powdered resin glue

Evidence is based upon animal testing and data on human is inadequate. One was a 2-ply zebrawood and the other was some shop sawn veneer that was pretty thick. Was your order shipped timely and affordably? I sometimes use it for other gluing tasks as well. I can't imagine going to the trouble of veneering and not using the best glue for the job. Easy to use, usually purchased as a powder which gets mixed with water. Warm it a little and it sets up in a matter of hours. This adhesive cures rock-hard so it eliminates veneer creep caused by seasonal humidity changes. It is well worth the measuring and mixing to have a product I don't have to worry is going to come back to me because a client spilled something on it. I've reviewed this product before, but I wanted to add some tips. However, from conferences and the like that my supplier has attended, the rule is directed at the core stock, with the intent of getting panel producers and users to only use core that is not made with UF resins. Ultra-CAT™ is a high-solid content, pre-catalyzed powdered resin veneer glue with an extra long open time developed using catalyzed adhesive technology. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! I tried out this glue and all I can say is that its very easy to use and the strength of the bond is comparable to epoxy in my opinion. Urea Resin – Plastic Powdered Resin (PPR) – Tan. Excellent adhesive for interior and especially exterior wood work bonding. Extra Value: One 5lb container makes approximately 1 gallon of adhesive. Prefers warmer temperatures to set. So much more economical and easier to clean, making epoxy unnecessary for me. Primary routes and exposure: eyes, inhalation, skin contact. Product Instructions: Click Here  Safety Data Sheet: Click Here. This stuff works great, with a balanced set up time to finished press time it all comes together perfectly. Formaldehyde vapors have been found to be carcinogenic to animals. Yes, its a veneer glue but its also one helluva good general purpose wood glue when you need unmatched strength. This also prevent joint lines from separating. Traditional bamboo fly-rod makers use powder resin glue for its long open time and moisture resistance. We purchased a 25 Lbs. I needed some extra time to get the veneer in place. Tip from JoeDon't forget a glue roller and a hurricane glue mixer. Inhalation may aggravate colds, allergies, asthma, emphysema and psoriasis. Pun intended. If ingested it may cause stomach and intestinal irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, weakness, and headache. Nov 23, 2019 - Explore tonneke62's board "Resin art", followed by 656 people on Pinterest. His words stuck with me and so did the comments of the other forum members. Used just last night. It comes as a powder that gets mixed with water. I followed the instructions,used the helix mixer and added the colorant to lighten up the ending color. This is the only glue on the market that gives an incredibly rigid glue line. Powder adhesives may be used to keep dentures in place. It'll be like pouring water into sand. Powdered Plastic Resin (PPR) product may be hot pressed, cold pressed, vacuum bagged or radio frequency … Made in small quantities, Ultra-Cat has an extended shelf life (one year) and will be fresh and ready to use when you get it. Click the button below to add this item to your wish list. container of Ultra Cat several weeks back and were very satisfied that the package was shipped that day. Each and every product sold by JWW Services Inc., DBA VeneerSupplies.com, may contain chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm. Nearly everyone on the forum brought up the UltraCat glue as a suitable glue for his projet. Chronic hazards: formaldehyde is listed as a human carcinogen, group 1, by iarc and osha and a suspected carcinogen by ntp. I'll stick with 2 points: Held fast with clamping caul, with no creep or ripple. JWW Services Inc., DBA VeneerSupplies.com provides this warning based on its knowledge concerning the possible presence of one or more such chemicals, without attempting to evaluate the level of exposure. How much pressure is required when using this adhesive in vacuum press?The ideal vacuum level for Ultra-CAT is 18 to 21" of Hg. It works particularly well with wood types which are prone to bleed-through such as burls and open-pore woods. It is a derivative of Cascamite and has a non-evaporative curing process. You should still buy only as much as you need, but nice to know you may be surprised how long the shelf life can be, especially if you keep properly stored. Powder adhesive can often be used in pressurized systems which are designed to spray an even layer of fluids onto a product. The foam in the middle of these shelves didn't flex one bit. ULE (ultra low emitting) UF resins have been developed and can be used, but they have to be certified. The PPR is a urea formaldehyde adhesive, so if you use it, you are adding urea formaldehyde to the panel, which the CARB ruling does not allow. Where can I find a chart that shows all of the Better Bond veneer glue differences?This downloadable adhesive chart shows all of key points about each of the Better Bond veneer adhesives and may be helpful when choosing a glue for your next veneering project. The buyer should consult the Material Safety Data sheets available on our website to determine the hazards and sustain preventive measures. His customer service is also awesome! Bruce Colton, Flagstaff, AZ A: I use Pro-Glue Veneer Bond Dry Resin which is a low-formaldehyde version of urea formaldehyde glue. Once it is cured it is amazing. Review by William Van Dusen Ultra-CAT is a sandable adhesive and offers type II moisture/heat resistance. Perhaps drawback is long curing time say compared to foam glue or quick set epoxy resin for small jobs. Just enough drying time to get the area covered and veneer applied. Store in well-ventilated place. Convenience: Mix as little or as much glue as needed for your project. First mix the inlay with the resin. Customer support is outstanding. Minimized Spring-Back: Non-evaporative curing process leaves an extremely rigid glue line that practically eliminates spring-back on bent laminations. Optional: Ultra-CAT Lightening AgentIf you select this option, we will included a container of lightening powder for you to use as needed. I'm back for more!! All Content ©2021 VeneerSupplies.com Plastic Resin Glue is an excellent glue for the craftsman, artisan or hobbyist. This really does work and it holds like no other product. Inhalation: dust or vapors can cause irritation. One of the extra features of this product is you can also add their lightening powder to control the glue color, giving a lot more control of the finished color and to match light or dark veneer! Forms a bond stronger than the wood itself. Can this adhesive be used for general purpose woodworking?Yes. Urea resin glue line characteristics: strong, rigid, thermoset, Type II water resistance, and excellent heat resistance. Get yourself a cheap food scale and measure by weight (grams). (Veneer Forum) PPR usually refers to Powdered Plastic Resin glue, which is urea resin glue, only in powder form. Can I use this glue on paperbacked veneer?Yes. Permanent non-movable fix. Joe and Christine do it right. I tried Titebond's veneer glue for store bought (thinner) veneer just to compare, and I had some issues with bubbles that I didn't have with the Ultra-Cat, so I am sticking with it. Ultra-Cat Lightener is available separately to shade the glue line from brown to light tan. DAP® WELDWOOD® Plastic Resin Glue is a powdered, pre-catalyzed water-activated glue designed to provide strong, durable bonds for wood and wood products. Ultra-CAT PPR is not a ULE resin. The only problem is I have more veneers than I can ever use. Dutchie provides online dispensary delivery services to the convenience of your own home. And it still had its same shape. Vitamin E, Grape Seed, Bladderwrack, Joe at VeneerSupplies.com has excellent customer service and fast shipping. The buyer acknowledges that he or she is aware of this exposure and will give appropriate notices and warnings to their customers and ultimate consumers of the fact that these goods contain urea formaldehyde, and will provide instructions that minimize their exposure to this chemical. 2- Based on 12 month shelf life notice on the label, I wrote the purchase date on the bucket. [Note from Joe: I prefer to use a melamine platen instead. Pricing: 1 lb Container - $13.50        5 lb Pail - $28.90        25 lb Bucket - $92.90. Review by Caroline Eveningstorm This is the finest veneer glue available. Powdered resin wood glue - one shot for durability with total weather and water resistance. Available in powdered or liquid forms, urea resin glues are used for laminating and veneering. Use a mixing blade in a drill, I tried to mix the first batch by hand and found I couldn't work out the lumps as easily. Sealing off the surrounding area also results in having to spend less time remove glue and excess inlay from the wood. Very happy and Joe is always there to help. Curing time can be reduced to 2 hours with this method!Bonus: The 5lb black pail is made from HDPE so it can be used as a mixing bucket and then be cleaned out for re-use after the adhesive has cured. I recently purchased Ultra Cat veneer glue to use attaching veneer to some substrates, and found it to be a very good product! Thank you so much Rod and Diane Taylor. Is Ultra-CAT PPR glue CARB compliant?There's a lot of gray area here according to our supplier since much depends on your interpretation of the CARB rules. Ideal for interior wood applications. So far I've had excellent results. This shelf life decreases to less than six months if it is stored under high temperature, around 90°F (32°C), and high humidity. A great glue! We'll certainly be ordering again in the future. Cured glue resists fungi, rot oil, gasoline, and many solvents. See chronic hazards this section. [Note from Joe: No one previously has reported being able to use UCAT glue 3 years after it expiration date. I'll sure use again. A powdered, urea formaldehyde wood glue activated by mixing with water. Review by Doyle E. Hale - Cabinet Solutions - Alton, IL I attempted to salvage the unused veneer from the panel by soaking the whole panel in a large tub of water hoping the glue would break down and gently release the veneer. Used this veneer glue for a commercial project and worked perfectly! Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, https://www.veneersupplies.com/docs/instructions-ultracat.pdf, Minimum review length is 150 characters. Plus, there is the added benefit of ridiculously outstanding, very prompt service from Joe. Stuff bonded my veneer great. Simply type "lightener" into the search box on our site to find it. Its the fine powder that gets airborne when stirring the mixture and sanding the dried glue. The other tip I have is to be careful with your platen in the press. Ideal for maple, sycamore, ash, and other light woods where a dark glue line would be unacceptable. If you don't want to spend the extra money on pre-finished, then cover your platen with cling wrap plastic. How can I tell if my PPR glue is past it's shelf life?You will notice that the powder will not mix well with water. Open time outside of the mixing pot is about 20-30 minutes. I used this glue for a backgammon board with veneer that I cut myself. Rating: Ultra-Cat PPR is a great veneer glue. What is pre-catalyzed powdered uf resin adhesive? Powdered plastic resin glue has a shelf life of approximately one year. Melamine formaldehyde powder resin (AL 102P) is a powder form that can be used in the modification of urea glues by physical blending for achieving overall improved properties of wood boards, especially for enhanced moisture resistance. So many reviews...what else to say? Recently I was making a large reception counter for a CPA firm that required bent lamination panels. I've shopped the adhesive and found Ultra-Cat PPR from Veneer Supplies to be the best value. The veneer was .07" and straight off the bandsaw and the Ultra- Cat performed superbly. Coverage: 200 to 250 square feet per 5 lbs of powdered adhesiveTypical Shelf Life: 8 months (12 months if unopened)Minimum Use Temp: 70° FCuring Time: 4 to 6 hours at 70° FSpeed Curing: Some vacuum press users have placed a heating blanket (set on 'low') over the vacuum bag while the project is being pressed to accelerate the curing of the Ultra-CAT adhesive. Rolls out evenly. It's been the most reliable type of glue for veneer work for me. I would never recommending using a glue so far beyond the directed shelf life. Pricing: 1 to 5 lb Pail Treatment - $6.90         25 lb Bucket Treatment - $34.50. The veneered piece held up fantastic. Rigid, waterproof and gets along with finishes. The result was a rock solid glue up on a project which had both bends and twists. Description. Forms a high-strength bond. Is this adhesive freeze/thaw stable?Freezing will not harm this product. Cascamite is the original powder resin wood glue, gap filling, weatherproof and structural wood adhesive. I had a piece of furniture at an outdoor show where it rained all day. The instructions are top notch and the price is a dream. Plastic Resin Glue is an excellent glue for the craftsman, artisan or hobbyist. I've switched to this as my main veneering glue. The pricing from VeneerSupplies.com is very competitive. Urea resin glue line characteristics are strong, rigid, thermoset, Type II water resistance and excellent heat resistance. Both will produce similar glue line characteristics: strong, rigid, thermoset, Type II water resistance, and excellent heat resistance. Suggested Uses: Ideal for: • Veneering • Laminating • Cabinet Work • Edge Gluing • General Woodworking Sedona and French Red Clay Mud Masque / 64 oz. Just put a light coat of car wax on the melamine and buff it off. Upon addition of water, in high temperature, cured urea formaldehyde can hydrolyse and release formaldehyde, this weakens the glue bond. Not as convenient as pre-made glue but it really is no big deal to make up. Pretty dang awesome! This adhesive cures rock-hard so it eliminates veneer creep caused by seasonal humidity changes. Seal well, stable temperature environment, inside a closed cabinet out of sunlight. No bubbles or lifting after a full day of being wet... And that's on a combi-core ply where the outer 1/8" is MDF. It sanded off well too. If you want a dark glue line, it has been said that Transtints can be used with this adhesive. Easy to mix. The platen is used against the veneer to make sure the veneer presses flat to your substrate. Color is wood colored so blends well with most woods. Directions are clear and it's easy to get a good consistency. Did this item exceed your expectations? Ultra-Cat Pre-Catalyzed Powder Resin Veneer Glue Data Sheet (MSDS). Material vapors may be carcinogenic. Skin contact: repeated skin contact can cause sensitization and dermatitis due to formaldehyde. If left unopened, most users can expect up to 12 months of shelf life. Before that, I was having a devil of a time getting a good veneer application and also achieving good, non-structural glue joints that didn't cold creep or keep a clean edge under temperature and humidity variations. Urea Resin Wood Glue PPR Urea Resin Powder PPR Urea Resin Wood Glue . These powder pigments are a … The method of mixing depends on the equipment available. Rating: Our company is involved with restoration of early 20th century veneered doors.This product has worked well with 1/16"-1/8" quarter sawn white oak veneers. Thanks Joe. Pearl EX creates a metallic look without being a metal, and it will not tarnish or fade. Just used the last remnants of a 5 lb bucket that I purchased April, 2014 (currently July of 2018!!!). This blend purges toxins, leaving the skin soft and re-mineralized with a noticeable glow. Then proceed with heavier coats of finish as needed. Urea resins are a truly versatile adhesive, capable of most assembly gluing, face and edge gluing, laminating and veneering. More of a breakdown in mixing quantities would be helpful, as it would require less math. Proper water temperature is 20 to 30 C. In a lower temperature the mixing will be more difficult and time-consuming. You'll find both tools very convenient to have on hand if you're working with such a high-end adhesive as Ultra-CAT. 1 pound of powder makes about 1-1/2 quarts of glue. Unsurpassed Bond Strength: Type II moisture and heat resistance allows veneers to be used in unconventional environments. This glue is always my first choice for veneer. After my first large veneering job using the Ultra-Cat glue, I'm sold on it. This glue is the ticket. The 70-degree limit is real, but worth the trouble. Would you recommend this product to a friend? For medium toned veneers, use less lightener. Great glue for shop cut veneer. Both of these tools are well worth the cost. I ended up having an extra 50" radius vacuum pressed panel. Since Ultra-Cat is precatalyzed, all you do is add water to activate the glue. This will prevent the glue from sticking to it.]. Ultra-CAT™ Tip for Skateboard ManufacturersSkateboard and longboard manufacturers often desire some flexibility in the glue line without sacrificing bond strength or durability. Urea resin adhesives are available as either liquid resins with powder catalysts, or as pre-formulated, pre-catalyzed powders. Melamine Formaldehyde Powder Resin AL 102P. However, it is very easy to make this adhesive more flexible which is said to allow more "pop" in the skateboard. With powder adhesive, the adhesive is added to water or another fluid for mixing when it is required. Moral is, CLAMP IT. Fast and effective adhesive used to apply tips, repair nails and wrap systems to build the layers of a fiberglass silk nail. Order online today! There may be other chemicals used in the manufacturing process of certain products which also may have harmful effects on humans and animals. Powdered resin wood glue is also known as Urea-Methanol, either way, Cascamite is a known carcinogen so dust masks while mixing are essential. :D. I have used Ultra CAT glue on two different projects. Can I order just the lightener part?Yes. This is super easy to use (just wear a mask) and it has always worked beautifully. Outstanding Sand-Ability: Ultra-CAT will not soften and gum-up sandpaper. Marijuana delivery has never been so simple. As solid as epoxy, this is the best for dining chairs, as well as bent laminations. While, everything was under a tent, it helps prevent doors from warping excellent... Is a dream all Content ©2021 VeneerSupplies.com Terms and Conditions | Privacy |! Always, I got great service from Joe: no one previously has reported being to. Build rail and stile doors more veneers than I can ever use adhesives wo n't creep like PVA glues can! Month shelf life notice on the thickness and number of material gets into mouth penetration the! 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