germ theory proof

This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. One of the main theories on which “modern medicine” is based is the “germ theory”; a theory that claims microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. Applications and Importance of the Germ Theory of Disease It is now time for truth to prevail and for the ‘germ theory’ to be recognised as a deadly fallacy that needs to be banished to the dustbin of history. While demonstrating that boiled water can remain sterile until it is exposed to air, he said: “Life is germ and a germ is life. And yet, conclusions are constantly drawn – and then passed straight on to the production of medications and vaccines.”. One of the main theories on which ‘modern medicine’ is based is the ‘germ theory’; a theory that claims microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. At the time of writing, in April 2020, the world is reported to be in the grip of a ‘deadly’ pandemic caused by a virus. This greatly revolutionized the approach towards the study of infectious diseases as well as the treatment methods. Well, in this weeks episode of “Living outside the Matrix” Dr Thomas Cowan discusses germ theory and some of the evidence that contradicts it. The germ theory of disease is the currently accepted scientific theory for many diseases. The 1800s witnessed several studies about the generation of life, of which the spontaneous generation theory was much discussed. Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is Wrong. Germ theory led to the realizations that hand washing helps prevent the spread of disease, disinfectant can eliminate germs, and specific microorganisms cause specific diseases. Skip to the content. :via Michelle at The following document is essentially my personal collection of resources and research notes on these topics. But a strong immune system should not permit the presence of any pathogen, even in a ‘dormant’ state. Until the acceptance of the germ theory, many people believed that disease was punishment for … Our site includes quite a bit of content, so if you're having an issue finding what you're looking for, go on ahead and use that search feature there! The scientist credited with discovering it is … Traditional Western medicine teaches and practices the doctrines of French chemist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). It is a fundamental principle that the burden of proof lies with those who propose a theory. In the 1800s, this idea was not widely accepted, and it took a series of experiments and hard work for Pasteur to prove that air contains infinitely small living organisms, and that these organisms are responsible for diseases. Dust particles in air entered the first flask but were stuck in the swan neck and could not travel into the broth. Germ Theory Denialism is risky for everyone when it prevents individuals and families from actively preventing contagious diseases from spreading. This elitist attitude is inculcated into medical students during their training, as experienced by Dr Carolyn Dean, who explains in her book entitled Death by Modern Medicine that, “In fact, we were told many times that if we didn’t learn it in medical school it must be quackery.”. This is important to understand because if you want to have healthy children, you need to have an empowering framework regarding what makes them sick. As the various studies progress and the body of knowledge increases, they may reveal new information or they may expose anomalies and contradictions within existing hypotheses and theories. Locomotion and movement is one of the most interesting features of this unique organism. In case of Louis Pasteur’s vats, instead of yielding alcohol, the beetroot fermentation broth was turning sour. Would you like to write for us? It is clear that evidence to support the ‘germ theory’ remained conspicuous by its absence many decades after it had been proposed by Louis Pasteur. One of his simplest but most significant and ingenious experiments that proved this premise has been illustrated below. The Universal Microscope Proved Pleomorphism Correct. This experiment silenced all the debates between germ theory and spontaneous generation theory of origin of life. Herbst J. Germ Theory: Twenty-First Century Books 2006, pp 45-48. Dawn Lester and David Parker spent more than ten years investigating the real reasons that people become ill using an unbiased and logical approach that enabled them to follow the evidence with open minds. As hard as it is for most physicians today to believe it, germ theory denial is a major strain of belief underlying disturbingly large swaths of alternative medicine, as well as antivaccine beliefs. It isn’t rocket science, is it? References:DEAN, C. – Death by Modern MedicineDUESBERG, P. – Inventing The AIDS VirusENGELBRECHT, T & Köhnlein, C. – Virus ManiaLESTER, D. & Parker D. – What Really Makes You Ill? He retained one flask as it is; and broke the neck of the other flask. This, in fact, is not new, as many publications have claimed to isolate COVID-19 or prove This explanation exposes the fundamental error in conducting laboratory research without an adequate understanding of the living organism that is the human body, as they further state, “Another important question must be raised: even when a supposed virus does kill cells in a test-tube (in vitro) … can we safely conclude that these findings can be carried over to a living organism (in vivo)?”. His pioneering studies laid the foundation for the modern-day understanding of diseases, their etiology as well as vaccine development. "Germ" may refer to not just a bacterium but to any type of microorganism, such as protists or fungi, or even non-living pathogens that can cause disease, such as I started keeping this list in March 2020. Germ theory denialism is the pseudoscientific belief that germs do not cause infectious disease, and that the germ theory of disease is wrong. Modern Medicine/Germ Theory Examples I am providing here a few examples of the germ theory to make very clear what our culture believes to be the causes of disease and other physical problems. Bassi theorized that disease in humans and animals was also caused by microorganisms. Germ Theory treats the symptoms of the fish and ignores the dirty water. Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow of this simple experiment.”, The biogenesis theory states that living things are produced from living things only and can be created in no other way. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. These cookies do not store any personal information. His observation of live organisms in the broth led him to investigate the spontaneous generation theory, which stated that life arises spontaneously from nonliving matter. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In fact, the research we conducted for our book, What Really Makes You Ill? This experiment proved the existence of germs in air (dust particles in air, to be precise), and served as the final nail in the coffin of spontaneous generation theory. True science is a process; it is a process that involves the study of different aspects of the world in order to expand the level of human knowledge; it also entails the creation of hypotheses and theories to explain the various phenomena observed during the course of those scientific investigations. With this in mind, he investigated several diseases including pébrine and flacherie in silkworms, chicken cholera, anthrax in sheep, and rabies in humans. The notion that diseases could be spread by “seed-like entities” was first described in the 1500’s by Girolamo Fracastoro and were categorized based on how they could be transmitted. He performed a series of experiments that involved boiling water, broths and liquid media in flasks, exposing them to air to show the presence of microorganisms in air. It may even be necessary to abandon a theory if it is shown to be unsupported by empirical evidence. Disproving this theory was the first step towards the formulation of germ theory. There are a number of sources that provide a corroboration of the assertion that the ‘germ theory’ lacks any original scientific proof. It usually involves arguing that Louis Pasteur's model of infectious disease was wrong, and that Antoine Béchamp's was right. The core purpose of this article, which cannot be over-emphasised, is to show that people are being made to fear something that has never been proven to cause harm. It states that microorganisms known as pathogens or "germs" can lead to disease. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. There are genuine reasons that cells die after they have been subjected to the preparation procedures used in laboratory experiments; as explained by Torsten Engelbrecht and Dr Claus Köhnlein MD in their book entitled Virus Mania, “This phenomenon is particularly virulent in bacterial and viral research (and in the whole pharmaceutical development of medicines altogether) where laboratory experiments on tissue samples which are tormented with a variety of often highly reactive chemicals allow few conclusions about reality. It resulted in the golden age of microbiology of human disease in which numerous bacteria were isolated and shown to be the cause of many of the ravages of humanity. It is commonly assumed that it is the ‘germ’ that caused the cell to die; but this is a mistaken assumption. Although the germ theory has long been considered proved, its full implications for medical practice were not immediately apparent; bloodstained frock coats were considered suitable operating-room attire even in the late 1870s, and surgeons operated without masks or head coverings as late as the 1890s. In the fear of contracting germs, Louis Pasteur never shook hands with anybody, not even the kings and queens. Yet in the case of the ‘germ theory’ that ‘proof’ does not exist; there is no original scientific evidence that definitively proves that any ‘germ’ causes any specific infectious disease. Learn about the different types of biology degrees, schools, and jobs available for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Botany, Ecology & Environmental Studies, Forensic Biology, Marine Biology, Microbiology, Physiology, Zoology and Wildlife Biology, and more. Get in touch with us and we'll talk... We all know that when we are down with flu, it is a set of microbes that have invaded our bodies, thereby giving rise to the symptoms. However, the situation has not been rectified; the germ theory of disease remains unproven with overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that it also remains a fallacy. Efforts to encourage hand washing — including placement of sinks in patient rooms and the use … Heldman D. Principles of Food Processing: Springer1997, pp 25-30. Second, you take a sample of the germ from an infected organism and grow it in a pure culture, completely free of … First, you ensure that the germ only occurs in infected, sick organisms and not in healthy ones. But the presence of tiny invisible organisms in air was ridiculed and considered to be a fanciful story. Louis Pasteur took two swan-neck flasks containing a rich liquid broth, and boiled the broths. Moreover, the presence of microscopic, disease-carrying agents was proposed by several individuals, hundreds of years before the time of Pasteur. These small organisms, too small to see without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. Germ theory denial: A major strain in “alt-med” thought. Terrain Theory says you should clean the water that the fish swims in. The retention of the theory is not unequivocal proof that it has been fully established and represents truth. Historically, however, variations of the germ theory had been around for hundreds of years but had never taken hold. The germ theory is what modern medicine hangs its hat on as the major cause of disease in the world. Their growth and reproduction within their hosts can cause disease. Before Pasteur, many Scientists believed that air can convert sugar into alcohol. In order to understand what must be wrong, he took samples from these ‘sick’ vats and began analyzing them. Copyright © Biology Wise &, Inc. In this pursuit, he formulated the germ theory of fermentation which states that each fermentation process is associated with a specific microbe. He describes the medical establishment as ‘the church of modern medicine’ and justifies this description with the statement that, “Modern medicine can’t survive without our faith, because modern medicine is neither an art nor a science; it’s a religion…Just ask ‘why’ enough times and sooner or later you’ll reach the chasm of faith.”. Bassi’s work served to influence Louis Pasteur, who is accredited with … In this interview, Dr. Kaufman explores a new study published in NATURE which claims to establish COVID-19 related pathogenicity in an animal model, but which does not fulfill Koch\'s postulates for germ theory, and may overtly misrepresent the truth. As hard as it is to believe, in the middle of a deadly global pandemic that's killed so many, germ theory denial persists. Laboratory experimentation is certainly used within modern medicine, but it would be a mistake to equate such experiments with ‘science’; as Dr Peter Duesberg explains in his book entitled Inventing the AIDS Virus, “The transition from small to big to mega-science has created an establishment of skilled technicians but mediocre scientists, who have abandoned real scientific interpretation and who even equate their experiments with science itself.”. Although this statement will be regarded as highly controversial and even outrageous, its veracity can be demonstrated. S. Microbes and Society: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 2007, pp 24-28 Over time, it has morphed into a sort of “starter kit” for those that want to begin exploring germ theory and related topics. The germ theory is a fundamental tenet of medicine that states that microorganisms, which are too small to be seen without the aid of a microscope, can invade the body and cause certain diseases. The concept that stats that microorganisms arise from nonliving matters is called Spontaneous generation. Despite the authoritative nature of the assertions of the medical establishment that ‘germs’ cause disease, there are no explanations for the mechanisms by which microorganisms produce the wide variety of symptoms in varying degrees of intensity that are claimed to occur when a person becomes ‘infected’. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. One explanation for this situation is that some pathogens can exist in the body in a ‘dormant’ state. At this time (1860s), it was a less known fact that fermentation of beer was brought about by yeasts. Now, a hundred years later, Gaston Naessens has discovered an ultramicroscopic, subcellular, living and reproducing microscopic form which he christened a 'somatid' (tiny body). Dr M Beddow Bayly also exposed the lack of any scientific basis for the ‘germ theory’; in his 1928 article published in the journal London Medical World, he states that, “I am prepared to maintain with scientifically established facts, that in no single instance has it been conclusively proved that any microorganism is the specific cause of a disease.”. A Brief Understanding of Euglena Movement. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The germ theory of disease holds that “specific microscopic organisms are the cause of specific diseases,” a statement that is so pervasive today that it seems self-evident. 6789 Quail Hill Pkwy, Suite 211 Irvine CA 92603. Infectious agents or germs are two words used to refer to microorganisms which cannot be seen by our naked eye. In the case of germ theory, they have never been proven true. Although this statement will be regarded as highly controversial and even outrageous, its veracity can be demonstrated. The vast majority of people around the world believe that the healthcare system promoted by the agencies responsible for public health, especially the WHO, is firmly based on ‘sound science’. RESPECTFUL INSOLENCE "A statement of fact cannot be insolent." Many people assume that viruses, bacteria and other germs cause most of … The broth in the first flask remained as it is; whereas the broth in the second flask became cloudy which indicated microbial growth. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The germ theory of fermentation: The discovery of the germ theory of fermentation offered proof of biogenesis and disproved spontaneous generation. The results of their investigation are revealed in their ground-breaking book, What Really Makes You Ill? The germ theory of disease states that certain diseases are caused by specific germs or infectious agents. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. According to this theory, life originated spontaneously from inanimate objects. He expands on his discussion of the problems with ‘modern medicine’ by reference to similarities between beliefs, religion and ‘modern medicine’. This could rock your world because it is a deeply rooted assumption for almost all of us. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. One of the main theories on which ‘modern medicine’ is based is the ‘germ theory’; a theory that claims microorganisms, especially bacteria and viruses, invade and infect the body, thereby causing disease. One of these sources is Dr M.L. * The Germ Theory of Disease The concept of contagion depends on the belief that the germ theory of disease is correct. This theory, which is usually attributed to Louis Pasteur in the early 1860s, underpins a large and very significant proportion of medical practices; without it, most of modern medicine becomes redundant, which explains why the medical establishment refuses to recognise its fatal flaws. Voltaire. That theory of disease is the reigning premise which justifies a tremendous network of modern medical procedures. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It may even be necessary to abandon a theory if it is shown to be unsupported by empirical evidence. There is no proof for germ theory and in fact there is considerable evidence that contradicts it? But as this article and our book clearly reveal, there is no evidence to substantiate such claims. On the other hand, dust particles easily fell in the second flask, thereby introducing microbes into the broth. It is claimed that ‘germs’ multiply within the cells of the host and that this can precipitate an excess level of ‘cell death’ that is said to be an indicator of disease. The germ theory of disease states that certain diseases are caused by specific germs or infectious agents. He was notthe first to propose that diseases were caused by microscopic organisms, but the view was controversial in the 19th century, and opposed the accepted theory of “spontaneous generation”. The papers submitted by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch regarding their observations and therapeutic suggestion with respect to anthrax, constitute the first formal representations of the germ theory of diseases. He further investigated fermentation processes for several other compounds like lactic acid, butyric acid, etc. Search. It is for this reason that we urge everyone reading this to understand that the ‘germ theory’ has no basis in real science. Proving the germ theory of disease was the crowning achievement of the French scientist Louis Pasteur. Louis Pasteur was a French chemist-turned-microbiologist, who proved the existence of microbes in air. The above experiments led him to conclude that it was the microbes in the air that spoiled the fermentation broths. Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong, led us to discover that there is no evidence to support the assertions of the medical establishment with respect to the ‘germ theory’. It was only in the 1860s that this proposition was strongly backed by evidence that came from the experiments by Louis Pasteur, followed by pioneering studies by Robert Koch and Joseph Lister. He further developed Edward Jenner’s idea of vaccination, and was the first to develop and use an artificially weakened microbe as vaccine in the form of rabies vaccine. Such tiny living things, which we know today as microorganisms, were first observed by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, way back in the 1670s. Leverson MD, who, in May 1911, gave a lecture in London in which he discussed his investigations that had led him to the conclusion that, “The entire fabric of the germ theory of disease rests upon assumptions which not only have not been proved, but which are incapable of proof, and many of them can be proved to be the reverse of truth. Later, Agostino Bassi in the early 1800’s conducted a series of experiments which demonstrated that a disease afflicting silkworms at the time was caused by a parasite. In addition to this, we are also aware that boiling water and heating food items kills the germs, and makes them safe for consumption. The next foundation, a remarkable development in human thought, is the germ theory of disease. He also inspired other scientists to investigate diseases using this approach, and the rest is history. Observations and speculation hinting towards the presence of germs and their involvement in disease also came from the works of Fracastorius, Edward Jenner, Ignaz Semmelweis, Agostino Bassi, John Snow, and several more. We hope you are enjoying Biologywise! Simply stated, germ theory says: A Faulty Medical Model: The Germ Theory In the medical schools of the United States and many other Western countries today, doctors are taught a lie. Sign up to receive the latest and greatest articles from our site automatically each week (give or take)...right to your inbox. Terrain Theory Vs Germ Theory (Rockefeller Boondoggle) Terrain Theory Vs Germ Theory (Rockefeller Boondoggle) Henry Makow. Read on to enrich your knowledge on the movement and various other important aspects of Euglena. Natural selection is a key to the origin of…. But Pasteur’s most significant contribution came from his experiments on germs, which permanently ended the debate with spontaneous generation. The germ theory of disease is a theory put forward to explain the reasons behind the infections or the diseases. In his book entitled Confessions of a Medical Heretic, Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD indicates that belief in medical ‘authority’ is misplaced. It will undoubtedly be a shock for people to discover that ‘modern medicine’ is not firmly established from the basis of true ‘science’. We owe our current understanding of germs or microbes to a French chemist and microbiologist called Louis Pasteur. The video’s introduction states: In this interview, Dr. Kaufman explores a new study published in NATURE which claims to establish COVID-19 related pathogenicity in an animal model, but which does not fulfill Koch’s postulates for germ theory, and may overtly misrepresent the truth. Their work opened the door to research into the identification of disease-causing germs and potential life-saving treatments. Germ theory is the theory that microscopic organisms (bacteria, viruses, or certain protozoa, as well as a few very weird things like free-living prions and cancer cells) cause infectious diseases. The basic one of these unproven assumptions, wholly due to Pasteur, is the hypothesis that all the so-called infectious and contagious disorders are caused by germs.”. This lie is a particular viewpoint about disease called The Germ Theory. Pasteur extended the germ theory of fermentation to human and animal diseases, and speculated that diseases are also the result of germs growing in the body. While there seems to be no proof that Plenciz had a microscope, or knew of Leenwenhoek’s animalcula, both are possible, and likely, as he was quite prominent; and he, rather than Pasteur, should have any credit that might come from such a discovery – if the germ theory … In an interview conducted in 2005 for the online German newspaper Faktuell, Dr Stefan Lanka referred to his studies in molecular biology and made the bold claim that, “In the course of my studies, I and others have not been able to find proof of the existence of disease-causing viruses anywhere.”. Yet in the case of the ‘germ theory’ that ‘proof’ does not exist; there is no original scientific evidence that definitively proves that any ‘germ’ causes any specific infectious disease. You can read more on what is biogenesis in…, Darwin's theory of natural selection states that nature selects organisms that have features favorable for their survival, while eliminating inferior species. The assumption that a particular ‘germ’ causes a particular ‘infection’ is solely based on the claim that certain antibodies have sometimes been found in samples extracted from some people exhibiting certain symptoms; in other words, there appears to be a correlation between symptoms and antibodies. But way back in the 1800s, it was not this simple. Germ theory considers all types of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoansas germs and they are responsible for diseases in humans, animals, and othe… In the 1800s, this idea was not widely accepted, and it took a series of experiments and hard work for Pasteur to prove that air contains infinitely small living organisms, and that these organisms are responsible for diseases. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A strong and fully functioning immune system is claimed to be able to destroy all invaders; ‘infectious agents’ should not therefore be found within the body of a person with a strong immune system. Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory science, who the people were involved and how Germ Theory — even though proven false — was ushered through as postulates so that the drug companies could create named diseases and offer their cures.” This system, known as ‘modern medicine’, is perceived to represent an ‘elite’ branch of science, which suggests that any other approach to healthcare and healing must be pseudoscience or quackery. Scientifically speaking, they are quite sound steps to proof the Germ Theory. Germ theory of disease: Pasteur and Koch. This represents an immense knowledge gap, although not the only one we discovered. Given below is a brief account of the germ theory of disease, as well as the significant experiments and observations of Louis Pasteur, his germ theory of fermentation and its extension to diseases. Yet so-called ‘pathogenic’ microorganisms have been found in the bodies of healthy people. “Germ Theory does not account for or explain many diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes… "Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing." Well, we're looking for good writers who want to spread the word. Apart from his germ theories of fermentation and disease, we also know him as the genius who gave us the process of pasteurization. But this explanation is highly problematic. It states that many diseases are caused by infectious agents or germs. This theory expanded knowledge, which helped prevent diseases and began to control epidemics. How can this be? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is WrongMENDELSOHN, R. – Confessions of A Medical Heretic, Dr ML Leverson MD May 1911 lecture Beddow Bayly MD MRCS LRCP, 1936 booklet The Case Against VaccinationDr Stefan Lanka – 2005 Interview in Faktuell Current understanding of germs or microbes to a French chemist-turned-microbiologist, who proved the existence microbes! To see without magnification, invade humans, other animals, and the germ theory, they have been! Was proposed by several individuals, hundreds of years but had never hold! That germs do not cause infectious disease, and that Antoine Béchamp empirically. Germs, Louis Pasteur ’ s main theory is not unequivocal proof that it was not this.! Yet so-called ‘ pathogenic ’ microorganisms have been found in the second flask, thereby microbes. Interesting features of the other hand, dust particles in air was and! Retained one flask as it is shown to be unsupported by empirical evidence and! 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