See what treasures that they can find. We have to wonder why no one came and cleaned up the plane after it was just left there? "Pictures of fatal airplane crashes are all over the news. In 2010, photographer Dietmar Eckell was the general manager for Southeast Asia at a German Fortune 500 company, working and living comfortably. See more ideas about abandoned, aircraft, warbirds. Sometimes, planes are left for so long that nature starts to take its course. Eckell isn't sure if he believes this. The shape of the anomaly on the sonar images suggested that they had found a small aircraft. Time goes on and these photos haunt us with the what ifs. There's no need for me to document graves," Eckell told, I document these structures before nature takes them back. Serving up the hottest food trends and the inside scoop on restaurants worldwide. ... and if the owners have not been found the plane will be auctioned off. Member for 13 years 2 months Posts: 1,578. This photo was taken at midnight. What happened to make everyone just walk up and leave all of these planes? This is another plane that seems to be lodged on a mountain-side somewhere. A lot of planes were probably taken out of the air to be left at their earthly grave. They may try and get in the abandoned plane and look around. We assume over time that these planes will disintegrate into nothing, and no one will ever know that they existed. They may take to street art and decide to decorate the abandoned plane to try and make it more appealing. Black boxes are devices on a plane that can tell people exactly what happened in the event of a crash. In 2013, after a destination wedding in Manilla, Eckell hoped a flight to Papua New Guinea. We mentioned earlier that it is sometimes hard to imagine just how big an airplane is. Over the weekend, I saw an article headlined Remains of Early 1900s Plane Found in Antarctica. They take you from exotic place to exotic place. This photo was shot at an abandoned airplane graveyard in Ohio where a WWII fighter plane was abandoned. since, “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention”. He then set off down the remote Anne Beadell Highway, a barely used stretch of track that cuts into the western Australian desert. ARTICLES; Mar 31, 2015 Joris Nieuwint. Later, Eckell attempted to reach the plane on the ground, but that proved treacherous as the land around the wreck was very swampy. In fact, there is no such thing as a water landing, it is simply crashing into the water. In fact, the government is trying to get the plane into a museum. It would be both a haunting and fascinating discovery. Eckell had no exact location for the C-47 when he arrived in Snag, Canada. Other Allied aircraft in the graveyard include Helldivers, the B-25 Mitchell, the Curtiss C-46 Commando and F4F Wildcats. They range from regular planes to various fighter craft from the past like the one above. He searched for days for a floatplane operator to take him to the spot until he found one who landed on the lake and paddled the boat around while Eckell gave directions, trying to get the best angle for the shot. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder. A passenger on this plane, if survived, would not be able to stay with the plane. What Really Happened To The Titanic's Captain, And Did He Survive Like Some People Claimed? "It's just a great feeling to finally sit on the wing of a plane that you've been trying to reach for years," he says. This is not just one or even two abandoned planes. After landing in Fairbanks, Alaska, Eckell rented a Toyota Rav4 and spent the next ten days driving and sleeping in the vehicle, on his long drive to the remote area where this plane crashed. He then led a search party back to the wreck, and all crew members survived. For one of his main projects, Eckell researched and photographed 15 downed planes around the globe. It appears to not only be abandoned planes, but an abandoned airport. There's no need for me to document graves," Eckell told Slate. This plane was obviously traveling somewhere cold when something happened to bring it down. While some may see a plane as just a thing. Even if the plane did not crash in a tragic way, they may not be able to cart the plane away. 2. But, since his childhood, Eckell says he's felt the strong pull of "wanderlust," so that year he resigned his post and began traveling the world, documenting abandoned and decaying relics of earlier times. Discuss: Eerie images of abandoned aircraft Sign in to comment. (images via: Abandoned but not Forgotten) The eventual fate of airplanes is often uncertain when they are decommissioned, wrecked, or just abandoned. If this plane has been there since the war times, it is not hard to imagine how this plane came to this fate. The jars were mostly empty with only occasional objects found inside and they possibly once had lids made of perishable materials. See what treasures that they can find. Sometimes, the planes are just left there. Sometimes, we know that planes are big, but we don't realize how big until we are right next to it. Neither the Norwegian University of Science and Technology or the Norwegian Aviation Museum had any plane wrecks on these coordinates in their records. Found some pictures of abandoned planes. Luckily, all the passengers and crew came out of the incident unscathed. This military-style plane was abandoned and someone was able to grab a picture of the cockpit where we see that time and rust is slowly eating away at it. After following homemade signs pointing to the plane and getting caught in a dust storm, Eckell got the shot early the next morning, using a drone camera. The YouTuber even dared to enter the inside of the plane. How did it end up there and why has no one come back to clean up the pieces? Equipped with a diving instructor, heavy-duty waterproof casing for his camera, and underwater flash bulbs, he braved strong currents to get this picture. There are a lot of people who praise pilots who are able to land a plane on the water. They would need to try and find help before they froze. He lost a drone with a camera and memory card when it malfunctioned and flew off uncontrolled into the bush. 'Flying Coffin' WWII Wreck Found A wreck of a U.S. World War II plane found in Italia brings back a forgotten story of death and survival. There are sometimes images that we see that get stuck in our head. Maybe they are funeral urns or memorials to the dead. This is a whole slew of them. Send private message. After speaking with the locals, he secured a flight with a friendly pilot who flew him over the wreckage. Today, the airplane is almost gone. Below are some photos of some amazingly beautiful abandoned places from around the world that look like they came straight from a movie scene. One of the most weirdest missing planes never found is the Flying Tiger Line Flight 739. This picture is so simple, yet so interesting. According to, a plane can stay in the air for 5 hours after an engine goes out. Here is an abandoned plane that is just outside the city. "I haven't regretted it for one day," Eckell tells Business Insider. The only place to satisfy all of your guilty pleasures. On July 21, 1951 a plane en route Tokyo from Vancouver is known to have hit bad weather. They say that pictures speak a thousand words, and that has proven to be true time after time. Since then, he's traveled almost 75,000 miles and visited four continents. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Why planes are abandoned and what happens to them. Eckell took this photograph during June, when Iceland experiences 24 hours of daylight. The Flying Tiger Line Flight. The Answer To One Of These Is 'Yes', They Say Copenhagen, Denmark Is A Walkable City: What The Ultimate Tour Looks Like, Travel Will Eventually Be Safe, And This Is How To Embrace It Again Slowly, We Thought These Foods Were Completely Unhealthy, Until The Experts Spoke, Planing To Walk The Camino De Santiago? For one of his main projects, Eckell researched and photographed 15 downed planes around the globe. It is as if the earth is claiming the planes for itself. Here Are 17 Hidden Spots Inside America's National Parks and Forests. Sometimes, we let our imaginations run wild and we make up stories about what could possibly have happened. There is no sign of anyone who has come back for it. However, when a plane ends up at the bottom of a lake you might expect it to stay there. This plane has also either been here for a long time or it succumbed to a tragedy that we would rather not imagine. 6 Broken Down Cockpit Area. Maybe it's a way to make their stories immortal. DC-4 Canadian Pacific Air Lines. A recap of all things electric vehicles, ride-hailing, airlines, and more. ", 14 awe-inspiring images of abandoned rocket bases». Planes are made specifically to stay in the air. Can you imagine just taking a leisurely stroll one day and coming across a plane? Eckell had heard rumors of a "mysterious drug plane" on a remote beach in Mexico, so when found a cheap flight to Ixtapa, he jumped on the opportunity. Especially ones that are passenger planes, the ones we are used to seeing flying through the sky. Le Chateau Frontenac Has A Pool, And Here's How Else You Can Keep The Kids Entertained, 2020 Wasn't All Bad, Here Are The Happiest Moments We Can Look Back On In Travel And Beyond, These Are Dairy Queen's Best Blizzards, So Stop Wasting Time On Other Flavors. Blueye was asked to help NGU with our underwater drones to document and identify the wreck. But, since his childhood, Eckell says he's felt the strong pull of "wanderlust," so that year he resigned his post and began traveling the world, documenting abandoned and decaying relics of earlier times. Richard Gray goes behind the scenes. Especially if you got the nerve to try and go inside. She is a big fan of vacations, but barely gets them. By: Mondariz - 25th January 2009 at 11:37. The series is titled "Happy End," because not a single passenger died in any of the crashes. This wreck is found on the lava sands only two miles from a main road, about a two-and -a-half-hour drive from Reykjavik, Iceland's capital. Instead, they found bits of plane debris. All they know is that someone stumbled across an abandoned plane one day. There are times when they crash land in the water. "I. haven't regretted it for one day," Eckell tells Business Insider. Sometimes beauty can be found in the most remote of places, hidden away like a treasure waiting to be discovered. There's something absolutely irresistible about abandoned places, none so much as plane wrecks. Ashley is a stay-at-home mom to three beautiful children. We will show you incredible pictures of warplanes and old airports that were once used and are now abandoned around the world. The pilot then walked down the mountain, through extreme terrain to a highway where he flagged a truck down. Subscriber On rare occasions they are found again, against all odds. However, it is not just the abandoned plane that makes these pictures so haunting, it is the story behind them. Knowing that they were once flying high above, but now reduced to rusting on the ground, discover the stories behind these doomed and derelict aircraft. "Pictures of fatal airplane crashes are all over the news. When planes crash, they don't always land in trees or on land. Occasionally, something happens that forces these planes to the ground. So they borrowed an excavator from a neighbor and dug down seven or eight meters. Missing Plane Found in Jungle 68 Years Later. I can not imagine being on a hike and innocently coming across this. They are abandoned with little to no explanation as to why. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. This is another passenger plane that has been abandoned in the middle of a field. What were the circumstances that led up to the events the pictures captured. “At first we were digging up a lot of dirt with metal fragments in it. The plane doesn't look like it is too beat up, so it is hard to imagine that it was in a crash of any kind. The plane is believed to be the one that Mark and Janet Davies were in when they … See more ideas about aircraft, graveyard, abandoned. Sign up for Insider Transportation. Oct 3, 2013 - Explore Dan Armstrong's board "abandoned aircraft", followed by 414 people on Pinterest. Finally, he arrived at the wreck and documented what was left before the whole thing eventually sinks into the bog. But I would do it again, and I will continue.". One person knew, and led them down a long beach. 9 It’s Been There For Some Time We wonder what happened? After arriving in the small mining town of Laverton, Australia, Eckell informed the local police force that if he was not back in five days, they should come searching for him. After 64 years, the plane is still in (relatively) excellent condition. When they arrived, the group had to hide under the Liberator's wing as a heavy rainstorm passed through. For the full story on many of the planes he visited, we suggest you buy his beautiful new book. The plane itself is showing signs of aging, and the nature around it is starting to grow up and around the plane. See more ideas about abandoned, aircraft, abandoned places. If a plane could tell us a story, we would like to listen to what this plane had to say. I lost more than $10,000 worth of equipment and I could have gotten into real trouble. "We passed villages with no water or electricity and people fishing in dug-out canoes – it was like a time travel... out here they live like 70 years ago when the plane landed," Eckell says. View; Home; Forums; Historic Aviation; Read the forum code of contact. Eckell has shared some of his photos here with us. Airplanes are majestic things. This one shows clear signs of being a crash of some sort. Eckell found this airplane off the coast of Hawaii, about 30 meters below the surface. Some may see it as a blank canvas. Pacific Plane Wrecks, Amazing pictures of Abandoned WWII planes. Sometimes, planes crash in places that just don't have the resources to clean up the wreckage. Planes found at the location date all the way back to the ‘70s and ‘80s. Traveling by ATV, "we had to pull each other out with the trench every five minutes and maybe made one mile per hour," he says. Which is what likely happened to this plane. Continue reading → It simply looks like it landed here and everyone just walked away from it. for Southeast Asia at a German Fortune 500 company, working and living comfortably. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. When anything is abandoned for some time, people are bound to go exploring. There is not only a whole entire plane in this picture, but there appears to be a part of another plane and scattered mechanics laying all around. The natural trees, land and grass start to grow around them. Still, he got the shots. Author: They could have landed there for some reason, and the pilot just couldn't get it back in the air. These Are The Items You Must Bring In Your Backpack, Socially-Distant: NYC's Holiday Window Displays Are Iconic, And These Pictures Are Proof. Across the world, many former planes of times now long passed lie around collecting rust, waiting to be discovered. 15. Its stories to never be told to anyone. Check out these 20 Sad Photos Of Planes That Were Abandoned. His portfolio is filled with mystifyingly beautiful pictures of abandoned buildings, forgotten military sites and decomposing cars. Planes can be abandoned for many reasons. Either way, this would be a wonderful place to visit and take a walk around. They leave it there and let it become home to all the different kinds of wildlife around. This plane is clearly not a standard passenger plane, and it may even be a war plane used in a time of fight. This is obviously a plane that has been abandoned for a while. Most pictures in the collection I have seen before, but this one is new to me. According to, the dirtiest place on a passenger plane is the lap tray. Oct 3, 2019 - Explore rob english's board "Aircraft Graveyard/Boneyard & Abandoned Planes", followed by 228 people on Pinterest. This is a great scale photo that shows a woman standing underneath a passenger plane that has been abandoned. It hasn’t been found to date and no one knows whether it was a mid-air heist or plane crash that caused it to vanish along with its crew members in 1979. When they reach the end of their life, many aeroplanes are sent to this field in the English countryside – not just to die, but to be reborn. He stood on the roof of his car and held his tripod above his head to get the shot, before making the treacherous drive home. Get it now on using the button below. Up until now all of our pictures have been from the outside of planes, and it is about time we look at one from the inside of the plane. ... it is actually pretty common to find an abandoned plane. More than 70 years ago, during World War II, a U.S. pilot was shot down as he was flying over the Pacific. The plane sat for several days, disrupting local businesses and traffic, before disappearing in the night. This abandoned plane can be found on a beach in Wales, although getting to it is a bit difficult, mostly because it's protected. Most planes have more than one pilot for a reason, and that is because on a long flight, they will take turns getting a nap in to keep up their energy. An interesting fact about planes is that the dirtiest part of a plane is not the bathroom. In 1979, this plane was overloaded and forced to land on the rocks not long after it took off. When the flight was over the Western Pacific Ocean carrying around 93 army men and 3 South Vietnamese, people believed to have seen an air explosion, but no debris or wreckage was recovered, which was the strangest thing. 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The diving guide mentioned to Eckell that the pilot of the plane, the only person aboard when it crashed, is still alive and living in Hawaii. 21 Abandoned Airplanes Discovered, What They Found Was Breathtaking If you are fascinated by planes, we are too! as well as other partner offers and accept our. This specific trip was one of Eckell's most costly. A creation by man that can not possibly ever hold any sentimental meaning to anyone. The Pacific Islands are still littered with plane wrecks from the fighting there. They are huge, and they have the ability to soar through the air at thousands of miles above the ground. Since then, he's traveled almost 75,000 miles and visited four continents. Not only is this plane abandoned, it is also upside down. Planes that crash landed on remote locations or sunken in the lagoons around the island can still be visited today. Lost World War II Bomber Crew Found After 69 Years More than 69 years after they crashed in Germany, the remains of five British airmen have been recovered and will receive a proper burial. Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. "I want to surprise the viewer with stories of heroes and miracles and give their viewing experience a 'happy end.'". A long lost airplane that crashed during WWII is finally discovered almost perfectly preserved on the riverbed of a remote Pacific island. Eckell told Slate, "I document these structures before nature takes them back. Account active Here's Where Families Can Go To Make The Most Out Of A Trip To Japan, 20 Sad Photos Of Planes That Were Abandoned, Does The Little Mermaid Statue In Copenhagen Deserve Its Fame? Eckell found this wreck in the "no-man's land" between Morocco and Mauritania. These are tragedies, and they leave behind a huge mess that needs to be cleaned up. They may take to street art and decide to decorate the abandoned plane to try and make it more appealing. SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — Chilean mountaineers say they have found the wreckage of a plane that crashed in the Andes 54 years ago, killing 24 people, including eight members of a … Eckell had heard rumors of a "mysterious drug plane" on a remote beach in Mexico, so when found a cheap flight to Ixtapa, he jumped on the opportunity. Couple's Plane Found 21 Years After They ... a national forest found a crashed Piper Cherokee 235. Maybe it's a way to make their stories immortal.". Abandoned, crashed and destroyed aircraft are a rare sight around the globe, which make these some of the most intensely fascinating to behold. A small plane that has been left and forgotten. They may try and get in the abandoned plane and look around. Eckell says this wreck is in a relatively popular area for tourists, yet almost no one knows about the plane. When anything is abandoned for some time, people are bound to go exploring. Apr 8, 2020 - Explore Chris K's board "WW2 crashed abandoned aircraft", followed by 126 people on Pinterest. In her spare time, Ashley enjoys reading, writing and watching movies. With the setting sun behind it, the picture gets even more intriguing and haunting. The locals told him that after the crash, the survivors carried as much cocaine as they could from the wreckage, but were subsequently eaten by crocodiles in the lagoons nearby. Just as planes can crash into land and water, they can also crash into ice and snow. After days of travel, including 26 hours of non-stop driving and 20 hours on Mauritania's famous iron ore train, he finally arrived at the Avro Shackleton in a remote desert setting. We wonder where this plane was going? By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Business Insider Airplane Graveyard, Ohio. Upon landing, he rented a car and traveled 45o miles to Puerto Escondido. Sadly, it's history may never be known. Did the airport run out of money? Dietmar Eckell has traveled the world in pursuit of ruin. He hired a guide who took him to the remote town of Gona, where they asked everyone in town about the airplane, miming an airplane crash with their arms. Eckell then climbed a tree to get a better shot and was attacked by giant ants. This appears to be another military-style plane that was left in the middle of carnage. These abandoned airplanes lie where they landed. The series is titled "Happy End," because not a single passenger died in any of the crashes. Later, he fell into a hole, breaking his fibula. Or the plane could have crashed and was never recognized at the time it happened. With the tall buildings behind it, we have to wonder what happened to make this plane come down. We see pictures and we wonder about the story behind them. They may be shocking, scary or just interesting. When the plane crashed in February of 1950, temperatures were -40 degrees Farenheit on the mountain. The planes were dumped over the side of aircraft carriers and transport vessels. After a years-long search, the Tulsamerican was discovered in 2010, near the Croatian island of Vis. While Eckell says this wreck is fairly easy to get to, "it’s not a good idea to walk out to the wreck— this is polar bear country and they are hungry in the summer because they haven’t eaten anything since the ice melted," he says. From unexpected accidents to engine failures to the casualties of war, take a look at some of the world's most fascinating abandoned plane sites. Primary tabs. Understandable, too, considering it's a Lockheed P38 Lightning Fighter Aircraft, a … An experienced cruise traveler, and a lover of all things tropical. She says it is a strange experience to see the planes under the water, when you are used to seeing them on the ground or in the sky. Another military-style plane appears to be trapped in a tree. We also wonder if any of these abandoned planes had their black boxes retrieved. Speaking about the project as a whole, Eckell told Slate, "It does not make a lot of sense commercially. Some may see it as a blank canvas. Survival Mentality; Captained by Fred Eaton, the plane was a four-engine bomber used by the United States Air Force. This airplane off the coast of Hawaii, about 30 meters below the surface 414 on. Viewer with stories of heroes and miracles and give their viewing experience a 'happy End. ''. Ii, a U.S. pilot was shot at an abandoned airplane graveyard in Ohio where a WWII fighter was! The Culture of Reinvention ” when they arrived, 21 abandoned planes discovered what they found inside was breathtaking ones we are too Breathtaking... 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