MA), Michigan (MI), Minnesota (MN), Missouri (MO), or Montana (MT). Here’s what you need to know about the Maryland state abbreviation. Several sets of codes and abbreviations are used to represent the political divisions of the United States for postal addresses, data processing, general abbreviations, and other purposes. I am not getting any errors on the program it is just exiting prior before I need it to. Some former territories still maintain postal codes, as they are considered free associates of the United States. When sending packages, greeting cards or business documents to someone, or even looking up an address online or filling in documents for business or personal purposes, you will realize it is essential that you know and use the state postal abbreviation. Jun 17, 2020 - The Maryland state abbreviation is easier to understand than some other states as it uses the first and last letters of its name. It is the 42nd largest and 9th smallest state and is closest in size to the state of Hawaii [10,930.98 square miles (28,311.1 km )], the next smaller state. The U.S. Armed Forces – Americas include the, The U.S. Armed Forces – Europe include the, The U.S. Armed Forces – Pacific include the, U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual, 30th Edition, List of states and territories of the United States, Canadian subnational postal abbreviations, United States Postal Service address formatting information, "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands", "Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes Standard", "Philippine diplomats will now use PH or PHL instead of RP", "USPS Postal News, "It's Okay to Say 'I Don't Know,' So Long As You Find Out!" US State Postal Abbreviations List. The regular abbreviations to states’ names came out in 1963, but many were three to four letters in length and it was decided they would be too long to include on envelopes and packages as addressing equipment couldn’t accommodate these longer state abbreviations along with zip codes. 1. MA: Michigan : Mich. MI: Micronesia FM: Minnesota : Minn. MN: Mississippi : Miss. In addition to the fifty states and D.C., the United States also holds several overseas territories. The Maryland flag contains the family crest of the Calvert and Crossland families. The two-letter postal abbreviation system is complicated by the fact that several state names begin with the same letter (e.g., eight state names begin with M and eight begin with N, four "New" and two "North"). Each state is listed in a convenient table in alphabetical order showing each state’s unique two-letter postal abbreviation and regular abbreviation. Originally Nebraska was "NB"; but, in November 1969, the Post Office changed it to "NE" to avoid confusion with New Brunswick in Canada.[3]. The 2 letters state abbreviations: # State Abbreviation … The two-letter abbreviation for all 50 US states are listed here. 10,577 sq. Legal citation manuals, such as The Bluebook and The ALWD Citation Manual, typically use the "traditional abbreviations" or variants thereof. The only abbreviation which has changed since 1963 … Some writers and editors still prefer to use the older forms of state abbreviations (see "Traditional Abbreviations in the table below), though this is rare. US State Postal Abbreviations List. However, this is not the case, the Maryland state abbreviation is actually the first and last letter of the name, “MD”. 21 Amazing Facts about the State of Indiana. To avoid duplications, some abbreviations are not intuitive. US STATE ABBREVIATION; Alabama: AL: Alaska: AK: Arizona: AZ: Arkansas: AR: California: CA: Colorado: CO: Connecticut: CT: Delaware: DE: Florida: FL: Georgia: GA: Hawaii: HI: Idaho: ID: Illinois: IL: Indiana: IN: Iowa: IA: Kansas: KS: Kentucky: KY: Louisiana: LA: Maine: ME: Maryland: MD: Massachusetts: MA: Michigan: MI: Minnesota: MN: Mississippi: MS: Missouri: MO: Montana: MT: … Every time I put in the state abbreviation it just exits my program and I am lost on how to get this to work. The purpose, rather than to standardize state abbreviations per se, was to make room in a line of no more than 23 characters for the city, the state, and the ZIP code. [3], The traditional abbreviations for U.S. states and territories, widely used in mailing addresses prior to the introduction of two-letter U.S. postal abbreviations, are still commonly used for other purposes (such as legal citation), and are still recognized (though discouraged) by the Postal Service. The two-letter abbreviated codes for your state: State/Possession. County List AMERICAN SAMOA. County abbreviations Party abbreviations Status List Acronyms for Offices. Other states with similar spelling, letters, and abbreviations are the Maine State abbreviation and the Massachusetts state abbreviation. A state of the eastern United States. PA State Abbreviation. State abbreviations are all two letters, and these two letters are always capitalized without any periods. Abbreviations List. MT: Nebraska : Nebr. km). Maryland information resource links to state homepage, symbols, flags, maps, constitutions, representitives, songs, birds, flowers, trees Maybe you were looking for one of these abbreviations: MARX - MARY - MARYISA - MARYJANE - MARYJO - MARYLEEN - MARYLOU - MARYMY - MARZ - MAS Discuss these maryland state teachers association abbreviations with the community: The code for Nebraska changed from NB to NE in November 1969 to avoid a conflict with New Brunswick. MD or Md. The MD state abbreviation is easy to memorize as it is the exact same as the postal abbreviation, the only difference is the name abbreviation is in lower-case with a period at the end, “Md.”. As early as October 1831, the United States Post Office recognized common abbreviations for states and territories. The Associated Press Stylebook states that in contexts other than mailing addresses, the traditional state abbreviations should be used. In writing after a city ( like in `` Miami, Fla. '' ) 's... 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