The following are tips that can help to stick to a budget while also eating healthy satisfying foods. I am a junior studying finance and personal financial planning at Kansas State University. She was updating the online finance blog about marriage and finance, when one of her clients walked in, his arms full of paperwork. The final tab on the Explore section is titled “Loan Simulator” and is personally one of my favorite tools. Makanan kucing dengan kualitas ekspor, bersertifikat HALAL MUI, dibuat dari ikan segar pilihan, tanpa bahan kimia dan 100% pure organic. The dinner, the movie, the drinks, the popcorn, the ice cream and the parking ticket you got because you didn’t see that fire hydrant all add up! The budgeting app does the rest. As someone who has read a lot of financial books, this is one of few I actually wanted to keep reading. Under the profile section you are able to change basic contact information such as email or best address for contact. You can also add credit cards and then immediately set a goal for it, like paying off your balance over time or creating a budget to include your entire balance. Remember students can also request a free meeting with Powercat Financial if you’d like help getting or reviewing your credit report via the link at Waddell & Reed ranks top 10 for advisors with CFP® certification . To round out the year, we are right in the midst of the presidential election. It is tempting just to go grab a meal out on those days so planning ahead is key. Because mail ballots take longer to count and each state has its own rules for how votes are counted, it may take days or weeks after Election Day to know who wins. I just had to make sure I didn’t make a fool of myself some other way. We will share more details about this on our social media and website so stay tuned! Both Mint and NerdWallet have great features that can help you accomplish your financial goals and make budgeting easier. Today, I will compare two popular spending trackers and highlight the important features of each. The final tab on the right side menu is called the Explore tab. The information provided shows you the best repayment option for you to pay off your loans based on the amount and answers to the questions earlier. Checking every minute, every 15 minutes or every 30 minutes is not going to give you much more clarity on the outlook. Weekly grocery shopping can really put stress on your budget if you are not careful. NerdWallet also provides information on your dashboard to help you understand your credit score and how to raise it. Powercat, Jenama Makanan Kucing Keluaran Adabi Consumer Industries Sdn Bhd (116069-M). You won’t have to wait for your order to be made after already waiting in line, it will be made when you schedule your pickup. The purpose of these platforms is to make the process easier and more sustainable. One of these being my budget and savings. Going to a movie, play, musical or anything that seems interesting can significantly reduce the total spent during the date and might even be more fun than the movie theatre in the mall can sell you for $20 a seat. Spam protection has stopped this request. Like most things in life, there is no one size fits all. Trained peer financial counselors helped students learn ways to manage and save money during the holiday season on gift buying, travel, etc. We hope to see you soon! The blog serves 2 purposes as does Powercat Financial itself. Powercat Financial United Kingdom About Blog Welcome to Money Nuggets, a career and personal finance blog that is dedicated to helping women save more, spend wisely and secure their financial future. The price that we pay for “require materials” can get pretty astronomical. This tag has some great information, including the new checklist and Loan Simulator. Home-cooked meals are often less processed and can provide you with better whole foods than what restaurant’s serve. Mint sends alerts if you are about to go over budget and if you have a bill about to be due. One of the coolest things in Manhattan to me are the Christmas lights put up by hotels downtown. That said, seek out professional help if your election anxiety becomes disruptive to your daily life. Wanting to constantly know the latest results can cause anxiety and lessen the enjoyment of Election Day. Remember if you need any assistance with this topic or any other financial topic, students can request a free appointment with a peer financial counselor like myself, at When you are cooking you know exactly what is going into the meals. Then, select “Get Your Free Credit Report.”. Powercat Financial. Due to their automatically uploading your transactions, they can save you lots of time! Links:, Figuring out what to cook can be the most difficult part of meal planning. Kansas State University 918 N. 17th St. 302 K-State Student Union - Third Floor Manhattan KS 66506-2800 785-532-2889 powercatfinancial@ Also, students can subscribe to the Powercat Financial blog to receive regular financial education tips on everything from completing the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA), locating campus financial resources, protecting against identity theft and much more! It also has a word cloud on the right-hand toolbar to select from common money tip topics addressed in prior blog posts. This is helpful for those who don’t want to let third-party apps have access to their financial accounts – or those who prefer manual logging. Don’t forget ALL students have access to the K-State food pantry, the Cats’ Cupboard, too which is a great resource to help save on food expenses – learn more at You make the most important decisions about your life, not someone else. Whatever your situation might be, dates can be very expensive. I think that every time I come back for classes in Manhattan I get really excited to get a jump start on the semester, see friends I haven’t seen all summer and really decide how hard my classes will be resulting in several important things getting put on the back burner. However, the platform does not allow you to add and track goals like Mint does. One of the biggest surprises and easiest arguments to get into with roommates is around utility bills. I will be giving some practical tips and ideas on how you can save money and time by using apps. Following the stay at home orders and social distancing guidelines, Powercat Financial is still open to supporting anyone needing financial advice. Powercat Indonesia Official, Vector. If they are needed less than that, go in with a friend or a class mate and rent one together to cut the cost down. Create an appointment with Powercat Financial today at You are currently unable to complete the form on the app, but it should be an option by the end of the year. Think about the last time you went out to eat with a group of people and you were handed one receipt for everyone. As a Peer Financial Counselor, Landon educated fellow K-State students on topics such as budgeting, debt management, credit, and student loans. Please contact site owner for help. The measures will run through Jan. 31, 2021, ED announced in a news release, providing borrowers with debt relief for an additional month as the forbearance period was set to expire at the end of the year. Also knowing people further along in your program or major can be beneficial as sometimes hand-me-down books work just as well as the brand new rental copy of the most recent addition. It was easy to understand and relatable. It provides a central location to view a wide variety of extremely important information. After linking all your accounts, you want to be monitored, you’ll give every dollar currently in your accounts an assignment. You can create guidelines for different categories and make a limit for how much you want to spend on those things. This budgeting app was designed to be both user-friendly and simple, helping users jumpstart the money management process. The information is provided in a pie chart, but can be broken down into a list by clicking “View Breakdown”. Powercat Financial strives to be a leader in clinical research by collecting pre-, post-, and follow-up data from clients. Powercat Financial Kansas State University 302 K-State Student Union Third Floor Manhattan KS 66506-2800 . Everyone knows that “time is money”. One person, such as a president can have an impact on your life, but your life is still mostly yours to control. To learn more about requesting your free credit reports, including what information you’ll need to provide to request your report, steering clear of imposter sites, and correcting errors in your credit report, go to and find the Take Action section in the middle of the page. Luckily, these apps make it easy to keep track of your spending. In Mint, you hook up your bank account and the app automatically updates what you’re spending (and where) into one big spreadsheet, so you can easily see how much you spent eating out last week, and maybe make a goal to cook more this week. Experts recommend that you fact-check your credit reports at least once each year for accuracy and completeness. Pinterest is a great site that assembles hundreds of healthy and cheap meal ideas. If you’re anything like me, you will buy unnecessary things when you are walking through the store and shopping. I would recommend this to anyone with student loans, as the more you know about them the better prepared you will be. Did you just pay for everyone rather than asking the others to contribute? Third Floor Communication, and even a written document with all of your signatures, can help avoid frustration and keep everyone honest when it comes to dividing living expenses. 785-532-2889 powercatfinancial@ You can also drive around college neighborhoods on move-out weekends and score some pretty nice couches, desks, chairs even televisions sitting on the street for anyone to pick up. I have found NerdWallet to be easier to use and to experience less glitches. Learn more at Personally, my roommates and I each took one utility to take care of and Venmo request each other for an even split. Presidents come and go in your lifetime. It saves locations where you shop often, making entering receipts a breeze. Powercat Financial is located on the Union 3rd floor in room 302. Some of the key findings of the research include the following: Who is most stressed? This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Be sure to pay the utilities in a timely manner, not only to the company, but to each other. They also give deals from time to time where you can get free or discounted items. Mint and NerdWallet both share several features, especially their commitment to security. Tens of millions of borrowers entering repayment all at the same time would be a difficult task for Federal Student Aid (FSA) and loan servicers, though it could still pose an issue next month if there is a small window between when the extension is set to expire and when Biden takes office. 785-532-2889 powercatfinancial@ If you’re like me, one of the hardest parts of creating and sticking to a budget is having the discipline to continue monitoring it. The peer financial counselor select their own blog post topic and must cite any references used. Something as simple as double-checking your account balance before the date could save the night. To say 2020 has been a turbulent year would be an understatement. Friday, January 15, 2021. Throughout the week of October 26th-30th, Powercat Financial and the WellCAT Ambassador’s will be hosting a virtual Eating Healthy on a Budget event! The topic of money stirs a lot of emotions. There are apps for just about every business you can think of and many of them offer deals and rewards. Powercat Financial is a vital resource in Kansas State University’s commitment to providing students with guidance on finance management throughout their K-State career. ... Kansas State University's Award-Winning Powercat Financial Counseling Program; Pop-Up to Powercat Financial on the Union 3rd floor with a money question or concern and receive a free soda. Remember, no month is a normal month for your budget. We are excited to support you as you take action to secure your financial well-being. Kenneth Rijock's Financial Crime Blog Analysis and Commentary on Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Financial Crime. Had ED not extended the moratorium, relief for borrowers could have lapsed until President-elect Joe Biden entered the White House on January 20, creating a headache for borrowers, loan servicers, and the department in the interim. Some of them will give you a reward for just downloading the app itself. Reach Your Dream.” on Monday from 4- 5 pm via Zoom. Powercat Financial. It should be a fun way to learn more about this topic! Meal prepping is also something that may help you save. Free appointments may be requested as many times as you would like via our website link at Remember, you can schedule a free and confidential client session with the link where we can help you with budgeting, student loans, credit, etc. The blog has a handy search feature if you are looking for a post on a particular financial topic. Sticking to a budget is difficult and eating healthy is important and doing both can seem daunting. “The coronavirus pandemic has presented challenges for many students and borrowers, and this temporary pause in payments will help those who have been impacted,” said Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Don’t allow a single election or decision to change how you approach life. Keep your life moving. Typically during the fall and spring semesters we have about 1 post per week. Moving into a new apartment with friends can be a very exciting thing but going together on furniture can be more difficult than it seems. Many fast food restaurants will allow you to earn points with every purchase, once you gather enough points you earn rewards, like a free meal or drink. Third Floor After completing some easy questions about personal preference and your future, your results will be given to you. Congressional leaders have called on the Trump administration to use its authority to issue an extension as negotiations over year-end spending bills and another federal relief package continue. powercat -l -p 8000 -r tcp: Relay traffic coming in on port 8000 over tcp to the dnscat2 server on, sending queries to port 53. We have a purpose to provide financial education to K-State students and we have an equal purpose to develop the professional skills of students who seek to work in financial services. Powercat Financial Kansas State University 302 K-State Student Union Third Floor Manhattan KS 66506-2800 . Utilizing online markets like Facebook Marketplace, Amazon, Shopify, EBay, and others are great ways to find deals on almost anything you can think of. According to the American Psychological Association, nearly 70% of U.S. adults reported being stressed about the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Kansas State University 918 N. 17th St. 302 K-State Student Union - Third Floor Manhattan KS 66506-2800 785-532-2889 powercatfinancial@ Remember Powercat Financial is available for online or phone financial counseling sessions if you’d like help with setting up a budget or managing your finances. Ask about balancing school & work, your student loans, your credit report, your spending plan or just about anything money-related. The FAFSA application becomes available each year on October 1st. This will be your main menu for finding the information you are looking for. The key to which would be better for you lies in what you find most important in an app/ website. Election Day and the results from it should not alter how you go about living your life. They monitor your credit score. has you enter all your financial details — every transaction you make, every paycheck you get — and then helps you create “envelopes.” You never sync with your bank, credit cards, or any other accounts; everything is manually entered. As a college student you are never out of things to do. Other than that, don’t think about the rest that is out of your control. I know when this happens to me I immediately get anxious and want to avoid the situation. As always, we remind student that if they have any financial questions they can request a free, confidential client session with us via the link on our website at Lambert first explained the benefits of meal planning, including saving money and time and improving your health. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Looking back on my first date with my significant other, I was nervous. I would recommend first clicking on the profile section and putting in your information. He leaves for the date and we all wish him good luck. (If you do, leftovers can go towards emergency savings, investments, or retirement contributions. This blog is ideal for both! The Department of Education (ED) on Friday announced borrowers will receive a one-month extension of the federal student loan administrative forbearance period, the pause in interest accrual, and the suspension of collections activity. A look at the world of student loan servicing. Don’t forget to schedule an appointment with Powercat Financial at to help with any budgeting, saving, credit, or student loan questions that you may have. If you will need them on a weekly basis it is easier, in my opinion, to get your own copy. The act of voting, thinking about the election process and caring about democracy are enormous events that can be awe-inspiring and daunting at the same time. The purpose of NerdWallet’s tool is to make it easier to see the big financial picture and provide education. We usually like to make reference in our blog to any financial events that we are hosting so our subscribers can participate in our fun financial events as well. From there, navigate to, the only gateway to the free annual credit reports. Cheap healthy foods include oats, eggs, rice, pasta, and beans these are all high filling foods that are healthy in moderation and also high in nutrients. If you have additional questions, remember Powercat Financial is available for online or phone financial counseling sessions which may be requested via our website link at Downloading apps can help you save a lot of money as a college student and is something I take advantage of whenever and wherever I can. Under the same drop down menu, there is a subsection named FAFSA where you can use the same username and password to view that information. Don’t let expenditures that you can control break your budget. During these times of COVID-19, accessing your credit is important. If you make a plan and stick with it your budget and your health will thank you. The basic version is free and the plus version is $60/year. For many of us, these can be negative emotions such as fear, shame, and/ or guilt from past money experiences. They safely link to your bank, savings, investment, and/ or retirement accounts. You don’t need to go through this uncertainty alone – Powercat Financial is here to support you as you take action to your financial well-being. Or you and your significant other have been very busy recently and you have agreed it is time to do something together, just the two of you. If you ever have a suggestion for a blog post on a particular financial topic, please email your suggestion to Powercat Financial is a program at Kansas State University where student advisors get to help their fellow student clients with financial issues ranging from learning to budget, building good credit, making student loan payment plans, and evaluating job offers and benefits for potential future jobs. Here are four things you can do on Election Day to stay sane while waiting to hear the decision: If you feel like you have to have a sense of where the election is heading, try to hold yourself to every few hours. Additionally, wage garnishments for borrowers in default will still be discontinued and any borrowers who have their wages garnished will receive refunds. How many people spend money and immediately remember to log the transaction? A simple search will often give numerous healthy meal ideas on a budget. Leave this field blank, Sharing NAFSAA Article Regarding the Extension of Student Loan Debt Relief through January, 4 Ways To Stay Mentally Healthy While Waiting For Election Day Results, Check Your Credit Report Today by K-State Research & Extension Family Finances Team, Two of the Best Kept Secrets to Save Time,, Look for deals, coupons and even FREE things to do, Create dates with things you already have. But one thing I knew for sure was I was ready for the evening from a monetary standpoint. Talk up front about the plans for group purchases as you move out to avoid uncomfortable conversations. That’s why Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion are now offering free weekly online reports through April 2021. Or even fun things like birthday parties and vacations.) That is why the planning aspect is so important. You can change the output type to 'Bytes', or 'String' with -o. The Congress, not the Executive Branch, is in charge of student loan policy.”. Before you go crazy buying every book that the syllabus lists, go to class and ask what the books will be used for. Attend his live event “Manage Your Money. 785-532-2889 powercatfinancial@ Cooking at home is often cheaper and a lot healthier than restaurant food. Many budgeting apps allow you to link bank accounts so the app can track where your money is going. The next tab is titled “myFederalLoans” and has a lot of very important information as well. This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your Email This blog is ideal for both! Published for the blog on April 27, 2020 by Searcy Financial Services, your Overland Park, Kansas Fee-Only Financial Planner and Investment Manager. By using the app you can get the specific things you need, without all the temptations the grocery store has inside. Occasionally, I join in making a post which is then referenced as coming from “Jodi’s Corner.”. Whether you voted beforehand in person or with a mail ballot or went to a polling place on the day of, you have done your part. By default, powercat reads input from the console and writes input to the console using write-host. Focus on getting the facts from reliable and nonpartisan sources, like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and others — not from social media. Powercat Financial provided fruits, vegetables, sandwiches, cookies and water for students to eat while they listened to the presentation. If I wanted to save $1,000 for my emergency fund in the next four months, Mint would automatically calculate that I would need to save $250 a month. About. The list is customizable and offers different recommendations based on the season. Complete instructions for getting started are at the link. Mint does have a basic budgeting feature, but it does not allow for much customization. Make your meals at home. Financial comedian Colin Ryan allows us to do just that with his book A Comedic Guide to Money: The Skills You’ll Need to Build the Live You Want and live presentations. Election Day results are a big deal for the country but one that you can handle personally. I would highly recommend clicking “View and Compare Plans” to see the other repayment options that are always able to be switched to if you prefer. You don’t need to go through this uncertainty alone – Powercat Financial is here to support you as you take action to your financial well-being. We provided free food, fun bingo games and lots of wonderful prizes including two Country Stampede tickets. Manhattan KS 66506-2800, 785-532-2889 Kenneth Rijock. Spam protection has stopped this request. does this but also gives users the option to manually add transactions to avoid linking bank accounts. It is great experience for their professional interests. powercatfinancial@ This will avoid frustration going forward. powercatfinancial@ If you want an app that helps your track your financial goals, Mint could be a good fit. But if you do want to connect yours, you can. We also share a link to the blog on our website at and post them to our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The alerts can keep you on track with your budget plan. According to, groceries for one person between the ages of 19-50 should average $60-$65 per week and around $240-$260 per month. Did you evenly split the bill even if you spent less than the others? You have a bag of popcorn that grandma sent you in a care package and mom still hasn’t kicked you off of the Netflix subscription. While you may love social media, it happens to be the one place where disinformation and false news are shared the most. We are currently holding all client sessions via Zoom due to COVID-19. The financial aid history shows how much your loans are at the time you’ve completed your FAFSA form. Throughout the Check Your Credit program, you can request your credit report from the three companies in any order you’d like to. Like any budgeting app, you can track your income, spending, and budget. Making a detailed list of items needed to fix home-cooked meals will help you avoid going to the grocery store more often than necessary. One word of caution, Mint has been known to experience technical glitches every once in a while. 33K likes. During college, budgeting your money can be difficult, especially at the start of the school year. There are several ways to evenly split bill payments. “The three big nationwide providers of consumer credit reports are Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian. Powercat Financial. We are currently hosting our online scavenger hunt, GET ON THE MONEY, where students complete a Google form by finding answers from our website for a chance at gift card prizes. All it does is automatically show the money was spent after the due date passes. Our mission is to empower women to achieve financial success. Should you have any concerns or questions remember, Powercat Financial is available for online or phone financial counseling sessions for students if you’d like help with setting up a budget or managing your finances. Title: Powercat Author: Kansas State University Subject: Powercat Keywords: kansas, state, university, k-state, global, campus, openhouse, powercat, coloring, page You can then just meet together to study and use the book then. The most important thing you can do when it comes to Election Day is vote. The month extension means borrowers will have relief in place through the remainder of the Trump administration. Colin Ryan helps us to start using money as a tool to reach our dreams, no matter where we are on our financial journey. For this “Check Your Credit Report” day, we suggest you request your credit report from Experian. Another nice feature is that it allows you to add financial goals and track your progress. Obviously, the rest of the night was ruined, and they never really talked again. BOOM! Whatever you read, it’s best to find one to two other sources to verify the story and read both the side that supports your perspective and the side that does not to get a better idea of what is actually happening. Don’t hesitate to contact your local K-State Research and Extension Office if you have any questions. 24 of Colin Ryan’s books will be given away to participants by raffle during the event. Powercat Financial has been a resource for financial guidance and support in multiple areas including college financial planning and identity theft. “The added time also allows Congress to do its job and determine what measures it believes are necessary and appropriate. You can find a lot of nice deals online for things that people no longer need or have upgraded from. Interested in laughing about money and learning a thing or two in the process? Go outside for a walk or a run. Those are completely free to view and can be a really fun experience. Although these tips could seem sporadic, they are important things to consider to keep your expenses down in places that you can control. Our Student Governing Association leaders were interested in starting a center for students to receive financial help and worked with the administration and faculty in our personal financial planning program to create a plan for its creation. It also allows you to add your upcoming bills, which will help you see how much you have leftover at the end of the month. It is also wise to check your reports if you plan to obtain a mortgage, a car loan, or apply for credit in the near future. Eating healthy on a budget is not an exciting part of many people’s lives and while in college it can sometimes be hard to do. I doubt I am the only one who forgets. After launching the app, click on the three lines in the top right of the screen. # Serve an SSL-Encrypted (Power)Shell: Start-PowerCat-Mode Tcp -Port 80-SslCn < Certificate Common Name >-Execute # Connect to an SSL encrypted Ncat listener: # Setup *nix with openssl & Ncat: # openssl req -X509 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=PowerCat -days 90 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem # ncat -l -p 80 --ssl --ssl … I would recommend always renting books as opposed to buying. Often times it is smart to find a used couch or chair since college housing tends to be a little messy. 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