mayar and driesh

Today. By using this website you accept and agree to be bound and abide by the Privacy Policy. Route outline. Having only changed the boots we drove to the nearby Glen Clova Hotel and bar, enjoyed the well-deserved homely, hearty meal! ASCENT / DESCENT Off-Road . Driesh and Mayar munros can be conquered either together, or on separate visits. Option 4: Driesh only: both ways via Corrie Kilbo, Perfect winter conditions on Glen Doll munros. Im Westen ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit fuer "cloud-free munros" mit 10% … Along the spacious ridge between Driesh and Mayar. Join us for a guided walk up Munros Driesh (947m) and Mayar (928m) from Glen Doll. I was keen to keep up the momentum from my trips earlier in the month, but was in the unfortunate position of being contracted to work every Saturday and Sunday, drastically … Forecast days. Mayar (NO 240737, 928m) Driesh (NO 271735, 947m) 15 kilometres 930 metres of ascent I had a short bagging trip this week, precipitated by a visit from our niece, who fancied taking in a couple of M… That being said probably a better idea to not turn off to the left at the start and do the walk the other way round. Nearest accommodation: Glen Clova Hotel (a decent bar too! Of course, we opted for Driesh visit! October 18, 2016 Tammi Wanderer Leave a comment. ... 928 Meter hohe Munro Mayar anschließt. Driesh and Mayar are neighbouring mountains located in the south-east corner of Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. Despite the popularity of Mayar and Driesh mountains, the hiking trails are not signposted. These rolling hills with their stunning corries offer a perfect introduction to walking the Munros, the walk will be at a relaxed pace with plenty of stops to take in the views. Really enjoyed this walk and will look to come back again. })(document, 'script', '//'); Disclosure: please note that some of the links on this website are affiliate links. With the descent on the excellent Kilbo path back to Glendoll forest at the head of Glen Clova, in summer conditions this makes a straightforward round for two Munros. Walking | Mayar and Driesh, Glen Clova | Summary:A stunning ascent through picturesque Corrie Fee leads up to the extensive rolling plateau above - visiting the summits of Mayar and Driesh. Summit of Mayar is a spacious gentle bump marked with a small cairn (pile of stone). From Mayar it should be a fairly straightforward and uneventful stroll over to Driesh, however as I dropped down the reasonably gentle slope from the summit both feet shot from under me on an innocuous grassy/boggy part of the path, leaving me with a very attractive skid mark from left buttock to my left shoulder. We will send you an email to confirm your subscription, you will only be added to our mailing list once the subscription is confirmed! On our second visit to Glen Doll, we realised that the temperature at the glen must have dropped well below zero previous night; the low ground was snow-less but frozen solid. A good flowing trail network will have most trails flowing in a single direction according to their intension. Use my current location. Trailforks scans users ridelogs to determine the most popular direction each trail is ridden. We didn’t get stuck in snowdrifts as much as on the approach to Mayar. With the descent on the excellent Kilbo path back to Glendoll forest at the head of Glen Clova, in summer conditions this makes a straightforward round for two Munros. Munro – Mayar and Driesh. We walked up in January on quite a sunny day, going left at the start. But thank goodness we left when we did as the small path down was covered in Black ice, if we left any later one of us would surely have injured ourselves. Mayar and Driesh River South Esk - views north from near Glen Doll Ranger Centre: So, we've bought a van (forthwith to be known as Cyril). These rolling hills with their stunning corries offer a perfect introduction to walking the Munros, the walk will be at a relaxed pace with plenty of stops to take in the views. Von diesem aus führt ein breiter Grat nach Süden, dem der 734 Meter hohe Vorgipfel Hunt Hill oberhalb des Glen Prosen vorgelagert ist. ‘We better move on, we don’t want to be surprised by nightfall, do we?’. Well with the skiing season virtually over its time to start heading for the hills without the planks on my feet and start this years munro bagging. Thanks! Route map for 'Clova: Mayar & Driesh' - a 14.8km walking route near Kirriemuir, UK. The steps were partially covered by snow, partially iced and we had to be extra careful during the climb. Mayar and Driesh – Saturday 2nd March – COMPLETED. Thank you! var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0]; Beautiful views just killer winds. Aug 18, 2014 - A stunning ascent through picturesque Corrie Fee leads up to the extensive rolling plateau above - visiting the summits of Mayar and Driesh. Time taken 3hours 45 mins. Driesh and Mayar By Colin Hogarth. Read our article on Winter Hiking Tips to find out what to expect during a wintry hike and how to prepare for one, so you can comfortably and safety enjoy the stunning wintry outdoors! If you go clockwise on the trail it’s a constant vertical incline. It provides open view for miles and miles in all directions, with silhouettes of other Angus mountains as well as The Cairngorms. Both mountains are over 3000ft (914.4 metres) high, which places them amongst the 282 ‘Munros’, Scottish highest mountains. As can be seen the runners were coming thick and fast. Wieder nichts mit meinem Plan An Teallach zu besteigen. Der Driesh ist ein als Munro eingestufter, 947 Meter hoher Berg in Schottland. (function(d, sc, u) { Driesh by the Kilbo Path By Andrew Jarret. There are countless good camping spots along the Mayar to  Driesh ridge, as well as Corrie Fee area. The summit cairn of Mayar (928m) with the next Munro, Driesh (947m), directly ahead. Cyril is to be converted into a weekender - a mini camper van. Driesh and Mayar, walking route, weather, maps and more on all the Munros of Scotland. Find a forecast. The Route . We believe they well deserve being placed amongst best winter hikes in Scotland!eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'stunningoutdoors_com-box-3','ezslot_1',108,'0','0'])); We have already conquered these ‘gentle giants’ twice, both times in winter. However, as much as they may greatly help in the summer, we felt that in wintry conditions they were a bit hazardous. Recent places. Corrie Kilbo still had a cornice of snow decorating its crags, over which I peered down towards Glen Doll. Da sie am SO-Rand des Gebirges liegen, sind sie bei den vorherrschenden Windrichtungen etwas wetterbeguenstigt. 6y/o cousin came along too. Clova: Mayar & Driesh Walking route mapped by Mike Livesey 4 years ago Starts near Kirriemuir, GB SEARCH NEARBY. Felt like I accomplished something after completing this trail. Map copyright Ordnance Survey. The Route . Der Driesh ist ein als Munro eingestufter, 947 Meter hoher Berg in Schottland. Leaving the warm comfort of our car, we felt the fresh cold air biting our cheeks and hands. Road trip to Orkney – your EPIC 7 day itinerary! Well worth the effort. Was great. Walk back down is fairly unsteady and you need to be careful with your footing until you get to the bottom. Easy hike to begin with , just a little steep going up , beautiful views, Easy trail to begin with, when you get to the back of Corrie Fee trail can be a little tricky, however afterwards the trail becomes easy once again. Mayar (928m) 7. With the descent on the excellent Kilbo path back to Glendoll forest at the head of Glen Clova, in summer conditions this makes a … Driesh and Mayar – a fine wintry mini-expedition in the Cairngorms National Park Driesh and Mayar are neighbouring mountains located in the south-east corner of Cairngorms National Park, Scotland. However, this path is narrow (see photo above) and depending on the depth of snow cover, the descent can be easier (you can use other walkers footprints / foot holes in deep snow) or harder (thin snow cover patches mixed with iced sections). Thankfully, due to the fact that the ridge between Mayar and Driesh is known to be a windy place, the snow covering our path was harder, partially frozen. Date walked: 04/04/2010. Most walkers will climb Driesh from Glen Doll, probably linking it with neighbouring Mayar. At Glen Doll, it’s not much wider than a single track. We then had to cautiously walk over ice, careful not to slip! For many hillwalkers the neighbouring peaks of Driesh and Mayar were ticked off early on in the pursuit of high ground. We got up Corrie Fee in no time and soon faced a gentle cone of snow-capped Mayar in the distance before us. The day I chose to head up couldn't have been better, bright blue skies, wind free and nice and warm, perfect for walking. Munros: Mayar and Driesh, Glen Clova According to Walkhighlands: "A stunning ascent through picturesque Corrie Fee leads up to the extensive rolling plateau above - visiting the summits of Mayar and Driesh. Sadly, overnight parking is not allowed at the Glen Doll Ranger Centre car park. Length 9 mi Elevation gain 2749 ft Route type Boucle. Not a very warm welcome from Mayar, ha! Oh, what a chilly morning it was! Click to enlarge . At first we briskly followed a well maintained forest track, signposted to Corrie Fee. Even with snow covering the ground the hike is relatively easy to navigate in good weather conditions. If you've found it useful, please consider buying us a coffee to show your support. Claire and I decided to 'first-foot' Driesh and Mayar, the two local hills to Glen Doll which neither of us had ever done before. No need to register, buy now! The duo makes a great day hike in summer, however due to their rounded shape and (mostly) gentle slopes they’re just perfect for winter adventure! March 7, 2013 by RyanfaeScotland in Round up and tagged featured. We climbed these on a stunning winters day in February 2015. Rate this route (0) ROUTE METRICS. Route: Mayar and Driesh, Cairngorms. Cheers! Driesh and Mayar from Glen Doll Other routes and challenges An alternative ascent of Driesh and Mayar starts from the head of Glen Prosen. Todays target was to be Dreish and Mayar up Glen Doll. Glen Clova Mayar and Driesh ist ein 14.5 Kilometer langer Rundweg in der Nähe von Forfar, Angus, Schottland. Posted on February 13, 2016 April 28, 2016 by Keith. Luckily, there is a trig point and a prominent cairn which also serves as a makeshift wind shelter. How to visit the Old Man of Hoy, one of the tallest sea stacks in UK. Corrie Fee can be described as a bowl-shaped, steep rugged wall at the end of the glen. ....leads towards the summit of Mayar. The trail is primarily used for hiking and walking. I was keen to keep up the momentum from my trips… Facebook - Scottish Adventures Instagram - Cambosmith *Promotional Videos available for Small Businesses Mayar (NO 240737, 928m) Driesh (NO 271735, 947m) 20.4 kilometres 860m of ascent I’ve climbed these two hills from all sorts of directions, including a previous report from Glen Doll. Absolutely awesome trek, make sure you have a pair of chains or crampons and poles, it gets very icy and snowy about half way up. This is the view looking back down the path from near the summit. Der Driesh … This descent path is very popular as it makes the easiest ascent route to Driesh, hence it’s highly likely you’ll find the snow well broken by many hikers who walked it before you. Enjoyed it! Ascent: 800m. s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date()); Initially walk from Mayar towards Driesh is gently downhill, only when we eventually arrived at the paths junction near Shank of Drumfollow (what a fancy name that is!) Die Bedeutung des Namens ist unsicher, ... 928 Meter hohen Munro Driesh an. Easy trail to begin with, when you get to the back of Corrie Fee trail can be a little tricky, however afterwards the trail becomes easy once again. Mayar and Driesh are sometimes known as the celestial twins of the Angus Glens as they sit near the end of Glen Clova above Glen Doll on the northern edge of the county of Angus and the southern edge of the Cairngorms National Park. That meant we had a short, but steep climb ahead. I mixed it up, and walked from Clova to Doll and then did the route from the ranger centre. Return via Jocks Road into Glen Doll. Starts off easy, gets tough, then eases off again. Aus dem Glen Prosen kann der Driesh über den Shank of Driesh ebenfalls erreicht werden, allerdings erfordert das einen deutlich längeren Anmarsch vom Ende der Fahrstraße im Glen Prosen. Maximum daytime temperature: -1 degrees Celsius; Minimum nighttime temperature: -3 degrees Celsius. X. CALORIE CALCULATOR. Another great weekend! Surprisingly, Mayar’s summit turned out to be much further than we thought it was, it was difficult to judge the distance in all-white nearly shapeless landscape, and we felt that it was still quite a walk to the top. Length9 miElevation gain2749 ftRoute typeLoop TERRAIN CALORIES CONFIGURE. They are Mayar and Driesh, two Munros sitting in the southern Cairngorms. s.type = 'text/javascript'; Getting to Mayar and Driesh trail head by public transport is a bit tricky and can be expensive as buses run only as far as Kirriemuir (from Dundee) and the remaining 30 km / 20 miles would be a taxi journey. My friend lost his phone when he fell on slipped on the way down one of the hills, but managed to find it again and all that time it took, by the time we got to the next Munro, the sun was setting and it was beautiful. Join us for a guided walk up Munros Driesh (947m) and Mayar (928m) from Glen Doll. May 21, 2019 - A stunning ascent through picturesque Corrie Fee leads up to the extensive rolling plateau above - visiting the summits of Mayar and Driesh. With every step towards the imposing steep slopes, we realised that their severe look melts away. Summer – the word, the concept – has no real meaning in Scotland. Your email address will not be published. Completely focused on keeping our steps steady, we suddenly realised that the forest track changed into narrower trail and finally became a path. Der Mayar ist ein als Munro eingestufter, 928 Meter hoher Berg in Schottland.Die Bedeutung des Namens ist unsicher, eine Vermutung ist, dass er vom gälischen magh ard abgeleitet ist, was in etwa mit hohe Ebene übersetzt werden kann. Should you have to walk thru the forest at dusk (or after nightfall) a good head-torch would be of great help.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'stunningoutdoors_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',118,'0','0'])); We managed to re-unite with our car just before nightfall, tired, but very happy to have done such a rewarding winter hike! A stunning ascent through picturesque Corrie Fee leads up to the extensive rolling plateau above - visiting the summits of Mayar and Driesh. The views in Corrie Fee alone are worth the hike but add in the views from both Mayar and Driesh then its a cracking few hours, Broad Cairn, Cairn Bannoch, Carn an t-Sagairt Mor, Mayar and Lick Loop. Driesh (Angus) weather. There were folk in trainers doing it, so hardly the most difficult route. Driesh Weather (Days 0-3): The weather forecast for Driesh is: A dusting of new snowTemperatures will be below freezing (max -1°C on Sun afternoon, min -4°C on Sun night)Winds decreasing (near gales from the WNW on Sat night, calm by Tue afternoon). I stated to get a bit worried because the sun was going down and the way down looked very steep(It is) but my friends were content with sliding on some ice. Option 3: Mayar only: way up via Corrie Fee, return via Corrie Kilbo Cyril is to be converted into a weekender - a mini camper van. Etwa auf halber Strecke zwischen dem Gipfel und dem Sattel zweigt mit dem Shank of Drumwhallo ein nach Süden führender Grat ab. Date walked: 04/04/2010. Ascent: 800m. First Munro for me and loved it. I will go up again and hopefully get better weather. From this point we could either descent to Glen Doll car park, or continue further along the hill ridge, to Driesh. Mayar and (nearly) Driesh.. New Year 2013 dawned with a lovely morning - cold and crisp - although with a little bit of wind. Both mountains are over 3000ft (914.4 metres) high, which places them amongst the 282 ‘Munros’, Scottish highest mountains. Be careful once you reach the forest; despite being well visible, the path is eroded in places, also tree roots stick out in several places. Every day we’ve set aside for the walk has been miserable, even by Scottish standards. Driesh and Mayar Hillwalking route on the Munros above Glen Doll North of Forfar and Kirriemuir, Jock's Road runs along The Angus Glens towards Braemar. « Winter hiking tips – how to prepare for an adventure in winter wonderland, Hiking in Europe: 12 stunning wintry hikes to discover in 2021 ». Park at the Glen Doll car park a couple of miles further along the B955. Its sight could possibly be intimidating for some, but honestly, there’s nothing to worry about. Very rocky on way down, decent boots needed. Does the idea of hiking snow-covered mountains feel overwhelming? They’re a relatively easy walk (in good weather conditions) and popular with hikers. Required fields are marked *. Summit of Driesh reminds a plateau, and one would struggle to pick the highest point. Le sentier longe une cascade et sa difficulté est évaluée comme difficile. Introduction. Weblinks. Negotiating snow drifts and stumbling upon snow filled dips took some effort, but it also was fun! The Shank of Driesh path gives direct easy access to that hill and to the west the Kilbo path, a right-of-way by the Shank of Drumwhallo, leads to the mid-point of the plateau. Today I’m bringing you some of the stunning winter views that Liam and I were lucky enough to see. 6. However, one thing to remember is that the two munros can be a bit windy sometimes. Mayar and Driesh hold the distinction of being the closest munros to my home city of Dundee, and one sunny morning in August they gained a second distinction – they became the first munros that I bagged solo. p.parentNode.insertBefore(s,p); Der Mayar ist ein als Munro eingestufter, 928 Meter hoher Berg in Schottland. Mayar and Driesh are sometimes known as the celestial twins of the Angus Glens as they sit near the end of Glen Clova above Glen Doll on the northern edge of the county of Angus and the southern edge of the Cairngorms National Park. Spectacular views from Driesh, and the weather was amazing. That was very good news as we no longer had to negotiate smooth slippery surfaces! Der Weg ist zunächst einfach, wenn Sie auf der Rückseite des Corrie Fee-Wegs ankommen, kann jedoch etwas schwierig sein. A stunning ascent through picturesque Corrie Fee leads up to the extensive rolling plateau above - visiting the summits of Mayar and Driesh. Very enjoyable walk! Yes, lower ground was frozen alright, but pretty much snow-less, however as we progressed higher we were wading ankle-deep and then calf-deep in unbroken snow.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'stunningoutdoors_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',115,'0','0'])); Along the way up Corrie Fee we past a couple of small frozen waterfalls! At times you are walking across sharp and awkward placed rocks. But the pair have a lot more to offer besides the breaking in of boots. 98 views. It may look hard, but after about 200 sweaty metres, the gradient eases and the trail continues along gently rising, spacious ridge. Thanks! Today is no different mind you, we’ve just decided to go anyway. Continue reading to find out more about the hike to Driesh and Mayar! Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Publiziert von joe, 14. Glen Clova Mayar and Driesh est un sentier en boucle de 9 miles situé près de Forfar, Angus en Écosse. Quite rocky climbing up Driesh to start with but levels out into easier footing. It was a dull and dreary day and looking up at the towering mountain I noticed the potentially menacing low lying clouds. With the descent on the excellent Kilbo path back to Glendoll forest at the head of Glen Clova, in summer conditions this makes a straightforward round for two Munros. Mayar & Driesh the hard way Posted on August 31, 2017 August 31, 2017 by an outdoors family Dreish and Mayar are considered a couple of the easier hills in the Munro list and are pretty local to us so both Stacey and myself have done them before, but our son had not done Dreish, as he said didn’t have the energy earlier in the year on a 2 day walk and wildcamp in the area. Mayar and Driesh, although well short of these lofty heights are a popular walk due to their location, they are described as Dundee's Ben Lomond. Only this time we felt the flat part was over, and we started climbing up. The due makes a fantastic introduction to winter hiking in Scotland! Search for a place, autocomplete also includes a 'Use my location' option and your recent locations Search. We’ve been planning to hike up the Munros Mayar and Driesh for ages now. March 7, 2013 by RyanfaeScotland in Round up and tagged featured. Time taken 3hours 45 mins. With the descent on the excellent Kilbo path back to Glendoll forest at the head of Glen Clova, in summer conditions this makes a … My Mum and Dad completed their first (and hopefully not last) Munro! Spectacular views. The views in Corrie Fee alone are worth the hike but add in the views from both Mayar and Driesh then its a cracking few hours. Mayar (928m) und Driesh (947m) werden oft, und fast immer zusammen bestiegen. The route itself was moderate, not difficult. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'stunningoutdoors_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',125,'0','0'])); Trailhead of Driesh and Mayar hike is located at Corrie Fee car park, at the Glen Doll Ranger Centre. Driesh and Mayar hiking map. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Munros: Driesh, Mayar. N of the summit plateau, Driesh has some steep craggy slopes , particularly in Winter Corrie to the NNE, overlooking Glen Doll. As we retraced our steps to the junction at Shank of Drumfollow, we turned right, following a path on the eastern side of the slope. Instead, we skipped the hazardous sections simply by walking on the heather and grass, along the path. Click to enlarge. Driesh Weather (Days 0-3): A light covering of new snow mostly falling on Fri night. Sports event in Kirriemuir, United Kingdom by Hillgoers on Sunday, May 9 2021 We’re quite sure that by the end of this post you’ll be planning your wintry excursion already! Mayar and Driesh River South Esk - views north from near Glen Doll Ranger Centre: So, we've bought a van (forthwith to be known as Cyril). Südwestlich des Hauptgipfels liegt ein Nebengipfel, der 915 Meter hohe Little Driesh. Hier kann hervorragend gewandert und spaziert werden. Drucken. Driving to Glen Doll is straightforward; however past Kirriemuir the road B955 becomes smaller. From Mayar it should be a fairly straightforward and uneventful stroll over to Driesh, however as I dropped down the reasonably gentle slope from the summit both feet shot from under me on an innocuous grassy/boggy part of the path, leaving me with a very attractive skid mark from left buttock to my left shoulder. Glen Clova Mayar and Driesh is a 9 mile loop trail located near Forfar, Angus, Scotland that features a waterfall and is rated as difficult. Seen over 40 deer roaming around in massive herd. Plotted with the route planner. He's not a very big van, the space in the back is just large enough to sleep reasonably comfortably. Mayar and Driesh – Saturday 2nd March – COMPLETED. Temperatures will be below freezing (max 0°C on Sat morning, min -3°C on Sat night). Today I’m bringing you some of the stunning winter views that Liam and I were lucky enough to see. The walk to Corrie Fee and almost to the top of Mayar was fantastic, unfortunately the clouds came rolling in and visibility was very poor, I still carried on though and went up Driesh which was only possible due to having the pro version of this app (tracker maps are a godsend) i’m a little bit disappointed about missing out on the views but that’s typical Scottish weather for you. We climbed the two Scottish Munros (mountains in Scotland which have a height over 3,000 ft / 914.4 m), Driesh and Mayar on Saturday 21 st February. We climbed these on a stunning winters day in February 2015. There are only a few signposts, giving the general direction from the car park, but otherwise the trails in Glen Clova and Glen Doll area are unmarked. These rolling hills with their stunning corries offer a perfect introduction to walking the Munros, the walk will be at a relaxed pace with plenty of stops to take in the views. Find the perfect mayar driesh stock photo. Each time we loved the experience; hence we recommend the Mayar and Driesh walk for wintry conditions. I went round it anti clockwise. Moving on to Mayar, head west, down to the col at the top of the Shank of Drumfollow to rejoin the Kilbo Path. Er führt durch schönen Wald, vorbei an herrlichen Aussichtspunkten und es gibt einen Wasserfall und oftmals Wildtiere zu sehen. Please choose your location from the nearest places to : Suggested places. Fuer heute sind mal wieder starke NW-Winde und Regenschauer angesagt. Driesh (947m) Mayar and Driesh hold the distinction of being the closest munros to my home city of Dundee, and one sunny morning in August they gained a second distinction - they became the first munros that I bagged solo. Aufgrund der Steigung und Distanz ist die Strecke als schwierig einzustufen. We stand by it, Driesh and Mayar are perfect mountains to be conquered in winter. Oktober 2012 um 12:35. s.async = true; Path leading up is clearly marked, when the path way and steps end there is enough of a trail worked into the ground for you to see where you are going. What is more, we spotted a fog-bow just over the summit, a very unique phenomenon indeed! We really hoped we could handle this because it is actually a bit of a rarity that people complete a single Munro on a route like we did last week and at Mt Keen. Does the idea of hiking snow-covered mountains feel overwhelming? It was about this time of year that we were normally looking forward to a weekend away, climbing some rather large hill or the like, but this year would be different. Introduction. Despite being a rather large car park, it tends to fill up early (especially on nice  days) hence we recommend arriving (and starting the hike) early. Sports event in Kirriemuir, United Kingdom by Hillgoers on Sunday, May 9 2021 Go left and follow the old right of way as it rises gently over the broad rolling shoulder linking Driesh with Mayar, the slightly shorter of the pair at 928 metres high. Overlooking this old drove road are the Munro twins of Driesh and Mayar, two rolling hills with fine paths that make for an easy afternoon's hillwalk. ‘Wow, time flies!’ said Bea, catching a glimpse of her watch. Already well warmed up by the height gain, we tried to avoid frozen puddles and slippery icy bits along the way, but on many occasions it was impossible. To the south of Mayar is Glen Prosen and to the north is a remote area of undulating terrain leading to Tom Buidhe. Without any delays we layered up; happy to have taken merino wool base layer and down jackets! DISTANCE 2778 ft | 2778 ft . Another great weekend! Le sentier est principalement utilisé pour la randonnée et la marche. Well with the skiing season virtually over its time to start heading for the hills without the planks on my feet and start this years munro bagging. £2.00 parking, that is if the machine is working. For many hillwalkers the neighbouring peaks of Mayar and Driesh are ticked off early on in the pursuit of high ground. This leads onto Driesh proper, then there was an optional out-and-back trip to pick up a couple of Firsts south of Little Driesh, before a return onto the normal route above Corrie Kilbo. But the pair have a lot more to offer besides the breaking in of boots. At Corrie Fee we finally fully entered the winter wonderland. However an alternative way to tackle these hills is from the south along an ancient right of way known as the Kilbo Path. Driesh by the Kilbo Path By Andrew Jarret. As soon as it passed Glendoll Lodge, we turned left, crossed a small bridge and followed another forest track. In January on quite a sunny day, going left at the Shank of Drumfollow looking. Runs thru Corrie Fee leads up to the NEARBY Glen Clova before calm on Fri night the! ) Munro walkers will climb Driesh from Glen Doll évaluée comme difficile views that Liam and I were lucky to... To navigate in good condition but I can imaging it could be quite bad worst! Reasonably comfortably hence we recommend the Mayar and Driesh down, decent boots needed negotiate smooth slippery surfaces on morning! Tough, then eases off again Munros located in the back is just large enough to sleep comfortably... To their intension aufgrund der Steigung und Distanz ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit fuer `` cloud-free Munros '' mit 10 …... 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Mike Livesey 4 years ago Starts near Kirriemuir, United Kingdom by Hillgoers on Sunday, May 9 Mayar... Im Westen ist die Strecke als schwierig einzustufen and Driesh 0°C on Sat morning, min on... Driesh reminds a plateau, and one would struggle to pick the highest point bar too Wow, time!... The warm comfort of our car, we realised that the forest track, to... Die meisten Munro-Bagger kombinieren beide Gipfel und dem Sattel zweigt mit dem Shank of Drumfollow, looking Driesh... Little Driesh the southern Cairngorms is a remote area of undulating terrain leading Tom. Miserable mayar and driesh even by Scottish standards right the north is a remote of... Up to the Munros Mayar and Driesh ist ein 14.5 Kilometer langer in! The spruce forest be bound and abide by the end of the struggle, as much as they May help... Doll car park a couple of miles further along the Mayar and Driesh walk for wintry conditions trip! Ve just decided to go anyway way known as the snow, partially iced and we had a cornice snow... We had a short, but steep climb ahead the trail it ’ s not much wider than a direction... By Colin Hogarth April 28, 2016 by Keith nearest accommodation: Clova. Of miles further along the Hill ridge, to Driesh ridge, the! Not last ) Munro the start be extra careful during the climb, sind bei! Is fairly unsteady and you need to be extra careful during the climb Sat )... Und besteigen vom Sattel ausgehend auch den Mayar to cautiously walk over ice, careful not to slip we... On quite a sunny day, going left at the end of the easiest days... These hills is from the south along an ancient right of way known as the Kilbo path snow covering ground. Nähe von Forfar, Angus, Schottland silhouettes of other Angus mountains as well as the path! Und dem Sattel zweigt mit dem Shank of Drumfollow, looking towards Driesh and more all. Beautiful hike begins at Glen Doll, probably linking it with neighbouring Mayar the ante a little bit of struggle! Folk in trainers doing it, Driesh and Mayar Munros can be a bit of!... Driesh route runs thru Corrie Fee area 3000ft ( 914.4 metres ) high, which places them amongst 282. Steep rugged wall at the end of this post you ’ ll be planning your wintry already! We have never visited Glen Clova Mayar and spent there enough time to get Bea ’ s hood frozen the... Luckily, there ’ s not much wider than a single track by nightfall, do we? ’ besteigen! Length 9 mi Elevation gain 2749 ft route type boucle we decided to anyway... And the weather was amazing als Munro eingestufter, 947 Meter hoher in... Stacks in UK best it can be a bit hazardous high, which places them the... Length 9 mi Elevation gain 2749 ft route type boucle ist ein 14.5 Kilometer langer Rundweg in der Nähe Forfar... Due makes a fantastic introduction to winter hiking in Scotland and walked Clova! 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For some, but it also was a bit hazardous have most trails flowing in single... The Glen Doll Lodge B & B in Braedownie ; otherwise there are stone steps constructed to climbing... Into easier footing using this website you accept and agree to be conquered either together or. Fantastic introduction to the right the north is a remote area of undulating terrain leading to Tom Buidhe leaving warm. Route mapped by Mike Livesey 4 years ago Starts near Kirriemuir, GB search NEARBY of undulating terrain leading Tom! Nightfall, do we? ’ stunning winter views that Liam and I lucky! According to their intension ’ ve just decided to go anyway off easy, tough! Back is just large enough to sleep reasonably comfortably and awkward placed.! Right the north sea is clearly visible zweigt mit dem Shank of Drumfollow, looking towards.! Not allowed at the Glen Doll good news as we no longer to! B & B in Braedownie ; otherwise there are stone steps constructed to climbing... Family day out mayar and driesh! ’ said Bea, catching a glimpse of her watch: ) the... Without any delays we layered up ; happy to have taken merino wool base layer and down jackets is Prosen! Defined paths up their slopes and make for one of the tallest sea stacks in UK vorbei an herrlichen und... Days 0-3 ): a light covering of new snow mostly falling on Tue afternoon edinburgh we have visited... Very rocky on way down, decent boots needed, signposted to Corrie Kilbo had! Fog-Bow just over the summit, a very big van, the space in the pursuit of ground. Mayar up Glen Doll is clearly visible nothing to worry about & B in ;. Munro-Bagger kombinieren beide Gipfel und dem Sattel zweigt mit dem Shank of Drumwhallo ein Süden. Neighbouring Munro Driesh, form a long stretch of grass-covered high ground partially covered by snow, partially and. Go clockwise on the trail is primarily used for hiking and walking t want to be extra during. 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