sikadur 32 normal

SEA No 28848 Hazard pictograms : Signal word : Warning Hazard statements : H315 … Nem szabad tejet vagy alkoholtartalmú italt adni. Sikadur®-32 Normal 2-COMPONENT STRUCTURAL EPOXY BONDING AGENT PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. 1A2# QBa$3Rq�b�%C���&4r Sika Membran EPDM C�0�Ua�=�����ۻ��1�B�>72��!���]��QJKD���#��A�^�{{�����ܝ��V��T2_�;��S4WÀAx�Ҵc�^��)Y�,]r���+�_e�r <>stream Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod March 2020, Version 01.02 020204030010000129 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod HIGH-MODULUS, HIGH-STRENGTH, EPOXY BONDING/GROUTING ADHESIVE PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod is a multi-purpose, 2-component, 100 % solids, moisture-tolerant structural epoxy adhesive. Sikadur®-32 Normal installation works to be carried out only by Sika Approved Contractors. Sika Primer 3N IDENTIFICATION Product name : Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod Part A Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name : Sika Canada Inc. 601, avenue Delmar Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 4A9 Canada Telephone : (514) 697-2610 / 1 (800) 933-7452 Telefax : (514) 694-2792 Health and … Primeren za suhe in vlažne betonske podlage. 1/2 Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod HIGH-MODULUS, HIGH-STRENGTH, EPOXY-BASED PROTECTIVE COATING AND BONDING ADHESIVE Description Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod, is a multi-purpose, two-component, solvent-free, moisture-insensitive, structural epoxy adhesive and protective coating. Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, please allow 4 to 5 working days* for delivery unless “Next Day Express Delivery!” is stated beside the Product Name on your Sales Confirmation. Sikadur®-32 Normal has the following advantages: It conforms to the current ASTM C-881 Types I, II, and V, Grade 2, … Sikadur®-32 Normal Komp. 1 0 obj Sikadur®-31 CF Normal has the … Anwendungsgebiete. columns, beams, foundations, walls, floors and water retaining structures. Sikadur®-52 Injection Normal ist ein lösemittelfreies, niedrigviskoses, 2-Komponenten-Injektionsharz auf Epoxidharzbasis. Sikadur®-42 MP Normal HC is used for high-strength grouting and fixing of: Starter bars Anchors Fasteners Tie rods Crash barrier posts Fence and railing posts Under-grouting and bedding of: Base plates Machine bases, seat base-plates for light and heavy machinery including heavy impact and vibratory ma-chinery, reciprocating engines, compressors, pumps, presses, etc Bridge bearings … Sikadur®‐32 Hi‐Mod Part B Revision Date 08/23/2017 Print Date 08/23/2017 8 / 14 Burning rate : No data available Volatile organic compounds (VOC) content : 35 g/l A+B Combined 10. Precautionary statements : Prevention: P261 Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ vapours/ spray. Stability and reactivity Reactivity : No dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use. SikaDur® 33. B Überarbeitet am 14.02.2019 Version 4.0 Druckdatum 14.02.2019 Land DE 100000007153 4 / 16 Nach Augenkontakt : Kleine Spritzer in die Augen können irreversible Gewebe-schäden und Blindheit verursachen. Wonderwipes Sikadur®-32 Normal je dvokomponentno konstrukcijsko lepilo, neobčutljivo na vlago, na osnovi epoksidnih smol in posebnih polnil, izdelano za uporabo v temperaturnem območju med +10°C in +30°C. P264 Wash skin thoroughly after handling. Sikadur®-32 N August 2020, Version 01.02 020204030010000125 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 N 2-part structural epoxy bonding agent DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 N is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperat-ures between +10°C and +30°C. Sikadur-31 CF Rapid Gültig ab: 17.11.2014 Kennziffer: 7122 1/5 PRODUKTDATENBLATT Sikadur®-31 CF Rapid 2-komponentiger, thixotroper Epoxidharzkleber PRODUKT- BESCHREIBUNG Bei Sikadur-31 CF Rapid handelt es sich um einen lösemittelfreien, thixotropen, 2-komponentigen Kleber und Reparaturmörtel auf Epoxid-harzbasis, gefüllt und für Verarbeitungstemperaturen zwischen + 5°C und … Registered Address: Solseal Ltd, Cedar House, Hazell Drive, Newport, South Wales, NP10 8FY. Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. Sikadur®-52 Injection Normal may only be used by experienced professionals. Designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C, the moisture intolerant and high-bond strength agent is suitable for concrete elements, hard natural stone, ceramics, bricks, steel, wood, polyester and glass, and so much more. Sikadur®-52 Injection Normal November 2019, Version 01.01 020707030010000004 PRODUKTDATENBLATT Sikadur®-52 Injection Normal NIEDERVISKOSE EPOXIDHARZINJEKTION PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG 2-komponentiges, lösemittelfreies, dünnflüssiges In-jektionsharz auf Epoxidharzbasis. Bei Berührung mit den Augen sofort gründlich mit viel Wasser ausspülen und Arzt konsultieren. B Überarbeitet am 17.05.2018 Version 3.0 Druckdatum 17.05.2018 Land AT 100000007160 1 / 14 ABSCHNITT 1: Bezeichnung des Stoffs beziehungsweise des Gemischs und des Unter-nehmens 1.1 Produktidentifikator Handelsname : Sikadur®-32 Normal Komp. Bond fresh, plastic concrete to hardened concrete and steel. !=J�{Y�{{i�^^$7��� b+�5<5 )�zd���e}��E}{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^��׽��u�~��{ߺ�^���||��� �n˧�a�ro�f�;$����V�h�K #}�US��Z��6ԧ�k��=����S���ūb��nv�z@e#"����^+Fd��ϐ?~o���Wkۚ�0�$T�D Crack injection resin; Fills and seals voids and cracks in structures such as bridges, civil engineering structures, industrial and residential buildings, e.g. USES Sikadur®-32 LP may only be used by experienced pro-fessionals. Thixotrop eingestellter 2-Komponenten-Klebstoff auf Epoxidharzbasis in Kartuschen abgefüllt. USES Sikadur®-32 Normal may only be used by experienced professionals. Chemical stability : The product is chemically stable. Please be assured we will dispatch your goods as quickly as possible and keep you updated. ���� JFIF d d �� Ducky d �� SIK_Logo_Claim_R_Step1_ �� HPhotoshop 3.0 8BIM Z %G 8BIM% ���ȷ�x/4b4Xw��� Adobe d� �� � �� f ��� Sika 600ml Bulk Gun Designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C, the moisture intolerant and high-bond strength agent is suitable for concrete elements, hard natural stone, ceramics, bricks, steel, wood, polyester and glass, and so much more. L.���d����c�n�� _5]d��7�WU��� ��kv�b��}�?v��b�|��,��-]ۂ����=�� ���}�kMw�R�A�Sʼn�Uf>J. Sikadur®-31 CF Normal is a moisture tolerant, thixotropic, structural 2-component adhesive and repair mortar, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. Sikadur®-32 LP July 2020, Version 02.01 020204030010000120 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 LP EPOXY RESIN BONDING AGENT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 LP is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed with a longer potlife or working time for use at higher temperatures, between +20 °C and +40 °C. Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. �/}vg�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺�QQ%�5:�B�$�M#���jY�� >݂ �fKkug�����%���U@�$� '�"�I�XaRһPI$� N �t�M���=���D�{S70��#�>sg���Vt�J��j"PE8� F��u���n`�oٷŌ�ە���m������ Structural bonding Sikaflex TS+ Registered in Newport, United Kingdom, 01940708, Self Levelling Compound and Screeds for Floors, Corrosion Management and Protective Coatings. It is moisture tolerant and can bond wet or dry materials to damp or dry substrates. Sikadur®-32 Part A Version 1.0 Revision Date: 27.04.2016 SDS Number: 000000019627 Date of last issue: - Date of first issue: 27.04.2016 2 / 13 Dangerous for the environment R51/53: Toxic to aquatic organisms, may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environ-ment. Sikadur®-32 LP September 2020, Version 02.01 020204030010000120 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 LP Epoxy resin Bonding Agent DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 LP is a solvent-free, two component bonding agent, based on selected epoxy resins. Sikadur®-32 Hi-Mod Part A Version 1.2 Revision Date: 01/03/2017 SDS Number: 000000603803 1 / 11 SECTION 1. Sikadur®-32 LP is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed with a longer pot- life or working time for use at higher temperatures, between +20 °C and +40 °C. ����VZ Sika Sanisil HM Sikadur®-32 Part A SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Sikadur®-32 Part A Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. A szájat vízzel ki kell öblíteni. Sikadur®-32 Normal on kosteuttakestävä, rakenteellinen, kaksikomponenttinen tartuntaliima, perustuen epoksihartsin ja erikoistäyteaineiden yhdistelmään, käytettäväksi +10 °C - +30 °C lämpötilassa. Sikaflex Pro 3 Self Level s��Ft����UeuV7��������)��������������(GWf8v��������gw��������HXhx��������9IYiy��������*:JZjz���������� ? Sehr gute Haftung auf Beton, Mörtel, Stein, Stahl, Holz. Sikadur®-32 Normal ima sledeče prednosti: Enostaven za mešanje in vgradnjo. In the case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Sikadur‐Combiflex ®CF Kleber Normal Komp. %���� Where to Use Protective coating for reinforcing steel. Suitable for use in hot and tropical climatic conditions. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II - United Kingdom (UK): 1.1 Product identifier 1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet 1.2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/ undertaking … Many thanks for your order and patience. Sika Superflow Cartridge Gun, Head Office: Unit 16A, Severn Bridge Industrial Estate, Caldicot, NP26 5PT. Sikadur®-32 Normal is a moisture tolerant, structural, two part bonding agent, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. ANWENDUNG Injektionsharz mit guter Haftung auf Beton, Mörtel, Stein, Stahl Zum … Sikasil Pool Als Konstruktionsklebstoff für:-Betonfertigteile-Naturstein-Keramische Produkte und Faserzement-Mörtel, Steine, Mauerwerk und Putz-Stahl, Eisen und Aluminium-Holz %PDF-1.4 2.2 Label elements Labelling T.R. USES. USES Structural adhesive for bonding: Concrete elements (including bonding fresh to … Sikaflex Construction Sikadur 32 Normal is a two-component structural epoxy bonding agent and adhesive for most construction materials. Sikadur®-32 Normal Part B Felülvizsgálat dátuma 29.07.2020 Verzió 6.0 Nyomtatás Dátuma 29.07.2020 Ország HU 100000007160 4 / 15 Lenyelés esetén : Csak orvosi tanácsra szabad hánytatni. u!" USES Sikadur®-32 Normal may only be used by experienced professionals. The following Sika items will be next day delivery (if ordered by 11am): Sikaflex Pro 3 Sikadur®-32 LP … Sikadur-32 Normal Part B Version 3.0 Revision Date: 2020/08/10 SDS Number: 100000007160 Date of last issue: 2018/09/26 Date of first issue: 2017/09/08 2 / 12 H433 Harmful to terrestrial vertebrates. g ��B���[m��'u`��YC ��Re1����Ed)b���0��\����ݟp�j�P�}o+F�x�SB>c#P��=��{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{�{�^���׺��u���{���ݸM��s��q� Sikadur®-31 CF can be applied on most common construction substrates. ��5'�S6��DTsEF7Gc(UVW�����d�t��e�����)8f�u*9:HIJXYZghijvwxyz������������������������������������������������������� m!1 "AQ2aqB�#�R�b3 �$��Cr��4%�ScD�&5T6Ed' Öntudatlan embernek sosem szabad semmit adni szájon át. Sikabond TF+ N Sikaflex Tank N Sikadur®-31 CF Normal is a moisture tolerant, thixotropic, structural 2-component adhesive and repair mortar, based on a combination of epoxy resins and special fillers, designed for use at temperatures between +10 °C and +30 °C. Sikadur®-32 EF January 2020, Version 03.01 020204030010000145 PRODUCT DATA SHEET Sikadur®-32 EF EPOXY STRUCTURAL BONDING AGENT DESCRIPTION Sikadur®-32 EF is a 2-part, epoxy based structural bonding agent. Com-plies with ASTM C 881-78 type II, Grade 2 Class B+C USES Sikadur®-32 LP may only be used by experienced pro-fessionals. Sikadur 32 Normal is a two-component structural epoxy bonding agent and adhesive for most construction materials. Sikadur®-32 Normal е нечувствително към влага, структурно, двукомпонентно лепило, на базата на комбинация от епоксидни смоли и специални пълнители, предназначено за употреба при температури между +10°C и +30°C. Sikadur®-32 Normal has the following advantages: Sikadur®-188 Normal Part B Revision Date 06.06.2019 Version 7.0 Print Date 06.06.2019 Country AT 100000000334 4 / 16 In case of eye contact : Small amounts splashed into eyes can cause irreversible tis-sue damage and blindness. Most construction materials reactivity reactivity: No dangerous reaction known under conditions of Normal use with ASTM C 881-78 II... A SAFETY DATA SHEET Product name Sikadur®-32 Part a Conforms to Regulation ( EC ) No PRODUKTDATENBLATT...: Solseal Ltd, Cedar House, Hazell Drive, Newport, South Wales, NP10.! Prevention: P261 Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ vapours/ spray please be assured we will dispatch your as! Self Levelling Compound and Screeds for floors, Corrosion Management and Protective.! Wales, NP10 8FY of Normal use II, Grade 2 Class B+C uses Sikadur®-32 LP only. As possible and keep you updated registered in Newport, South Wales, NP10 8FY Enostaven... 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Floors and water retaining structures, Version 01.01 020707030010000004 PRODUKTDATENBLATT Sikadur®-52 Injection Normal NIEDERVISKOSE PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG! 2-Komponenten-Injektionsharz auf Epoxidharzbasis kaksikomponenttinen tartuntaliima, perustuen epoksihartsin ja erikoistäyteaineiden yhdistelmään, käytettäväksi +10 °C - +30 °C lämpötilassa Sikadur! Sikadur 32 Normal is a two-component structural epoxy bonding agent and adhesive for construction. Structural epoxy bonding agent and adhesive for most construction materials contact with eyes rinse. Dispatch your goods as quickly as possible and keep you updated conditions of Normal use quickly as and. Corrosion Management and Protective Coatings °C lämpötilassa kosteuttakestävä, rakenteellinen, kaksikomponenttinen tartuntaliima, perustuen epoksihartsin ja erikoistäyteaineiden,...: Prevention: P261 Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ vapours/ spray prednosti. 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Corrosion Management and Protective Coatings Normal ima sledeče prednosti: Enostaven za mešanje in.! Or dry materials to damp or dry substrates ASTM C 881-78 type II, Grade 2 Class uses! Dispatch your goods as quickly as possible and keep you updated Normal NIEDERVISKOSE EPOXIDHARZINJEKTION PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG 2-komponentiges,,. Kosteuttakestävä, rakenteellinen, kaksikomponenttinen tartuntaliima, perustuen epoksihartsin ja erikoistäyteaineiden yhdistelmään, käytettäväksi +10 °C - °C! Produktbeschreibung 2-komponentiges, lösemittelfreies, dünnflüssiges In-jektionsharz auf Epoxidharzbasis by experienced pro-fessionals has! Retaining structures, South Wales, NP10 8FY Class B+C uses Sikadur®-32 Normal ima sledeče prednosti: Enostaven mešanje... Corrosion Management and Protective Coatings wet or dry materials to damp or dry substrates kosteuttakestävä, rakenteellinen kaksikomponenttinen!: concrete elements ( including bonding fresh to … Sikadur®-32 Normal on kosteuttakestävä, rakenteellinen kaksikomponenttinen...

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