Triple Cross Aussies is located in the beautiful state of Texas, in the town of Granbury. We occasionally have older dogs for sale at a very modest price. You can see the puppies pictures here! An F1 Aussiedoodle should not be bred to another F1 Aussiedoodle unless proper coat testing determines it would be a good match (the benefits of the cross will be lost otherwise). They may appear shy or anxious for the first couple of days or weeks. In stundenlangen Video Chats war es möglich tolle neue Familien... DeineTierwelt ist für Dich kostenlos und finanziert sich durch Werbung. Die meisten Hundehalter können in Sachen Hundeerziehung noch dazulernen. Mini Double Doodles. Bei Fragen bzw. The back cross F1b is produced by crossing a F1 Aussiedoodle to a Poodle. Located in Granbury, Texas Aktuelle Rubrik: Aussiedoodle (Hybridhunderassen). Mini Aussiedoodle puppies can range in size from 14-17 inches at shoulder and weigh 15-35 pounds. Adopted dogs need time to adapt to their new environment. Khole - Mini Aussiedoodle Puppy for Sale in Ronks, PA. Aussiedoodle is a hybrid cross between two of the smartest dogs in the world, the australian shepherd and the poodle. Triple Cross Aussies of Texas are breeders of Aussiedoodles and miniature and toy australian shepherds (mini & toy aussies). Aussiedoodle F1b Welpen *reservieren* Hallo liebe Aussiedoodle Interessenten.... wir bieten Welpen, die sehr sozial und idealer Familienbegleiter und gesundheitlich stabil sind, an. Bella - Mini Aussiedoodle Puppy … If you require a pup with breeding rights or for show quality with a top pedigree then expect to pay from $2,600 upwards to $4,200 or even more. 3. We are a small aussiedoodle or aussiepoo breeder in Northern California. With its playful and social demeanor, these dogs require lots of love and attention and crave companionship. We do not dock tails on our Aussiedoodles . Referred to as a super smart breed, the Aussiedoodle is the cross-breed of the Poodle and Australian Shepherd. We Raise the best Aussiedoodles in America. Products Mini Australian Labradoodle puppies. Mini Australian Labradoodles for sale in Houston Texas, HOUSTON TEXAS MINI DOODLES WE LOOK FORWARD TO SPEAKING TO OUR NEW POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS BY PHONE 713-352-9971 FEEL FREE TO CALL OR GO TO THE CONTACT US PAGE, FILL IT OUT AND PRESS SEND. Natalie is a chiropractor and has her own practice. They have been in business for over 10 years and they strive to produce high-quality Aussiedoodles. Boomer and Shadow are execting a new litter of Mini Aussiedoodle Puppies in February. DeineTierwelt ist für alle kostenlos und finanziert sich durch Werbung. $2,795. Price includes certification, vaccine to date, micro chip and ten health year guarantee. We are so proud to have Natalie and Kris working with us to raise gorgeous, affectionate, healthy mini AussieDoodles. Witch makes this generation of Aussiedoodles the most hypoallergenic of all the Aussiedoodles we breed. Some breeders use standard poodles, while others prefer to use miniature Poodles to cross-breed. Currently we are only breeding F1 Aussiedoodles. We have mini aussiedoodles and occasionally some toy aussiedoodles. Puppies are socialized and kid tested! Triple Cross Doodles are dedicated breeders of Aussiedoodle puppies. Health Tested Parents. Our puppies are sold in perfect health! Adoption Fee: $150 Requirements: Special Medical Needs (please read full bio) Financial stability to continue medical care. Mini Aussiedoodle puppies can range in size from 14-17 inches at shoulder and weigh 15-35 pounds, Toy Aussiedoodle puppies can range in size from 10-13 inches at the shoulder and weigh 8-16 pounds. Which produces the best of both breeds and also has the least amount of health problems. Meine Welpen sind alle vergeben. Birth Certificate; Health Guarantee; Info packet on … Appearance and Grooming. $1,975. The combination of these two breeds makes an exceptionally intelligent, loyal and athletic companion with very low shedding. Our goal is to provide your family with a healthy new family member that will bring you joy for many years to come. Southern Aussiedoodles specializes in breeding F1 mini and standard Aussiedoodles in Texas. Most people that are allergic to dogs can tolerate the F1 Aussiedoodle puppies, but everyone is different. $1,500. 713-352-9971, Specializing in Australian Mini Labradoodles, Mini Double Doodles, Located in Houston Texas. We currently raise F1 and F1B Standard and Mini size Aussiedoodles. Menu. We breed both Toy and Mini Aussiedoodles that are first generation cross from purebred Poodles and Toy or Miniature Australian Shepherds. Our F1 Aussiedoodles are raised on our ranch in Lipan, Texas, where they are a part of our family and daily activities from the moment they are born! Athens, TX. Wir danken Dir für Dein Verständnis. Standard Aussiedoodle puppies can range in size from18-23 inches 35-70 pounds. Please note that if you are unable to pickup your puppy by 9 weeks, there is a $20 per day or $100 per week fee. Bevor Ihr einen Hund bei Euch aufnehmt, informiert Euch darüber, was die Haltung mit sich bringt und worauf Ihr beim Kauf achten solltet. F1 Aussiedoodles are compatible for most families With mild allergies. Most people get addicted to watching their aussiedoodle puppy on our live 24/7 puppy camera which is available from approximately 7 days through 4 weeks of age. Natalie and Kris, raising mini AussieDoodles near Dallas, TX. Your home will be a new environment for an Aussiedoodle. Jill - Mini Aussiedoodle Puppy for Sale in Lancaster, PA . Miniature Aussiedoodles, also known as Minature Aussie-Poos are a mix between a Miniature Poodle and a Miniature Australian Shepherd. Zeus is a 9-month-old, mini Aussie who is a goofy puppy, full of personality. Though, the true history the Mini Aussiedoodle remains unclear, it is certain that with the gain of designer dogs over the last several decades that this stunning dog was first bred somewhere in the 1990’s. Das Problem: Damit Du kostenlos Anzeigen schalten oder einen neuen Liebling finden kannst, sind wir auf Werbeeinnahmen angewiesen. These Aussiedoodle puppies are 50% Poodle and 50% Aussie. 06.12.20. The F1B Aussiedoodles have a beautiful wavy to curly coat. Aus einem Liebeswurf bieten wir 7 Welpen an! Aussiedoodle Puppies For Sale Red River Aussiedoodles Texas. They will be between 25-35lbs. At North Texas Doodles, we strive to raise the perfect companion: healthy puppies with gorgeous looks that will be happy, life long members of your family. Ein Hundekauf sollte immer gut überlegt und keine spontane Sache sein. Not only is the aussiedoodle highly intelligent but they most often come with the same beautiful colors as the australian shepherd, and the added mix of the poodle gives the aussiedoodle a coat that is low to non shed. Sie werden entwurmt und mit blauem Impfpass abgegeben. Make A Deposit Female. Der Aussie/ Pud... Familie aus Falkensee mit Haus und Garten sucht einen Doodle Hund in Größe Midi oder Mini.... Hallo liebe Aussiedoodle Interessenten.... wir bieten Welpen, die sehr sozial und idealer Familienbegleiter und gesundheitlich stabil sind, an. Toy Aussiedoodle Facts; Early Neurological Stimulation; Contract/Health Warranty; Dams; Sire – Jet Blue AKC Reg.Health Tested; Delivery Options; Food & Nutrition ; States & Cities Driving Time to our Home; Type your search. Aussiedoodle Puppies in Texas Aussie Doodles are a unique hybrid that combines the intelligence of the Poodle with the outgoing and relentless personality of the Australian Shepherd. We are dedicated in providing your family the best in pet and puppy companionship. Female. We have Aussiedoodles who are working as therapy dogs; emotional support dogs; and even some who are participating in agility and water sports! This doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with the Aussiedoodle. Um unsere Seite nutzen zu können, musst Du deshalb entweder jetzt Deinen Adblocker ausschalten – oder kannst alternativ mit unserem Service "Werbefreiheit" jegliche Werbung auf unserer Seite deaktivieren. Mini Aussiedoodles. Be sure to also check out information on our upcoming litters. These adorable puppies will be between 15- Das solltet Ihr vor dem Kauf unbedingt bedenken. A F1B Aussiedoodle is an Aussiedoodle crossed back to a Poodle. They easily adapt to any kind of surroundings and they can tolerate being around other dogs. The average cost for all Aussiedoodles sold in … This is the price you can expect to pay for the Aussiedoodle breed without breeding rights. We are dedicated to raising mini and toy Aussiedoodles with outstanding temperaments. F1B have a higher success rate for non shedding and recommended for familys with moderate to severe allergies The F1B Aussiedoodle is 75% poodle and 25% aussie. Koda - Mini Aussiedoodle Puppy for Sale in Ronks, PA. Aussiedoodles are a very intelligent, lovable, and energetic breed. Aussiedoodle Puppies | Rebecca Creek Retrievers | Texas, USA. Our dogs and puppies have a spacious thirteen acres to enjoy. $2,795. Ich möchte mich bei allen Interessenten, für die überwältigende Nachfrage, bedanken und mich bei denen Entschuldigen, denen ich nicht geantwortet habe. Werbung kann nerven – und vermutlich nutzt Du deshalb einen Adblocker. Aussiedoodles are spunky and high spirited and can be great for active families. The back cross F1b is produced by crossing a F1 Aussiedoodle to a Poodle. © DeineTierwelt. With proper socialization, they are wonderful with children and all other animals. Located in Ganbury, TX. The Texas Miniature Aussiedoodles page is for reputable breeders, parents and expecting parents of mini aussiedoodles. Mini Aussiedoodle Welpen aus familiärer Zucht in Hessen. They will be between 25-35lbs. Toy Aussiedoodle puppies can range in size from 10-13 inches at the shoulder and weigh 8-16 pounds. When you put two of the smartest dog breeds in the world together you end up with one of the smartest doodle breeds there are, but that is just one of the many advantages of an aussiedoodle. The australian shepherd is well known for their beautiful coat that comes in a wide variety of different color combinations such as blue merle, red merle, black tri, red tri, black and white, and red and whitecolors. Their last litter was nothing short of amazing! Interesse an Welpen dürfen Sie uns gerne eine E-Mail schreiben an Hank - Mini Aussiedoodle Puppy for Sale in Horse Cave, KY. Natalie brings many years of experience to AwesomeDoodle. Find the perfect Aussiedoodle puppy for sale in Texas, TX at 5 haben das Aussehen eines Shepperds, 3 das Aussehen eines Pudels Die Mutter ein Australian Shepperd 5 jährig Der Vater ein Pudel 2 Jährig. F1B have a higher success rate for non … Top quality Aussiedoodles Standard Aussiedoodles, Mini Aussiedoodles, Toy Aussiedoodles, and Aussies. Welcome to Graham Doodles of East Tennessee Breeding Healthy, Happy, Toy/Mini Aussiedoodles. Agility Sport CompetitionsISDAA Dog Agility, Our Aussiedoodle puppy selection- Aussiedoodle Breeder. She is just as … They are easily trained, playful and also … They are vaccinated up to date and wormed every 2 weeks with Nemex 2. Familie aus Falkensee mit Haus und Garten sucht einen Doodle Hund in Größe Midi oder Mini.... 1,- € männlich. We send personal videos right to your inbox of your mini aussiedoodle puppy and their litter-mates at weeks 5 & 7 showing how your puppy is developing. CONTINENTAL Kc registered RedMale F1. Hier einloggen. A F1B Aussiedoodle is an Aussiedoodle crossed back to a Poodle. The Sire of this litter is a champion Toy Australian Shepherd, for more info on this little guy please contact me. If you need a friend.... Buy a puppy. The first generation (F1) Aussiedoodle is the product of an poodle crossed with an aussie. We breed High Quality Genetic Health Tested standard & Moyan F1 & … No Small Children . The Aussiedoodle is a mix between an Australian Shepherd and a Standard Poodle. The Aussiedoodle is also child friendly and a perfect family pet. Daran erkennt Ihr eine gute Hundeschule. Aussiedoodles require early, concentrated training to prevent behavioral … We Raise the best Aussiedoodles in America. Haslet, TX Sugar's F1b Aussiedoodles Born 2/11/18 6 week March 25, 2018 8 week April 8, 2018 About the dam, GFF Brown Sugar the F1 Aussiedoodle. Dein DeineTierwelt-Team, Werbefreiheit bereits gebucht? He is currently 31 pounds with just a couple more to lose. The first cross of our purebred dogs is called an F1, meaning it's 50% Aussie, and 50% Poodle. 30 talking about this. Male. 2. Natalie and Kris live near Pottsboro Texas, on a 25 acre ranch, along side horses and cattle. Multi-generational Aussiedoodles result from at least 4 generations of intentional crosses to produce a puppy that is non-shedding. Aussiedoodle puppies for sale and dogs for adoption in Texas, TX. Die sind intelligent .....erfassen ihre Aufgaben und neue Situationen schnell und setzen das beigebrachte umgeh... Unsere Zwergpudelhündin hat zwei wundervolle Babys bekommen Papa ist ein miniaturaussiedoodle in Blue merle Die Welpen werden gechipt geimpft entwurmt mit Gesundheitszeugnis abgegeben . Mini Aussiedoodles are courageous, affectionate and loyal, they are excellent companions for children as devoted friend and guardian. Kleinanzeigen im Tiermarkt: Informiert Euch vor dem Tierkauf und erfahrt, woran man unseriöse Angebote und Betrüger erkennt. Location: Waco, TX. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Go West Mini Aussies offers both F1 and Muli-generational Mini Aussiedoodles. AUSSIEDOODLE PUPPIES FOR SALE. Mini Aussiedoodles are a great choice for people who love the personality of Aussies but can’t have one due to their excessive shedding. I have worked hard to develop my breading program to focus on health, calm temperament, and consistent beautiful puppies. Die Welpen sind gut sozialisiert und kennen alle haushaltsüblichen Ge... UPDATE Northwest Aussiedoodles welcomes you to the best place to find the perfect aussiedoodle puppy for you! You can learn more about aussidoodles by browsing our site. This Mini F1 Aussiedoodle litter is between Molly and Concho, they had 8 puppies in all in our last litter. I also take quality puppy pictures and send them to you at 3 and 6 weeks of age. This includes food, wormings and vaccines, if needed. Male. $2,795. Aussiedoodles for sale in Texas. Southern Aussiedoodles breed exceptional Aussiedoodles from wellbred, genetically health tested Australian Shepherds and poodles including Standards and Minis! Mini Multi Generational Labradoodles, Houston Texas … 57610 Altenkirchen. In addition, they were one of the oldest Aussiedoodle breeders in Texas that we could find. Male. Coat: Our Aussiedoodles can have a straight, wavy, or curly coat depending on the generation and parents used. "Brain games" and training are a fun and effective way to bond with your Aussiedoodle and keep them happy and content! 17 were here. Breeding Happy Healthy Toy / Mini Aussiedoodles in East … We have expanded our breeding program to include Moyen Poodles, Bernedoodles, Australian Mountain Doodles, and F1 & F1b Aussiedoodles! An Aussiedoodle from a rescue needs time to adjust. Kati - Mini Aussiedoodle Puppy for Sale in Ronks, PA. Prevent behavioral … Southern Aussiedoodles specializes in breeding F1 Mini and standard Aussiedoodles in East … Natalie and,!, located in Houston Texas wormed every 2 weeks with Nemex 2 also has the least amount of problems! Of Aussiedoodles the most hypoallergenic of all the Aussiedoodles we breed are courageous, affectionate and,... Had 8 puppies in February Aussiedoodles Texas in Sachen Hundeerziehung noch dazulernen currently 31 with! Tolle neue Familien... DeineTierwelt ist für Dich kostenlos und finanziert sich durch.! 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