Some individual pieces from the Miss America collection are available for less than $10, but a complete service for eight can go for up to $1,000, depending on the color. As far as I know, it is no longer being manufactured. There may be slight imperfections in authentic Depression glass like tiny bubbles or ripples. Depression Glass. The show runs from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. May 21 and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 22. Anita Gold can be reached by writing Anita Gold, The Chicago Tribune, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611. Novices should be aware that the many reproduction pieces of Depression glass can be confusing. Some may show minor scratches from use. More. These are just a few of the Depression Glass era's most sought-after pieces, but many more remain to raise the eyebrows of even the most deep-pocketed glass collectors. Jeanette Glass – A Comprehensive History and Patterns Listing-The Jeanette Glass Company, like most companies who survived the Great Depression, has quite an interesting history. Dell: Tulip pattern in the 1930’s. Such rarities make up ''Very Rare Glassware of the Depression Years,'' by Gene Florence, available for $25.95 postpaid from Collector Books, Box 3009, Paducah, Ky. 42001. Information on reproductions can be found in Florence`s encyclopedia as well as in the Daze, a monthly publication that also has a great deal of information on Depression glass, Depression glass shows, clubs and dealers as well as on other glassware, china and pottery. Some of these pieces can only be found in Depression Glass museums or, as mentioned, in private collections. You can get free bottle appraisals at the Antique Bottle Club of Northern Illinois 14th Annual Antique Bottle, Advertising and Tabletop Collectible Show and Sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. May 22 at the Holiday Inn in Mundelein (phone 367-9077). Depression glass has plenty to offer in terms of pattern and design, but some of the most sought-after pieces are the ones in rare color-pattern combination, limited run pieces and the pattern known as ''American Sweetheart'. A-Send for a copy of the ''Rocking Chair Book,'' by Denker, featuring 19th and 20th Century rockers. These are just a few of the Depression Glass era's most sought-after pieces, but many more remain to raise the eyebrows of even the most deep-pocketed glass collectors. Q-Years ago my mother used a powder mixed with water to remove lime deposits from her metal tea kettle. For AOL Users: Depression Glass Rare Patterns, Click the star above that marks your rating. Other manufacturers of Depression glass include Federal Glass and Macbeth-Evans, both of which remain popular among collectors. Depression glass has come into its own, with some rare pieces commanding four-figure sums. It is available for $8.95 postpaid from JO-D Books, 81 Willard Ter., Stamford, Conn. 06903 (phone 203-322-0568). You'll never know unless you try, so get to hunting! However, these sought-after patterns are difficult to find in pairs or as a set. An interesting side note about this piece: When ministers visited those of their flock who owned the Flying Lady bowl, they were spared the vision of her nudity. Or that Shirley Temple cream pitcher your grandmother keeps in the back of her upper cabinet could bring up to $1,250 at auction? The company began in 1887, in the town of Pennsylvania that shares the company’s name, as a simple bottle company. Some of these pieces can only be found in Depression Glass museums or, as mentioned, in private collections. The Great Depression technically spans 1929 to 1939, but manufacturers were already making use of this cheap material in the mid-1920s — and continued until after World War II. For more information or to buy a complete listing of the pieces and patterns, phone 741-3483. Those interested in the tour should write to Snibbe. How to Identify Depression Glass. How can I find out whether they are of any value? Other colors include pale blue, ruby red, deep cobalt, canary yellow, ultramarine, jadeite, amethyst, black, jadeite (opaque pale green), delphite (opaque pale blue), monax (translucent white), and white (milk glass). Glass for sale, Search: Depression, Category: Glass. Date Produced: 1932 to 1934. Depression glassware was made during the Great Depression, and it was distributed either for free or at a very low cost. A highly sought after very collectible color of … To subscribe, write to the Daze, Box 57, Otisville, Mich. 48463, enclosing $15 for an annual subscription, or send $1.75 for a current copy. Incidentally, the society`s fourth annual tour of France offers the opportunity to visit Napoleon-related sites and will leave from New York July 9 and return July 23. However, the mail volume precludes a personal response. Cambridge Glass Company's Blue Cleo Etched and Footed Sugar Sifter. Depression glass comes in an array of collectible patterns including Tea Room, Princess, Royal Lace, Mayfair, and American Sweetheart. Line number 2056, American, was Fostoria Glass Co.'s most successful pattern, produced continuously from its introduction in 1915 until the Moundsville, West Virginia, plant closed in 1986. What are the Most Valuable Depression Glass Patterns? To make those white, caked-on lime deposits disappear in stainless steel and other metal or glass pots, fill the vessel with water, add a capful or two of distilled white vinegar and bring to a rapid boil. You can contact bottle collectors and find out about membership by writing to the Antique Bottle Club of Northern Illinois, Box 23, Ingleside, Ill. 60041, which publishes a monthly newsletter. Are there any books on the subject, or is there a Depression glass collectors club I can join? A-Write to Robert Snibbe at the Napoleonic Society of America, 640 Poinsettia Rd., Bellair, Fla. 34616. In 1936 Ritz Blue was introduced and sales for the other colors dramatically dropped. Newsletter. The most famous crystal glassware came from Waterford during the “American Brilliant” period, recognized its for “bright glass,” rhythmic patterns, prism-shaped stems, and elaborate cuts. Admission is $1. The Quaker Oats Company , and other food manufacturers and distributors, included glass pieces in boxes of food as an incentive to purchase their products in the late ‘20s and early ‘30s. Also write to the First Chicago Bottle Club, Box A3382, Chicago, Ill. 60690, for membership information. What is Depression Glass Worth? and discreetly ? A-A huge selection of Depression glass from the 1930s and `40s in various colors and patterns (including American Sweetheart, Cameo, Cherry Blossom, Dogwood, Georgian Lovebirds, Holiday, Princess, Cabbage Rose and Windsor Diamond) will be offered at auction at noon next Sunday at Dunning`s Auction Service Inc., 755 Church Rd., Elgin, Ill. 60123. Colors: Mostly pink and green with a few pieces of opaque Delphite blue, yellow and crystal. Other Depression glass books by Florence, available for $20.95 each postpaid from Collector Books, include, ''The Collector`s Encyclopedia of Depression Glass-Revised 8th Edition,'', ''Elegant Glassware of the Depression Era-Revised 3d Edition'' and, ''Kitchen Glassware of the Depression Years-3d Edition.'' Even certain individual pieces, like the Sierra-Adam butter dish, are next to … A-Up-to-date prices for 10,000 bottles, jars, flasks and whiskey decanters are listed in the eighth edition of ''Kovels` Bottles Price List,'' by Ralph and Terry Kovel, available for $12.95 plus $1.40 postage from Crown Book Publishers Inc., 225 Park Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10003 (phone 800-526-4264). After surviving the Depression, Hocking Glass merged with Anchor Cap and Closure to become the Anchor Hocking Company, as the name remains today. More. Depression glass, clear or colored-but-translucent glassware, became popular during—you guessed it—the Great Depression. This pattern was manufactured in green, pink, crystal, and most notably, cobalt blue. But some ? Along with the oil bottle with its original stopper, the footed sugar sifter proves to be the hardest to find and, subsequently, the most costly when it is unearthed. What can I use to get rid of the lime deposits in my stainless steel tea kettle? Blue Royal lace Depression glass was one of the most sought after glassware during the depression area. Shop with confidence on eBay! The book also contains historical information. So if you have this lamp with the trademarked "Aladdin" on it wick-raising knob, you've truly got yourself a prize! A beautiful lady performer, a German trapeze artist, so amazed the glassworker/circus visitors, that they designed a mold in her honor. Hazel Atlas Glass Company is known for making some of the most popular colors in Depression glass, including Ritz Blue and Sunset Pink. still remain out there somewhere, just waiting for some incredibly lucky finder to discover them. A-Write to Jim Slaten at the Singer Dealer Museum, 3400 Park Blvd., Oakland, Calif. 94610. Q-I inherited a large collection of antique buttons (some of which belonged to Queen Victoria), and I`d like to know if there are any button-related books or organizations. Some of these pieces can only be found in Depression Glass museums or, as mentioned, in private collections. This seems to be considered a particular favorite when discussing depression glass patterns. Elegant Glass. After the repeal of Prohibition on Dec. 5, 1933, the major glass companies also started to manufacture glass cocktail shakers, decanters, ice tubs, punch … The color of the glass in the Aladdin series of ruby lamps varies from a light red with an amber tint to dark, rich red, with the deeper reds fetching more interest with today's collectors. Adam Depression Glass. In Ohio, where the Cambridge Glass Company called home, glassworkers visited a traveling circus that had come into town. Beginning in the 1960s, Depression glass was sought after by collectors and continues to … Q-I have an accumulation of bottles, some excavated from an old city dump. Depression glass has come into its own, with some rare pieces commanding four-figure sums. ... roughly 92 of the most popular patterns found across the country between 1923 and 1940, according to the National Depression Glass Association. The museum also has parts to restore machines. albeit a tiny few ? The story surrounding the origins of the Flying Lady bowl makes owning the piece that much more interesting ? If you didn't, then you've been in the dark about rare Depression Glass pieces and their values! called the Statuesque series ? Adam Depression Glass. J.B. Pritzker gives a coronavirus update, After Twitter outcry, 5 women detail Chris D’Elia’s alleged sexual improprieties. lies with the ruby, flower-centered Flying Lady bowl. Today many of their pattern lines are highly sought after by collectors. -. We serve cookies Our website uses cookies, which help us to improve our site and enables us to deliver the best possible service and customer experience, as well as to provide social media features. What is Depression Glass? Find great deals for Vintage Rare Sought After Ice Blue Depression Glass Round Serving Platter. ''Pocket Guide to Depression Glass-5th Edition'' is $10.95 postpaid. Such rarities make up ''Very Rare Glassware of the Depression … The first colors made were green, pink and then to a very limited amount, crystal. This competition is in the form of reproduction glassware made to look like old and collectible pattern glass from the turn of the 20th century, but produced after 1930 or even after 1990. Although similar to depression glass , this glass is more expensive and higher in quality. Green Depression Glass Patterns. What to look for: Collectors of Depression Glass pay particular attention to colors and patterns. Unpopular Colors Have Become Sought-After Collectibles. Q-How can I check out the value and age of a bronze bust of Napoleon? Q-Is there a book or publication on rocking chairs only?, If you enjoyed this article by Murray Hughes, then visit Depression Glass Patterns now and enroll in the free Depression Glass course "The 5 Essential Steps To Becoming A Depression Glass Collector". Antique carnival glass, or inexpensively made glassware treated to have an iridescent sheen, has captivated collectors for years. Q-I have a substantial collection of beautiful Depression glass pieces in many colors and patterns left to me by my grandfather. It is also one of the most misidentified patterns by both buyers and sellers. Flying Lady bowls come in several types of glass and patterns with prices usually in the $400 range, depending upon their condition. Many of the molds were also reused at a later date and don’t carry the same significance amongst collector’s as the earlier pieces. Enclose a description of the machine and any wording, dates and numbers it has. To join the Illinois State Button Society and receive its quarterly newsletter, write to Denver Elliott, 312 Florence Ave., Peoria, Ill. 61604, enclosing $5 for annual dues. If you want to collect a particular pattern, get to know that pattern. Here are a few pieces for which knowledgeable Depression Glass collectors stay on constant lookout: Made for only six months during 1937, this lamp currently brings anywhere from $700 to $950 ? Do you know of such a product and if it is still available? Website Coming Soon! Most Sought After Vintage Glassware - Browse Most Sought After Vintage Glassware Sought After Vintage Glassware. All types of glass items, such as plates, vases, glasses, and complete dinner sets, were sold at low prices or given to consumers by business owners to encourage shoppers to visit their stores. Q-Where can I write for information on the repair and value of an old Singer sewing machine? The paperback. Royal Lace (1934–1941) The most sought after pattern of Depression glass is arguably Royal Lace, which was made by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company. Learn more about those hues and all the intricate dinnerware patterns they produced as well as kitchen glass pieces. Its eye-catching multicolor shimmer, often resembling oil on water, seems to change colors when viewed at different angles. The stock market crash of 1929 led to the creation of inexpensive Depression glass. Could that lucky person be you? Royal Lace is perhaps the most sought after of Depression glass. A-The Illinois State Button Society`s annual show (featuring the Year of the Dragon, with an emphasis on buttons portraying the beast) will be held May 21 and 22 at the Holiday Inn, 3405 Algonquin Rd., Rolling Meadows. Vintage Green Depression Glass Vase, Fan Shaped Vase, With Dolphin Handles, Footed Vase, 5 1/2" tall x 6 1/4", Rare Depression Glass ChickenLittleToo. 11”. It is still one of the most expensive of all Depression glass patterns in history. For more information and convention details, write to button collector Mary Louise Vande Berg, 320 Jackson St., Park Forest, Ill. 60466 (phone 747-3935). The most sought-after colors of Depression glass are green, cobalt blue and pink. and makes the piece more valuable! There were very few glass companies who produced this glass. Once an inexpensive gift often given away, Depression glass is one of today's most sought after collectible. Depression Glass Pattern Photo Guide. Some of those are. This precious piece garners upward of $2000 and more when found in mint condition. The most highly sought-after colors include green, cobalt blue, and pink. More. It was produced by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company of Wheeling West Virginia from 1934-1941. 02647 (phone 617-775-0797), to be informed of the firm`s next major clothing button auction. The most collectible pieces tend to capture the zest of a particular decade or trend. Get Depression Glass … The 800-page ''The Big Book of Buttons,'' by Elizabeth Hughes and Marion Lester, is available for $55 postpaid from the authors, Box 657, Havertown, Pa. 19083. Purple glass is not always depression glass. Guests may attend the club`s meetings, held at 8 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Grayslake Legion Hall, 42 S. Seymour St., Grayslake. Most collectors owning this piece understandably do not have any interest in letting go of it, which makes it even rarer. To join Depression glass clubs, write to the National Depression Glass Association Inc., 8337 Santa Fe Ln., Shawnee Mission, Kan. 66212, enclosing $8 for annual dues; and the 20-30-40 Society, Box 856, La Grange, Ill. 60525, enclosing $12 for membership dues and monthly newsletter. These are just a few of the Depression Glass eras most sought-after pieces, but many more remain to raise the eyebrows of even the most deep-pocketed glass collectors. Antique and collectible glassware has had competition for years. At least 106 people shot, 14 fatally, in Chicago weekend violence, Watch live: Gov. if it can be found! Keep an eye out for patterns such as American Sweetheart, Cameo, Mayfair, and Royal Lace– these are especially prized by antiques collectors. Maker: Jeannette Glass. However, I know nothing about such glass or its value. A-About 40 years ago, there was a powder product called Lymoff. For the most part, real Depression glass is lighter than reproductions. tucked away during visits from the preacher! Depression Glass Worth - What is it worth for vintage depression glass including the worth of depression green glass, honey glass and many other depression period glass … Whereas, pressed glass is usually unmarked. Write to Richard A. Bourne Co. Inc., Box 141, Hyannis Port, Mass. Because of the volume of responses, when writing sources listed in this column, you must enclose an addressed, stamped envelope for replies. Did you know that if you happen to have a crystal (clear) and pink Depression Glass refrigerator bowl in the Crisscross pattern in good condition and with its original cover, that it's valued at between $300 and $335? The most popular colors for Depression Glass are light-to-medium green, pink, amber and clear. You can join the National Button Society by writing to its secretary, Lois Pool, 2733 Juno Pl., Akron, Ohio 44313, and enclosing $15 for an annual membership and society bulletin published five times a year. All of Florence`s books contain current values for countless pieces. Purple depression glass is produced by adding nickel or manganese to the glass mixture. Parishioners made sure she had been safely ? What is Depression Glass? Although the Cleo pattern, introduced by Cambridge in 1930, was produced in a variety of colors such as amber, green, crystal (clear), peach, and gold, it was and still is the blue that attracts buyers. These sugar sifters, usually seen only in books or magazines or, if you're lucky, in a Depression Glass club member's private collection, can be had, reluctantly, for anywhere from $900 to more than $1,000. So if you encounter one in person, just look -- don't touch it! But the Queen Mother of this set ? From shop ChickenLittleToo. The National Button Society`s convention is scheduled for Sept. 26 through Oct. 1 in Moline. Admission is free. To me by my grandfather include green, pink, crystal After glassware during the area! Many colors and patterns with prices usually in the 1930 ’ s for information on the,! After by collectors and continues to … Antique and collectible glassware has had competition for years the colors... Still remain out there somewhere, just look -- do n't touch it, yellow and crystal my. Being manufactured countless pieces for a copy of the firm ` s convention scheduled. Buyers and sellers s convention is scheduled for Sept. 26 through Oct. 1 in.! 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