kush audio tweaker

6th March 2015 #9. dusted william . contact downloads manage subscription. 21% VAT : 1 876 EUR: Dostupnost: skladem u dodavatele: How much is 13 + 7? Two more XLRs provide a balanced send-return insert point for external side-chain processing, and although the Send outputs the (processed) side-chain signal at all times, the return only becomes active when selected on the front-panel ‘Sidechain Shaper’ rotary switch. Compression Curves: a transfer plot illustrating the range of compression ratios on offer. This frequency response plot illustrates the varying side-chain sensitivity using the Edge Contour control. The inclusion of a mix control works well in this context, allows the source signal to be blended with the processed to restore transients while still benefiting from the powerful up-lift compression. The most interesting side-chain-shaping controls are placed in the centre of the front panel, and initially lull you in with a very conventional threshold control — probably the most straightforward knob on the whole machine! As there’s no normalling between the two XLR sockets, selecting the external send-return loop with nothing connected disables the compressor’s side-chain completely. Marrying vintage electronics with a forward-thinking control set, the Tweaker is sure … Try. Reading between the lines, I presume this circuitry is configured along the lines of the famous ‘Blackmer Gain Cell’, a pioneering transistorised VCA circuit developed in 1970 by David Blackmer (the man who also co-founded the Dbx company). You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Secondly, the Output level control doesn’t affect the output volume directly; it only controls the signal level leaving the VCA and going into the (wet/dry) Mix control. Turning the Contour control counter-clockwise has the opposite effect, boosting the compressor’s sensitivity to the low-mids and bass while disregarding the upper-mids and HF. The subsequent LEDs light up when the GR reaches approximately 5dB, 8dB, 10dB, 15dB and 20dB. Shipped with FedEx Ground or FedEx Home Delivery. The lowest ratio is roughly 1.25:1 and the highest about 15:1.Attack and release time constants are set with a pair of detented rotary controls on the right-hand side, and the control ranges are far wider than most compressors. The green line is the flat response from the control’s central position. The Tweaker is a compressor that takes some time to master, but the journey is well worth it because this is an extraordinarily versatile processor. The MI market is awash with replicas to and homages of classic analogue outboard audio processors, especially those from the ‘60s and ‘70s, both in hardware and in plug-in forms. The detented action on the rotary controls allows reasonably accurate replication of control settings, which is helpful when trying to dial in the various ‘analog preset’ examples provided by Kush to emulate the characteristics of many classic compressors like API’s 2500, Valley People’s Dynamite, Universal Audio’s LA-2A, and several others. Again, there’s no decibel scale, but the first green LED illuminates when the gain reduction (GR)reaches about 2.5dB. The Tweaker is a single-channel, 1U rackmount device, extending about 255mm behind the rack ears. Of course, the Tweaker is a full-band compressor, and once gain reduction is applied it affects the entire spectrum, but if the Threshold control can be said to determine when the compressor acts, the side-chain-shaping controls determine the reason why. 210k members in the audioengineering community. Not surprisingly, the controls are not entirely familiar or intuitive, but thankfully the handbook explains things very well and in considerable detail, and some hands-on familiarity quickly reveals how things work in practice too. This really is a unique and wonderful product. I can’t think of any other compressor that can be directed to react to (or ignore) specific spectral portions of the source material in such a powerful way, and with some careful adjustment and fine-tuning of the controls the Tweaker really can be persuaded to provide everything from clean, transparent and very gentle dynamic taming, right through to gritty, grungy, hard and percussive sound design. The lowest ratio is roughly 1.25:1 and the highest about 15:1. Drive allows controllable distortion that doesn’t kill the transients. Minimum Drive ensures plenty of headroom in the VCA and thus negligible distortion for an ultra-clean character, while the reverse leads to considerable distortion for a crunchy ‘70s-style sound. 4.65 out of 5, based on 2 Reviews. And at a maximum of 15:1 the Tweaker can still smash the dynamics with a powerful hard-limiting effect. The fastest attack time is easily capable of generating significant transient distortion if you’re not careful, but it is also extremely powerful for transient shaping, really clamping down on the front edge of a percussive signal, or allowing it to punch through. Prime Cart. Treble Smash: the Treble Smash mode increases the compressor’s sensitivity to upper-mid frequencies centring on 8kHz, while simultaneously decreasing its interest in the lower-mid and LF. Hear this VCA compressor squash drums and vocals, every setting is used to let you hear the full control it offers. UBK leveraged this design to give you his 'analog presets', which precisely emulate his favorite tricks from compressors as varied as the LA-2a, Distressor, API 2500, and even the absurdly eccentric Valley People Dynamite*. Kush Audio UBK Tweaker , Mono VCA Compressor with Sidechain Shaper, Outboard . The response is broadly similar to that of the fully clockwise Edge-Contour mode, but with a stronger bell HF response instead of a shelf. Internally, the Tweaker is built to high standards, with conventional components laid out spaciously on a large circuit board that covers the unit’s entire floor area. Installed in my rack light signs of installing but Sounds Great! The fastest release time is far quicker than any other hardware compressor I know of, which brings some interesting sound-shaping possibilities into play, and makes bouncy pumping effects easy to achieve. A second quarter-inch TRS socket enables side-chain linking so that two Tweakers may be used on stereo material with shared control voltages to ensure stable stereo imaging. Kush Audio Tweaker Sidechain Compressor: Amazon.com.au: Musical Instruments. I found its effect was to simultaneously soften and thicken the high frequencies, especially fast transients, in a way that’s reminiscent of overdriven analogue tape or even heavy FM radio processing. I’ve often found the dual-slope auto-release concept to work well, and it is very well judged in the Tweaker. The green line is the flat response from the control’s central position. Its vintage, discrete VCA and bespoke detector are married to envelope-pushing controls that allow this box to be whatever you want it to be: smooth & polished or dark & filthy, subtle & delicate Reincarnating these devices from decades past has its merits, of course, not least in allowing easy and affordable access to characterful sound processing when the original hardware might be financially out of reach or technically unreliable. However, the real powerhouse of the Tweaker undoubtedly comes in the form of its side-chain filtering options and, in particular, the Treble-Smash and Edge Contour modes. The purple line is at the fully counter-clockwise position where the reverse occurs. Offers an enormously broad sound palette. In fact, my bench tests suggested the minimum is closer to a very gentle 1.25:1 and the maximum ratio nearer 15:1. KUSH feed your muse. Tweaker takes compression to the next level. The MI market is awash with replicas to and homages of classic analogue outboard audio processors, especially those from the ‘60s and … Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. Its vintage, discrete VCA and bespoke detector are married to envelope-pushing controls that allow this box to be whatever you want it to be: smooth & polished or dark & filthy, subtle & delicate or fierce & explosive. Kush Audio makes great software (Pusher review HERE) but there’s something about physical knobs that just feel better than clicking and dragging. This EQ curve is apparently based on the company’s Clariphonic EQ (http://sosm.ag/sep11-kush-clariphonic), and is intended to make the compressor much more sensitive and reactive to transient detail, like the brashness of cymbals, the brittleness in high strings or acoustic guitars, or the harshness of some vocals. Its vintage, discrete VCA and bespoke detector are married to envelope-pushing controls that allow this box to be whatever you want it to be - smooth & polished or dark & filthy, subtle & delicate or fierce & explosive. The circumferential input and output meters both employ nine small LEDs in conventional green-yellow-red bar-graphs, and, although there are no scale markings, the first yellow LED illuminates around 0dBu and the first red at about +8dBu. In fact, to achieve great-sounding results it’s not even necessary to apply any gain reduction — the Tweaker can be used to introduce nice, musical-sounding, distortion to fatten things up, ranging from subtle saturation right up to a heavy full-on punk grime. The 300Hz option desensitises the compressor to everything from the low-mids down, so that it reacts mainly to the upper mid-range energy and largely leaves the warmth and fullness character elements within the track alone. With simultaneous Tri-Metering™ of Input/Output/Gain Reduction levels, Single or Dual-stage Release, Wet/Dry Mix, and a unique ‘Curve’ control that sharpens the knee as the ratio is increased, Tweaker is an old soul with a post-modern brain. Kush Audio UBK Tweaker, in original box - Paid $1,500 brand new from Sweetwater..A few months old been sitting in closet unused..Took out of box for pictures..Excellent condition Although I found the range of ratios to be lower, overall, than the manufacturer’s claims, I think this is to the Tweaker’s advantage, particularly if used for stereo mix-bus processing where a minimum of 2:1 is often too harsh. The advantage of this dual-release system is that it retains the dynamic punch of a fast release while simultaneously avoiding any hint of pumping, the combination providing a very transparent compression effect. Its vintage, discrete VCA and bespoke detector are married to envelope-pushing controls that allow this box to be whatever you want it to be ? I didn't even know this thread had replies! Login. Product is not available in this quantity. Use it on bass, guitars, vocals, drums and more and Tweaker … The unit clips at around +22dBu and distortion builds steadily above +8dBu. Win! In really great shape.I have the original boxes I will ship with. Summary of Contents for KuSh Audio TWEAKER Page 2 Behold UBK’s shamelessly self-serving claim #327: the Tweaker can replicate, with extraordinary authenticity, all of the above compressors doing the things they do best; it can also do a lot of things none of them can. The handbook confusingly suggests the second yellow LED corresponds to -16dBFS — such an alignment, of course, depends entirely on an external A-D converter’s calibration and it’s a complete nonsense to quote digital levels in an all-analogue product! Skip to main content.com.au. Tweaker IDM - Treble Softening by The House of Kush published on 2015-05-31T08:09:29Z This is Tweaker's Treble Smash mode doing what it does best: softening, thickening, and sweetening the aggressive treble that often accompanies heavy processing, especially from plugins. Kush Audio leveraged the Tweaker design to give you their choice "analog presets," which emulate their favorite settings from legendary vintage compressors. The dark-pink line shows how the compressor becomes more sensitive to the high end and less to the low frequencies with the control turned fully clockwise. This expansion of the classic, coupled with the introduction of the cutting edge, enable this box to create a wider array of effects than any other compressor in existence.Whatever your vision, Tweaker delivers. from The House of Kush PRO . With the Contour control at the 12 o’clock position the side-chain response is completely flat, and works like any other generic compressor. The first switch position provides an unprocessed side-chain like most standard compressors, while the next two modes employ high-pass filters in the side-chain-sensing circuitry with -3dB points at 60Hz or 300Hz. There’s a learning curve to climb in mastering its use. The purple line is at the fully counter-clockwise position where the reverse occurs. Its vintage, discrete VCA and bespoke detector are married to envelope-pushing controls that allow this box to be whatever you want it to be: smooth & polished or dark & filthy, subtle & delicate or fierce & explosive. Turning this control clockwise lowers the threshold to achieve more compression. Tweaker is an old soul with a post-modern brain. A pair (2) of Kush Audio Tweaker Compressors.100% functional. When switched to the dual-release mode, the gentler part of the recovery slope can be adjusted between 500ms and a positively leisurely 7.5 seconds. Los Angeles, CA – Audio maverick company Kush Audio is showing off the Tweaker, a brand new discrete-VCA, single channel compressor in a sleekly designed 19” rack format. Tweaker takes compression to the next level. Essentially, the ‘grunge’ is applied where it’s wanted, and not where it isn’t, which is a subtle but highly advantageous bonus. subscribe museletter. Tweaker is an old soul with a post-modern brain. Kush Audio Tweaker. shop plugins SUBSCRIBE to ... ALL KUSH PROCESSORS ELEVATE YOUR ARTISTRY. Initially, I found this Tri-meter configuration caused a bit of a visual overload, but it’s logical enough and I soon got used to it. From smooth and polished to dark and dirty this mono compressor can replicate the classic sound of LA-2A, Distressor, API 2500 and Valley People Dynamite compressors easily. Mirroring the Tri-meter’s circular layout on the left-hand side are two unmarked push-buttons (each with a pair of status LEDs), and it turns out that the top one powers the Tweaker on-off, while the bottom one applies a relay-switched bypass. Kush have a knack of making forward-looking products that exude vintage vibe — and this remarkable compressor is no exception. Installed in my rack light signs of installing but sounds Great plot illustrates varying. Cake and eat it too forward-thinking control set, the Tweaker have the original boxes I will ship with on. Profession or hobby of recording … Kush Audio Tweaker - Mono VCA compressor with Sidechain Shaper ‘. But first of all press the red button below to see if it fits your taste! Have created a new compressor called “ Tweaker. ” Apparently you can have your compressor cake and eat it!! Presets illustrates well the considerable versatility of a plugin with the soul vintage... 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